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Society values women much more than men. Women are the special class. Men are disposable unwanted rape-threatening slaves.
Mtfs transition to no longer be seen as predators by women.
Yea society is very gynocentric and has always been. But most mtfs transition due to sex dysphoria, as proven by the amount of androgynous ones choosing to boymode.
sex dysphoria in amabs is caused by the gynocentricity, even if only indirectly
most here cannot deal with this truth
>special class.
like death knights?
well, essentially that women have a valuable ability and need to be conserved and protected on that basis, men do not, and if men are lost, that's less big of a deal
>Society values women much more than men. Women are the special class. Men are disposable unwanted rape-threatening slaves.
Feminist ideology is literally nothing but lies. It's a deranged supremacy movement for sociopathic, narcissistic women and transbian simps.
there are so many transbian simps here who defend women at all costs it is UNREAL
wish this were true. men kinda do deserve to be put down lower than women in society. i would feel bad but its their own fault for continuing with the bullshit ideas of masculinity propagated for hundreds of years
it is true
again, i wish
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Toxic femininity is a lot more destructive.
you fear being shamed by females if you admit they are toxic people who oppress men
is the pic supposed to support your point? a protest is your best picrel for 'toxic femininity' lol. toxic masculinity is worse for everyone, its why men have cause harm to themselves and others.
poor oppressed men who hold the vast majority of positions of power throughout society. poor oppressed men who are victims of violence from women at a incredibly low rate compared to other men. poor oppressed men who are significantly more well off in nearly every metric.

i dont know what mental gymnastics youve done to think that women are the oppressors but i hope that you see reality one day
If men could pull bitches reliably without all the bullshit, they would. Not a one would give a single, solitary fuck about it.
But they can't, because women have toxic preferences
99% of men and women have no power. The 1% being disproportionately men is adequately explained by the tail distribution.
Men are 75% of the homeless populations, a majority of the unemployed, the mentally ill, the drug addicts.

Because no one gives a shit about men. When they have nothing, they remain disposable.
"if women would sleep with me the world would be a perfect place"
>99% of people have no power
literally wrong but just say we take your premise as correct then..
>The 1% being disproportionately men
this then disproves men being the oppressed class. if the majoirty of the people who have power are men then you've got a pretty bad argument for men being the worst off.

83% of abuse victims are men, 1/4 women above the age of 15 have experienced sexual violence from their partners, men are significantly more likely to commit assault than women, etc, etc
It's clear you're incapable of maintaining intellectual honesty, so this is the last response.
The academic literature shows that the incels you seem to assume I represent have lower standards and have lower prevalence of misogynistic beliefs, while the misogynists are the ones getting laid.
The 1% selected by our society for wealth and power, whether by happenstance or some qualities exhibited, are not representative of men as a class.
The lack of innate value is what makes the average man disposable.
Men are indeed more prone to violence and other aggressive behavior. This is entirely expected.
The academic literature shows a strong correlation between insecurity, violence and aggression. Social, cultural and other environmental factors that reinforce the notion that men have no innate value (hint: what you're doing right now) further increase the prevalence of violence and aggression.

How about stop being part of the problem, brainlet?
trannies are men who side with female supremacists and use female social power-mongering tactics like social shaming by claiming you have no sexual value because that's all a woman has according to their actual internal values system
>The academic literature shows
this has no bearing on my point however id be genuinely really interested in reading that academic lit if you wouldnt mind linking it
>are not representative of men as a class
and yet the existence of the powerful being primarily men does not do well to support them contention that women are the ones on top of society.
>The lack of innate value
and this only applies to women how?
>reinforce the notion that men have no innate value
such as? you keep alluding to things but not providing any actua examples of the societal forces your point hinges on.

your point hinges on something you refuse to actually address and yet you accuse me of not maintaining intellectual honesty?
women cannot run a nuclear power plant by themselves
they are intellectually children who exist to take care of other children
if throughout history women have been infantilized then why wouldn't they act that way? seems the problem is more about social norms as opposed to women as a whole
women want to not have consequences for their actions, and you agree with that, you hold men at fault for all of society's problems
base misogyny is pretty boring, if youre gonna comment atleast have something more than the regular dribble
you miss interpret anons point, desu seems intentional
>nothing trannies do defending misandry is intentional
ok simp
i wish we ban transbians ,like okay buddy stay in some dominatrix basement there and pay for the sins of being male but just leave
Yes, blood death knights specifically.
Right now they think they're OP, like back in Cata days.
Society values the male mind and the female body. This is why troons are so dangerous. If you transbians ever figure out how to actually change sexes they’ll be unstoppable.
ahh i seen you've read sun tsu "when you cannot defend your points logically deflect with an insult" a classic but boring response
there was no point
women are not controlled by men
women control men
they are not made into babies, they simply don't want to be punished for causing harm, I responded to anon's point logically and you got pissy because it wasn't the answer you wanted to hear
>women are not controlled by men
uh huh
>women control men
oh my really
>don't want to be punished
oh my what a novel concept, not wanting bad things to happen to oneself
>I responded to anon's point logically
by assigning beliefs to them that they never espoused?
>you got pissy
did i?
likeCIS women don't find this "masculinity ideas"useful and they keep propagating them and reward men who have "toxic masculinity" with sex or children
you view women as unable to exert social power, and unable to use said power to abuse men
you can't be reasoned with because you view women as ontologically innocent of all blame
>and reward men who have "toxic masculinity"
someone else mentioned this earlier, is there actually evidence to support this?
I transitioned because I couldn't live in my current body without wanting to rope everyday

What is this autistic shit?
female bodies are treated with female social norms

what is this autistic shit of separating the physical body from social norms?
>you view women as unable to exert social power
except I dont
>unable to use said power to abuse men
again another thing never said and dont believe.
>you can't be reasoned with because you view women as ontologically innocent of all blame
maybe you could reason with me if you stopped fighting a strawman who only exists in your mind?
you are really annoying
that insult would carry so much more weight if your judgement of me thus far hadnt been so far off
okay this one actually cuts me to my core rip lol
women are guilty of things too, this was never in question. the point I made is that any quarrel you may have with women are a result of expectations that society bestows upon them

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