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streamer MoistCr1tikal has slammed the trans community after "MrBeast" Transgender star Kris/Ava was outed for meeting up with underage boys

How the hell do we respond to this? and give honest responses

>if one trans person does a bad thing, that means the entire community has to answer for it
why are you like this? why don't you do something productive like get a hobby
it's dumb as fuck and if Kris was still Chris it would have never ever been brought up
>How do we lie, manipulate, and spin this into simply not disowning Kris as an example of a bad trans woman?
That's your mistake.
>sneako wants to lower the age of consent
This video makes chuds look worse than trannies desu famalam
Maybe influencers should stop flirting with children
Hey remember when D'Angelo Wallace brought up Cody Ko and then everybody suddenly decided it needed to be talked about? How quickly we forget when someone YouTubers aren't shielding gets a hit piece .

Cody Ko knowingly slept with an underaged woman.
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nice try, not today glowie
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Why should we play defense at all? I didn't do anything wrong, did you? Apparently the Kris allegations are a bit of a psyop and the "victim" has come out to explain how nothing untoward happened. It's also no coincidence that all this came out only AFTER she transitioned.

But so what if she was a predator? If you start acting too defensive people will think something is up with you. You didn't do anything. Most trans women haven't done anything. Any case of a trans person being creepy will be massively overblown by the media because society hates us, accept it and move on with your life.
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here's the kid who kris called "daddy" and told him he loved him every night
>Cody Ko knowingly slept with an underaged woman
She was 17. Imho this is sleazy but really not the tragic rape story people make it out to be. I honestly just don't even believe tana when she acts as if she was traumatized as if he grabbed her off the street and raped her in the bushes. She acts this way because Americans are hyper pearl clutchers about this shit and she was told what to feel about it bc she is a brainless bimbo. Age of consent being 16 is normal in many places. Like. Its still sleazy to chase after older teens but honestly I just don't believe it when ppl that age say they were "groomed' if someone so much as breathes in their direction. They're old enough to know what sex is and they're probably horny cunts too. Maybe they should listen to their parents and not have sex with random people.

All that said, if some youtuber sleeping with a 17 gets them canceled and their career ruined, im all for destroying them. Kill all youtubers. None of them deserve to live and all social media personalities should be gassed immediately. But ill settle for them getting destroyed by pearl clutching pedo hunt keyboard crusaders.
Acting innocent like trans exist and aren't just auto gynophiles (men who get stiffys wearing women's underwear)
Tana has specifically said she didn't feel traumatized about it though
Tana herself says that she doesn't see it as trauma. But Cody Ko knowingly slept with an underaged woman. There's no skirting around what's worse or what's better. Cody Ko knowingly slept with an underaged woman. The accusations against Chris were debunked by the literal "victim". Cody Ko committed statutory rape.
Cis women have AGP
Kris is clearly s goon. Give it enough time and something worse will come out, especially with this microscope on him. Cody ko i straight up just don't care about. I hope his career explodes and he gets ruined bc that's what all social media parasites deserve, but I honestly just don't give a fuck about someone having sex with a 17 year old. Only Americans give a shit about this and act like hysterical fagfors over it. I was mistaken, she herself didn't actually say she gave a fuck either and said she was fine. So why does anyone give a fuck about what Cody did lol?? I mean, ill still take glee in another parasite being ruined, but I really don't give a shit about what he did tho lol
>Kris is clearly a goon
>I don't care about statutory rape
Lmao just ditch the thread brother
hanging shadman art on your wall is some next level gooner shit
>streamer MoistCr1tikal has slammed the trans community
No he didn't you retard

>give honest responses
You start being honest first instead of ragebaiting
Most trans people haven't... but the AGP degeneracy rate is still fucking high
Is it actually though? Do we have data to back that up? Or is that just an intuitive understanding of trans women we inherit from a transphobic society? I internalize so much of this shit, it makes me feel gross or scared to present fem in public because of that.
See >>36634514

Kris wants to fuck actual children. Little boys, Louis, etc. Cody fucked some dumb bimbo who was legal in like 95% of the world. Youre just American so it makes you cry and start shaking uncontrollably when someone sneezes in the direction of a 17 year and 364 day old teen.
*lolis not louis
>How the hell do we respond to this? and give honest responses
Why can Karl get away with it? Just because he's gay? He grooms and then has sex with kids once they turn 18, moves them out of their parents houses, and fucks them all day.
I remember a year ago when the poonershooter had that little hissy fit people gave me extra nasty glares. Well guess what? I didn’t have shit to do with that, and I don’t have shit to do with this.
Kris is cooked
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jesus christ the tourists are out in full force today aren't they
who the fuck cares what some micro eceleb did or what some other micro eceleb has to say about it
People wouldn't be like this if when a tranny did something wrong every other trans person didn't go into damage control and make themselves look guilty by association.
Revenge porn of Janette McCurdy is Wild
>half of the video is talking about sneako
yeah this nigga dodged the issue
Except he addressed all of that and even brings back the attention to it at the end. Are you even old enough to be on this board?
Looks like transitioning did not save Kris
Moist did the right thing
wait for the screenshots/videoclips/Statements
before going full nuclear.

he got burned lately by talking about the SSniperwolf copyright situation
You'd think Sneako will support Kris for his pedophilia.
Sneako actually uses the protecting the children argument in being against trans people. He's a chud who will rip on trannies whenever he can. Man rides double standards like a professional surfer

In the UK, we have freedom of information requests where the government have to tell you the truth about things unless they have a good excuse not to. A 2020 TERF request revealed that...

3.3% of ciswomen in prison are there for sexual offenses
16.8% of cismen in prison are there for sexual offenses
58.9% of transwomen in prison are there for sexual offenses.
>58.9% of transwomen in prison are there for sexual offenses.
That sounds like a number pulled right out of someone's ass
this doesnt happen, fuck off shill
>where the government have to tell you the truth about things unless they have a good excuse not to.
Can you guys get college admissions data by race and whatever the equivalent to SAT score is over there? It's like impossible to get here unless it's leaked when somebody sues the school for discrimination.
Please stop baiting and KYS OP or get back to /pol/
He is right
The new evidence are damming
I was on the defense train when the victim denied the allegations yesterday but the new allegations and her just deleting her account and not denyting anything are real and very damming

She is a pedo

I am just glad no actual child was hurt

We just embrace for the new wave of generalization, we already felt with that with the trans shooter from last year, this will probably be worse but it is what it is

Anyways here is some ammo for anyone who needs it: https://www.whoismakingnews.com/
There are literally threads up right now of people doing this you monkey
hyperstition is over
"x was cooked" "people are saying" no one cares, the public is a tard
This seems like such bullshit.. not only is this from the UK.. not only are terfs involved.. but you also didn't provide a link! I wanna see how many of said trannies are in prison for such a high statistic (assuming it is real to begin with) cause i remember reading last year that in all of scottland there were less than 10 trans women in women's prison
>We just embrace for the new wave of generalization
chuds were already doing that, what changed? literally nothing
We just publish that stuff anyway, but then we don't have affirmative action bullshit to cover up in the first place.
i cant be the only one who just doesnt fucking care

theres way bigger problems and things to be outraged about in this world like active wars and genocides happening now
Ukraine genocide is real, stop denying it
>in the UK
bongs always talk like this as if we're supposed to treat the UK as some sort of holy grail source of truth and not a degenerate shithole where Drake goes to touch kids. Fact: 60% of trannies in Scotland prisons transitioned only after being arrested. So it's quite possible that that entire group of trans people you cited are cis offenders cynically trying to get into women's prison. I guess bongtards are incapable of nuance though
>The new evidence are damming
Where? What evidence?
nta but this is disingenuous as fuck, mrbeast is a household name at this point lol
I knoe, I am talking about the new wave of normies who will do it too

Charlie showed it in the video, the revange porn posting and the fact that there were DMs between ava and the kid
And I perosnally didn't know about the shadman drawing he hung in his room back in the day, I just discovered that from Charlie
someone dropped the dms?
Fine, here's a link straight to the UK government committee PDF file:


In 2020, there were 125 cis women in UK prisons for sex offenses and 76 transwomen.

1 transwomen locked up for sex offenses for every 1.6 women locked up for sex offenses is why the TERFs have won the argument about "female only spaces" on TERF island.
All trannies are trannies as soon as they say they are. There can't be any objective test because TRAtards demand that there can't be as it is oppression - so now, every larping transvestite has to be taken just as seriously as somebody who spent years on hormones, had SRS, FRS, and lasered every single follicle above the waistline. Well done Stonewall.
I've seen this piece of propaganda garbage
>excludes any trans woman with a GRC from the list
>includes people who only transitioned after being arrested
>prostitution is a sex crime
Kys bong
No actually you can just base your decision on how people were living before they were arrested no matter how much you want to pretend that the libs are forcing you to interpret data in a way that is totally irrelevant to every day life
>The new evidence are damming
what's it damming, a warm water port
Idk I saw a video of the DMs between ava and the kid (also shown in the charlie video)
Am I missing something? It says it doesn't exist?
Works for me. It's really not that exciting. Also contains the Swedish study showing fully transitioned MtFs are 18x more likely than women to commit violent crimes, the same as other males. We know most men don't commit violent crimes either, its the rate comparison that undermines expecting women to accept that "transwomen are women". Men don't really care. Hons are way more scared of men than vice-versa, but women are way more scared of hons than females.

People can get pissy with me if they like, I'm just pointing our what the data that TERFed over TERF island actually says. 99.9% of people didn't read it, but the media did. They started ragebaiting the TERFs with pictures of gigahons leaving courtrooms saying things like "Manchester woman charged with theft", then the normies joined in.
Appearently another anon (>>36635278) says that this shit counts prostitution as a sex crime and includes tranners who transitioned after going to prison

Anyways the link still doesn't work for me (even after using a VPN set in the UK) but if what the other anon said is trye then fuck off and stop falling for proagenda
>Kris is clearly s goon
because she's trans.
>Cody ko i straight up just don't care about.
because he's a cis man.
>but I honestly just don't give a fuck about someone having sex with a 17 year old.
if they're cis
>people i hate and am obsessed with are pedophiles and rapists if they so much as talk to or message a teenager
>people unlike ir don't care about are fine to put their oenis inside teens it's natural and normal who cares
LOL at how he completely avoids using her pronouns.
I mean just pick a side and misgender her at that point
Karl is gay? I don’t really watch Beast guy except the most talked about videos but never picked up on that.
Nobody gets jailed for prostitution in the UK, so that's irrelevant to the jail population. It definitely will include transitioned after conviction, but the motivation to do so is gone now, as since last year, MtF without SRS = men's prison and any MtF sex offender = men's prison.

The woke lunatics who wanted sex offenders with a dick locked up with women in the first place gave the TERFs the ammo.
What evidence? Are we really going to accuse someone of pedophilia because he made unfunny, “look at me!!” jokes like reposting Shadman and is so immature he hangs out with 13-year olds on discord who laugh at that stuff.
Waiting or looking for the actual facts before rushing to a judgement is not "damage control"

Why is it cis men are allowed to honor "innocent until proven guilty" for accusations of rape against other men, but when anyone in the trans community does it we're accused of enabling?
>the Swedish study showing fully transitioned MtFs are 18x more likely than women to commit violent crimes, the same as other males.
kek theres no way that is true. mtfs and cis males have vastly different lives yet violent crime rate is perfect 1:1? i would understand lower or higher but that is obviously a bought study
Dr disrespect messaged a kid and he got diswoend

This tranny talked with a kid multiple times, bought and hanged shadman cp ""art"" and posted revenge porn online for everyone to see

If disrespect can go, she should easily go to
Stop defending her
You've either got names mixed up or the worst gaydar on earth. Karl is like so incredibly gay with his mannerisms and voice.
Mrbeasts crew turned into Drakes crew overnight lol
Kris even met with him in person too
Mudslime Genocide is the best day of my life
>kris called "daddy"
if you actually read the message it said "dad" not daddy, but chuds are illiterate
Don't be such an autist. It's in line with male offending patterns, not a perfect 1:1. The study was done over 2+ decades in Sweden ending 2003 well before the T got added to LGB and all the political shilling began.
Appearently you can go to prison for prostitution in northen Ireland
Tf does that mean?? The "motivation" is gone after the rules were made so duh?
This will affect the actual tranners not the ones with a "motivation" anyways

I'd rather have a sex offender with a dick be there than have another tranny be raped 2000 tikes (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/transgender-woman-raped-2-000-times-male-prison-a6989366.html)
isn't the age of consent 16 or 17 all over the place why do americans have this fetish for a bright line at 18 when it's often not even the bright line in the law
I'm gonna hit you with a rock
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people just want to grasp onto anything to hate a agp but the truth is coming out
This is a "Fire Rises" for trannydom

hopefully more people will fan the hate for trannies
>Dr disrespect messaged a kid
>messaged a kid
sexted a kid, and showed intent to meet up to fuck. That's very different than simply DMing somebody
Didn't the same study show that only OLD transitioners have the near-male offending pattern while the newer generation was significantly lower?
boomers who transitioned older yeah. boomers who transitioned young are normal or dead
my thoughts exactly. who cares/asked. not falling for it this time or ever. feds.
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when are we going to do something about the lateshit nutroon problem that began after 2020? every autogynephilic white male now thinks that "wanting to play as a hypersexualized girl in a video game when they were a teenager" makes them a tranny and its ruining our optics. maybe we need to set a maximum age for transitioning. i'll be generous and make it 15. waiting till 27 to troon out in current decade is ridiculous. no dysphoria behavior
At worst kris is a Pedo Gooner
lmfao 25 not 15, but honestly the lower the better at this point. we NEED less transitioners if were gonna survive this optics hell, trutransisters
Aka known as age conservatives want to be the lowest limit for transition, kek
pretty sure most of those "sexual offenses" are prostitution anon. can't find a source on the breakdown of sexual offenses, but trans women are something like 5-6x as likely as cis women to be involved in sex work, and a lot of activities like advertising sex work are criminalized in the uk, i'm honestly not surprised.
Uh huh and did anyone wait for the "facts" on Dr. Disrespect or any of the other countless e-celeb sickos? No.
Why is it that trannies are so desperate to give predators the benefit of the doubt? Especially when the sicko in question is a confirmed lolifag.
conservatives are retarded, young transitioners are unanimously the most normal adjusted trannies. making it harder for people to transition before 18 will only make more gross gooner agps like kris or jean(?) hollywood.

keep transitioning young easy, then ban transitioning old. simple as
nvm lol spent too long looking for sources someone else already posted my spiel
>making it harder for people to transition before 18 will only make more gross gooner agps

So the consevatives get exactly what they wanted..??
O gee.. I womder why they wanna raise it to 25 then?
I can't speak for or about anyone else, I can only speak for myself but I always keep an open mind for anyone.
There's key differences between what that other streamer did versus this

The intent: that Dr. Dude was talking with a minor with the intention of meeting up for sex. He admitted it. Twitch & YouTube both investigated it. The "victim" never defended him.
Meanwhile Kris/Ava was only joking around in the context of a large group chat with many other people. Those messages were dug up by some shitstirrer on KiwiFarms and were out there for years, but are only being used against her now that she's transitioned. The "victim" said it's a literal nothingburger and to stop harassing him.

Don't you see the nuance and how that's different? I would be willing to see nuance for the other guy too if it existed, but it's fairly cut and dry.
Meanwhile the people attacking Ava are being flagrantly dishonest, like how they claim MrBeast & Chris meeting the kid's family in the presence of multiple other adults is somehow suspicious.
i agree with conservatives in that trannies are generally gross and aesthetically unpleasing. they want less trannies because they understand them as the post-25 lateshit homunculi , i merely want less homunculi trannies and understand that youngshits can be beautiful and normal people (and even some midshits)

and i should be clear, i myself am a tranny
would transitioning have saved him?
Probably not since it didnt work for kris
it did save him, critikal is a deep stealth ftm.
No cis man is that short
>3 million views in a few hours
>almost all the comments are anti-trans

She just set the transgender community back 100 years.
We dont even know what Dr dude messages were like

While we know kris is a freak gooner who likes pedo porn and is cumming for america

So its in a same level
"she" ...

are we really supposed to believe a thing like that has real gender dysphoria?
We know exactly what the Dr. Disrespect messages were like, they were plans to hook up and have sex at Twitch con. He even admits this much, his defense was that he was never going to follow through.
Does it matter? "She" is still considered trans to the general public and "she" will be judged as such
Because no one brought it up when Dr Disrespect did it..
that persons an embarrassment to us all and im glad people hate them
Just accept that you're making trannies look like pred defenders and move on.
I don't kare about this drama, but skipped to some random point, why's he defending/trying to draw a distinction between loli and other cp shit?
if you own drawn cp you're a paedo
they should get her on that and talking to children inappropriately rather than push the grooming thing which seems inaccurate
Prostitution being illegal doesn't mean you go to prison for it. Since those stats were published in 2020, the transwoman prison population has apparently shot up from 129 to 244, and 70% are in for sexual or violent offenses. However, now that TERF island has started living up to the hype, 95% of them are now held in male only prisons. A selection of offenders can be found here...
We have no screenshot proof
Unlike with kris and his snapchat cumming messages
One of the people here is the boymoder who got put into a male prison and raped after people from her job framed her by putting a police batton in her car :(
>literally all people who transitioned after arrest or lateshit transbians
Conservatives getting the society they deserve. HRT for minors would solve this
Youtuber drama is the lowest possible form of content. I encourage you all to stop spending what’s left of your youth on this trash.
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its a good place to look for a gf. look at this hot trantifa terrorist
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you'll never go hungry if your gf will rob a bitch
This is why separate prison units are needed. Boymoders will be tried and convicted as males in most places. If they socially transitioned after their arrest, then even tttt would make the argument they shouldn't be seen as trans and are just giving trans a bad name - but if an estrogen twink gets put on a male prison ward, of course they will be at risk.
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this one as a muay thai expert who trained in thailand beat up a terf. tgirls can do anything :3
>twitch says so
>dr disrespect says so
>everyone personally involved with twitch and dr disrespect says so
>none of this matters because I haven't personally seen the messages with my own 2 eyes
fuck off
if it wasn't this it'd be something else. people have been foaming at the mouth trying to make anything stick.
no actual evidence has been presented but yall are still calling for her to be lynched
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Not surprised Chris did this considering he left his wife and family to go be a transvestite. Noticing a pattern and here again other transvestite activists are defending him because he's part of their in-group. I'm afraid of what the fuck you're trying to normalize
What a champ.
>people who oppose pedophilia are chuds now
kek, a new low for trannies
name one victim
you are one
when are we dropping the T?
where's the rest of the thread? were nudes actually posted? could this have been taken out of context?
>if one trans person does a bad thing, that means the entire community has to answer for it

Historically, this is how white people have operated, ESPECIALLY when it comes to black men.
Took you a while to find the thread, eh race baiter?
>race baiter

>if one trans person does a bad thing, that means the entire community has to answer for it


I said the current transphobia problem is a white problem, a week or two ago, and people here said it wasn't, but I replied pointing out how the overwhelming majority of anti-trans legislation and rhetoric comes from white people and how how, historically, gender diversity was a normal thing in several cultures across the world until European colonizers showed up beating their bibles and teaching people to hate it, and no one had anything to day.

Now someone literally pointed something white people have been historically known for for ages; if one person from a group of people does something wrong, EVERYBODY from that group of people is guilty.

This is what white people have done to black people for centuries.

If a crime was committed and someone said they saw it was a negro that done did it, they didn't care who did, they would grab any negroes that were around and Lynch them.

Look up The Central Park Five.

Transphobia is a white problem.
you're just bitter that you aren't an e-celeb
>I'm afraid of what the fuck you're trying to normalize
Trying to? Shit, newfag... They been normalized it. Last time it was the pedo Sophie of Assigned Male and this time it's Kris.
The trans community keeps defending pedos.
This problem has NOTHING to do with race, no matter how hard you try to astroturf and make it so
>pedo Sophie of Assigned Male
i haven't seen a single person defend her for the gross cub porn stuff, despite your claims to the contrary

White people are responsible for the current "transpanic"; specifically cishet conservative white people.

It's a race issue.

>Unlike with kris and his snapchat cumming messages
proof of gtfo
>where's the rest of the thread? were nudes actually posted? could this have been taken out of context?
it was a dumb joke
You weren't here when it happened then.
Or I guess online? A LOT of trannies defend her to this day.
I even knew one IRL.
I sincerely don't know how trans folk can bounce back from this.

I've already had multiple family members and close friends message me that they're no longer pro-trans.

Where is MrBeast? He needs to condemn but also give a pro trans message
oh no a STREAMER
I'll remember to move to Give A Fuck Island so I can give a fuck
Is that not what's happening to men on a regular basis?
Every fucking tranny i talked to was a weird narcisisstic sex-obsessed freak.

How do you guys also feel realizing that people playing along with your "identity" is purely conditional and that no one really actually believes you're what gender you desire to be? Look at how many lefties now just dropped Chris' troon pronouns and just call him a he lmao. People only play pretend because they don't wanna hurt your feelings. No one actually sees you as an equal to real women.
I know you’re baiting, but being anti-trans is just a conservative/reactionary thing, not a race or white thing
Northern Ireland isn't a part of the UK, retard.
>United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
No it’s the weak chin, inbred-looking one? Never seemed gay to me.
It’s not even a feelings thing, troons are literal subhumans and only tolerated because of you even so much as say the wrong name you go to prison and labelled a transphobic homophobic bigoted chud and blacklisted from ever functioning in society apart from zero skilled labour jobs filled with lowlife alcoholic retards. 90% of people hate troons, they don’t say this publicly because of peer pressure and jail time. The only people who like troons are faggots and other troons
>mtf pedo gets outed as a pedo
she dindu nuffin, witch hunt!!!, loli =/=pedophilia, its just jokes lmal
>16 year old transmasc nb gets fucking beaten to death by classmates
play stupid games, win stupid prizes, it was sekf defense because SHE assaulted them with water, it was probably another tranny suicide kek, kill all afabs
You're retarded, not OP who you're responding too but you know fuck all about how Northern Ireland actually works within the UK, I know this because I live here
You say this as if it’s wrong, everything you just said is facts
i don't think it's possible for me to care less about these random e-celebs
Aren't 99% of trans people men?
Stop molesting children u fuking freaks
>Acting innocent like trans exist and aren't just auto gynophiles (men who get stiffys wearing women's underwear)
That's not really it for me, it's more because I'm a faggot and testosterone makes me look bad and I'm better looking if I look more feminine and men will be more interested in me
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keemstar really can't say anything, considering...
this guy is definitely a faggot
Stop with the bullshit. She's right.
Please stop being racist against white people Vieo, it is so odd. Stop it.
You can acknowledge the bible-thumping colonial past of white people has caused a dramatic negative shift in the public perception of gender diversity without being racist. You're not very successfully playing victim.
even ignoring nuance about how severely sex crimes are prosecuted between genders since iirc women legally can't commit rape in the uk, post-arrest transition and pre-arrest transition should be analyzed separately
>transitioned after arrest
where does it state that? what does the data look if you omit cases of people trooning after arrest to avoid male prison.
>It definitely will include transitioned after conviction
that is by far the most important factor to consider in any of these studies
kamala will win chuds no matter what and trans rights will succeed
>why are you like this? why don't you do something productive like get a hobby. btw chuds are hitler
Damn! I thought he wouldn’t speak on this because it was a trans person being a creepy pedo
I've digged into it somewhat and I've yet to see anything beyond 'it look weird' or 'its cringe'. Sounds like a nothing burger to me.

Basically the only reason this drama is a thing is because she's trans and thats about it
>Every fucking tranny i talked to was a weird narcisisstic sex-obsessed freak.
you talked to your mirror reflection? fag
If the underage boy felt no regrets, and knew what he wanted, for real, then what is the issue here.

I think you all are a bit in denial about the teenaged psychology, and the variables.

A fourteen year old “groupie” lost her virginity to David Bowie when he was in his twenties, and she still brags about it to this day.

There are grown adults in their 30s who act like they’re less mature and some underage people.

This topic will never not be disingenuous on either side. Just don’t even enter it.
If kids can consent to murdering people in the woods I don’t see how they can’t consent to something less bad than that.

It’s still sleazy and pervy as hell though. You would also need to be a mind reader to be able to tell who’s mentally mature.
It’s possible he was as paid off by Mr Beast as he was the one contacting him to get in touch with keemstar. That alone is weird as fuck to be the one to contact the minor in something you have nothing to do with
>Grown person tells minor he’s sent the nudes
>Grown person has discord full of sexualized memes and perverse things he sends to minors knowing they’re minors

Idk bro sounds like grooming to me. It’s one thing to make jokes at your audience in public spaces or public forums but to do it on secret is weird as fuck
>and some
than some* fuck my fat fucking thumbs
It's more of a bio-essentialist problem than a white problem, and every year bio-essentialism becomes more and more in vogue with reactionary people of color. They just usually subscribe to sex essentialism while decrying the myth of 'biological race' whereas white bio-essentialists gleefully support both.
I honestly don’t care about any of this shit.

Michael Bay is making a Skibidi Toilet movie/franchise.
you cannot be fucking serious
this feels like bait so unabashedly awful that it circles right back to being true
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Trust in the plan sisters
>T got added into LGBT in 2003
There’s nothing more dehumanizing as a trans woman than the fact that I’m expected to argue with people as stupid as you.
i think it does make sense to have a precedent for a crime that seemingly has no victim, because grooming does exist and can fuck kids up. but i think you need to also have some appreciation for the autonomy of teenagers and consider whether any harm was actually done instead of always declaring guilt or innocence based on an arbitrary number. and yes i think this extends to statutory rape cases as well.
thats how it was treated by everyone up until 2010 or so. the reason there are so many callouts is because its all cultural leftovers from when pretty much everyone agreed with you. someone raised in that environment is going to do stuff they think is acceptable, but when its no longer acceptable, theyre painted as a monster by an american social media machine that doesnt hold nuance toward sex at all
Looking at this and reading the cases and most are just described as "transvestite" without any evidence or reason?
And it also seems to include men who catfish as women as trans too
Without any evidence lol

Checking the 2024 one and holy FUCK they are all old men, the youngest is a 30 year old hon)
Like genuinly out of all the 2024 convictions only 3 or 4 seem to be actually trans cause everyone else is a dude/a dude with wig

I'm gonna KMS what is this??
>the youngest is a 30 year old hon
>tfw 30 year old repper
i'm not anglo or a pedo but ahah i hope i don't turn into this
The behavior of the LGBT community in the last two decades is what's caused a dramatic negative shift in public perception, Anon. Not only does it refer to heteronormative people like they're an alien species, e.g. 'Cissoids', but they still can't agree on which Trans people count as Trans. They've injected themselves forcefully into every area of discussion and endeavor and accomplished nothing for anyone, not even their own. The only progress there's been is in tearing people down.

That's not a 'white' issue, it only looks like one in America because its a majority issue, and the majority in America is white. In black countries its a black issue, in asian countries its an asian issue, in hispanic countries its a hispanic issue, because the majority is taking its media and public spaces back from the movement.

If the movement had been more magnanimous in victory and become inclusive of everyone's views instead of knocking straight/gay/youngshit/oldshit/hsts/agp/whatever else groups, they would still have a strong platform to stand on. Unfortunately, that's not the movement we have. Its alienating almost everyone alive for no good reason, and so everyone alive is banding together to end it. Its going to be the first issue everyone agrees on in the last 200 years of politics, except for the tiny minority of people who feel 'accepted' in LGBT spaces.
I hate this dude
The solution is to just move away from the west. Korea, China, Japan you can ride it out because their stringent social norms will allow you to transition but not troon out.

The west has always been lost, even before the feds psyopped fake trannies to ruin it for the real ones
To explain my last sentence, you need to understand that everyone in the west is conditioned from birth to be a goyim who worships power and whatever the state and public opinion says. 1984 took place in a fake England/USA for a reason. It is inherit to the western mentality, like how some breeds of dogs act different. It can never be fixed barring extreme eugenics.
Westerners are a slave race of goyim who exist to be exploited and discarded, of course they’ll hate trannies when their masters and idols say so. They have no thought or philosophy behind their actions.
>their stringent social norms will allow you to transition but not troon out.
what does that even mean? i don't think the east wants a bunch of westoid troons showing up barring the rare extreme gigapassoid
It won’t happen because most westoid troons refuse to adapt to culture shock. But if you integrate and are post FFS and voice training the racial difference will help you pass.
>the racial difference will help you pass.
i am ethnically asian but culturally western. i'm not passing or integrating in any of those countries
>The behavior of the LGBT community in the last two decades is what's caused a dramatic negative shift in public perception
No, that's the media cherry picking, and it sounds like you're downright falling for it.

>Not only does it refer to heteronormative people like they're an alien species, e.g. 'Cissoids'
That's only a very small number of people and a good portion of those people are likely on 4chan, since this is incel-derived language.

>but they still can't agree on which Trans people count as Trans
They do, ever heard of the saying "No such thing as not trans enough"? For the majority of normal people, merely identifying as trans, or a different gender than assumed as birth, is enough.

>They've injected themselves forcefully into every area of discussion and endeavor and accomplished nothing for anyone, not even their own
No, their visibility is just increasing, and it sounds like you don't appreciate that.

>The only progress there's been is in tearing people down.
Surely the decline has nothing to do with right wing politics and fascism making a splash in the political landscape the last 10 years, right anon?

Underrated post
>That's not a 'white' issue, it only looks like one in America because its a majority issue, and the majority in America is white. In black countries its a black issue, in asian countries its an asian issue, in hispanic countries its a hispanic issue, because the majority is taking its media and public spaces back from the movement.
You're denying the role white people had in turning the public perception of gender diversity. Africa was very gender diverse before colonists came. Not sure about Asian or Hispanic countries as I'm not familiar with their history of gender. But all have dealt with colonialism at some point, and those colonialists were white bigoted bible-thumpers.

>If the movement had been more magnanimous in victory and become inclusive of everyone's views instead of knocking straight/gay/youngshit/oldshit/hsts/agp/whatever else groups, they would still have a strong platform to stand on.
You do realize that these people knocking those groups are a loud minority, right? Most LGBT+ people just view everyone as equals. Your experiences so far seem to be based on loud minorities. You'd do well to sharpen up your critical judgement.

>Unfortunately, that's not the movement we have. Its alienating almost everyone alive for no good reason, and so everyone alive is banding together to end it
>everyone alive is banding together to end it
Acceptance rates up until gen Z had been rising, and gen Z + gen alpha's intolerance strongly correlates with a bigger platform and algorithmically promoted bigoted influencers. Even now, acceptance for LGBT+ has been growing among young women, but falling for young men, because of people like Andrew Tate and Mat Walsh. They're seen as masculine role models, and have been teaching that LGBT+ threatens masculinity, and is full of criminals.

>Its going to be the first issue everyone agrees on in the last 200 years of politics, except for the tiny minority of people who feel 'accepted' in LGBT spaces.
Let me assure you that the tiny minority is a minority within the minority group that is LGBT+.

Start getting your facts from the real world. Your views reek of regurgitated right winged echo chamber rhetoric. You are showing that your arguments come not from what you've experienced people to be like, but instead, are exaggerations spoon fed to you.
Cooperation and trust is what builds civilizations, Anon. It opens you up to exploitation when the levers of power or information are abused, but there's a reason the third world hasn't advanced much except on the back of aid or colonial construction - nobody can amount to anything in a system where everyone is wary of, or attacking, everyone else - it destroys any property or ideas of value with crab-in-bucket mentality long before they can bear any fruit, much less pass down multiple generations of endeavor and continue to evolve.

The West should be an objective lesson in how people should construct their societies, not how they shouldn't, along with the sentiment that allowing people who aren't Western into a Western society can destroy it from within by allowing it to be abused for their destruction.
being "anti-trans" is a natural thing
>braindead tourist faggot pretends talking points he heard from his republican groupthink instructors in 2016 are in any way related to the material universe
you know this drama didn't exist at all until they lost the gay marriage battle, right? they had to make up a new bugbear to scream and cry about because bitching about gay marriage was a lost cause and starting to piss off too many people. transshit wasn't even on the radar.
If it makes you feel any better
She was charged with a murder, nithing sexual
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why cant trans women ever be normal? Why are so many of them sex pests?
You sex pest troons are going to get the few normal ones killed
The drama has always been there, Anon. All politics that are counter to the will of the majority (Who are straight) are going to spawn drama, because people don't like representation for others who are not like themselves. Very little about the human race has changed in the last 2,000 years except that our media less and less represents actual people, and more and more represents what garners views and drama. This backlash was always coming. Hopefully the movement internalizes it, learns from it, and next time when they rebuild, they run on a platform of fundamental rights for all human beings rather than intersectional rights for underprivileged minority interests, because its much more difficult to overturn laws that apply to all human beings than it is to overturn laws that protect a tiny minority from everyone else.
When cybernetics and shit really takes off, transhumanists going to look back on the trans panic, realize that every normie must die to have their morphological freedom, and start some serious moralfag genocide. All is going according to plan, normies will radicalize and fragment enough people to start the transhumanist movement.

To anyone in the far future reading through the archives of civilization, please understand that it’s you or them. Peace is not an option and it never was. Godspeed and crush them all. May you build the glorious post-human future these luddites fear.
>Fact: 60% of trannies in Scotland prisons transitioned only after being arrested. So it's quite possible that that entire group of trans people you cited are cis offenders cynically trying to get into women's prison
Plenty of us have BEEN saying that for YEARS, and we've been called "transphobic" and "bigoted" for insinuating that anybody would ever lie about being trans to gain social advantages.

The root problem of this is self-identification. The tranny community decided somewhere circa 2014-2016 that "literally anybody who says they are trans must be accepted as trans". YOU decided that there should be zero standards on trans identity other than people saying they are one. This situation is YOUR fault.

If trans people were willing to accept standards and limitations on who can be considered a legitimate tranny, then none of this would be a problem.
Dude some of us fought back against that shit and got cancelled by both the right and left.
>you know this drama didn't exist at all until they lost the gay marriage battle, right?
No, the drama started when self-ID became the norm within tranny communities, which coincidentally was around the exact same time gay marriage was legalized in the US and UK.

Nobody cared about trannies in the 2000s because there were standard and limits on who could become one. You had to commit to it. You had to get a diagnosis. You had to physically change your body to suit your new chosen genders. Then people on Tumblr decided this was unacceptable and that instead we must treat every fat bearded bald guy who claims his pronouns are "she/they" as a le true and honest woman. That's it. That's the root of the issue.
>When cybernetics and shit really takes off, transhumanists going to look back on the trans panic,
When transhumanism exists the moral panic would get even crazier. If people are obsessed with birth control being illegal imagine what they'd think about cyborg bodies. Trump's running mate is in the pocket of big tech as well.

But I hope transhumanism takes off and that I stop repping by then and I can be a real woman :(
You can’t stop retards from self-iding online considering none of those retards are even on HRT. What are you going to do? Call the police on someone over the internet? It’s like trying to gatekeep 4chan or KF or the internet: you can’t. It’s fucking impossible, we tried and so did everyone else in those other communities
I know that some of you did, I know about the "truscum" vs "tucute" wars, the problem is that at some point you pussied out and just surrendered your entire community over to them.

The number of transgenders these days who are willing to oppose self-identification policy has to be something ridiculously small, like less than 1%. Every tranny social space I have ever waded into in the past few years has been OVERWHELMINGLY in favor of self-ID. You can't complain about the consequences if this is what the majority of your community want.
Because they understand when you're in your teens. You are more easily manipulated at doing something you may not want to do due to ignorance. It may say 16-17 is age of consent, but that's for other 16-17 year old's.
If you're 18 or higher, then you are labeled a pedo and thrown in jail.

Think, you young ass chasing weirdo.

If you think age of consent isn't necessary, then why are there so many people who are traumatized they were sexually assaulted in their teens and develop mental illnesses?
That’s the problem: you can’t fight forever.
I’m in my 30s, I’m getting older and I’m tired. And it’s only going to get worse as I actually start to reach my 40s and 50s, considering I have actual adult shit like a career and taxes and figuring out what country isn’t going to sell out to saudis and their friends and draft people to die in Iran.

We should be talking about the houses we’re buying and what we’re planning to do for retirement, but that was stolen from us so instead everyone focuses on an endless culture war where no side can ever truly win

There’s nobody to pass the torch of fighting against the pretenders onto. Blaming every tranny for what the psycho AGPs do is like blaming every white person for a school shooting: retarded.
>200+ replies
>no one explains what if anything he said
Did he actually say anything about the trans community?
then 18-28 is also wrong (and in modern american culture probably is but may not be in some other time and place-in some societies 18 year olds have been established adults) and yet nobody will complain
not gonna bother responding to the ad hominem
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>It may say 16-17 is age of consent, but that's for other 16-17 year old's.
This is almost completely false. That's not true in most of America and the majority of the world, and it's only repeated as fact because of sexual moral imperialism. The age of consent is 16 almost everywhere, and that means that society decided a 16 year old can legally and morally consent to ANYONE above their age as long as the older partner isn't a teacher, cop, or therapist. The laws were decided by society and voted in by society. Recently, society has decided teenagers are the same thing as toddlers for some reason.

You're talking about so called Romeo and Juliet laws for similar-age-gaps, which apply UNDER the age of consent and are their own thing. For example, the AoC might be 16, but a Romeo and Juliet law would make it so a 15 year old and a 16 year old can have sex and not be illegal.
The TRAs enabled the psycho AGPs, and in doing so created the trans nemesis.

The most relentless creature on the entire fucking planet is a middle class middle aged British feminist girlboss clinging to the last vestige of her fuckability with HRT - so the tranplan to tell them self ID is coming to take all their sex based rights away and you want them convicted of hate crimes for disagreeing was the stupidest idea in the history of stupid ideas on the planet stupid.

Now they have substantially more power and influence than the King and every trans person is lumped in with the freaks who sent JK Rowling rape threats and told her to choke herself to death on their ladydique.

Well done hons, fucking stellar efforts.
Came here to say this.
the fuck
black people are muuuuuuch more homophobic than white peers
what a lazy way to bump your thread
The self ID came in for the same reason AfAm families are in tatters. You let the progressive leftist take command of your community, and they dont want you to have happy lives, they dont want you to intergrade. They want to use you as a crowbar to pry open and destroy all normalcy in society becuase they see it as a conservative value, or break you in the process.
Same here. Cr1tiKaL/penguinz0/Charlie has never been funny.
>7 Million views in less than one day

Trans Sisters. Its fair to say we're cooked.

What's our game plan.
It's joever.
>white man does something
>that's horrible
>trans woman does something
>oh my god i can't trust dem dam trans
Either eternal boy/manmoding until death or mass roping.
We all know 90% of troons are pedos, why denie it faggots?
>white man does something
>hundred years pass
>all whites must pay for that thing that happened
why do kiwif/shartyfags type like this
doubt it, men can indeed be that shirt it's just hella rare
White people is not a monolith and the most relevant relations are those of class, race is incidential to class
>but da bible
Queerphobia is related to patriarchal superstructures present in pretty much every agricultural and pastoral society that made it past the neolithic
>birds of the same feather flock together

kill yourself you fucking degenerate
I support self-ID policy because the alternative is having a bunch of mentally ill tranny-obsessed cis people deciding if you're trans enough or not. The reasonable alternative would be to just base it on endocrinology but why would anyone accept this when cis people are constantly trying to restrict access to hormones
It's real
thousands of repeated actions, it's burned into their brains at this point
>jesus christ the tourists are out in full force today
you gave them a foothold
another W for the chuds sorry ackbros
God I hate this guy. All of jis videos are hi m narrating over someone else's content and he makes 10 min thing into an hour fuuuuuuuuuhcl

Dude also looks like my step sisters inlaw nof friend when she was 17 and he punched a whole on my wall because of a bad lol game fucking favbot
No, he didn't mention Kris being trans even once

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