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>join throwing a tranny under the bus for nothing
>WTF why do the chuds keep winning
because you keep bowing down to them retard
didnt she also commission shadman to draw keemstars 8 yr old daughter?
God this game of telephone is ridiculous
She owned a shadman print
That is it
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keem was chimping on twitter about it
guess how many shadman prints i own
how many do you own
>“But that’s bad as well”

Sure. I would agree with you, even. But like, there’s a clear double standard here when a large portion of extremely successful online content creators (including a lot of people getting mad at Kris) have ties to the guy. Yet none of those guys are facing consequences, only the tranny has to face consequences for her actions.

For example the Smiling Friends guys literally let him stay in their house for three months long after the Keemstar thing happened. That’s much worse than owning a print, yet nobody tried to cancel with with as much furor as they did Kris.
Reading comprehension nigga
Shad drew that, Kris had nothing to do with its creation, he's just mad she supported Shad because of that

Shad's art looks like shit so none
She hasn't denied it yet.
ok so they didnt commission it but they still supported him over it, i imagine the print was purchased? literally financial supporting child porn
Keemstar was hanging out with Bella Delphine, someone who literally cosplayed as Shadman, like a year ago. This is entirely performative.
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She purchased a print (not the Keemstar one) that was not even technically porn, regardless your framing is retarded hyperbole and you know it. Purchase any media depicting murder? Literally financially supporting beheadings. Completely unserious.
this isnt some nuremberg shit where cuz the we both sank convoys the nazis wont hang over it, supporting a guy that draws CP should be punished

bell delphine shld also face shit for that
>Purchase any media depicting murder? Literally financially supporting beheadings.

more to do with supporting the artist who draws cp lmao
financially supporting movie directors who simulate murder and rape? vgh
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nobody jerking off to this be real but the real problem with this is that shad snuck in a queen of spades years before anybody even knew what that meant
Before when she hadn't said anything yet, she deactivated social media briefly and people said that was "proof"
Now she acknowledges it and says she's stepping away from media and people also say that's "proof"
You cannot win with a lynch mob who wants blood
In fact, attempting to simulate murder has led to actual deaths
I don't think anybody's accidentally raped a child while drawing loli art
we get it bro u like loli, the rest of the world sees it as cp lil bro sorry

giving money to the guy that draws child porn is wrong. hope this helps :D
>>>/t/witter + reddit spacing
drawing anything is not immoral, actually
Hope you never watched an Alec Baldwin movie my man, you'd basically be culpable
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go goon to some loli bro, i dont care to argue about morality with someone ok with CP
bro you keep coming back to this thread when there's literal child porn in here? somebody call kdot
Why would I believe that the victim of the cancerous gang said after he got paid hush money to keep quiet about the tranny and keep Jimmy Savile's ugly wholesome reddit image up?
>Kris had nothing to do with its creation
She was saying "Yes you should do it" on Twitter when it was just an idea. Throwing support behind it probably did contribute to its creation, especially considering Kris supported Shad so much already at that time.
weirder still was SomeOrdinaryGamers was contacted by the victim before he even made the video. apparently they have been reaching out to various youtubers and trying to severely downplay it all, and it seems pretty fucking weird to have a list of youtubers to pre-emptively contact.
"Thats it"
Don't downplay owning a framed picture of a child with a queen of spades tattoo you retarded faggot
There is nothing to downplay
Zero harm was caused in the creation of that print
Ooh, that's interesting. Did they all say that they were indeed contacted by the team or the guy before?
probably because that's the type of person that would make a video on it? i wouldn't be surprised if he didn't do that to every youtube commentator, even the ones who already made videos
"of a child" its a drawing retard
ok paedo
Maybe the victim was brainwashed
Bro there's literally literal child porn IN THIS THREAD clear your cache the feds are gonna get you
should keemstar face shit for supporting someone who supported someone who drew his 8 year old daughter?
"paedo" im going to shove you in a locker
I'm too old for you
idk what point you think you're making, you can create paedophilic content that isn't technically illegal yet clearly still repulsive and indicative that of the owner/enjoyer is a paedophile
>bell delphine shld also face shit for that
Just hazarding a guess that you will never mention this ever again outside of the context of Ava Tyson conversations
I think it's reasonable to say people like Ava, Belle Daphne, Smiling Friends Guy, etc who make 'jokes' about pedo/loli shit and pal around with a loli artist is at the very least incredibly suspicious and that these people likely have some pedophilic tendencies.

However if they are pedophiles isn't gooning to some cartoon the most morally neutral way to deal with their evil impulses? Like you're basically accusing them of thought crime
Can yall stop defending that bitch?
I know most of this is bait mixed with people angry that they only caught her after transitioning rather than before
But she is a pedo
Even if she defends herself, she is forver a pedo in the eyes of the people
End of story
No need for anymore bait or conspiracy theories
I don't think indulging in evil impulses is a very good idea anon, if you could prove it reduces real world harm you might have an argument but I think the production and consumption of this shit probably does the opposite
For real, the turn around should be to try to take down any and all cis people who associated with shadman. Did smiling friends guy really? Chuds wouldn't be happy to hear it...
absolutely, out all these paedos
>Chuds wouldn't be happy to hear it...
they're just gonna ignore it nigga
you call someone a pedophile when you want an exuse to take someone you already don't like down
If you put fucking shadman loli art your wall you are a pedo no question about it
Yes but that's still a better response than insisting Ava just really really liked the art for the meme
the issue is she should've been cancelled a year or two ago when the shadman stuff came out. the talking to a minor was a complete nothingburger but now all the retards think she was grooming minors
why tf would anyone ever believe keemstar of all people? he is literally famous for nothing but drama and lying
>For real, the turn around should be to try to take down any and all cis people who associated with shadman. Did smiling friends guy really
wait really? was it michael or zach
>Kris had nothing to do with its creation
>She was saying "Yes you should do it" on Twitter when it was just an idea. Throwing support behind it probably did contribute to its creation, especially considering Kris supported Shad so much already at that time.
screenshot of kris supporting shadman drawing CP of keemstar's daughter please
degenerate to bisexual to divorce to transgenderism pipeline is real
lol @ rigorously trying to defend this agp porn addict
agp isn't real
Assigned Male's Sophie traces babies for porn, but according to you: not a pedo because it's a drawing?
Yes!! This has been the year of outing the pedos so.. why not continue it?

I did read that someone from gamegrumps was assossited with Shadman too back then.. I would LOVE to see GG hurt or even go down :3
>join throwing a tranny under the bus for nothing
I'll do it for even less than nothing. More trannies belong under buses, so I'm gonna throw them there.
Wait people still watch keem star in 2024 he was already cringe like 10 years ago.

NGL I don't like loli and I think liking it is weird and cringe. But it is harmless outside of the risk of it becoming someone's gateway drug to actual pedo stuff by giving them a fetish for it. But even that is more an issue with people creating loli stuff than with the person who likes it who essentially got groomed by porn.

This NGL. There was this guy in my highschool who always made weird pedo jokes and jokes about sex offenders and then a few months after we graduated he got caught with CP.
transphobe w

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