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Anyone else /unemployable/ here? It is pretty much impossible to get a job as a tranny without existing contacts or nepotism. The autism and uncanny valley looks ensure zero chance at getting selected the shrinking labor market even if you have all the qualifications and more
No its just you
>t. On my break
not true. you can get a job even in red states.

my first job as a tranny was for 20 bucks an hour in 2018 doing manufacturing
you wont ahve to worry about this for long, soon all trannies will be gathered around for being stupid insane pedos
nothing ever happens
dumb burger not everyone on this hellhole is american
>nothing ever happens
Lol lmao
Yeah, I'm kinda fucked. MtF btw.

I'm 29 and graduated over half a decade ago with a law degree achieving awards for academic accomplishment. My extra-curriculars were good too and I successfully worked under a very senior lawyer as a paralegal / clerk. I never sought to be a lawyer since the pay is legit shit and I want to apply my skills in everything in a field that won't work me for 16 hour days until I drop dead of cardiac arrest at 53.

Getting interviews is easy. Getting employed is hard. Years ago, I tried volunteering at a local Uni for an event but they rejected me because I was trans and they were worried what the students might think (one person was dumb enough to put it in writing and discuss it with me). I've been long term unemployed 2019-2022, then worked in a call centre for a bit, then have been unemployed all of 2023 until now.

I got FFS but truth is the market is rough and maybe I'm just clockable enough no-one wants me. The employment gap is hard to cover up and handwaving it as
"COVID happened" is difficult. Upskilling is useless since I can't afford a license (to drive) and paying thousands to learn a new skill like hospitality at our vocational colleges is useless. I retrained in hospitality and no-one wants me either.

Everyone tells me their job is hiring and they'll be my reference but when I apply I'm just unsuccessful and everyone shrugs and doesn't know what to do.

I have a partner I want to provide for. It is customary among MtFs in my state to move to the "trans state" for work but they usually just stay unemployable and now have to pay higher rent. It dawns on me I'm approaching 30 and I have not much to offer my partner except a happy loving relationship. It's not good enough. I'm not good enough. People my age have mortgages and assets. All I have is my education debt and reassuring myself that welfare is good enough.
>Getting interviews is easy
Bruh, I don't even get any rejection letters. Just silence
- op
Same. FYI the work market everywhere is horrible rn. Look up r recruitinghell to see you're not the only one affected. I added a photo to my CV which actually helped me.
t. not trans though
Think of how hard it must be for black tranners.
I'm not visibly trans either. Wouldn't add a picture, I just look so sad in every photo
Trannies do seem to be in a rough spot. It does feel like socially, trans are falling out of favor in society and it's back to treating those people like radioactive material. If you don't live in a shit hole you could work for the post office. At least in the US that is there's a bunch of trannies that work there
I'm an immigrant, natives have an advantage over me no matter the skin colour
Anyway, funny stories time because we're all here to mope anyway:

>Pre-FFS Applied for a job and passed the pre-interview test
>Get called into a group interview and the interviewer says I failed and my results were borderline so he'll send me a second test
>I ask to know the results of my test and how borderline I was and he says he doesn't have that on him right now
>Some other interviewee (probs autistic) is a STEM graduate (biology) and keeps bragging he's better and just the right fit for the role
>Interviewer tells me he'll send the second test after the interview
>Everyone else in the job interview gets lost exiting the building by going down the wrong hallway
>Interviewer never sends the second test

>Constant "[job] is hiring!" then applying and getting rejected after interview but the job is re-listed for months afterwards repeatedly
>People telling me to apply at their work then being confused when I did and got rejected
>People telling me to re-skill in [X] but the industry here is dead and it would require me moving interstate which means abandoning my partner which I absolutely refuse to do
>People saying to get a driver's license but it's not financially viable to do so on unemployment
>Interviewers being regularly shocked at my qualifications then putting me forward across their entire organisation to see if there are any positions but then rejected and the job ad goes back up
>Also ordinary radio silence after a job application
Honestly considering professional cuddling or sex work to survive on more than welfare and so I can be cashflow positive. You think shit is daunting, just wait until it happens for years and you're nearly 30. It's a special type of dread about your life that really haunts you. No-one has solutions except recommending reskilling in yet another field always hiring but mysteriously never yourself.
I look angry in most photos. I have to manipulate my forehead muscle to move my eyebrows higher up without wrinkling my forehead. And then I smile slightly. Everyone tells me it makes me look high but this is the only way I look corporate acceptable. I also put my hair in a bun for interviews to feel more professional.
Look for jobs outside the box. I went to a sawmill that just needed somebody to watch a machine and I make 27 and don’t have to talk to anyone. This is in south east us also.
I might just visit sawmill too but for a different reason
>Anyone else /unemployable/ here?
thank god i'm Brazilian, if I pass a government exam I am basically guaranteed a job without needing any soft skills
checked and keked
I do but I still look uncanny, I look really androgynous, I still get called a girl really often in men's business clothes. Thankfully I have a job right now but I'm thinking about trying to apply for more to get more pay and I'm nervous that people won't hire me because I look really faggy and androgynous with long hair. At least I have a job though, I started before taking HRT
That's horrible, I'm so sorry. Getting a job is a pain in the ass no matter what, it took me forever even when I wasn't a tranny. Think you could do any kind of freelance work while you keep trying?
I've been unemployed for months, I get interviews but no job offers. I'm at the point where I'm gonna show up to places in person to ask if they're hiring and give them my resume. I feel like a loser failure for having a useless degree but at the very least I didn't take out any student loans and have no debt.
I did this years ago and it never worked and the market is so much worse now. It is just humiliating. Good luck still. I hope you get something.
Hopefully its still worth a try. At the very least its an excuse to go out and do something productive instead of rotting in my room. I hope you find something too, I wish for all of us to find something soon.
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I'm an unemployed autistic tranny. Been trying to find work for almost 20 weeks. I've been applying to jobs that I'm a perfect match for. Been getting responses. Getting interviews. Goes great. Until they hear my voice while looking at me. Every single time that's been what's throwing them off. According to most people in my life, I pass in looks. I do not in voice. It's been depressing as fuck getting enthusiastic responses from jobs until they realize I'm a tranny. It's literally been halfway through interviews that it clicks for some of them, and then suddenly interview tone changes and then I don't hear back ever.
Anyway I'm ganna keep trying. I have another in person interview (cant hang up on me in person) in an hour, I'm ganna wear something normal but cute, and I'm ganna do my best to act like I remember how to socialize with people in a professional setting (I do not, it's been months please kill me) and I'm going to go try to get a job so I can stop being a waste of human life
>100% chance I'm ganna cry at home later if this interviewer makes a face at me when he hears me, so many of them do it and I wanna just go mute forever
Going out is always nice. I like going out for walkies. :3
I've been long term unemployed too, which I've camouflaged by going back to school. been picking up trash in my neighborhood pretty regularly. Local small business owner saw me picking up shit on the street near his restaurant. he rushed outside and demanded to shake my hand, said no one cares about our community and that I'm one of the first people he's seen in ages who gives a fuck. Said, and proved, that he was a relatively high ranking board member at a local housinf non profit. told me that if I applied for their community organizer role that I'd get the job.

I did that, and then was ghosted. Job opening is still up on their website. only reason I applied is because he asked me to

idk shit is so bleak as a tranny
god USA is starting to feel like a shithole. Wish I stayed in Mexico.
95% of job listings nowadays are just 'ghost jobs' meant to sell your data
i need to save up money to move out but my shithead boomer parents don't know how hard it is to find a job nowadays lol fml
Yeah I just neet, get some neetbux every month, it's liberating and so depressing at the same time
Dude how is a drivers license unaffordable, I live in CoL hell (SoCal) and it was $36 to stroll in when I wanted a new pic
That's why we just do sex work.
I’m unemployable apparently, but cause of depression instead of tranniness
Funny thing is I’d probably not be depressed if I had a job :)
>Look at lesson costs
>Heard you need at least 10 lessons
>Idk how much the actual test costs but I bet that's another £100

OK uh well that’s the problem lol
But actually though, do you actually have to take lessons? I know some states of the US let you just show up and drive the DMV test, and a quick jaunt about how it goes in the UK made it seem like you could do that too. All the tests and licensing looked to come out to like £150 total

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