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>tfw a victim of the chud to tranny pipeline
I should be put down like the wretched disgusting creature I am, I am horrible person and I suffer now for all my evil thoughts and words thanks to ROGD

Willing to be my GF? Consider it your punishment.
rogd isnt real
go to therapy
I will never love or touch anyone
If it is not real why am I now suffering in the most ironic way possible?
>I will never love or touch anyone

Country? I don't do LDRs anymore.
Even if I weren't disgusting I would not let anyone be near me
You were looking for a place to belong that wasn't normie tier because you probably have autism, and you found /pol/, but pol isn't serious about 90% of the sht they talk about. They're just frustrated people who aren't getting their essential needs met, and so they rage post about every stupid little news story.
I got tested for autism and talked to a psyche about it but they said I wasn't and gave me other diagnoses. Nothing would excuse my behavior anyways even if I were autistic
What behavior? So you said some mean things online, that's ok you're not ruined over it. Everyone shitposts on this site, and a lot of the time it's hateful, punching at other people who are suffering and barely getting by. But don't beat yourself up over it, you're human too.
I spit literally nothing but pure vitriolic hate for years and I wasn't great to people IRL either. If 16 year old me met me now he'd kill me
Me too. But you know what? I was hurting on the inside, and so were you. I would forgive you if you spewed hate at me, because I can't judge you and you've changed anyway. Forgive yourself anon, forgive every one who wronged you as well, and what you'll really be doing is setting your heart free.
you can’t be that upset at what you through or did when you were 16, you’re being too hard on yourself. you were just a kid and had yet to find and grow into yourself
I want the ROGD to go away
I want the tranny thoughts to go away
I don't want to be a tranny I don't want it I want to feel okay again I can't live with the pain much longer.
I just want God to forgive me even though I don't deserve it. I'd be good if the pain went away, I'd make myself good enough to deserve that gift, I'd never ask anything ever again.
i wouldn't mind being a tranny if it wasn't massively at odds with everything i am mentally and physically
that can change though
Nothing would make me feel okay with this, I've been on so many antidepressants and anxiety meds to try to soothe it but nothing worked and now I have to self-medicate with alcohol to go to work or do anything. The ROGD has taken everything from me
have you tried estrogen? you might as well
Cutting myself again would be healthier for me than doing that
god doesn't exist
>its just a coincidence you suffer in the most ironic way imaginable
>why am I now suffering in the most ironic way possible?
Unironically karma/fate
you think you are unique?
What's it called when you go the opposite way? Like from thinking you're a troon to being a good-natured and wholesome chud.
Karma gave me ROGD then I don't care what you call whatever gave me this curse
No, God rewards and punishes people all the time
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fate is at work in everything and irony is omnipresent but everybody sees only their own little bubble and think it can't be happening to others too
I don't know what schizo thing this is
>its just a coincidence you suffer in the most ironic way imaginable
wait till you find out about the chud-tranny-back to chud again pipeline
I will be dead before I reach that pipeline
>its just a coincidence millions of people keep encountering the same ironic lessons in life
chuds and trannies share a lot of traits such as being very online and autistic, so it's not a coincidence in that way
chuds and trannies are arbitrary categories retard apes split themselves into and flip between like little ants

Thats fate. Thats why its so ironic.
i much prefer the tranny to chud pipeline.
much more healthy and empowering.
make it your life mission so other kids don't go through with this
be mine pls i need a chud tranny pls

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