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>how do I stop thinking about becoming a woman
>I can't stop thinking about it
>I can't go a single day without thinking about it
>I can't transition I just want it to stop
>How do I make it stop
>How do I learn to live happily as aan instead of always dreading being a woman
>How do I completely stop thinking about being a woman
>There's a girl version of me in my head begging me to become a woman everyday
>How do I make her shut up once and for all and never again
take hrt? or just repress and do it in 50 years lol idk??
Why exactly 50 years?
Idk I don't think I should transition ill probably not look good with my masculine face n it's illegal
Quiet your mind through meditation?
A good way to help yourself do this is to observe the wind of your breathing as you inhale and exhale, not the breathing itself, the wind. Another is to perch yourself as an observer separate from all thoughts and simply busying your mind with impartial self observation until nothing is left but the observer, then you turn the observer on itself until it too is gone and you're there.
So basically turning my mind off?
where do you live where it's illegal?
how old are you? if you dont feel dysphoria, then dont do it, i guess, and it should fix itself. post face.

>why 50 years
because it's far enough into the future where most reppers will break and troon out or die regretting it.

I consideree buying stuff from hrtgen online but I'm poor asf I literally only make 100$ a MONTH
ah that sucks
it's going to be hard
Why would anyone transition at 50 yo it'd be already too late
>ooooooooo you wanna be a woman so bad oooooooo

Kek, don't worry anon i feel the same way. hard to know for sure if your feelings are right, im still wondering the same. currently coping as being enby like throwing a piece of a burger as the grizzly bear that's tryna eat my ass cheeks
because they have nothing left to lose by trying
I'm 21 and I can't go a single day without getting distressed over becoming a woman
Transitioning is a super painful & tiresome procedure. Theyd go through alot of pain but won't reach their transition goals?
yes, they get to a point where they'd rather have an unsuccessful transition than be a man
Is it absolutely not possible at all to stop the desire to be a woman without transitioning
idk i almost an heroed over it but figured i'd give this whole becoming a woman thing a try
hasn't really worked but I sure do love taking estrogen
why do you love it? arent you biologically male stil should you try testosterone instead
My friend is tells me estrogen won't do anything to you but just change your body fat :( are us trans mtfs really do feel some sort of a chemical satisfaction when we take estrogen or is my friend correct
That is the exact goal of meditation, yes.
I don't guarantee it'll stop you transitioning, but if you stick to it you will have peace and clarity of mind which it seems to me are your real concerns, not the transition itself.
Bruh sorry for the terrible English I kinda had a stroke typing that, didn't sleep since yesterday
idk when i was a kid and read about the eunuchs in ancient china my immediate reaction was giwtwm. maybe it has something to do with that
i definitely felt better after taking it but i don't know what caused it exactly. i've seen people say it is an effect of the hormone and others say it's just being happy about finally taking it
men and women have both and women have more testosterone than estrogen, it's not quite as simple as you imagine
Ok thanks anon I'll try although there's no way I'd be able to keep my mind off all the time. There will be many moments i'd need it alert
I was asking cuz if it's all about becoming a woman which is difficult asf especially with my masculine face or about taking the hormone itself because for some reason it is right for the trans brain but not cis brain or something?
i'm also pretty tired ananon but I've seen it argued that trans brains work better on the other hormone, yes
So even if I won't pass it'd be worth it taking the hormones?
I doubt I'll ever pass but I take hormones. That being said, I don't know what your situation is like and all that. The changes from HRT come slowly so you could give it a trial run, too. There's no reason you couldn't stop later on.
But the permanent boob tissue tho
In case I go back, I won't be able to remove em
sure, but to my knowledge permanent growth doesn't happen until 3 months in
trannie test 123
hi I am also a tranny
Tf u mean
Dont repress
Idk your age but it doesnt end or get better
troon now, abandon your old life
You have been chosen by the elites to become an eunuch lifeless husk with no future or children
This is our only choice.
I've heard it's 1 month
You might be testosterone deficient, which can happen if you watch too much porn. I recommend moderate exercising and pursuing solutions towards your lifes problems: meaning, money, family
Are you implying that there's a group of elite rich mfs that turn people trans for the lols or some sort of benefit of what lol
I noticed the are was a bit puffy around that time but I thought that was due to swelling in anticipation of growth. Or perhaps it was growth and just not permanent growth. Everything I've seen has said permanent growth starts at 3 months. That being said, I guess you could just make sure to not take it for more 3 weeks or so if you're really worried
Im joking around
But obviously OP has no future now since he is a tranny or agp
Damn, testosterone deficiency can make someone trans? Because like, if this was true they would've started prescribing testosterone instead of hrt for mtfs
Don't make me kill myself anon
Alright, thanks anon.
That being said, I made this post to learn how to stop wanting to be a woman rather than trying out HRT
you will never have kids or be loved unless you pass and freeze your sperm :)
you have to pay thousands in surgery just to look not like a male :)
I am sorry little "bro"
Your choices are
>troon early and have higher chances of passing, living a new life as a woman or some queer thing
>dont and repress and try every medicine on earht to get rid of the constant dysphoria and troon out anyway later once you have no chance of passing
It is really sad
to add
you can just
do nofap and hit the gym and find a gf and make a family...cause that works
You can just buy drugs to fix your test or w/e
But like
there is no cure
this is hell
I don't like kids lol screw Dem kids

Can't troon early cuz illegal

But why are you telling me this anon I'm kinda gonna cry at this point
oh, I somehow missed that part where you were OP
Misery loves company
honestly wtf do you want from your life? Go do that
Once you realize that nothing matters but what we make of this world you can do anything. As long as you arent anyone ofc
You can just flee the country if you have education and go to europe
Troon out, dont, does it matter? Just fucking do ANYTHING other than stand still.
It depends. Testosterone is necessary to build the male phenotype and mentality, but in some males (by birth) you have too little testosterone or the testosterone receptors have a slight mutation, which can make testosterone less effective and naturally puts you between male and female, in extreme cases you are a female with XY chromosomes, which only gets discovered once you hit puberty, but dont really, because you dont have ovulation.
There are also some cases in which you just have genuine brain differences, which makes you gay, but not necessarily trans.
Transsexuality is a complex topic. Id just be careful with premature sterilization and mutilation of teenagers, altough in some cases this might be better, but current studies (suciede rate, life satisfaction) would advise caution.
Its important to not confuse depression or autogynophilia for gender disphoria
How do I know if I'm agp or dysphoric
poor john...
In simple terms Id say its the difference between:
1. You want to transition to be treated better by peers to get more social recognition and security, including wanting to be seen as more desirable or
2. You have female mentality as an independent factor of the above

Thats why I said to naturally boost testosterone and treat depression first to then be better able to evaluate on whether 2 applies. The end goal of course is to get better long term life outcomes.
Im pro choice of course, but Im wary of people ruining their life
Okay, thanks
Thank you too :)
Anon it is important that you are safe and valued, no matter how you decide. In my experience there are many that come from abusive environments and it is important that you protect yourself and get healthy relationships where you are valued and not lovebombed, gas lighted and guilt tripped. I dont know you, but this might be important for you. Be kind towards yourself. Be good twards you
You need an empty mind to be alert. There's no conscious processes, a wandering mind is terrible for that.
>testosterone deficiency
Dude that's not why we want to be girls
Yes lol, it's literally your neuroanatomy. Your brain was cooked from birth and in the absence of a utterly libertarian uncaring society that will allow you fall anywhere on the gender spectrum, you're gonna have to figure out which side you want to be on more.

The dysphoria only gets worse as you age. Just wait till you notice you're balding.

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