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I'm only 20 despite how old I look. This is how fast things can fall apart thanks to male puberty: https://unsee cc/album#NoxIPafp1yyN

Don't let anyone trick you into thinking you can be cute or feminine as a guy. Don't let the "medical professionals" make you question yourself and take 4 fucking years to give you the medication you need to just feel at peace like a normal person. It only gets worse every single day you're not on hrt. It's not even worth freezing sperm before starting your hormone treatment because during that time you could have been preventing your body from mutilating into an even uglier rape monster.

What I would tell my younger terrified and depressed self is to order diy hrt TODAY and to make sure to take 12,5mg cypro and 6mg estradiol daily. Hondosing does nothing.

I also should have sold my PC, valuable Pokemon DS games, pirated everthing, and went as minimalistic as possible so that I can save every penny I have to get ffs in the future. A used smartphone and cheap bluetooth keyboard would have been enough to entertain myself and get all of my schoolwork done. But there is no way to turn back time. Now I'm stuck in this grave I built for myself.

Please don't let the fear or uncertainty destroy you like it destroyed me. Take the leap of faith, it will be the best decision you'll ever make. And if you change your mind later there will barely be any consequences. You can just get top surgery and take medication against ED. The consequences of being a lateshit permamanmoder are FAR WORSE than the consequences of being a detransitioner, don't fall for the propaganda. If you wrote a list of the reasons you should and you shouldn't transition you'd easily realize the reasons to transition far outweigh the reasons not to.
i would never fall for these tricks but i could not imagine a transition on hormones and thought trooning is simply impossible and planned to rope when i can no longer neet and in an alternate, virtual reality. i didn't even have a choice.
i'm on hrt but gonna kms because i can't afford ffs
move to the west coast ffs is covered by insurance. if ur european i think it's atleast semi covered in france
i live in eastern europe
oh hey again
u have the right mindset this time, ygmi after ffs
there is no way back btw
I doubt ffs can save me. I'm saving up for it, but I'm fully prepared to manmode for the rest of my life. At least I did everything I could so there's no reason to grief anymore.
im jealous of your shoulders. the face can be fixed, the hips can be added to, but bones cannot be subtracted from.
Are you ftm? My shoulders are terrible and much wider than what's normal for my height (165). There's no reason to be jealous.
true, always expect the worst
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The cissoids genuinely want us to be hons and pooners. It's not a flaw due to a lack of medical professionals, it's all intentional. The entire point of "trans pride" and the "trans flag" is to seperate us from cis people. When they hugbox gigahons they're really just fascinated by us the same way people are fascinated by low-functioning autistic people.

We're just exotic weirdos in their minds, transitioning as a youngshit isn't an option in their minds because only adults that chose to become hons despite how clocky they are are actually trans. It's also why socially transitioning for a full year is a requirement before you get prescribed hrt. None of them see us as real men and women. DIY-ing and then stealthing is what we all should have done while we still had the chance.
im mtf lol
Then why are you jealous of my 44cm wide shoulders?
because they're smaller than mine? and most trannies? i transitioned relatively early, have passable face, but my shoulders are like 47cm, maybe larger.
>too masculine to look remotely like a twink
>too odd and weak-looking to be traditionally attractive as a male

I'd rather be a fucking manmoding rapehon than to have the worst of both worlds like this. I can't even take pictures for my transition timeline anymore because I just hate looking at myself so much.

Marie is so fucking adorable compared to me. Julie is so fucked cute compared to me. Even Radiochan at least has potential if she saves up money for surgeries.
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>Don't let anyone trick you into thinking you can be cute or feminine as a guy.

speak for yourself hon, im a cute lil boymoder that malefails alllll the time :3

anyway gain weight and get on estrogen wtf u doin nigga? also get tranny bangs, do ur eyebrows etc etc etc dont forget to book your ffs for ur nose, jaw, brow and cheekbones tho

good luck nigga!
I am on estrogen, I've been taking it for a month and it did nothing. And ffs isn't free in Europe and it costs like 30'000 dollars or more of you want it to be high quality so that's years into the future.

and btw you're not a guy if you're a boymoder. you have estrogen running through your veins, that means you're a girl.
I fucking hate that ftm because I probably look like that
What I would gave to look like that mtf repressor..
Like the unsee? I'm not a repper I'm a manmoder, but I can see why you think I am.

I think repressing is completely idiotic even if you'll never pass. Manmoding is infinitely better because it allows you stop living in grief to a certain extent.
A WHOLE MONTH!!! call the news reporters this nigga been on hrt for a whole month!!!!! tell me xir what is it like being on hrt for sooooooo long? in a month u wld be lucky to get soft skin or buds let alone any fat changes, these niggas man i cant! this is a perfect time to get fat and do squats for that ass ur growing nigga, tits are 90% fat u know?

tldr gain weight and workout like a girl you will also benefit from gaining facial fat so it hides ur nigga cheeks
HRT can't change my skull shape, shoulders or the skeleton in my hips. It will just give me tits, a less masculine stomach hopefully and softer skin. I need surgeries I can't afford to fix all that.
I'm not going to make myself overweight, but I do plan on weight cycling
No, not the unsee the picrel.
I think unsee experienced.
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What if I already looked like shit by 18yo
You would have looked even more like shit at 20. This is a horrible condition to be born with, but what's universally true is that the earlier you got on hrt the happier your life will be.

I think I could have had twinkhon potential if I DIY'd at 15, but now I'm screwed. I know that "cute" is an AGP word, but it hurts me so much that I will NEVER be cute in my entire life. I had the chance but I threw it away because I'm a coward.

But at least I didn't wait until I was 25 or something. Things could have been even more nightmarish.
I'm cute feels good I get to even wear cute crop tops and sundresses
good for you :(
experienced what?

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