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Hamas sodomized Israeli men

Why do u support these people knowing how much they hate queer people
i have major doubts about this knowing how 99% of hamas kidnappings actually go
Hamas sympathizers like u should live in Gaza and see what its like to live under Hamas
because raping people isn't as bad as genocide
Why would hamas fighters having gay sex make me believe they hate queer people

Anyway, fuck israel and fuck the mossad transphobia psyop. There are lots of trannies with nothing better to do than sit online and educate people about israeli apartheid, I personally won't stop so long as your propaganda arm is attacking trans people in the west
i dont sympathize with hamas, i just understand how their kidnappings tend to go.
you can hate hamas and oppose genocide. the taliban is evil, I don't want afghanistanis to suffer, the us invaded Iraq I don't hate all Americans, Isreal invaded Palestine I don't want all isrealis dead. The problem is the killing of an entire country of people, which is a wholly evil act which must be opposed.
If you know so much about Israel, why don't you hate them too? Their kidnappings of Palestinians tend to be way worse.
It's obviously bad to live in Gaza, but that's Israel's fault. Hamas aren't bombing the entirety of Palestine lmao, start reading something other than misinformation tweets
half the internet picked the bear
good news, ran the numbers and at the current rate of causalities it’s gonna be 125 years before the Palestinians are all dead. But that’s true of all 8 billion people as well.
War crimes are bad regardless of who the target is, and the international community should penalize states that commit them.
does that make sense to you, just logically speaking? A trained army of westerners with fairly liberal values and subject to military law is treating people worse than Islamic fundamentalists who are being colonized and oppressed? They’d have to be Tibetan monks.
>but there were still millions of jews left after hitler's supposed holocaust!
That's how you sound right now...not a good look
Israelis don't have liberal values, it's an apartheid ethnostate that sterilized black people and restricts who you can marry based on your religion
I don’t have a problem with either. Might is right.
>might is right
>that's why we need to send israel billions of dollars or you're a hamas sympathizer or something
Lmao. It’s so funny how tumblr and /pol/ horseshoe.
>being in an alliance with a hegemony isn’t might
Calling Israel an apartheid state means you acknowledge their ownership of Palestinian Territories
Damn thats hot
So Hitler was right
>Hamas SODOMiZED israeli men they GAPED their ASSHOLES
Umm based? Every israeli “male” was built for arab cock
Yes the same way South Africa was controlled by the apartheid government. That doesn't make it OK obviously
Yes we famously benefit so much from giving israel all of our money. My favorite part was when 9/11 happened and bin laden explicitly said it was because America supports israel
israel is the only regional power in the area that isn't inherently hostile to the west
western nations benefit quite a lot from their alliances with israel
and israel is not an apartheid state because non-jews in israel have equal rights as jews, and because gaza is not part of israel and israel doesn't even occupy gaza anymore.
>you have equal rights as long as you aren't a subhuman who lives in a designated bantustan
No mention of the west bank you dirty slimeball?
> Yes the same way South Africa was controlled by the apartheid government. That doesn't make it OK obviously
>”from the river to the sea er.. uh Israel will let Palestinians vote in democratic elections and let them travel to Tel Aviv…”
This is hot AS FUCK
west bank is illegally occupied by israel, yes. But it's not really relevant to the current topic.
Occupying an enemy state isn't apartheid.
Yes. One state solution, and open borders for israel <3
and then everyone clapped
>israel is the only regional power in the area that isn't inherently hostile to the west
I didn't know this was a race to paint all the map squares
>um the apartheid Palestinians and the pseudo-apartheid Palestinians are two different groups okay stop talking about it
dumb zogbot bait thread no. seven gajillion
no thanks, i don't want to get killed by israel
west bank isn't under apartheid, it's under occupation. Apartheid means a country that has different laws for different races. Israel is not an apartheid state because israel and palestine are different countries.
based. rape the fuck out of those faggot jews until they cum hard and cry in shame. tear through those Israeli panties and leave their asses bleeding inshallah
B-but it s-sounds so much snappier!
I don't like Israel and I don't like Palestine, it's for the best that they just keep killing each other.

The thing is, Israel doesn't hate Islam. Israel will happily fund Azerbaijan in their conquest of Armenia if it serves their geopolitical interests. Israel has constantly funded the advance of Islam throughout its history. And, if you're gay, and you hate Islam, as you should, you shouldn't automatically be supportive of Israel, as they've funded the advance of Islam before, and they're doing it now.

Killing barely 2% of Gaza's Muslim population doesn't cancel out their aiding in Azerbaijan's advance of Islam.
Condemning genocide =/= supporting Hamas.
Retarded republicans who keep insinuating that watermelons are somehow the only other possible group that might detest gross rights violations by a supposed democratic government.
Also, Israel is also being used as a prelude for free speech violations by republicans. IDF was literally running around college campuses and arresting students for protesting too. So no thank you.
Kek. You and everyone else supporting Hamas by calling it a genocide when it’s so obviously just warfare and colonialism not motivated by underlying desire to purge a gene pool. Gotta have that potent updoot word. Generates 30% more updoot than “massacre” ya know. Mmm dopamine.
>calling it a genocide
It's not a genocide because they're waging war, retard. It's a genocide because they cut off all water, food, gas and electricity to the region.
It's like saying Stalin was defending himself from the kulaks. Just shut the fuck up, idiot.
>now a siege is genocide
the whole point is to get them to surrender
>Apartheid means a country that has different laws for different races
Yes, in the exact same territory committing the exact same crime an Israeli and a Palestinian face entirely different court systems and there are streets on which Palestinians are not allowed to walk
>Israel is not an apartheid state because israel and palestine are different countries
Literally the exact same excuse south africa tried with bantustans. This is so obviously apartheid that even when you try to make excuses for the israelis you can't help but describe apartheid
Sieges with the aim of causing material deprivation have been considered war crimes for a long time. This isn't some medieval war sim where you can massacre civilians for no reason and expect everyone to look the other way
I think the war in the middle east should continue, creating a palestinian refugee situation that must then be forced upon the US and Canada. The Muslim population in north america is like 1%, far too low and they need a good dose of Islamization.

too many trannies are feeling safe spreading fire on behalf of Muslims while sitting insulated in the US and Canada.
Doesn’t hamas just need to surrender? How is this a genocide instead of just like that time Paraguay went to ground for 30 years and killed half their country?
Muslims should chill the fuck out and abandon their horrible violent religion or stop acting surprised when the people they swear to behead five times a day kill them from orbit.
Don’t care if it’s a war crime or not, all I know is it’s not genocide. I’m autistic and want words to continue having the meanings they’re supposed to have.
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i dont support them, in fact im fine with all of them being killed off
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>openly declare your intent to displace and/or kill everybody in a given region
>it's not a genocide guiz
>why doesn't hamas surrender omg, how could they allow this to continue
It’s clear they’re only saying genocide to troll the Jews for going through the most horrible genocide and maybe experience in history. It gets a reaction which can be channeled through both outrage and antisemitism circuits. It’s fucked up and isn’t something any real American should support.
If israel wins they're going to send all the refugees to Europe retard, Israel has said this is their aim you shabbos goy simp
Gen o cide not land o cide. They should surrender or leave, something the Jews in Germany never got an option to do.
im not a fucking shabbos goy im ashkenazi, besides i can make alliyah when the paleshit problem is finally over
Oh well in that case why should I listen to someone demanding government gibs for an ethnostate? Open borders for israel
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and besides even with palestinians or not europe is a lost cause and euros will continue to commit ethnic suicide either way, a few mil muzzies wont make a difference, if its not them then they import 20 mil more from some other random shithole to make up for it, europe is a lost cause
That applied to one percent of the Jews murdered.
Muslims literally believe that it's their sacred duty to slaughter us, even the most tolerant ones believe that, the only difference being is that they just don't act on those beliefs.
If only, but instead they're going to try forcing their stupid religion onto us, try to establish a Caliphate and set the Western Civilization back hundreds of years.
Jews by their own admission are largely responsible for this and should not be allowed to run away to an apartheid ethnostate. End israeli apartheid now
>”I’m going to shoot you if you don’t give me your wallet”
>”okay, you asked for it”
>”..oof I can’t believe you shot me for being black, that’s a hate crime”
white people should just stop selling each other out to the highest bidder, blaming da joos for all your problems is no different then blacks going all whiety be opressin us n shiet
How do you do that? It sounds like you’d need some science fiction device to erase everyone’s memories of wanting to murder each other.
If a man lies with a man as one does with a woman they must be put to death, their blood will be upon them
Or just turn Israel into the 51st state. Call it New Hollywood
That's cool and all but I've been brainwashed by jewish morality and now I think racism and apartheid are wrong. Open borders for israel now
There's a difference because Christians typically have significant leeway when interpreting the Bible while Muslims literally believe that their holy book is word of God with no room for interpretation. It is unfortunate that so many in the US want to bring about Christian fascism though which would be similar to Islam in how it treats trannies.
I dont think you understand anon, there are literal shambling zombie packs of feral crackheads in the streets of every major city in the US, and them stabbing randoms or pushing them into subways is a normal and accepted thing and there is still no sign of any of the libtards budging on their pro-crime anti-law views. They will just pretend nothing is happening as things get worse
They already tried that and a bunch of people got killed immediately. It was less than a year ago.
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That's okay we can keep trying. South African apartheid didn't until decades of public outcry turned everyone against them.
So when do we start bombing the southern US?
Israel already has 20% Israeli Arabs.
Europe and america now need more Muslims to bring them up to speed.
I mean now they do. They didn’t used to and horrible wars were fought for every bloody inch of freedom that eventually resulted in moderate modern secularism. The casual way people will throw that away for warhammer 40k bullshit amazes me.
If Palestine wins, Israelis will return to Europe. This is Sophie's choice.
I don't. I'm pro-Israel.
This is total bullshit. If you actually believe this you’re like a cartoon hillbilly stereotype.
No, they can co-exist with the Palestinians as a minority group in palestine :)
Arabs should all live as a minority group in Siberia
>quotes the talmud
>blames christians
When they try putting us in camps or throw us off the rooftops just like the Palestinians.
I don't mind that, most Israelis are decent people who don't hate trannies. Israel is actually kind of based.
I just quoted it. I think the lady doth protest too much.
>there is rape in war
no shit, russian soldiers raped the shit out of german women yet if that war happened 2000 times id rather have them win it all 2000 times
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>most Israelis are decent people who don't hate trannies
You guys just love comparing Israelis defending themselves to Nazis mass murdering a continent. It seems clear what the actual motive is.
>even day
jews did trans
>odd day
jews did transphobia
That’s not entirely true. There’s turkey which has been an ally and a nato member for quite some time. If you want another regional power you could point to Cyprus which is still partly owned by the uk. America used to have amazing relations with Baathist Iraq, hell we literally helped put hussein in power, all this despite his support of Palestine and pan Arabism. We also used to have good relations with Iran and equally had a role with putting their tyrannical monarchy back in charge in the 50s.
Do you care to know why our relationship with these countries degraded? It’s because we supported them by turning them into police states where dissent was punished with state violence and brutality. Of course a country and its people will get paranoid of you if their experience with you is that you armed the man who murdered their cousin and threw their father in jail for wanting a democracy. Both countries became dominated by religious fundamentalists because the authoritarian states that America sponsored were secular and as such the theocrats made for a good ally in the marketplace of ideas after the regimes fell, not because the people had a sudden desire to find a new boot that could step on them.

It’s the same story with people in the ghetto. Overpolicing and murdering them all the time won’t get them to acknowledge your dominance, it will only instill a feeling of contempt, resentment, and ultimately a desire to remove that policing force outright because to be frank it’s never done anything good for those who are policed. And then people act surprised when black people espouse a belief in radicalism like prison abolition or NOI, since the status quo has never benefited them so may as well try something completely new and see what sticks.
>So when do we start bombing the southern US?
Sherman's March to the Sea II
but this time, we use drone strikes
>just support these retards who went insane from spite and weakness it’s your fault anyway btw give them free money
Not the anon, but defending oneself has been the justification for many agressive and expansionist military conflicts. The Nazis started ww2 after signing the Molotov Ribbentrop treaty with the soviets but the justification published in all the newspapers of the regime were that the poles were commiting atrocities to the German minority in Prussia and especially gdansk/danzig, even staging the gleiwitz incident to justify a defensive war that would protect the German peoples from atrocities from the Slavs (all untermensches btw that’s why they are le bad). The Mexican American war that saw America seize all land north of the rio grande was justified through border skirmishes due to American soldiers blatantly entering land that was owned de facto by Mexico on the Mexico Texas border (Texas hasn’t nearly the control of the borders it claimed) and so with the support of southern states seeking to expand the institution of slavery america went to war with an explicit interest by some southern diplomats to annex the totality of Mexico. Japans invasion of China was full of false flag operations made to paint China as somehow picking the fight. As far as history can go countries can just claim they have been wronged, sometimes with zero or just forged evidence, and roll into their neighbors capital with that bs excuse.

A defensive war is a just war, and so every country participating in a war will frame it as defensive such as the classic preemptive strike used to say "he was gonna hit me so I did this to defend myself"

The point I’m getting to is that when the person with the nuke and a military tens of times stronger than the so called provocateurs claims a defensive war, I don’t think they are being candid. Defending oneself can be assumed with nothing to back you up
The Nazis literally manufactured a false flag attack this is false equivalence
>one guy got raped therefore you MUST let us massacre an entire people so we can take their land
Anon we've seen the "greater Israel" maps, Israel has been extremely transparent about what the actual goal is, everything else is just a pretense. This isn't a sports game where teams win or lose points based on their plays, this is an ethnonationalist colonizer propped up by western powers engaging in genocide against the native population. That is quite literally the end of it, there is no "but what about this".
You're really bad at this.
So what you're saying is Hamas is LGBT+ and deal with Israeli cis het moids in the appropriate manner..
I’m just stating obvious contradictions in your statements. I’m a neet not mossad.
Are you suggesting that hamases only successful attack was a false flag?
how is it "their land"? they literally are from one of TENS of arab countries in the region. jews have a cultural, historical and religious connection to the land and have literally been driven out from everywhere else. the land was legitimately bought and settled despite the jewish exile from there being a matter of historical record.
I know right I wrote a bunch of words and he replied in like 2 sentences :( my brains heart is hurt
Jews did trans. Israeli sympathizers did transphobia. Hope this helps
Ancient israelites slaughtered other people to get the land, and the people who came back 1000 years later were a completely unrelated group of white people
>jews have a cultural, historical and religious connection to the land
>highest rates of skin cancer in the entire world because they clearly have no history there
Fuck off back to /pol/ and take your spergery with you, I don't give a fuck about both these countries, reliigious wars never gonna end, leave them too it
Tfw no zionist tranny gf to slurp on my goy dick
'ate settler colonisation
'ate genocide and ethnic cleansing
simple as
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because israel is unironically worse
Thats only because women in Israel dress like whores while women in Arab countries dress conservatively, the skin cancer rate of Israel and nearby countries is the same
that's a quote from Leviticus, which is a universally accepted book of the Bible in every Christian tradition. the Talmud is not the Hebrew part of the Bible, but a long compilation of Rabbinical exegesis on the Hebrew Bible that was written long after. you'd know all this already if you'd actually read the Bible.
>There's a difference because Christians typically have significant leeway when interpreting the Bible while Muslims literally believe that their holy book is word of God with no room for interpretation. It is unfortunate that so many in the US want to bring about Christian fascism though which would be similar to Islam in how it treats trannies.
so the problem is not muslims but fundamentalism
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Is there such thing as non fundamentalist Islam though? I unironically heard Muslims tell me that non-fundamentalist Islam is essentially apostacy.
>hamas is the governing authority in Gaza, was elected in
>the conditions there are somehow not their fault
israel killed tens of thousands of innocent people in gaza. even if you exclusively care about queer people for whatever reason, just statistically israel has definitely massacred more of them out of the death toll in gaza. why do you support them knowing how many queer people they kill?

israel will never have any moral standing as the initiators by occupying palestine, and if they turn it into a contest of who is committing worse atrocities instead of who started it, they come off orders of magnitude worse there too
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>the Talmud is not the Hebrew part of the Bible
Christianity and rabbinical judaism both sprang up out of second temple judaism. Christianity came first because Jesus told his prophets to leave the land of Israel, predicting the fall of the second temple, whereas the pharisees stayed, tried to overthrow the roman government and were exterminated for their trouble.
When the second temple was destroyed, the scrolls were burned, but the oral tradition was retained and used to create rabbinical judaism. The OT itself was a part of that oral tradition.
it's still absurd to call a Biblical quote part of the Talmud as if it were somehow separable from Christianity. especially since Leviticus contains the Mosaic Law itself whereas the Talmud is just commentaries on said Law created by a particular caste of Jews that didn't yet exist at the time Leviticus was written.
>Skin cancer
That's Lebanon though? Even then, poorer countries in the Middle East tend to not be able to gather enough medical data, so Israel could be even lower on the chart? You gotta stop using big social media talking points.
How about next time don’t do this?
I don't care about Palestinian attitudes towards lgbt people.
I just want to see Israeli's hurt.
>hurr you're a useful idiot for Hamas
Au contraire.
I'm not the one throwing my life and that of my family into the meat grinder of the war machine out of zealous hatred.
I'm comfortably sitting behind a screen.
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It was real in my mind
If Muslims are so horrible to live with that you use them as a threat then Israel is probably doing the right thing getting rid of them
why do countries that historically or dont allow homos always rape so many men or boys in wartime make up your mind

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