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This makes me sad.
>ran to xitter to dysphoria whine after we got sick of her
what a freak
its over
he deserves it for being a hon kek, sets us back a year every time he leaves the house
can someone tell melanie to move to america since she can there's a way she can move there i did
theres no jobs in canada
I'm ftm and I don't understand what makes people think this person is genuinely a fucking male while I'm female.
Killing myself.
>how can i make this about my stinky poon?
>how am I making this about my poon?
>that Palestine flag emoji
Of this mongoloid is a Palestine supporter. Chickens for KFC.
melanie can move to usa
people think this guy is a male because he is
hope that helps
this is sad mel is so pretty
She needs to take the manmode pill
It is a sad pill to swallow but “girlmoding” (aka honmoding unless you can stealth) is pointless in the current political climate
Very easy to clock people irl. Trannies are literally the first internet induced phase of human evolution. They’re basically cryptids inhabiting the camera of a smartphone.
>people think this guy is a male because he is
>hope that helps
Looks more female than some cis biological females.
She looks retarded. Just looking at her dumb face with her mouth ajar like a slack jawed retard. Derpy bitch looks like a fish.
clearly not lmfao
yeah I'd have sex with him
yeah I'd have sex with you
If she used he/him pronouns and an androgynous name people would probably assume she’s ftm and treat her like she’s female
ain't no fucking way a employer said this lmao calling bs
melanie wasn't geting the job anyways
i feel so bad for her if it's true but what a bizarre way to misgender someone. "bye guy!"????? wtf?
gotta transitioned at 14 or so it seems didn't melanie troon at 17 ?
shut up bitch, you ugly as fuck too.
What job?
isn’t she the one with a tiny waist and moggy hips?
This... I'm ftm too...
I thought Canada was full of liberal laws protecting trannies. LMFAO
I lived in canada than moved to america >>36634510
go back...
That's where you made the mistake. . . why don't you give the company a shoutout get a bit of cancellation going on...
Why was your old twitter suspended
You havent seen its side profile and mannerisms. Or listened to its flamer faggot voice.
If you're doing this because you think you can 100% look like a woman and that's your only criteria of success then you are doomed to failure and should rethink this whole process and deal with the root of the problem.
can't say how u know tis me tho
sir i am programmer let me move to your country with 50 million of my friends please sir fucking help me sir i am indian sir
fuk u
I wonder what job it was. Anyway yeah she should complain, like workplace discrimination is legit a good reason to get somebody fired, it's against the law.
nonce detected
you don't belong here
So sick of this hon
>visible boobs
awww sweetie....
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welcome to reality where being trans means being a minority and cis people literally are allowed to discriminate against you. you have no idea how much harder you have to work just to land a job a let alone excell at said job. imagine having your entire career stunted because some bitch was upset that you pissed in the stall next to her. absolutely mind boggling.

they call me names. they call me a schizo and sorts of bullshit. they say /she's on drugs/ when i tell them to do their job or that i'm not going to wipe their ass for them anymore. absolute bullshit.
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She is so cute its insane.
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I never got a job after transitioning in canada
Lol even
ayy looks like the guy who makes me coffee every friday morning @ starbucks ngl
People treat me like some kind of innocent cute kicked puppy instead of being mean to me, probably because I'm closeted and I boymode so HRT makes me look more like a kid or something... Don't have to deal with the stigma of being trans at work and I can twinkhonmode at home or when I go out
are you gonna fuck him?
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poor mel, she doesnt deserve this
That's rough, I got misgendered while manmoding by a hobo 18 days after FFS and almost roped over it. I'm still considering roping because of it.
You were manmoding, what did you expect?
I was expecting to pass with FFS even while manmoding but I look like a weird man instead.
Ohh, that fucking sucks. How long has it been since FFS? Swelling can take a while to go down. Maybe he slipped up and talked wrong? Dude could have been on drugs out of his mind. Do other people gender you F when you manmode? I'd say you pass if they do I wouldn't trust a hobo
fuck, what's even the point of trying
eat shit
18 days since FFS, but I look like a weird guy anyway, here's a video - https://litter.catbox.moe/f0tt9v.webm (embed)
>Do other people gender you F when you manmode?
I guess so, I either don't get gendered at all or get gendered female most of the time. I only got misgendered twice (by being called "mate" both times) in the past 12 months while manmoding.
You just look like a woman, dummy. You don't look like a man at all even with the swelling. If you got gendered male twice in the last year with something like that I think you're definitely passing in real life too. I mean hell it happens people gendered me female a few times before I was even transitioning and I looked like a man, people slip up
pooners are free to invade mtf safe spaces as we see fit
don't be mean to melanie :(
I can't get hired anywhere. Idk if its cuz i autisticly bomb the interview or if it's cuz how i look
Do you sometimes get misgendered when manmoding? I thought you were like a super stealthoid. If you actually get misgendered, I guess it's totally over for me, you look like a billion times better.
trip on cage
you look great lis
>I can't get hired anywhere. Idk if its cuz i autisticly bomb the interview or if it's cuz how i look
It took me forever to get hired even before transitioning out, I think it's because I'm a super awkward person, like I think I'm mildly autistic or something. Could have partially been job experience or something too but like I never could really socialize the same way normal people do I'm a lot more reserved and just like... off, I guess. I don't think it comes off as creepy from how people treat me though they don't act creeped out they just treat me more like some mentally retarded cute puppy that just got kicked where they're nice to me but also like treat me almost like I'm dumb or a child or something even though I'm definitely not dumb
we want feathers not dots
Reading all these posts about how people can't get hired is super depressing, makes me realize that if I didn't have my childhood friend give me various jobs, including my current 6 figure salary one, I'd actually be living on welfare, which would be such a huge step down. If I lost my job, I'd actually kill myself.
ogre hands typed this. yous a bitch ass
do you really get misgendered?
If even lis gets misgendered oocasionally, that's such a blackpill, I guess there really is no hope. I really do wonder if it's down to skull size/shoulders and stuff like that.
>dress like a 15 year old boy
>wear hair and makeup in a style no woman ever would in 2024
>probably terrible posture
>probably no female socialisation so mannerisms are evidently male

I’m sorry but no shit you’re gonna get misgendered lol. HRT alone isn’t gonna do shit. You actually have to put in the effort that cis women do if you want to pass as one.
I should add that looking like a woman isn’t enough - you need to move like one. I’m no FFS, transitioned after puberty, 3 years HRT and I haven’t been misgendered since like 6 months in (and there’s been plenty of occasions where I should have been). It helps having pretty much only cis fem friends.
why would you wear a dragon shirt to an interview
I always thought that the "mannerisms" thing was a cope for hons.
It’s one of the most important things imo - you can spot a trans woman from miles away from the way she doesn’t talk with her hands, doesn’t use female speech patterns, stoops when she walks. The only trans women who get it right are the HSTS ones who used to be gay guys before, and so were already emulating female mannerisms even pre-transition. Probably the easiest way to identify AGP vs HSTS trans women is by whether they stoop or not.
It's over for Melcels.
stops? everyone stops walking are you braindead
well you've embarrassed yourself
can't she sue to harassment/misgendering?
literally just looks like an autistic male
stoop... as in hunched, etc.
not really i knew someone would say this desu. but like what does she mean?
If I link an unsee, can you tell me if I also just look like an autistic male?
Here - https://unsee cc/album#cmRWZgHLBn6I
Here's a video as well - https://litter.catbox.moe/f0tt9v.webm

I'm such a hon it's unreal.
actually a woman, take the dorag off though thats cultural appropriation
Pass as a 35 year old chainsmoker
Honestly you legit look like a perfectly normal woman.
shouldn't you be sleeping.
I was too depressed to sleep, everything is just horrible, I wasn't even in the mood to watch anime, was just doing bits and pieces for my job, I'm having a terrible time trying to cope with how I look. I was going to buy a house but I'm seriously considering just withdrawing the offer so I have more money to spend on surgeries, I already have enough for one surgery that I plan to get in 2025 but not more than that but if I don't pay the deposit, I'll have enough money for multiple. I already wrote the email to withdraw the offer but I've been agonizing over it and not pressing send.
>paleshit flag
im glad i used to bait her into meltdowns as anon
you should go for the house so you have somewhere to stay if everything else fails...things are going to get much worse
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I have this amount ringfenced for surgery at the start of 2025 but I also want to get VFS and hair transplants, which would take me up to over $100k in total.
But if I spend the money on surgery, sure, I might end up homeless but at least I'll look like a woman, right? It'd be a mortgage anyway and I'd have to make monthly payments so it's actually not that different from renting. I wish I had someone to talk to for advice, I'm disowned by my family and I literally have nobody to talk to aside from making these cringe blogposts on 4chan but it's so hard to make these decisions by myself. I wish someone would talk to me.
None of what she said happened actually happened

Who the fuck says "bye guy"
she lives in canada maybe it’s a phrase there?
Apparently it is, I just checked, still it didn't happen because she looks fine
you already look like a woman to me. imo, you dont need it. im serious. maybe post more pics to get a better idea.

i could talk to you but i havent spoken with anyone for months so ill probably come off as a drooling cringe retard. the only person i had to talk to before my breakdown was my therapist. if you have insurance, you can see one, even if just for advice.
>im glad i used to bait her into meltdowns as anon
you're pathetic
cry about it simp
bye guy
Uhm based much
>maybe post more pics to get a better idea
I took another video with better light here - https://litter.catbox.moe/d3udgt.webm
Here's a lot of pictures with different light and angles - https://unsee cc/album#onaJWMrKW82p
What do you think?
>i could talk to you but i havent spoken with anyone for months so ill probably come off as a drooling cringe retard
I'm rwldx on Discord, add me if you don't mind chatting, I'm just so depressed and barely coping.
You look like a man still, you def need it
>You look like a man still, you def need it
Yeah I figured, what do you think I need the most in terms of surgery?
It's your long midface. It's too noticable. I would cover it up
But FFS can't fix long midface :(
Look at you photos, it's the long midface that's the biggest sign. You look like a sk8ter boi not a girl.
I want to take her viriginity.
these kinds of people are doing it on purpose...
doesn't seem like a place you'd want to work, even as a cis person, if that's how they entertain themselves throughout the day...

some people truly peaked in high-school and just never grow out of it.

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