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Does your unconscious pass? What is the earliest dream you remember having?

>I discovered a dark, rectangular, stone-lined hole in the ground.
>I ran forward curiously and peered down into it. Then I saw a stone stairway leading down.
>Hesitantly and fearfully, I descended.
>At the bottom was a doorway with a round arch, closed off by a green curtain. It was a big, heavy curtain... and it looked very sumptuous.
>Curious to see what might be hidden behind, I pushed it aside.
>I saw before me in the dim light a rectangular chamber about thirty feet long. The ceiling was arched and of hewn stone. The floor was laid with flagstones, and in the center a red carpet ran from the entrance to a low platform.
>On this platform stood a wonderfully rich golden throne.
>Something was standing on it, which I thought at first was a tree trunk.
>It was a huge thing, reaching almost to the ceiling.
>But it was of a curious composition: it was made of skin and naked flesh, and on top there was something like a rounded head with no face and no hair.
>On the very top of the head was a single eye, gazing motionlessly upward.
>It was fairly light in the room, although there were no windows and no apparent source of light. Above the head, however, was an aura of brightness.
>The thing did not move, yet I had the feeling that at any moment it might crawl off the throne like a worm and creep toward me.
>I was paralyzed with terror. At that moment I heard from outside and above me my mother's voice.
>She called out, "Yes, just look at him. That is the man-eater!"
>That intensified my terror still more, and I awoke sweating and scared to death.
I don’t exist
t. Lacan-hon
I’ll start (op, mtf):

>Had this dream in preschool
>I’m in my mother’s bedroom. I mean my parents’ bedroom, but near my mother's side of the bed
>There’s a fishbowl with fish swimming in it, and a yellow duck like a rubber ducky
>The duck swells to an enormous size and swallows me whole
>The inside is cavernous, red, and fleshy, like a big horrible slide
>I’m going down the duck’s throat and I yell “WHO ARE YOU?” expecting somehow that this question will help me, or sort things out, or explain why it’s happening
>But it doesn’t and I just wake up afraid

I think this is the earliest dream I remember
This thread is actually a good idea. I hope it survives.
There’s really not enough psychoanalysis on here. How many mtfs are transitioning as a way to *avoid being castrated by someone else*?
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From picrel:
>“Am I still a male, or did the women succeed in ruining me?” And the perversion—with its exposed thighs, ladies’ underwear, and coyly covered crotch—answers, “No. You are still intact. You are a male. No matter how many feminine clothes you put on, you did not lose that ultimate insignia of your maleness, your penis.” And the transvestite gets excited. What can be more reassuringly female than a full and hearty erection?
>be me, age unknown but around my other earliest memories (11-15 maybe?)
>feel really sick
>be in void/idealised idea-space, like that one video of turning a sphere inside out
>see before me a giant black pillar
>on the side of the pillar a large hexagonal hole opens
>it's a portal to some other part of idea-space that's a different colour
>underneath it, another hexagonal hole, but much smaller - about the size of a marble
>stage left, a sphere appears
>it is giant and slowly moving towards the pillar
>it hits the hexagonal hole but it is the wrong shape and too big
>but it is "too big" by an infinitely tiny amount
>the sphere and pillar are both infinitely strong
>the amount by which the sphere was too big was literally infinitely small, and yet it couldn't pass through to the other side
>you couldn't even see where they touched
>it continued to push against the opening, and it hurt so much to watch
>the whole time i watched i was scratching myself violently
>another sphere appears, about the size of a marble
>it moves towards the tiny hole just below the large one
>just the size difference between it and the giant sphere makes me feel sick
>it reaches the tiny hole and is just as unable to pass through by an equally tiny amount and i feel like screaming
>many many holes of varying sizes appear on the pillar
>i know what is about to happen and am filled with dread so deep it feels like my stomach has a massive hole in it
>look down
>it does
>an army of spheres, matching the holes, appears and move towards the pillar and one towards me
>they all don't fit by an infinitely tiny amount
>it is the most deeply uncomfortable feeling possible and i scratch at myself so hard i would bleed
>the sphere reaches my stomach
>i cannot describe how disgusting and uncomfortable and awful it felt
>i scream and the memory ends
i used to have night terrors where i'd scratch until i bled and then screamed. this was probably that
no idea why it was so abstract
i dont remember anything anymore
My oldest dream I remember having is just a brief fragment. I am on top of a lighthouse, not sure why. My mom is at the bottom and yells at me to come down for something. I decide the best way to get down is to jump off the side. I wake up right as I hit the ground.
I remember dreams incredibly infrequently. Maybe once a year, if that.
I don't remember my dreams usually. Only nightmares and wet dreams, both of which are vanishingly rare thankfully. My earliest though.
>I'm in my parents bedroom, lying on their bed watching television
>I hear the door open and look over
>It's both my parents
>On reflection they weren't walking, they simply glided into the room side by side
>They look over at me for a moment
>I look at them in turn
>I wait, surely they will say something
>The pause is awkward and long
>They're staring at me
>I think to say something but their mouths open
>Both of them
>A sound emits out like a high-pitched whine
>It hurts
>Why are my parents hurting me
>I can tell they're angry
>Why are they angry
>I beg and plead with them but they keep going
>Louder and more painful each moment, angrier and angrier for it
>I wake up crying
I was 7 or 8 maybe?
I remember two very early dreams.
In one my mother and I were hiding under an arched vault of a big wall next to a large meadow near a neighbouring playground when a massive herd of buffalo went thundering past us. It was kind of scary but also epic.
In another, which was a hideous nightmare, the thing in the picture from an old animation was flying with me in the sky on a broomstick, sitting behind me and clawing my back.
first dream i remember was when i was like eight and just involved my parents fights and they were comically tall and i was comically small and they didn’t realize i was there. ended up getting sucked into a wormhole like thing and seeing like all of history up until i was born. I think it’s pretty self explanatory lol
>be around four years old
>parents had just got a new vacuum cleaner
>spend day playing in the garden with the box it came in
>go to sleep
>in the dream, I'm back in the box, still playing in it
>have it placed sideways, so that opening is into garden
>sitting in it faceing out
>out of nowhere, a purple-colored porcupine/hedgehog appears
>full of sharp spikes
>jumps at me spikes-first
>nowhere to hide
>wake up screaming

another from the same time
>playing in the outdoor playhouse my daycare had
>out of nowhere, a man with a shotgun appears
>shoots me in the face
>wake up screaming.

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