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Why do I feel like taking estrogen would be "giving up on life"?
That would kinda depend on how you view your life?

I’m assuming you’re referring to getting on hormones to look more female?
>I’m assuming you’re referring to getting on hormones to look more female?
Yes, what else?
Because you're a MEF weirdo attached to your masculine self-conception.
agp incel mentality and masculine pride, get over it, like there's nothing wrong with being a tranny or a woman.
>there's nothing wrong with being a tranny
I guess I feel like there is but im not sure why
it’s not, being on estrogen feels so much, and it’s so much easier to interact with the world after transitioning. i feel like i only started living after E, i was just an awkward zombie before
that anon just told you why
>agp incel mentality and masculine pride
and while it is implied, I would also explicitly add misogyny
because trooning is a form suicide.
Because you've been reared by society to see trannies as being inherently bad. While things have gotten mostly better socially in the past 15 years or so, it doesn't erase the hundreds of years of demonization prior, nor does it erase the bigotry against trannies of today. You've internalized the hatred and see it as something shameful when really it's just a way of being.
There’s plenty wrong with it depending on what philosophy you ascribe to. If you’re purely nihilist I guess there’s nothing wrong with it, but there’s nothing wrong with anything for a pure nihilist.
>if we weren’t trained by society to see wearing SS uniforms as bad SS uniforms would be pretty cool
Well, yes.
For real, it improved my life so much. I went from being a dead inside husk that wanted to die to actually feeling alive and happy. People say I'm so much more fun to be around now and I do all kinds of stuff when I would just sit and rot before. It was like legitimately life saving for me and I didn't really feel like I was living before taking it
That's not what I said at all anon

Stop promoting nazis, they would have genocided you just for posting on this site. I used to think somewhat like you. To me, nazis were a joke, haha funny little Hitlerstache and slick uniforms. But nazis are not a joke. They aren't some fun group that just went a little off the rails. They were a group dedicated to the promotion of themselves, and the enslavement and genocide of any group they didn't like, a list which only seemed to grow as time went on. They worked to perfect the art of industrialized torture and murder, and while they mostly failed at being particularly efficient at this, that doesn't mean they didn't try. All these little deflections (ooo look at the shiny uniforms, aren't they cool??) amount to a defense of their ideology.

I don't know if this response or even this whole thread was made in bad faith, knowing all of the above and still approving of it. I'm just tired of seeing these little things popping up and allowing people to distance the physical presence of someone wearing an SS uniform from what people in those uniforms were doing to other human beings. So if by some miracle you're simply misinformed, I would highly recommend doing everything you can to get a plane ticket and travel to Germany to visit a concentration camp site. It'll dispel any sort of misconception of who the nazis were and what they believed in.
i feel like not taking estrogen is giving up on life but then again i live for respect not hedonistic shit like living life to the full or whatever
Get back to Kamala posting anon, the DNC isn’t paying you for this kind of cringe
i feel like i gave up on life by not taking estrogen
t. repper who gave up on life by getting a 200k salary and living as a man because he's too afraid to transition
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As long as you come out of the woodwork and state what you actually believe instead of hiding it from people, nazi.
ur an idiot sissy fetishist that's why. grow up and realize that it isn't "lesser" to be a wman
damm 'repression' sucks when you've totally failed as a man
you must be 18 to post here
tranny not a woman
just take female hormones and wear SS uniforms. Who's going to stop you? People like >>36638621 that type so much meaningless drivel that most readers lose interesting before finishing the second sentence. You only have one life so stop holding yourself back and seek what you desire.
Obvious samefag lmao pathetic
sucks more when youre successful
i cant stop repping because id disappoint so many people
Because it literally is. It's a modern form of suicide. You're rejecting your old self and starting over fresh.
It's no wonder so many incels do it. Nothing to lose
because not taking effort feels like a constant effort. thats not how normal people live their life tho
Poster will never recover
How do some people get to be so pretty with FFS? At best and even with FFS, I will look like a very ugly woman, if that even. I looked at the post and she went to Harrison Lee, is he that good?
besides my high salary i'm kinda just a loser with money
when i'm 40 or 50 i'll probably be absolutely loaded but have nothing beyond wealth
Are you in tech? I'm a tech tranny and I work for some startup and I also make almost $200k/year, I'm just going to use it to pay for surgeries, though I'm absolutely ugly as sin.
Oh my bad, I'm just so used to nazis having to constantly self rationalize their insane cognitive dissonance, especially nazi fags. Looks like you really got me! Don't forget to update your friends on discord about this sick own!
yeah it's tech like every other person in their 20s making 200k or more
i'm still repping because i'm too much of a loser to troon
i almost trooned out but didn't
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Do you really think nazis are more anti-fag than anybody else? Germany didn't chemically castrate their gays like Britain did. Ernst Röhm was treated with much more respect than Alan Turing.
t. yet another tech repper
ive been taking hrt for 4y, started at 18, still repping
if u have this kinda disposition theres no guarantee that taking hrt would have actually incited you to follow through on the rest
hrt didnt make me pass so i went back to repping. even detransed for a bit. but now i just do my shots and try not to think about what i actually want
important to remember that whatever... threshold you think you have to pass. it's probably not the last step. that initial activation energy is the hardest part but its still possible to fail after you get there
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Fuck off, I do tech and can't find any job whatsoever. The market is FUCKED
Right like fascism and faggot literally share an etymology
You appear to be lost. You typed in 4chan.org in your address bar, I think you were looking for reddit.com :3
credentialed but ultimately incompetent hands typed this post
tech market is cooked rn bc its flooded with people who have degrees (or less) but are too retarded to actually design or implement anything useful
company i work for is desperately trying to hire rn and its really been eye-opening. i havent even finished uni yet (im here on contract for the summer) and i vastly outperformed most of the prospective hires on our eval
shits depressing, but at least it makes me feel like i have job security
All of my experience is remote and crypto related, competent yet uncredited
I just asked my friend to give me a job. I think it's more about nepotism than about having the right skills. That being said I think I'm quite skilled seeing as I'm an embedded software engineer who happens to be working on really high level server stuff at the moment.
whatever if youre actually competent you just need to meet a few founders or VPs and have them find you a position
pretty much everyone is desperate for good talent. anyone who doesnt have a good job is either incompetent *and* unaware or doesnt have the drive or social ability to naturally make friends with the right people. you dont need to be a conniving psychopath—that sort of thing happens by accident for me
which is what?
this is the way
t. highly skilled swe doing weird SaaS systems stuff even though my background is in PLs
if youre bad at this stuff its all impossible. if youre good at this stuff its all trivial. the more i meet other people in the field and have to assess them the more i think its like 99% talent
you want me to explain misogyny?
I'm not a coder btw, still tech adjacent tho
Shit's oversaturated and no one ever gives a shit about talent
>no one ever gives a shit about talent
they care about competence and at this point i dont think theres any other way to get it
youre useless
be technical AND something else
>they care about competence
In crypto? lmaooooooo
>youre useless
Yea my bad that I could cover anything but code because I'm not completely malebrained
So why or how do i stop seeing them as inherently bad?

Whats agp incel mentality?
Don’t believe the Jewish tricks to sterilize you. You can beat dysphoria and protect your race.
I can cum in your face maybe
because being a tranny sucks ass and you should avoid it at all costs

why be a tranny when you can just be normal
idk anything about crypto
and let me be clear, i do other stuff too. the thing about programming is that its basically a trade skill. programming isnt interesting, it isnt hard, it isnt complicated. its a trivial, highly procedural task. however, its the fundamental interface with like... everything in the field. and everyone is realizing that people who are good at this basic interface task are better at everything else in the field too—if you listen to vc or accelerator people talk nowadays, theyre pretty much completely uninterested in nontechnical founders for example, which is a pretty significant shift. this is a response to experience
Oh so I'll never be a founder either and will have to toil behind tech tards. Fuck my shitty tranny life
you're literally on hrt you can't call yourself a repper
i want to just take hrt while functioning as a tech worker with boobs, instead i'm a repper hoping someone else will save me

how many years of experience do you have?

>credentialed but ultimately incompetent hands
that's literally me. my resume looks very strong (good school, faang experience, maintained a open source project) but i'm actually retarded
>company i work for is desperately trying to hire rn
the issue is companies are desperately trying to hire but also laying off.

>crypto related,
i get contacted by recruiters for crypto startups nonstop, i didn't realize it was such a big deal

>In crypto?
assuming we're talking about cryptocurrency, yes because it's about money. fintech firms are very selective
>my resume looks very strong (good school, faang experience, maintained a open source project)
>but i'm actually retarded
ok luckshit? literally proves my point
Maybe nothing wrong with being a woman, but there's a lot wrong with being a tranny freak
i'm a manly as fuck repper who's not even on hrt

>literally proves my point
how much work experience do you have
crypto and fintech in general is seen as stronger than faang here
Career luckshit I mean
>how much work experience do you have
I've been working (and repping:c) since 16yo, but never formally nor in-person. Doubt anyone would see me attracting millions in value to a coin with slur in ticker as an asset
If I were president I would ban lip fillers on day one. Liplets need to learn to accept their genetic fate
another tech man moder here
all hrt gave me was gyno
You're conditioned to be ashamed of being a woman or not being manly enough, but because many spaces and outlets for masculinity in society have been eliminated the only thing keeping dysphoric males in line are threats and social pressure. A lot of people equate masculinity with masochism so they look down on people taking the "easy" way out.
>Career luckshit I mean
i started working later than you and also am still a miserable repper tho
you're mogging me in everything else most likely

>but never formally nor in-person.
if you've worked with people they can vouch for your skills and try to refer you
some places are picker with degrees than others
Why shouldnt i be ashamed of not being manly enough?
they actually were pretty efficient. they killed 2/3 of european jews in a few years
>If I were president I would ban lip fillers on day one. Liplets need to learn to accept their genetic fate
inverse oris
Cuz you'll spend a large chunk of your life trying to fit in and try to pass as a woman. You'll lose the privilege of not having to care about how you look as much. If you end up still looking like a male you'll probably have an issue with people seeing your body, so you'll avoid physical intimacy at all cost. You'll feel like you're hiding from the world.
odds are you could and perhaps should be charged with profiting from an unregistered security
Because what is considered 'manly' is more often that not just set up so people can take advantage of you
>corporations tell you being manly means working hard for your boss and buying a manly truck
>women tell you being manly means being a provider for them and giving them money
>government tells you being manly means joining the military and dying for them
there's no shame in avoiding these things, depends on your definition of manliness though
Because it will significantly decrease the odds of you reproducing. Not by 100% depending on what kind of person you are, some people mess with estrogen and all this and still impregnate a woman. Not having any biological children during your lifetime is a very big impact on your life, your specific genes will die when you do and you won't be able to pass on your ways to offspring. You will say who cares when you're younger but when you're older your perspective may change. People will give all kinds of rebuttals, oh your siblings can still pass your genes, oh you can parent in other ways, oh there's more to life than raising a family, and that's all technically true but for the majority of people their direct nuclear family is major part of their life. It's something to consider very deeply. The Bible says a lot of stuff about pleasure versus duty and Lucifer is kind of a morally gray tragic figure he was so beautiful and just wanted to have a good time but he was expelled from the kingdom of eternal life, that books been famous for like 3000 years so probably shouldn't be written off completely idk
because it is but thats the hot part
i think that depends on where they live and when
even then i don't actually know the legality of that situation since not all crypto is seen as a security
suck my dick lmfao I'll never pay taxes
People they refer me are degens too usually, it's hard to score something that isn't vaporwave
>being an ugly tranny is the hot part
sounds amazing
I don't think that's why

Even if I could have kids. And I don't think the bible is real
no that kills the fantasy I agree. but the idea of becoming a cute girl is hot
Maybe it wouldnt be throwing my life away if it did that
Oh I don't think the Bible is real either.
I suppose. But if thats how you feel you might as well try, no?

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