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Are the majority of twink/femboy chasers low-key pedos? I just broke up with my bf because he mentioned that I "look 15 and it turns him on alot". Is it possible to get a normal bf as a twink
No, it is not possible.
I've never understood this, twinks dont look like children
they look like skinny men
No. Feminine guys and trannies are hot because they look like women, not children.
depends on the twink, however i don't like them i like short chubby men, they're way hotter than twinks
you would love mexico anon
chubby guys with long hair? yeah i like mexico
Part of being a man is that you have to live up to objective standards. You can't just decide that the standards have to live up to you, and that their ideal is whatever you happen to be at the moment.

What this means for you-- I could be wrong, and I don't think I am, but I don't believe for a second that you are a twink, that you have a boyfriend, or that someone said you look young anywhere except your dreams-- is that if you decide that anyone who likes anyone prettier than you is whatever you think you can get the most people mad about and therefore wrong both in their judgment and as a person, you have, to be crude, decided to play by girl rules. Deciding to play by girl rules is a rejection of masculinity far thorougher than whatever walloid post-twinks who won't juice seethe about.
Depends, twink4twink is alright. 30+yo boomers who chase twinks however are almost always sus
Why was the board flooded with images of hot men overnight and why doesn't it happen more frequently? :(
I'm twink4twink but in a non-pedo way
the concept of a "twink" is an adult who looks potentially underage
it is a pedophile term
if you are associating with people on the basis of "twink"hood, they are gonna be pedophiles
everybody is a "low-key pedo" until they get old and ugly enough that they have to settle for less
and what if im a twink and an adult myself
the concept is that you visually resemble a child
its still pedo ideology
anyways give it 5-10 years and you will be the creepy old guy chasing teen boys
This is mad. Ive never been attracted to anyone below the age of 23.
I’ve only talked hons trying groom me into a woman and becoming “cumdump” for straight men, it’s never older men
I had an older bottom male man trying to talk me into sleeping with a buttplug to loosen my hole and encouraging me to have anon sex and frequently, including gangbangs. Older people can be very weird.
I dont visually resemble a child lmao Im just skinny and hairless thats all I am. I dont look like a child in the slightest.
thats what a twink is
if you could not possible be under 18 just from looking at you, you are no longer a twink, just a skinny man
just admit you are a pedophile
twinks make themselves look "young" for their boyfriend..that's the whole point of being a twink
So then how can someone who looks like a twink get a bf that isn't a pedo? Is the only option to wait until sometime in our 20s?
It's not pedophilia, if anything it's ephebophilia which is natural. No twink looks like a child. Looking 16 and looking 12 is a big difference
by not advertising yourself as a "twink", that's the pedo part
Idk older men always block me on grindr cause they’re masc4masc
I dunno I find its the opposite. I love femboys and fem twinks but I find it really creepy how pedo tier their fantasies are. I'm 10 years older than my current partner and they keep talking about how they wish they'd met me when I was in my late teens/early 20s.

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