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Are GNC and non-passing Trans women really at fault for so much of the transphobia we're seeing in the last few years? Should Srs/Grs be mandatory? Should there be harsher gatekeeping to protect the validity of Trans women as women?
Who the fuck is that?
Alyson Greaves (badambulist on X) she's a British author who write fictional stories many involving trans women
Of course the bootlicker is from terf island
idk what wanting to be female means if it doesn't include a vagina?
it's hard for me to say you have to have to have it already done or even concrete plans because there's lots of reasons not to (money? resources? support?) but... you're supposed to want one.
I mean she has good points about stealth and safety
>you're supposed to want one
so do you believe the "trans" women who are ok with having a penis should be delegitimized and denied access to hormones?
I think a lot of "oh I'm so happy with my girldick" is cope for lack of access so I'd be concerned about collateral damage but uh where it's a true thing yes
the activist focus on gender theory is the issue, the last decade marks the period where gender theory, pronouns, and the idea of non-medically transitioning transgender period is when everything started to regress
Also gatekeeping never ever stopped hons from existing. Medical gatekeeping is good for nobody and the best countries for social acceptance of trans people have the least gatekeeping (some countries in south america, thailand).
But the issue is that as soon as you make being trans into a "gender" thing, it becomes a political ideological opinion, it becomes something you can have a disagreement of opinion on because ultimately it is only a product of society and language. Having trans as a medical thing where transitioning is treating a disorder is something that does not require "buying in" to any political ideology the way gender theory does. This distinction doesn't even require changes in actual trans legal policy or medical policy, only a change in the focus of activism and public outreach.
Sauce? I browse her Twitter account sometimes and never saw her say anything to this effect.
In your opinion would mandatory Srs to go on hrt be a good idea?
she also thinks that delinquent men should be forcefemmed
She's made several posts about it and it's a theme in much of her fiction
SRS being mandatory would completely eliminate rapehons from using the trans label, not one of them wants to get rid of their dick
definitely not
that would only make more repressors, meaning more john 50s. If we want trans people to better conform to cis people, the best way to do so would be expanding insurance coverage for surgeries and improving surgical techniques to make the surgeries more appealing.
I mean at least then there would be less dicks being used for violence against women
oh yeah I mean she's right about that at least
two contradicting opinions, interesting
>several posts
Post one.
>it's a theme in much of her fiction
but srs isn't even mandatory in dorley
every character whos "actually Trans" wants or has had it. Pretty easy to read between the lines
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I'd rather have hrt first but they should be expected to get srs after a year (and all these places patting themselves on the back for writing estrogen scripts should be prepared to do so and to provide gynecologic care afterwards... tired of "we're so affirming but just put soap up there we don't want to give antibiotics to cure bv")
Trans women are not a monolith
you're probably right, but if that was actually her position you'd think dorley would make it mandatory
anyway it makes sense, I think the vast majority of trans women would get srs if it was free and from a high quality surgeon. A lot of people who don't get srs aren't putting it off because they like having a dick, but because the cost and associated risk make it unappealing.
but as a community it would be better to have clear standards
SRS = no chasers = you got to be orders of magnitude hotter to get laid
>A lot of people who don't get srs aren't putting it off because they like having a dick
but what are your thoughts on the ones who do? Do you see them as women? Would you feel comfortable being associated with them?
this is a mans thinking
I personally don't have any problems with trans women who don't get srs, though I think it's a little weird to not even want srs.
I would be much more uncomfortable with a trans woman who didn't want to pass, or wasn't interested in getting ffs to pass. I think that's a lot more important.
since I got srs I can confidently say clearly not the case
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Notice how there’s no mention of making SRS mandatory or making gatekeeping harsher, nor any blaming of GNC/non-passing trans women for transphobia. If anything she’s consistently been against gatekeeping.
Srs is just as important to passing as ffs hon
maybe if you're a nudist
Are you really missing all her posts about how going stealth is the goal of a real Trans women?
if you have a dick people will eventually find out and you will no longer be seen as a woman
being against gatekeeping and believing that a trans woman should want to be physically female to the extent possible are not mutually exclusive

I mean I'll believe you if you say you want a vagina. What you feel and think are not things I can argue about. But if you don't want a vagina and you don't want to pass or you don't want boobs or whatever I'll rightfully call that out as not being a trans woman. Go be something else. Words must still have definitions.
Maybe you should post them instead of insisting someone said something and then not show that they said it. Also, even if she was saying that, that’s still not what you claimed she said in the OP.
To take it a step further if someone can't pass they also shouldn't be allowed to call themselves a trans woman. If you want to be seen as a woman you must look like one
regardless, most trans people don't pass 100% of the time and won't be able to stealth perfectly with or without a dick, so I don't think it's a big issue
>most trans people don't pass 100%
such a sad cope
HRT should be sold in grocery stores. If you're worried about transphobia, carry a gun.
>idk what wanting to be female means if it doesn't include a vagina?
>it's hard for me to say you have to have to have it already done or even concrete plans because there's lots of reasons not to (money? resources? support?) but... you're supposed to want one.
I'm friends with a super feminine pretty cis girl that's said she wishes she had a penis multiple times, I dunno, I think being a woman means a lot more than having a vagina, I think looking like a woman and being socially treated as a woman is way more important.
That being said I'd absolutely rather have a vagina but SRS scares the hell out of me with complications and recovery and stuff and the results might be bad and it's really expensive. But if I could just like snap my fingers and get a normal vagina then yes I'd do it but there's other factors that make it different. I might end up getting SRS eventually though but FFS is a higher priority for me so I don't look like a weird gay guy with long hair and tits and a pussy
>If you want to be seen as a woman you must look like one
tell that to the cis foids i see at walmart
that's just reality. SRS doesn't help you pass if you don't already pass.
And gatekeeping certainly doesn't help anyone pass. If you want to have the most cis-conforming conventionally attractive trans people possible, do what thailand does, easy access to hormones and surgery. Gatekeeping transition always creates hons.
>I'm friends with a super feminine pretty cis girl that's said she wishes she had a penis multiple times
sound's like she needs counseling
Find, but if they don't pass after they must de-transition
could it be that you don't exactly pass?
nah I wouldn't go there
passing matters because it gives you female life experiences but it's not the arbiter here
so you want one... which is what I said... and if malpractice was enforced against butchers and misinfo wasn't widely spread and there were no personal resource/support obstacles you'd have one
>If you're worried about transphobia, carry a gun.
Very male brained and aggressive
that seems pointlessly cruel
I accept your concession.
>it's not the arbiter here
it should be honestly
They get a chance but if they can't actually pass then they'll just be a walking excuse to delegitimize trans identity
>it's not the arbiter here
>it should be honestly
Yeah, I think passing matters more than anything for being valid, if you look like a balding man with caveman skull and beard stubble and negative hips and linebacker shoulders but you got SRS you're not a woman. Like I want a vagina but it's way more important to look like a woman. It affects life way more. You're not really a woman if everyone treats you the same as a man
>Like I want a vagina
Then you're not really who we're talking about here love
being trans isn't about having a "trans identity", it's medical treatment for gender dysphoria.
You can't expect every trans person to be perfect representation or to never make trans people look bad, just like you can't expect that of everyone in every demographic. What you can do is do your best to help people pass, and if you need public representation then choose good representation of passing, attractive trans women.
that's the problem with these discussions some insecure dysphroic preop always shows up to make it about them
>Is she right
She's based is what she is! We need to purge all hons and "gock" havers!
>What you can do is do your best to help people pass
so we should be working towards full insurance coverage of ffs and grs (both mandatory)
you have to accept that they say they have gender dysphoria without gatekeeping because it's the only thing that doesn't have a super high rate of dismissing valid patients BUT if they then don't want the medical treatment THEN they don't have gender dysphoria
i.e. trust but verify
like I was saying above it's the symptoms you have to apply "no gatekeeping to" not the crazy ideas about the definition of "gender dysphoria"-you just get definitionless postmodern nonsense if you allow that
It's literally among her most recent tweets anon
if they don't want medical transition then what is there to gatekeep them from?
ultimately anyone can claim to be trans, and so long as the public perception is that trans=identity instead of trans=transition then that's just how it will be.
Which one, the one you already posted that doesn’t say that? If it’s so easy to find then it should be easy for you to screenshot and post it ITT.
I think we need to change the public perception back to trans = transition and make it okay to call out the ones who don't even try at all or like don't have female souls. It's really damaging with it just being this identification stuff I think people tolerated us way more when trans meant transitioning. I think I'd go as far to say that most trans women are fakers and it's super damaging to our image.
if they don't want bottom surgery they shouldn't be allowed hormones. They also shouldn't be allowed to change any gender markers on any legal documents ether for that matter!
Fuck her and fuck all of you in this tread saying I need some surgery to be a "real" woman. I pass, I've lived the last 6 years of my life as a woman, and what's between my legs is none of your business
this just means more gatekeeping of people who aren't sure if they want bottom surgery or not, which means more hons in the long run, even if they would have chosen to have srs had they been allowed to transition.
>people who aren't sure if they want bottom surgery or not
If they're unsure then they aren't trans!
she didn't say that
the label trans and the idea that they're the same as this other group that pursues medical transition
I'm just arguing that the desire to pursue is probably a better line than the actual pursuit
idk but I'm tired of everyone treating it as some style choice it's fucking infected the doctors who don't seem to get that physically becoming female with a vagina has had a real effect on my body and medical care they act like I'm a "male with pronoun she (which they don't bother using)" EXCEPT I HAVE A PUSSY
Delusional male, you make all of us suffer for your perversions
Maybe you're hot then
well I think that's a really good way to have john 50s
the countries with the best public acceptance of trans people are the ones with the least gatekeeping.
I fucking want srs kys
im not but I still get laid lol
if you have a pussy and want sex with men it's really not hard
but dorley doesn't at all force the girls to get srs. They only force orchiectomy, srs is voluntary.
>I fucking want srs kys
Sorry that was meant for >>36635665
what book did you read anon?
>unsure if they want [or can access etc.] to have surgery
is different than
>unsure if they want a vagina
in the latter case sure they're not trans but in the former case there's too many who sucked up too much misinfo or simply have no money or whatever. (ofc they might say the latter when they mean the former-this is why gatekeeping is bad)
sisters of dorley
clearly not
as far as I remember, srs isn't mandatory in dorley. It's only mandatory if they want new papers that identify them as cis women. Otherwise, they can choose not to get srs and instead get new papers that identify them as trans.
But maybe I'm misremembering
you are, if they want to be women they need srs
I haven't read her stuff but I agree with her take and will happily check out her writings. We need more trans women willing to divorce being trans from pronoun bullshit
that's what I said, if they want cis women papers then they need srs
that sounds practical to me. They're not being forced to get srs.
trip on kayla
Y'all if she saw this thread she'd cry, Alyson doesn't back anything Op has said in the slightest! She's not about gatekeeping or mandatory Srs or any of that stuff! The hell is the matter with you all for wanting any of this?
>Y'all if she saw this thread she'd cry, Alyson doesn't back anything Op has said in the slightest! She's not about gatekeeping or mandatory Srs or any of that stuff!
couldn't be more wrong

>The hell is the matter with you all for wanting any of this?
We're tired of perverts pretending to be trans women
she literally never said this stuff
Yeah we're completely different from people like that and I'm tired of there not being a distinction or whatever you know. It's fucked up that doctors act that way I swear they use medical history as an excuse to be assholes. I'd want a new doctor
Why lie like this? Are you guys just too dumb to understand her message?
>Yeah we're completely different from people like that
You're not but it's hilarious to watch you troons try to throw each other under the bus desperately trying to convince yourselves that you're more "valid". Newsflash, you're all men and none of you will ever be women
lol what message? You haven't posted her saying anything like this
Honestly I wish we could get a definitive statement from the woman herself cuz I can't find anything
oh the nurses read that you're trans and seem to use it to be openly hostile but the doctors are much more subtle about it
still I swear going in for anything vagina-related they see it as more an exercise in validating my vaginal than a concern about my physical health (and then you have to be super super pushy to get them to do anything)
>they see it as more an exercise in validating my vaginal
That's exactly what it is though, you don't have a vagina you have an open wound
How could you come to this conclusion? So many characters in that book struggle from having to pretend to be cis because of Dorley’s bullshit. Its hardly something someone who thought that stealth should be mandatory would write.
I think the op just wanted to make a pro srs post and shoehorned Alyson into it.
I haven't read the books.
What happens to the people who just can't pass, with bone structures and the like too fucked to ever look like women?
It's a sort of fantasy setting where everyone gets to pass with hrt and surgery. kind of wish fulfillment for hons
Anon pls read her fucking work, she's pro gatekeeping and pro srs
Oh ok. That sucks. I can't feel represented.
Is there any trans literature with people who want to pass but can't?
Anon if you can't pass please for the good of the rest of us de-transition
As long as you have your balls, you aren't a real woman. It's really that simple. Once you get an orchie or full-bottom surgery, then you truly aren't a man any longer.
Orchie isn't enough but it's a good start
Lotta boomer hon mentality in this thread. Being one of the lucky ones who got to transition at 17 I nether want Srs or need it and anyone who'd want to gatekeep me because of that is honestly just gonna get their face eaten by the leopards they're trying to please
Only results matter
You don't need Srs to be trans, it's nobody else's business what's in your pants
I think if you will look ugly on hrt you shouldn't be allowed it. Beauty should be enforced in trans spaces and cis spaces
She's never publicly shared any of the opinions in the op
Hons are not the problem at all if they simply don't claim to BE women or act like they are entitled to behave like they pass.

Hons who say they are trans, acknowledge they are male, don't throw a shit fit about being misgendered, don't go into women's bathrooms and changing rooms, don't try to force their way into lesbian spaces and so on even get TERFs being nice to them.

The entitled narcissism of hons like that tiktok Karen who dresses exactly like you'd expect an AGP to dress and then films "misgendering" at restaurants and themself bullying waiters for it are the problem. Demanding people choke down their cognitive dissonance around you at all times and play "let's pretend" with you is the problem. Being a hon is basically irrelevant once the gaslighting is removed.

Is it "fair" that some will never pass, and that only those who do get to have "authentically female" experiences? No. It isn't fair that some people are born as midgets or mentally subnormal or neurodivergent either.

Life isn't fair.
no, people were transphobic long before now and it was much worse in the 90s for example
>Is she right about strictly enforced Transition Guidelines?
>Are GNC and non-passing Trans women really at fault for so much of the transphobia we're seeing in the last few years?
>Should Srs/Grs be mandatory?
no but only because most surgeons are garbage
>Should there be harsher gatekeeping
>Who the fuck is that?
no idea but she's right
transbians you need to ban them from transitioning
>transbians you need to ban them from transitioning
Ironically I'm pretty sure Alyson Greaves is a transbian with a wife
>a transbian with a wife
Looked it up and this is true unfortunately. I thought from the Op she'd be based but turns out she's just a rapehon who only hates "trans" people who don't medically transition
>Looked it up and this is true unfortunately
You people are so mind rotten you think it's "unfortunate" for a woman to find love and happiness if it's with a person you disapprove of
Why the fuck is there a crazy thread about the Dorley woman?
idk what you can't understand, i can't afford srs or ffs
>idk what you can't understand, i can't afford srs or ffs
But do you want them?
"lack of access"
how about lack of 0-chance-of-walking-around-with-a-stinky-painhole-because-surgery-is-inherently-dangerous?
>I thought from the Op she'd be based
She is based, all trans meds are. We need to gatekeep and girlboss the trans identity harder
Absolutely. The whole idea of trans women having a penis and using female Private space is ridiculous to me. If they do not have a sex change within a certain span of time they should be required to have their penis removed, or be arrested for fraud, impersonation or the opposite sex.
no, fuck that and fuck you and fuck whoever literally who that is
nothing about medical or social transition should be "mandated" because that's just conversion therapy, same as insecure cissies want for everyone
Please don't let this ridiculous thread influence your opinion on Alyson, she literally holds none of the opinions states in the original post
I don't know or care who that is, this is not fucking twitter and I'm responding to the content of the post
I extracted similar opinions from her writings, she is just weird.
I mean sure if we're going to go here, but you don't get to bitch at the trans women who have to spend ages waiting because they can't afford it

I am fine with SRS, I just don't have the means to afford it because I pay rent and other things
Just keep your penis out of women's private spaces
You have to be willing to pay the price and you're not willing to. I'll do anything in my power to keep you out of women's restrooms and women only places
What in her writings hints at any of the things the Op says?
God I hope she sees this nonsense, it'll be good for a laugh
There are homeless girls, living on the streets And managed to save up for it because they want to really be women. You can't be a man and a woman too
Women aren't entitled to sex segregation. Males are not subhuman.
Yes they are and there's enough people who have clout backing my opinions today.
lol what the fuck are you talking about? I'm gonna go put on my men's clothes and find a store with a public sex-specific restroom I can use then loudly DEMAND to use the women's, just for you
>I'll do anything in my power to keep you out of women's restrooms and women only places
Why? They're not going to have sex with you. You're simping for no reason.
Because I had to have SRS to be legally female! I paid my dues, I paid the price, why should you get off without having to pay the same price?
I'm gonna fight you on this one!
Go ahead and I hope you're arrested for using women's personal space when you're a man with a penis. You'll always be a man until you get rid of the penis
Well so the thing is, cis people rallied so hard against muh rotpocket that most trannies don’t want surgery, and the culture kind of developed around long stretches of time girlmoding with a penis. This eventually led to GAMP, and then AGAMP, becoming widespread, which singlehandedly let loose the rapehon hordes. So in a funny way, it’s cis people’s fault for getting the ick at neopussy instead of accepting that. I think they should change their minds now that they’ve seen the full ramifications of the alternative.
So because things were difficult for you, you want them to be difficult for other people? Why not be happier that things are easier now? You're just making things worse for everyone because of your bitterness.
I never liked this man. His ideas could be fine but he does not get a clue about other things.
Yes. You need to recognize women need their own spaces away from men. All men. Even trans women.

By entering their bathrooms, beauty contests, sports, and locker rooms without any disregard to them and their feelings, women are pushing back.

It’s kind of your own fault.

That's the way it's got to be for me. I had to have SRS to be legally a female and if you're not going to play by the same rules I just assumed see the whole transgender thing made it illegal. It was satisfy my inner pain from having lost my sexuality to this weird obsession
I hope they do push back and make it illegal to use women's facilities if you have male sex organs
and people say she doesnt support these things... just a tranny writing 100000 words about tranny stuff that in no way reflect her tranny thoughts
We already litigated this issue YEARS ago and the conclusion you didn’t hear was that trans women are clearly in danger in men’s spaces as well. We TRIED to say we need more gender neutral rooms for the trainknees but alas the cis said that this would lead to total gender anarchy, so we compromised and allowed trans women to use women’s restrooms, because they’ve been statistically demonstrated they are victims, not perpetrators, of sexual assault as a class. So if you want to go full retard and open the issue again, putting trans women back into the men’s room isn’t even on the table until you address the gender neutral bathroom issue.
“But who will build these restrooms?”
Morbillions of them have already been built. They are called “single stall restrooms”. All we have to do is desex them, because there’s no point to sexing them in the first place.
She non ironically made me think about how important gender is for the average person. I'm more of a Stef in that regard, but I started to wonder if that's just me and the average person doesn't feel that strongly about their gender. I need answers, I need the feminizing torture dungeon.
So keep pushing for more bathrooms. This sounds like a lot of loser talk. Are you a loser?
Bathrooms need to be sexed. Because everytime we try to de sex then, perverted men take advantage of it to creep on the women/girls. I doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
If you have a penis and you're in a woman's spaces, we're going to get you out of there one way or the other whether we have to do it laws or other means.
Have a penis use the men's room!
what if my dick it's all floppy and useless, and it's really small and adorable actually, like a small fem peepee who's there only as a reminder of my birth sex. Like an appendage that lost it's function and it's only a vestige now. A small flaccid feminine tinkler, it only helps me pee standing up and that's it.
doesn’t matter troll. Just chop it off at this point.
>young criminal men should be forcefemmed and castrated irl
holy based
Isn't this the one who has a debilitating chronic pain problem due to botched Srs?
>my dick it's all floppy and useless, and it's really small and adorable actually, like a small fem peepee
>you got to be orders of magnitude hotter to get laid
So this might blow your mind but there is more to life than fucking, and not everybody thinks or has the same values like a 19 year old guy
This is your male thought processing action women do never stand up and piss. Your idea about urinating standing up is enough to prove that you're really a man and not a woman. If you were really a woman you would hate having any appendage hanging out between your legs
>I'm friends with a super feminine pretty cis girl that's said she wishes she had a penis multiple times
I had a girlfriend that used to say she was a gay guy in a womans body. She acted pretty typical for a early 20s woman. Cis women say all kinds of stupid shit because they aren't forced to introspect and test their ideas before saying them like male socialization teaches men.
>I think I'd go as far to say that most trans women are fakers and it's super damaging to our image.
Agreed 100%
I agree too it's playing around with the image. Anyone who's seriously transsexual can find a way to have bottom surgery.
I don’t have an appendage nor do I want one but I do try to pee standing up all the time because sitting is gross
I wouldn’t want a pp though it would be in the way when I have sex
So you were brought up in a world of liberal screeching that anybody and everybody can be whatever they want. You hnave to understand that is a new thing. Nobody over 30 thinks that way. None of the immigrants pouring into the US thinks that way. Really it is just you and your professors that think that way. As long as you have a penis you are male. Sorry.
I just don’t want to use the toilet after a man peed on the seat
>Demanding people choke down their cognitive dissonance around you at all times and play "let's pretend" with you is the problem.
You nailed it.

It's the problem youngshits like >>36636456
have in common with hons. At some level they are asking people to pretend.

On the other hand if you have a transwoman that has been on HRT for 3-5 years, they have SRS, and they have moved into a female life, there is no asking people to pretend. They just are. A random stranger that sees them will think they are enough female to be female.

Isn't that the goal? To be female enough that you don't have to tell people your pronouns?
peeing standing up it's rather practical and hygienic in some situations. I still pee sitting down in my home, but if I'm outside having a small hose that helps you to aim my pee towards the toilet it's actually really useful. There's a reason why there's a product to expand this benefit to cis women too.
This 100%
All women sit and pee. It's why we try to avoid public restrooms because you have to put toilet seat tissue or toilet paper on the seat to keep from getting everybody else's cooties. Real women do not try to stand up and pee,it's a male thing
Women are the vulnerable sex, they absolutely and completely are entitled for sex segregation. If AMABs want to enter those protected spaces, they need to have fully abandoned their masculinity through prolonged hormone treatment and SRS.
>So because things were difficult for you, you want them to be difficult for other people?
Yes because the difficulty shapes who you are. People that do not go through the difficulty are not the same as me. And people that outright refuse to go through the difficulty are not cut from the same cloth as me and damn well should not get the titles or protections I earned.

How difficult is that to understand? If you don't put in the effort and make the sacrifices, you don't get the reward.
I would rather cut out all AMABs, unless they agree transexualism including SRS is different than a guy wanted to have a woman's shaped body and a male sex organs.
If you were actually a woman you would be horrified by it, and you would be upset at how much it limits your fashion choices, how much of a burden it is to keep it hidden, how incomplete you feel. But no you feel none of those things, you are a guy that took his larp too far.
I need to pee at like the slightest provocation so I’m gonna keep trying to learn to stand without making a mess
Right! I had a choice, either have a gay male sex life and remain outwardly transgender, or get srs, lose my sexuality. Yet gain acceptance as a real woman. I chose being a woman without having a sex drive.
Don’t even know who this is but imma need receipts because that’s a take that’s so unhinged that it would endanger women and transsexuals the world over if it was an actual policy.

>oh I'm a real woman standing to pee

Here's some fucked up shit posting idiot
I didn’t say I could stand just that I want to learn how. Rn I still make a big mess when I try but people sY it’s possible
Stealth used to be my goal, but since I have a publicly available arrest and military service record, I find being open about my transsexual identity to be much easier. It also serves to help me with helping other transsexuals recover from alcoholism and drug addiction.
gonna go around calling my SRSussy my "stinky painhole" now
Just stay out of the women's restroom
It doesn't have anything to do with pain. You stop dilating and you don't even know it's there. Just something to wipe when you sit down and pee
I prefer invading men’s spaces (especially men’s AA meetings) so that’s a non issue
it’s not even wrong as like a description of all pussies lol
tfw stopped dilating and pussy is doing just fine
That's right. I dilated for the first few years and then lost interest in it and never dilated after that. I never douch,, never had an infection, never had a pain. It's like a numb area between my legs. It was too numb to have sex, so I didn't bother after the first few years. It's like nothing exists down there
what do you mean give up your sex drive? you can have sex after SRS and if you are on a good dose of hormones you should still have a sex drive.
so you went to a shitty surgeon and got botched? it shouldnt be numb.
mine feels good when I have sex and I’ve had bv a few times which can be kind of painful but that’s just like having a vagina things
she wrote the series "sisters of dorley" on ao3
it's more of a "hahaha maybe ironic maybe not" opinion I think rather than a "this should literally be government policy" opinion.
Maby you did but somebody like me who was gay identified before I transitioned, it was a big let down! It doesn't feel anything like a dick turned inside out. It feels like just a numb area with no feeling.
literally thousands of people have the same surgery from doctor Dr Stanley Biber
I mean I would prefer a cute pussy. Im just distrustful of surgeons being able to achieve thata nd Im trying to see the positive of having a small pee dribbler.
I always enjoyed anal sex as a boy. The surgery went right through the area where my anus dilated for sex. I couldn't even have anal sex after I had surgery! Mine was a total loss.
Having a penis spells being a man to the majority of people. Maybe not in your little world, but the majority of people in this society, whether it's Europe or United States, you're a man with a penis.
This should be done not only with legal and surgical means, but also with a social ritual. Like there's this tv show to which you have to attend and show everybody proof of you surgical and legal changes, then burn your old papers and pledge to abandon your masculinity forever. It all ends with other trans woman hugging you and welcoming you to the sisterhood or something, or some other cathartic shit for sure.
I dont care about other people, I just want to get fucked in my pussy. Just thinking about it makes me feel all giddy.
Then educate yourself. Find good surgeons, then educate yourself more. Then buy the ticket and take the ride.

A lot of the major surgeons have reddits and discords setup with prior patients. You can learn if they are good or not.
I don't really care, I'm glad for you. People here I don't even recognize my surgeon's name because he's been dead so long. Back then, the surgery was right of passage into a womanhood. Nobody complained about the sex because women weren't supposed to be that sexual in those days
Some kind of 'coming of age' ritual. I think making it official would be good for a lot of us, and it would tie the trenders up in knots.
I’m not sure I understand the anatomy but that’s unfortunate
who doesn’t know biber lol
Non-passing trans women have always existed
Arguably they were more common in the past, it's just that the level of scrutiny that trans people had was lesser
Lots of people don't know him. I communicated with him after surgery told him I was unsatisfied with it. No fault to himself. I realized I was gay after all. And probably would have been more
happy with a masculine gay man who liked feminine men as a gay sex partner.
>it's just that the level of scrutiny that trans people had was lesser
why do zoomers say this? if the scrutiny was less in the past so many fewer people would have repped. If anything scrutiny was much worse in the past. They didn't know what you were like they do now, but they knew you looked weird and they didn't like it.
>trans people were chill and fine, nobody cared about them
Yeah, try getting a job outside haridressing or sexwork back then. Fucking zoomers.
I believe victim blaming is fundamentally a bad thing, universally. I think it hurts people and it fails to solve problems. I think i feel comfortable making that claim, I would be curious if anyone could provide an example that goes against it.

I'm not gonna say that non-passing trans women are HELPING, i just think that pointing the finger at them only makes things worse. They're not the root cause of transphobia.
I got my cosmetology license through rehab and then went on to be electrologist.
Well this is just what gen X and older millennials have told me
>if the scrutiny was less in the past so many fewer people would have repped
That's not true
Any transition necessarily affects friends and families
Back then it was much more common for MtFs to be married and often with children, that's a strong impetus to repress
Furthermore transphobia was far far worse
Well they were all stealth obviously
I know it wasn't that might have been common in the 1990s but before that those trans women were prostitutes and Street Queens. Transitioning allowed you to become a legitimate person instead of a prostitute
Maybe if you were black and American
No, I'm actually white. The majority of trans women were either black or Hispanic and some of them were Asian, which made white trannies to be in a minority.
Jesus Christ
oh you’re that guy
You didnt need to say you are white.
I am white, I'm not a coloured girl.
I mean the rest of your post make it very clear. You could have witheld that info and one could have tell.
>That's not true
>Any transition necessarily affects friends and families
>Back then it was much more common for MtFs to be married and often with children, that's a strong impetus to repress
>Furthermore transphobia was far far worse
You are just making shit up. I'm 38, I was there.

Coming out as trans prior to 2014-2016 was guaranteed family, social and career suicide. Nobody normal would want anything to do with you. This is why so many people repped and there are so many oldshits.
It's why I said if the scrutiny had been less (as it is now) more people would have transitioned back then instead of trying to repress. Like if you knew coming out as trans at 20 wouldn't be a social death sentience it starts seeming like something a lot more doable.

>to be married and often with children, that's a strong impetus to repress
You don't even get it, you have it backwards. Reppers get married and have kids because they think it will fix them. Also back then, just like now, people knew something was off with them from a young age. Like I knew from 12-13. I didn't know what was wrong with me because there was no trans awareness, but I knew something was definitely off. And I knew if I expressed myself the way I wanted I would get shunned by everybody.
I didn't know and why should I care about it to begin with it seems like a very minor issue
Well I don't think people would have thought about the scrutiny they were exposing themselves to
Likely they would have thought that they were going to be treated as a freak, that they would be turning themselves into a social pariah because again, transphobia was worse in the past than it was now
But I was so used to pass back then. You can live in a little town outside of the city and pass fine in the suburbs. I can't believe how lousy I looked and passed back then because I hadn't been on HRT very long, yet I passed with ease
Yeah that's what I'm arguing
People weren't going around scrutinising every odd looking woman, well they likely were but they wouldn't think 'Oh that's a transsexual' they would have thought you were an ugly or masculine woman
Back then people's ideas of what a trans woman was was essentially a drag queen or a balding crossdresser with stubble
Exactly! I wasn't really happy with Sexually being a female I was more happy being in gay boy but I didn't want to get AIDS.

I would've had aids cz was extremely sex
not that person, but I wanted to chime in that in the past, ethnicities and gay/queer people were a lot more segregated by areas within big cities. You wouldn't have a Karen clocking you because a Karen would never ever go down to the Queer neighborhood, and you'd never go out to where the Karen's lived. So the penalties for being clocked were higher, but people were a lot more segregated preventing that. Add on top of that mobility was generally more restricted because car ownership wasn't 100%, and some cities just made it tough to go from neighborhood to neighborhood by design.
When trannies FEEEEEEED
is dorley still going?
it felt like chapter 40 was going to be a conclusion, and I think that's where the 3rd book ends. But it doesn't feel like an ending
It is still ongoing, also once again I feel like I must say that nothing in the Op is any kind of opinion Alyson Greaves is known to hold
>nothing in the Op is any kind of opinion Alyson Greaves is known to hold
I mean that's pretty obvious. The Op was even asked to provide evidence and came back with nothing

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