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Why is she stepping down if she’s not guilty
>why did the Salem witches let themselves get killed if they weren't guilty
People are vile and with how high visibility her case is she is getting tons of negativity. I don't follow this shit because IDC but blessed may be your life if youve no experience to empathize with people being persecuted and being mentally too worn off to continue dealing with it.
Because rightoids are not evidence-based creatures and they will never stop until they get bored, which is never because they're also cruel psychopaths whose greatest pleasure in life is tormenting others
Why are you guys defending this behavior?
Every normie instinctively agrees that adults sexually joking with minors about cumming, sending nudes, etc., is inappropriate. If the trans communuty defends Kris the result will not be people thinking "Kris isn't a pedo" it will be people thinking "the trans community are defending a pedo, possibly because they're also pedos".
who the fuck cares what normie goy cattle think they hate us anyway
I know as much about this as I do about any other influencer pedo allegations (all of jackshit), but from a career standpoint it doesn't matter if something like this is true or not. If the channel was KrisTyson instead of MrBeast maybe she could just eat it, but the brand is MrBeast. Kris is fired.
Because it's not pedo shit and not grooming, it's just cringe and inappropriate.
There's no reason to take it beyond that and anyone who is has an agenda.
We need to save those serious words for real cases involving children actively being victimized or hurt. Not dumb shit in someone's past.
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Literally didn't happen faggot https://www.dexerto.com/youtube/alleged-victim-of-kris-tyson-slams-accusations-as-massive-lies-kris-did-nothing-wrong-2833958/
Got fired probably
do you think the victims of witch trials killed themselves voluntarily?
If you think she stepped down voluntarily and wasn't pressured by the entirety of the chud internet you're a genuine retard
>normie goy cattle
there is nothing funnier than a /pol/ tranny
They’re into loli porn so they should rope
>being imprisoned and executed is the same as quitting your job because chuds found out you are a pedo
trannies are so fucking funny
>Being excised and pressured by a slavering mob has no commonality
Does the chud retardedness have no depth it will not stoop to? Stand up like a man faggot.
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It's almost like she thinks about people other than herself
Unlike you who pretends to care about "victims" only for Internet funny points
>stand up for pedo rights!
no tranny
>moving the goalposts, the field, the stadium, and the globe
I get you talk to retards in the mirror most days, but that's not me, chuddie.
do you think they're not a paedo, there's loads of screen caps of them talking about cp around
stop defending a literal pedo
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Boo! Literally child porn jumpscare!
Best get out of this thread and clear your cache, unless...
Fuck off retard, tryna get me on the backfoot?
Stop accusing fair people of pedophilia.
You retards fear false accusations. This is one.
What? You don't believe in the courts and due process? You hate America and our freedoms?
Fuck off and die foreign commie.
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See? >>36636586
yes that is paedophilia right there, why defend it?
"your honor i kept looking at the literally literal child porn so i could debate"
Respond to me, bitch boy.
It’s not a false accusation they’re literally a confirmed pedo. Sorry you don’t like your fellow trannies being called out as pedos but it wont change reality
I'm not looking at it though, I'm calling you a paedophile
I'm a cis man. Why do you hate due process? Why do you hate the judicial system? Innocent until proven guilty means nothing to you?
You know we fought a revolution for these rights, are you a fucking commie freedom hating shit or what?
okay cp distributor
>Hey faggot! We as the whole MrBeast management decided to terminate your involment in our cattle comppany due to your poor performance and negative PR. Your pay will be held until you take public action considering the betterment of our image. Do something about it troon.
is there a reasonable explanation for all the screencaps of them talking about how much they like cp
personally if I went into a thread and I saw what I thought was child porn I would immediately just report and close the thread, it's so obviously morally repugnant after all, why would I want anything to do with that? catching a possession case to own the trannies?
>its literally a confirmed fact that they are in fact a pedo
>but muh due process!
rope yourself pedo tranny
She's a trans woman, it's pretty natural.
Don't sidestep the fucking question. Are you a pink commie bastard or not? Why do you not respect the courts?
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its just avril lavigne on her first day of college
Thoughts on false rape allegations? Or do you just not care when it's convenient??
how much cp do you have saved to your hard drives?
why would I close the thread, you can hide posts you know, pretty sure it's not an illegal image too, just revolting and anybody that owned it is definitely a paedo
if there was a video of the rape then it’s not a false allegation is it
Projection of a pedo faggot. You pursue to distract from yourself don't you? Tell us how much you hate pedos and faggots. Keep screaming out every confession. We know.
no it isn't fuck off

yes I am a communist no I don't respect the legal system
>disgusting pedo trannies desperately defending one of their own ITT
how much cp do you have saved on your hard drives?
I’m not the one defending a confirmed pedo you retarded tranny, that’s you.
No retard, you're the one seeing pedos everywhere because you are one. You couldn't stop yourself from getting cummy with a minor could you? And you assume the same for the rest of us. You disgust all of us. Kys pedo.
zero because I am not a paedophile unlike kris who admits to viewing that content
>pedo defender accusing anyone else of being a pedo
lol, lmao even
you're sick, you're defending paedophilia and now you're writing about stories you made up about children, get help
C'mon faggots I've got all day. You can do better, pedo scum.
>oh no I didn't I hate pedos so much!
I'm not letting you off the hook, pedo fucks, you want to obfuscate it so you can commit it. You're disgusting pedophiles and should neck yourselves tonight. Now.
There’s literal proof they’re a pedo you brain dead moron. Keep living in denial. Kris isn’t going to fuck you for simping for him, you’re too old
You’re literally just going “no u” because you can’t stop defending a confirmed pedo. It’s pathetic
they're insane I don't think it's worth posting any more
it was a private discord for people who had been on the channel. there were no dms. who was the origin of the lie?
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C'mon pedos, pretend I'm a little girl next time. Maybe that'll get you in the game. You can do better than this.
>no u
that's literally your entire pedo strategy from the get go here. That's the point faggot. Thanks for proving your projection further.
no harm no foul, simple as
>nooooo you have to get angry at being called a pedophile
>that's literally your entire pedo strategy from the get go here.
So you finally admit youre a pedo then
Goodnight pedo retards who can't muster a response. Respond to this and my previous and pretend you won. I won't be reading retard faggots.
you still have shown no proof Kris did anything illegal dumbass
>pedo defender running away
it’s what I expected form a pedo tramny
if you like loli porn you are a pedo
you're on 4chan
Rightoids aren't human
It makes total sense now.
>ugh i hate cancel culture you can lose EVERYTHING just for one bad opinion!!
>erm just ignore it you have to choose to get cancelled
moralfags should face the wall
nta cope chuddie
this place being filled with degenerate pedos doesn’t make it okay
pedo lol
kys pedo
kys pedo
now kiss, pedos
the other anon won’t kiss me since I’m not a child ;_;
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god i wish i had a /pol/tranny gf
Dr disrespect didnt do anything illegal either, it's not illegal to talk to minors in a sexual way per se. Legality isnt the issue here.
>women caretake chilren primarily
>talking sexually to kids is the worst thing you can do
hmmm maybe this is a reflection of female power
women cannot be accused of being pedos, but men are automatically sus
>it will be people thinking "the trans community are defending a pedo, possibly because they're also pedos".
Anon... Just look at Assigned Male's Sophie.
A literal pedo who makes porn by tracing literal babies.
And the trans community defends her.
All trannies will know what it means to have no future now
Enjoy it
Shouldnt have been born stupid and pedo!
oh the projection lol
pedo dogwhistle
lol @ trannies. not a good look
He doesn’t. He LITERALLY only thinks about himself, and emotionally manipulates jimmy into defending his actions and enabling him to go further
No one is gonna kill Chris for not stepping down believe it or not. He knows he’s caught
Those girls were guilty. Also total cunts.
>Dr disrespect didnt do anything illegal either, it's not illegal to talk to minors in a sexual way per se. Legality isnt the issue here.
dr disrespect actually was having sexual convos with a minor and wanted to meet them for sex in a state with an age of consent of 18 so it was illegal

kris was never flirting with any of the minors or trying to gain any sexual pleasure from talking to them
MALEBRAINED MOVE only men because they believe they can save themselves just admitting

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