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Honestly trannies are a result of industrialization and the low testosterone society we created. If I was a billionaire I would recreate a medieval fief where trannies would relearn to live a masculine life, you would work in the fields, go to church, and find purpose again. The ones who did bottom surgery would live as eunuchs.
Trannies should be sent to the coal mines - mtfs and ftms alike.

Just because I was born with a penis, that doesn't mean I owe the world masculinity .

Leave me alone!
>the low testosterone
Ironically it's the high T chad gynephiles who are leading the transsexual revolution.
Large % of AMABs were always tranny inclined, it's just that advancements in technology and social tolerance made their desires possible for the first time in human history.
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I literally lived in the woods and cut down tress when i was 9. Still trooned out. Cut the bullcrap you dont know something about anything.
troon out in the coal mine where nobody has to see you
>relearn to live a masculine life, you would work in the fields, go to church, and find purpose again
What can I, a cismen who feels like he's not masculine enough, do? Since, sadly, neither of us are billionaires
I had more-or-less the same fantasy, something like 'Boy Scouts' but for men, teaching useful skills and helping all cismen better connect with his masculinity
Did you ever get your T levels measured?
Get a hobby besides being mad on the internet
I got them measured after my diy orchi and being on hrt but not before. T stayed between 8 and 20 across 5 blood tests over 2 years or so. I doubt my t was ever very high tho cause i had gyno pretrans.
explain the male priestesses of inanna then
Wait, your levels were 8-20 ng/dL? That is actually in the levels for women (15-70), but not for men (300-1,000)
Did you ever consider trying testosterone first to see if that helped?
Why would i take testoserone thats disgusting. I was never happy in my life without estrogen & no test and now im happy all the time.
>huh your chemo is working? Why don't you eat a few glowing rocks and see what happens
trannies are premodern u illiterate faggot, only with Judaism and Christianity do you see real suppression of trannies and our roles in society. there might be more trannies now because of environmental factors like pollution and medical advances, but modernity didn't create trannies, at best it just created the conditions for more of us.
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>low testosterone
the fact I started balding at 16 says otherwise :)
There's no need to get defensive, I'm glad you're happy. Actually, I'm just curious to understand if there's any role that T plays in being trans
As a kid, I preferred to hang out with girls. I wasn't interested in sports. I hated getting dirty, etc... it seems many transwomen have similar experiences
However, I'm comfortable being a cisman and I do think weight lifting (and thus higher T levels) helped with that
I just can't prove it
Have you considered that you're just cis? You'd have to actively want to be a woman having feminine hobbies doesn't mean anything
People get defensive because telling a tranny to take testosterone is more likely to send them to the rope than anything else.
Why did I have so many feminine hobbies as a kid? Is that meaningless? I sometimes wonder if I were growing up today and not in the 90s if people would have said "you might be trans"

I don't see why it would make them more likely to die, but I'll take your word for it. I'm not trying to kill or oppress anyone, I'm genuinely curious why people are trans
Then again, I'm gay and I don't really know "why" either. Maybe some shit can't be explained
>threatening suicide is my only argument
then give them the testosterone
pump them up
let the bodies hit the floor
If someone forced test on me there'd be bodies hitting the floor, but mine wouldn't be the first.
I'd legitimately rather rope or kill people than take testosterone or give up my estrogen. It's really that simple.
I had a whole phase where I tried to become masculine. I lifted, was about to join the military, became a bit of a chud.

Many trans women feel like if they just try harder to be men the thoughts will go away, but it doesn't work like that so they have an embarrassing macho phase. I can also say that I feel so much better day to day now that my testosterone has been nuked.

Transphobes use the same line of reasoning, saying that these girls need to "man up" to fix themselves, which can be very traumatizing as you're forcing us into roles we hate. It's the attitude espoused in conversion therapy, that's why people are pissed off at you.
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It is indeed meaningless you have to actually insist you want to be the other gender
Same, I even joined the military and still trooned out though. Marine corps not AF mind you.
Interesting. Thanks for telling me this
I'm sorry if I caused any distress
>don't see why it would make them more likely to die, but I'll take your word for it
Because it creates body horror. More body hair growth, scalp hairloss, smell, muscle, male libido, it all fucks with a genuine trannies head. I've seen it happen in a repper before. Their health declined heavily after a few months of TRT, both physically and mentally.
maybe you have internalized misandry and are imagining a female's horror in reaction to seeing you as a male predator
>More body hair growth, scalp hairloss, smell, muscle, male libido
All of these sound amazing to me
Well, not the hair loss, but I'll take the rest
I really need to get a blood work done, I do think my levels are probably below average despite being a cisman
lol, I was going to join the chair force. I did pretty well on that aptitude test thing so I could have gotten any MOS I wanted (assuming the military didn't fuck me over). I was going to do air traffic control and then transfer that to a civilian career.
There were always trannies in societies that allowed it, even thousands of years ago. They just didn't really have medical transition beyond castration then so it's different now. It's not just a modern phenomenon
Yeah it's been a thing for a long time
I almost did TRT thinking it would cure me tranny and faggot thoughts and I'm so glad I didn't mutilate myself with it
what about since

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