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Christcuck morality has enslaved the minds of so many LGBTs here and elsewhere.
minutes since not seethed about christianity: 0
I still pray. It's a habit from childhood and I think I'll always pray. Sometimes when I really want to die, praying helps me feel better.
its sad to see the cancerous christcuck slave morality even got to lgbt, these people are obnoxious as fuck
lol your post was the most obnoxious itt by far
As it should be.
The only bad christians are American Christians, never met a single annoyingly preachy Christian in Europe
christianity is the same hateful garbage anywhere
Christians should all go the way of their prophet.
Post literally 1 example.
>never met a single annoyingly preachy Christian in Europe
lol where do you live
She is right through.
It's true. I am tired of this victim complex ideology. Faggots should be strong and powerful, trannies included. Trannies have the potential to encompass the most powerful aspects of masculinity and femininity but they choose to instead encompass the weakest parts of both too often.
"i use christianity to repress my own sexuality" = based
"i use christianity to enforce my superiority complexa over fags as a heteroid" = cringe
trannies want to be submissive
What you trannies fail to understand is that to be submissive is meant to be an act to activate the primal drive of others to fuck you.

To be a sub in bed should not necessitate to be a sub in life also, that's just being weak.

In order to be a truly hot sub you need to be a strong person outside of bed, so that it makes the person doing the dominating feel even more satisfied.
i want the holy spirit inside of me
I dont think trannies are smart enough to distinguish sex and the rest of the world.
It's just black and white thinking, woman = fully submissive
they can't just be themselves they need to be embodying this narrow role at all times or it makes them cry
I'm trying to teach other trannies this but they never listen.

I think trannies are sexy as fuck but they consistently shoot themselves in the foot by being such BPDemons
this is their ideology
it has always been this way
there is someone they are appealing to who WANTS it to be this way
I remember hanging out on this tranny discord, that was previously a Kageshi group and it was filled with some of the most toxic methheaded narcissistic personalities ever. Wouldn't be surprised if they'd raped a few people
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Fuck off to Rafah alright Jew.
Stay mad.

it is written. To be Christlike and suffer even one iota as he did…it is the highest complement in Christianity.


That is why i will bear my cross of Repression, For God, For Christ, For the Love he gives me and the Love i have for the perfect design he gave me.

John Infinity is what tranners fear. It is the final proof that your ideology is a hollow empty sinful artificial husk.

You will leave behind a male skeleton. I will leave behind a family and will have taken part of the miracle of life.

What will you have but sin? I pity such a fate. You still have time to return to His Light.

Repent, Repress, Rejoice.
>christian seethes about non-christians = good
>non-christians seethe about christians = bad
you have the insolence, teaching children to turn the other cheek
catholics in poland are no better
they deleted the whole "poland, come and complain" ad campaign entirely off youtube
All the religious people and especially the priests I have met are always cool


Went to Poland two times, I think your problem is the people not the religion, but I also saw my first ever irl furry which was a surprise, your country is weird

And just letting everyone know I'm not religious, I was baptized but that's it
You will be a woman at the white throne of judgement. Stop being retarded.
They deserve it THOUGH
getting real creative with your delusions these days. I see Satan has been filling your head with fantasy again.

I will be a Man at my judgement, judged as a Man who held fast to his faith and found the strength to resist demonic transition.

The Apple of Eden brought change, transition. And that change lead to exile from the Garden and introduced Sin to the world.

I rebuke you in the name of the Lord and Jesus Christ.
Tranners fear the Ascended Repressor.


Beauty is not possessed solely by Cis Woman. Men can experience it in their own way too, through struggle and eventual triumph.

The most beautiful part of my life has been experiencing the power of God to defeat an enemy everyone told me was unbeatable. To win a battle they told me was unbeatable. To climb a mountain they said was unclimbable.

And through God, He transformed me. an angry and cornered repressor into a truly strong Man at last, heart finally calm and a fierce confidence and purpose granted to me through faith.
Dysphoria cast off and vanquished. This is is the power of God.

The Lord has delivered me to that far off land where they call my name, right where i belong, my heros welcome.


I am the living refutation of your demonic ideology. That it is a CHOICE.
I exist to inspire and give strength to other Repressors, so that they too can Ascend and finally win that victory they so desperately wish for in their hearts.
a truly strong man that larps on a tranny imageboard
the louder you denounce them the better
they want you to cower in fear of their magical beliefs
It’s because they’re the minority, so they know they have to shut the fuck up. The second they became the majority they’d be as bad as Americans.
When i can, It is my duty to help other repressors reach this level.

Have you ever spent 25 years of your life, weighed down by a deadweight that seeks to consume you? Then one day God removes the weight and all those years of toil and struggle have made you faster, stronger and powerful than you ever thought possible.

A career, genuine friendship, a social life free of paranoia and accepted by all? Now unburdened and free to create Life with my future wife, something your kind can never partake in.

I had none of those things when i was under your delusions. God gave me all the blessings in my life, all you brought were curses. I see you for what you are

It is truly a miracle.
Satan lives in your heart. Repent
I'm a reprobate sodomite who revels in hedonistic pleasure. You will never break me.
They want me to “be polite”/“respectful” aka not interfere with them shoving their bullshit down their throat. When I was an EMT, at least once a month some retarded animal would be getting in the patient’s air at the scene, trying to get in the bus, mumbling schizophrenic shit, literally thinking getting in everyone’s way and mumbling magic spells would help improve the medical condition of someone that’s had their throat slit. Thankfully I live in a blue state so I got to physically throw them out of vehicles and dress them down, sometimes get their info and criminally charge them.
I hate them so fucking much. The worst possible scenario if you ever get injured is a religious schizophrenic being within 100 feet of you.
Maybe christians got it partially right so agreeing with a christian does nit necessarily make you a "christcuck"

>nietzscheans will seethe at this
>schizophrenia is bad
>unless you claim you are the opposite sex or believe in magical sky wizards, then you get tax breaks and free medical care
I’m a reformed, repented repressor. I know what awaits you.
You Spiritual death can be reversed.

Such wrath in your heart, and you call yourself a healer. Typical tranner sinfulness.

Your hearts only know lust and pride, thats why anyone who refuses to validate those things becomes your enemy.
do you ever wonder why you have to fear external punishments to keep in line?
i was not raised christian nor the idea of hell.
I found God because when i needed help in my lowest, darkest moment, He answered, performed a miracle, to cure what others said was incurable.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, God Almighty granted me all the blessing i enjoy today.

Faith in God is more empowering than any degenerate pride parade or tranny support hugbox. Few understand that.
All religions are evil, and whatever’s going on in shitholes at any given time between relischizos of different factions is better the more of them die on either side. Only final solution would be to glass everything within 500km of the center of the Middle East
society raised you christian then, someone polluted your mind with filth and now you are a slave spouting their ideas and not your own
okay sam harris
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I am once again asking you denounce the talmud, zohar, and all rabbinical teachings.

Im satisfied in regards to Palestine although you've side stepped that direct question too.
I can see demons inside people so easily now. You are so quick to anger and allergic to the smallest iota of humility.

I rebuke you the name of Jesus Christ and the Lord God Almighty.

yes everyone who doesn't follow your schizophrenia is demonic
I don’t know or care who that is.
I “denounce” all of them. Every relischizo retard has this same thing where if you say “all religion is evil and stupid” their paranoid delusions make them think you’re only talking about their delusions in particular and are okay with the rest of them. Are you aware Jewish schizophrenics have the same stupid reaction as you and assume I’m antisemitic but fine with Christians? Are you aware Muslim schizophrenics have the same stupid reaction as you and assume I’m racist but fine with white schizophrenia?
You are ALL evil, delusional, and retarded. You should ALL die in stupid inter schizophrenic religious wars. You should ALL kill yourselves.
You don't differentiate yourself from "religious schizos" in a way that is different from what religions themselves do.
you preach death and destruction to people who live differently from you.
you are the same as any religion
the tranners who tried to mislead me and bring me into their death cult were demonic. God saved me from a fate worse than death.
I used to hate Christianity but then I realized how bad Islam was and came to the conclusion that we are spoiled with how lenient predominantly Christian countries are. Like I'm an atheist but Christianity allows so much more freedom even if they pay lip service to hatting gays.
Making normative statements and taking anti-human actions aren’t the same.
I passively hope they die and bodily remove them when they are trying to kill my patients. They actively maim people at birth, oppress their women physically and their children intellectually, and kill people over their delusions.
Almost every modern societal/psychosocial problem in the West be traced back to, and blamed on, Chr*stianity. Prove me wrong :)
What about the good parts of society? Can we blame Christianity for the good stuff or only the bad stuff?
Why would I prove you wrong when you are right?
Your parents or grandparents were Jewish weren't they?

Also ya I'm aware of all those things. I'm not young and unaware of basic social dynamics. Funny you believe everyone is evil except those of your specific outlook and maniacal hatred of religion no matter how benign, exactly like many religious people. Very fanatical and quick to want death.

“Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life... Do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.”-A wizard
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Wow look at this heeb omitting the I in Christ like you do with G-d just Incase he's God and your wrong.
Keep telling yourself that while you spread hate no different from any fundie most of them just babble hate too and are too weak to take anti-human actions until they form a mob, just like you. Or you could learn and be actually better than them.
It's cool if it's like meditation and bad if it's like "please god take the gay thoughts away"
I don't think we should be tolerating people with genuine delusions who violently demand you play along with those delusions and want to write laws structuring our entire society around arbitrary stories written by people to take advantage of those delusions

I think it's dangerous and anti-humanitarian
>never met a single annoyingly preachy Christian
Come to brazil, there's lots of them
christian nationalists are actively trying to destroy my country specifically using the existence of me and people like me as an excuse, and I'll stop seething about them when they stop attacking me and my right to exist
Not an argument
I wish christian nationalists and trannies would mutually destroy one another. It's one brand of schizophrenics against another.
Repressor here. Grow a pair.
You don't have a right to exist. Put away your delusions and join the real world.
Everyone is sick of you.
I need people to understand that no matter how much this is larp, there are real-world politicians and organizations in control of large swaths of political and economic power who either GENUINELY BELIEVE THIS KIND OF SHIT or are exploiting the people who do to push an authoritarian power structure that presumes to subvert or preempt all others, like actual fucking zealots and monsters are driving this ideological takeover and people in my country and even my state are voting for them

they quite literally want to "take over the world" in the classical sense and that quite specifically and necessarily means getting rid of people like me, whether by forcing me to conform or denying me access to the same basic human rights others enjoy and the ability to live my life

>>unless you claim you are the opposite sex
this has a real physical condition associated with it we can detect in the brain and that is alleviated with treatment, there is no physical evidence for faith being a valid argument or anything but an actual willful delusion by someone deliberately giving up their own will to "a higher power" (the first person to come along and speak convincingly enough)
>has delusions if he took certain chemicals he would become a woman
>criticizes the schizophrenic delusions of others nonetheless
>You don't have a right to exist
no more than anyone, but these people believe and will violently enforce their "right" to deny my right to exist - that's not how life works
Every christcuck I've observed was an acute flavor of narcissism, laziness and lack of self-awareness
Not a single empathetic, loving thought in their lives
>I rebuke you the name of Jesus Christ and the Lord God Almighty.
lol, what name?

Genesis 15:7
Yahweh to Abraham: I am Yahweh who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to possess.

Exodus 6:3
Yahweh to Moses: And I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as El Shaddai, but by my name Yahweh I was not known to them.

Deuteronomy 32:8-9
When the Most High allotted peoples for inheritance, / When He divided up humanity, / He fixed the boundaries for peoples, / According to the number of the divine sons: / For Yahweh's portion is his people, / Jacob His own inheritance.


if the Bible is inspired: Yahweh is a malicious, sadistic liar that mocks you by letting his true identity - not the god, but just some narcissistic minor deity - slip and knowing you'll fall for his bullshit anyway
if the Bible isn't inspired: then it's fucking useless
You're just upset you didn't have the guts to come out so you pass it off on everyone else, the longer you leave it, the worse it'll get, it's not going away.
careful saying "I rebuke you" that will get you shot by a scared pig
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Really sticks out like a rabbi at a baptism. The other one is definitely of Jewish decent with a little Hebrew schizophrenia but generally seems to just be a atheist tranner with survival instinct it seems.
100% true
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>has delusions if he took certain chemicals he would become a woman
quite the contrary. i am against the transgender community, men cannot be women
The silence is deafening
hitler mocked christianity and the church in private conversation which is kind of obvious if you have a basic education about his worldview
the silence in response to an absurd demand that serves only to waste enemy's time on proving the obvious
that's basically the whole christian apologetics, you try to waste our time on some bullshit
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Fuck off we're full.
in reality the atheist movement was destroyed when they proved themselves to be equally cucked to power and irrational nonsense as any religion, just secular funkopop consumerist kind

There is no movement or ideology, no shortcut, to being not a shitty angry human fighting meaningless wars over some nonsense in your head that you think is life and death
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By the way he mocked how soft and corrupted by Jews it had become in the last few hundred years.
being an atheist or agnostic is just the absence of buying into your delusional cult, it's not like every human by default assumes there is a god
>religion founded and written by jews about the jewish messiah was... corrupted by jews
touch grass
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Have sex
>christcuck morality
this is about the kris tyson shit isn't it
you're mad people dont want pedos in their community
hmm, why does fascism always rely on revisionist history and deceit?
>I am the true Jew!!!!!!!!!!
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Why do Jews get into education and powerful positions then proceed to alter history or erase it?
at least it does not require you to mutilate your dick
christians are the biggest pedos of all
what a retarded image
chuds really are braindead
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Funny that Jesus was most likely not very semitic as we now consider it. Spoke Aramaic and Greek, not Hebrew, was also living at a time when the levant was much less brown and not so introduced to rabbinical texts or law. before 1000+ yrs of conquests and rape by other civilizations.

The first Bible and old testament ever found being Hellenistic Israelite not just "Jew".

circumcision is a mutilation, no matter how much copium you inhale
also catholics loved castrating boys SOLELY FOR THEIR VOICE so much even the papacy struggled to finish this proceder. but now suddenly voluntary, suicide-reducing HRT is bad, coincidentally when the church has a shitton of pedophilic scandals and needs a scapegoat to divert attention of their retarded sheeps
jesus is not a specific real person
there is no valid historicity, its a character used to enslave others mentally

I um don't think they did it solely for the voice...
you tarded? i said it does not require to do it
it is ALWAYS a distraction, and every accusation is an admission of guilt or a confession of intent
there is no morality without revealed religion which narrows it down to Judaism (doesn't proselytize and is hostile to conversion outside of marriage), Islam (systematic theology LARPing as revealed religion) Buddhism (inaccessible to anyone not raised in it) and Hinduism (you have to accept being reborn as Indian) and Christianity (welcomes everyone).
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Ohhh you lil shyster you. Your not very good at this.
tell that to men who were forcibly circumcised because of their delusional christcuck parents
nobody forces you to do anything with your dick as a tranny, it's YOUR choice
>blah blah
My parents and grandparents and great grandparents were Roman (literally) Catholic
>worst accusation you can think of is calling me religious
The absolute state of relischizos
>there is no morality without revealed religion
no proof
:3 take your moans already
Im not even a relischizo
I am talking to a schizo and using normal language, you reply with shizo garbage. Yes, I have simular experiences with people of faith. Your similarity is really just a common pitfall of human psychology, and not some inherent feature of only religious beliefs and nkt any other.
If you knew half of what you think you know I'd actually get into this but I'd rather not bother with the debate. He was real living man proven by just about everything besides finding his bones or a direct message on stone from Tiberius affirming his actual "realness".
I just want to know how a single /lgbt/ poster is having their morality enslaved by Christianity
>by just about everything
you would name the one or two things that most prove him real if that were indeed the case instead of being vague
testimonies of people living much later and blatant christian forgeries are not proof
I said American, that also includes south America
in their minds blatant christian forgeries are proof as long as they agree with the message of a real living jesus
they are totally brainwashed its amazing eveni n 2024 people believe in the craziest shit and cut up baby dicks
you can't "prove" morality at all. that's precisely why it needs to be revealed.
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Pontius Pilates letter to Tiberius, flavius writings about Christ within 100yrs, the actual Christian writings Gospel or Epistles written very close to when he was alive. I mean they we're written so close to the time it would be like someone now saying Elvis, Hitler, or Stephen hawking never existed. It's kind of absurd given it took awhile to write things back then in any form that would have staying power, but since no one wrote of him within his short 33 yrs besides probably some Romans, Pharisees or some others talking of prophecy and if they did it's been destroyed over time burned with the second temple or is sitting in the Vatican vault.

You've got a 200AD crude drawing of him discovered recently, there's the shroud if you choose to believe that or not. I'm sure given more time things might keep popping up but maybe the Vatican grabs them or Jews destroy the evidence upon finding it since they hate Christ, who knows.

You could just as well say half of historical figures are pure myth under the same criteria.
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Now maybe someone wants to bring up the Flavius Josephus is a Christian text bullshit?

He was a Jew that fought the Romans in the first Jewish war and was eventually taken as a favorite slave by Vespasian. Not very Christian figuring he never converted and also is the main historical description of Masada, did that event never actually happen to?, Jews and atheists rail against everything Christian. saying he never existed is some powerful lying and real far reaching logic.

schizo loser
your cult is an offshoot of another cult and will always be just that, a violent disgusting fucking cult, best left safely behind in history
I mean yeah we only have a christian translation, not the original
and flavius josephus was loyal to the roman court
I think they invented the jesus myth to justify the destruction of the second temple after the fact

we have no pre second temple destruction original records of jesus, that's an indisputable fact
Jesus is real and loves you anon. His message is true and he sees you as valid. He was an egalitarian socialist jew who talked about the evils of money and power.
Christianity is a perversion of this. They want you to associate the two to separate you from his love, but please dont.
>Americans arguing about a faith they only understand from an offshoot of an offshoot of an offshoot of an offshoot of what started as a 200 man cult somewhere in the Middle East around 2000 years ago
the history of early christianity is fascinating and the most Revealing thing about the whole thing lol
you want to brainwash people into repressing being gay
your motives are not pure
you are infected with a mind virus
Uhhh anon antiques of the Jews was written after the destruction of the second temple. So his mention of Jesus would have been after it's destruction we are talking A.D not B.C.

We only have one original GREEK translation(kinda like the oldest Bible hence old testament writing ever found) amoungst all the translations now available, just because Jews refused to translate it into the bastardized corpse language of Hebrew is not the rest of the planets issue.


this thread is truly awful. most of the Christian posts included. but God loves you all and you can't mock Jesus in a way that hurts him anymore. he has already won
>t. ranner
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You leave behind one religion and another is going to take it's place whether it's wrapped in atheistic packaging or human idol worship etc, 500yrs after say atheists destroy all the big religions you would be the same as the inquisition enforcing your dogma and only that dogma while rooting out innocent people for a belief that's not yours.

You are absolutely no better than anyone religious. A good moral maoist that enforces atheist thought even though some of what you think is true probably isn't (kinda like most religions).

I hope whatever caused your intense hatred of religion atleast numbs a bit with age or heals all together someday.
>I hope whatever caused your intense hatred of religion atleast numbs a bit with age or heals all together someday.
that would be current events and active persecution of me and people like me for existing on the exclusive and pervasive basis of religion, so yeah, I sure fucking hope that numbs or heals all together someday too (which would mean practicing christianity and tolerating hateful prescriptive morality as law or justification for real-world violence and policy would be a thing of the past)
notice how nobody itt except the abrahamists goes after the "superiority," in fact they're so obsessed with it they have to inject and project it where it doesn't exist in what others say-
kind of like authoritarianism in all its many other forms
Every government and natural structure is authoritarian to a degree and your perfect hippie utopia is literally impossible in every way conceivable. Even if we went to space for limitless resources. Funny though that the idea of a good afterlife is very close to whatever no government anarchy you must believe in.
Im literally a tranny anon
I find wisdom in religious teachings of all kinds and while the bible is one of the worst religious books ive ever read (outside of its mythology) jesus is the perfect embodiment of spiritual and mental liberation. Love thy neighbor, do unto the least of these, rich men do not enter the kingdom of god. He associated with lowlifes, the poor, and prostitutes over the wealthy and powerful. His grace is so overwhelming the religious authorities at the time killed him and 2000 years later we’re still talking about it. I stan jesus.
>projecting even harder
way to make my point for me
Not on an American website, it doesn't.
funny how people want to be free hehe... fools! the kings rule is absolute...
>Im literally a tranny anon
How am i encouraging anyone to repress im literally a turbo faggot
I dont even think youre gay gincel i think youre just deranged
atheist hons seething, christian trannies thriving
>His grace is so overwhelming the religious authorities at the time killed him
The actual authorities at the time were like
>Lol idk this goofy dude seems pretty harmless desu like whatever do what you want with him just keep me out of this shit
yeah, the christcuck morality where everything what god does is good, even genocides, and god does what your priest says you, and any inconsistencies are explained with "god works in mysterious ways, sheep"
morality is made up and doesn't stop sociopaths from terrorizing the society. religious societies aren't any more moral than irreligious societies.
modern morality is a product of the enlightenment, not christianity.
Honestly most people are so dull or intentionally misread alot of things while plenty of others tend to just say whatever they were taught without thinking about it because they tend to not think hard about much at all.

Even in their own religion it's not supposed to be them casting judgement on you for your choices unless it's some reprehensible thing like baby murder etc. it's supposed to be God, if anything your the 1 sheep Christ goes after your not the flock all bundled up together- sort of like the people judging you.

Anyway goodluck out there Anon.
>god works through mysterious ways, sheep
I had a literal "Religion" class at school as a kid (east europe lol, ofc it was only about roman catholicism) and I distinctly remember having an epiphany when the priest was talking about the Holy Triune and he said don't worry if you can't understand it, the human mind literally cannot comprehend it, just don't bother. And this at school where im basically taught to comprehend everything with muh mind and there's a general rational attitude to everything. We're learning about physics, mathematics, origin of life and shit and theres this one class where a dude just tells you lol God did it and don't try to think about it because its pointless. I was myself religious at the time but at that moment I think something broke and my bullshit meter just went off the scale.
I had this moment with my parents (spiritual in a western way but not necessarily religious) when I was really little, they had me pray to god with them before going to bed most nights and I started asking questions they couldn't answer so as respectfully as I could for a 4 year old I tipped the fedora in my heart and told them I would no longer be praying with them
You as a individual are at the root free, the second there is more than 1 it becomes in some way authoritarian in certain areas even if your friends. - now extrapolate that to a society every "government" is authoritarian even anarchy is because you leave a void of defense because of "every man for himself" to you that means live in your cabin but to someone else it means instantly make a gang to abuse you(authoritarian gov at the same time as you live free, until they swing by).

That eventually leads to a tribe or nation etc coming by and authority'ing the absolute fuck out of you. There's always a imbalance or someone with more power in a certain niche or whatever.
True, I guess I’m so used to rallying against religion that i subconsciously changed the story. Youre right the crucifixion of christ was largely a mob killing but like, the mob was doing it for religious reasons. My point is that he was antiestablishment.
I believe the aztecs were very moral and had a great and relatively equal society with limited discrimination and sexism.
They just werent very moral to outsiders.
it came down to Pontius Pilate alone, who treated Christ very respectfully, said "I find no guilt in this man", and was absolutely incredulous when the Pharisees preferred to free Barabbas the thief and murderer over Jesus. he only respected their wishes out of fear of a revolt.
>there's the shroud if you choose to believe that or not
not even the papacy wants to claim it's authentic, it's embarrassing how you try to use it as an argument then

>Pontius Pilates letter to Tiberius
not authentic
>flavius writings about Christ within 100yrs
not authentic, inconsistent, also if he was a jew, then he wouldn't claim jesus was the messiah, christcucks are really delusional with their forgeries. the Church literally operated on fake Donation of Constantine for centuries, you love to make things up
>had a great and relatively equal society
then why were only boys sacrificed?
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No more debate to be had with someone like you calling it Christcuckery.....be a slave to Jews or lament whatever pagan religion even our ancestors in most cases gave up or incorporated Christian things into until the pagan mostly died out in whatever religion.

There's two big ones that aren't Asian religion and it's Christianity and Islam, both revere Isa Christ.

Cry more Jew- Satanist-unlearned atheist or whatever you feel like being on any given day.
lol you know this isn't historical right?
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Jew trying to pretend His blood is not upon your people detected.
God is punishing me for being a tranny fag by making me a permahon with no bf
>lament whatever pagan religion even our ancestors in most cases gave up or incorporated Christian things into until the pagan mostly died out in whatever religion.
euphemistically speaking: "Christians persecuted pagans way more aggressively than pagans did persecute Christians". the pagan objection to Christianity was primarily that you were ruining the order, they were tolerant to other religions. Christians were fanatics.

>be a slave to Jews
you're the slave to Jews. YOU gave them your financial sector because of your idiotic "morality" where it's fine to commit a sin if the Jews do the dirty work for you.

also Satan is just a Yahweh's servant, the prosecuting angel, it's absurd to see him as someone worthy worship.
This thread is like being transported back in time to 2013, wow.

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