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turns out being raped isn't as kinky as the board made it out to but really fucking painful. Especially the fact that the pain doesn't stop when you want it to. getting busted in the face and bleeding from face then immediately having a guy drag you by your legs to the edge of the bed to use you sounds hot but you are COMPLETELY defenseless at this point and at this strangers mercy and when they make it unsure of whether you are going to get to live through it then its just fucking traumatizing. be careful meeting people from here because there are some genuinely deserving of a bullet to the head people here. fuck you
Sorry babe, I'll be gentler next time. And there WILL be a next time.
wow met a crazy guy huh
>be careful meeting people from here
what the fuck did you expect?
Yeah. The only people who say they want it haven't had it happen to them. I'm sorry anon, it does get easier eventually. It took me about 6 years to start being myself again, and it still causes problems sometimes, but it gets easier.
I sometimes feel a bit guilty about having cnc fantasies because I know the reality of it is horrifying. CNC fantasy and rape are totally different.

Sorry this happened to you OP, I doubt anything I say can fix things. Try to trust that you'll learn to cope over time and be kind to yourself. Also go to the doctor if you have any serious injuries.
someone from here? who was it? have you gone to the police yet?
we're sorry you didn't enjoy being raped anon
I wish everyone who ever wanted to be raped actually does get raped and kills themselves because of how traumatized it makes them
How do amabs get raped? I mean to be able to be penetrated you need to be relaxed and lots of lube.
How does the raper insert his dick in such a situation?
fuck sorry you went through that, yeah some fuckheads deserve death
what the larp is going on here
I dont think police are necessary. I dont want to take it further and cause unneeded drama in my life or let others especially not family know.
it's a larp retard
idfc kys
Isn't it better from a harm reduction perspective to believe a false rape claim than to disbelieve a real one? Not talking about accusing another person, since no accusation was made in the OP, just choosing to listen to and sympathize with the victim.
porn =/= life
your retarded for thinking otherwise, shame you didn't figure it out in a safer way tho.

tl;dr pornrot
good girl. people like you are why rape is so easy to get away with
im sorry u went through that anon, you're not alone. i met someone from here several years ago and we began dating. one night he decided he wanted sex and i didnt. despite me saying no, he ended up doing what he wanted. i havent been with or dated anyone since.
I never got police involved either. It never felt like there was a point. I don't know if you should, if it'll bring closure or something, but I hope you can stay strong. Try to avoid unhealthy coping mechanisms, this kind of thing can affect you in a lot of ways. Be mindful about where certain feelings come from. Personally, I suffered major body image issues and got addicted to things that gave me a feeling of control over my body (ED, self harm, posting nudes). I hope you can avoid that path and focus on keeping your body and mind healthy. I'm rooting for you.

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