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Why does it seems like ftm transsexsuals have more genital dysphoria while mtf transsexsuals have more appearance dysphoria? I noticed this many times.
When I meet mtf they seem to hate their body (male shoulders, torso, big hands, addams apple etc) while ftms always tell me how bad is their genital dysphoria and sometimes talk about appearance.
Why is that?

Sorry if I sound weird this is my first time posting here.
cus women tend to be more neurotic
Because a woman is, and a man does, but how are you suppose to do when you haven't got the equipment.
If you have a small body as ftm you can always build muscle for a masculine shape and wear inserts in your shoes for some extra height, but with mtfs you cant do anything to be smaller
it's especially tragic considering just how much worse the outcomes for bottom surgery are for ftms compared to mtfs, and just how much the outcomes for hrt are for mtfs compared to ftms.
they're totally mismatched.
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Men are very phallocentric. I don't mean it in a bad way, they're just more centered around their genitals than women
i worded this in a dumb and confusing way but what i'm trying to point out is that when it comes to treating gender dysphoria, vaginoplasty is a way more effective (and developed) treatment than phalloplasty, and testosterone is a way more effective (and expeditious) treatment than estrogen. and this is especially unfortunate given what OP's observing
I don't know who are you referring to when you say women but I don't see how any of this people are being "neurotic"?
But isn't there much more to add on ftm appearance dysphoria? Addams apple, bigger hands, feet, ribcage, jawline??>>36634311
>it's especially tragic considering just how much worse the outcomes for bottom surgery are for ftms compared to mtfs, and just how much the outcomes for hrt are for mtfs compared to ftms.
Yeah I noticed this too. Makes me feel bad for them all. Doctors are evil.
They should make better hrt results for mtfs and better srs for ftms.
Feels like they have to put a lot of effort with their transition this way, instead of having a help from doctors who should make it easier.
> I don't mean it in a bad way, they're just more centered around their genitals than women
Makes sense. I guess that's why most mtfs don't care, their genital dysphoria simply isn't that bad. But I saw some getting srs as well.
No it's okay anon I understand don't worry.
if this was true more pooners would have dicks to fuck me with
idk if this is an issue of doctor's being evil. while further research and development into trans healthcare is very much needed and would be an incredible thing, I'm not sure it's anyone's fault that things are the way they are right now. Estrogen and Testosterone are naturally occurring hormones, it isn't medicine's fault that one of them just happens to work way faster and cause much bigger changes. and as for srs, it just kinda logically makes sense that it would be a lot easier to create a new hole than it is to create a new appendage. Surgically creating a penis out of pre-existing tissue is a way harder problem to solve.
I think it's more just unfortunate happenstance that these things are the way they are
>I guess that's why most mtfs don't care
I wouldn't say we don't care, it's a lower priority. I haven't been able to look at myself naked in the mirror my entire life, but I can mostly forget about what's down there when I have clothes on and have an alternative option for sex. But my face looks masculine, estrogen will never fix that the way testosterone can with a feminine face, so that's a higher priority for me
Because those are the things that are important to the sex they wish to be.

Most guys don't give a damn about their appearance but dick size will make them self conscious.

Most women wouldn't be bothered if they had a dick but they'd care what they looked like regardless.
>Doctors are evil.
For knowingly taking trannies' money and carelessly giving them a hackjob surgery? Sure. But for SRS being shit in general? No. Vaginas and penises are incredibly complicated organs. Literally how tf is anyone supposed to just make one out of thin air?
Because they want to be futas like in their Yuri
FtMs genital obsession doesn't stop with surgery - most get comically oversized bottom surgery to match the fattest unit they ever saw in porn. When straight women say they like girth, they mean like "needs dat trojan condom" 5¼-5¾" diameter size, not something that looks like King Kong's fucking forearm.
Don’t mtfs have to worry about their neovaginas smelling like poop and getting absolutely butchered? I feel sad for you guys as well
i can't speak to the experience of ftms, but as an mtf with bottom dysphoria i feel like it's so much easier to compartmentalize and push down than any other kind of dysphoria.
I absolutely hate my genitals, but outside of sex (which I'm not having anyway) and swimming they really don't have that much impact on my day to day life. It's so much easier to forget about it. To just not look at it or think about it. Meanwhile, my face and my body is something that's relevant to every single interaction i ever have with another person. There's no escaping it. I see it in the mirror dozens of times a day and it has a massive impact on how people see me and how people treat me. My genitals just don't affect my life nearly as much as my outward appearance does, so it's so much easier to just ignore them.

I really wish I could go swimming though
I'm ftm and have horrible voice dysphoria. I'm into 1 year and a couple months on T, almost 2 years on T next May... Still haven't had a proper voice drop and my levels are at 830...
vaginoplasty is far from perfect and there's still so much progress to be made, but relatively speaking it's a far more developed procedure. there's a reason it's talked about so much more often. In the best case scenario for vaginoplasty the result is pretty similar to a natural vagina, from what i understand that's never really true for phalloplasty.
good doctors won't butcher you if you're not fat and the main issue with smell is gynecologists who refuse to see and treat bv because oh my god transgender bacteria are immune
I miss swimming so much
>I'm not sure it's anyone's fault that things are the way they are right now.
Well, I can’t say it’s the fault of practitioners, but anti-trans sentiment on a government level prevents trans healthcare research from securing funding, which slows scientific progress down to a crawl.
I’m not sure if any research has even been done asking
trans men what they’re looking for in bottom surgery (I’d personally like to see more work done in external prosthetics that can attach to/detach from implants. But I digress.)

The book burnings at Institut für Sexualwissenschaft also fucked everyone over a bit.
oh yea, that's definitely true. i was oversimplifying it a bit in that quote. By it "not being anyone's fault" I meant more about *specifically* how ftm srs is worse and mtf hrt is worse, just because they're both just naturally harder problems to solve, but when it comes to trans healthcare as a whole then yeah absolutely it could be so much better than it is now. We have been held back by so many evil people in so many ways for so long.
When has this happened? With ftm bottom surgery you can't choose what size you are for the most part.
If I talked about my genitals and how I hate them and wish they were different people would (rightfully) think I was being inappropriate
im an mtf and i have all the dysphorias °~°

don't rep anons, you'll grow new disphorias until they BREAK YOU
>guess that's why most mtfs don't care, their genital dysphoria simply isn't that bad.
there are a ton of fake mtfs. that is why you see them wanting to keep their dick.
Forearm surgery limits size, thigh surgery doesn't. Subsequent requests for surgical reduction of the thigh constructed donkeycock are not uncommon. Loads of scientific literature on this.
I'm so sorry to hear. I hope your voice drops very soon. I hope you can mutemode till then.
Thank you...

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