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>ywn be pregnant
>ywn have a loving, strong and protective man who desires to impregnate you
>ywn witness your children grow up and and be successful
>ywn receive a mother's day card
>ywn get to see your grandchildren
How does this make you feel, exactly?
ngl prettfy fucking awful.
ty for this anon.
Honestly if i end up 41%'ing myself it will be for this exact reason.
>ywn be pregnant
ok? why would i want to ruin my body more than it already is
>ywn have a loving, strong and protective man who desires to impregnate you
i do lol, skill issue?
>ywn witness your children grow up and and be successful
>ywn receive a mother's day card
>ywn get to see your grandchildren

btfo'd and i stay winning hahahahaha
We adopt and take care of our own kind. That's how it's been since ancient times.
>ywn receive a mother's day card
Oh but I have.
I'm gonna rope soon but hope some part of me gets to have another chance and live this life x_x
they aren't your real children.
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ok? what is your point? waaah waaaah we only share 99.9% of the same dna waaaaah
horrible ngl. ivr cried myself to sleep a good few times over it lol.
not your real children, non bio children are statistically more likely to be neglected or abused by their adoptive families.
Like I wish I could reroll the genetic dice. I have some deluded hope however, and just keep stoking that fire to keep myself from roping.
how about i just dont abuse them? lol what are you on about
>i do lol
You don't have chad
do you? hahahahahah keep your eyes on your own chad lil bro
I'm not into men you came on here boasting about your man and got humbled but you can't see that
where was the humbling? ur on the tranny board lil bro

i'll leave you to ponder this:
if everywhere you go you smell shit, check your shoes...
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>where was the humbling?
Just take the L already. You lost.
i hope and pray every day that some scientist will finally achieve womb transplantation. it hurts so bad
I will make my future trans wife a mother one way or another.
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keep your boomer memes away from me you boomer zoomer groomer!
my mom had to get a c-section for both me and my sister

her muscles are so fucked from the cuts they don't hold the organs properly

i think i'd skip even if i was cis
I will definitely adopt when I'm ready, it makes me sad that I will never have a biological child but at least I know I can still have a child that I can and will forever love
Fun fact: did you know that during childbirth often times due to extreme exertion the mother will defecate on her own child? Your mom shat all over your face
you are a good man. i need a bf like u
im of the same opinion. i'll take what i can get as long as i can be a mother, but it breaks my heart that i cant carry my own child
You can literally achieve everything besides the first one. Just find a chad bf and adopt.

>t-they wouldn't actually be your kids!
Why do you put so much stock in the blood relations? Being born to the family you're in is effectively random, there's no guarantee you will actually like each other.
my mom had to get a c-section for both me and my sister
her muscles are so fucked from the cuts they don't hold the organs properly

my sister got super fat after her pregnancies

idk i think i'd skip even if i was cis
maybe not
i always thought i'd have kids of my own when i was little

i'm kinda glad i can't have them anymore
don't want penetrative sex
seems just wrong and disgusting
my balls don't work anymore anyways
so can't even donate
not that i'd want to
don't want anyone to inherit the tranny gene
if it exists...

i think i'll adopt someday <3
too many kids in children homes end up on the street anyways
if i could give one of them a better life i will gladly try
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i know anon, i know ;(
I think about that a lot... even with surrogacy, mtfs have to choose between their children being half theirs or half their husbands (+ surrogates other half)
Obsessing over lineage is malebrained but I think it would be nice to have kids that have traits from both parents, instead of a stranger
Maybe one day, In vitro gametogenesis will be possible
imagine planning your daughter's wedding with her
i'm going to cry
Surrogate children are your real children though
pretty grim desu. when I first trooned out I had a thought of "oh ill find someone and we will adopt/have a surrogate"only to find out that if you are the sort of person who wants kids you aint gonna fuck a tranny.

the closest I had was living with a partner who already had a kid, but honestly I was just treated like a stranger in the house, with frequent reminders that I "wasn't real family"
>ywn have a loving, strong and protective man who desires to impregnate you
Thank god
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please stop, this genuinely is one of the worst parts of being a stupid tranny
Given how many times you were inevitably going to piss or shit on her over the next several years, it kinda seems only fair.
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This part is probably the worst of it. I wish my future children could have my bf and I's genes. Him and I plan to have two kids through surrogacy with the same egg donor, that way they will both be genetically ours and also genetically siblings of each other. After that though we'll probably adopt two more. We want a big family but IVF + surrogacy are extremely expensive. I wish I was born with egg cells and could have children the easy way...

Sometimes I wonder why I was cursed to be a tranny. To only be capable of loving men but unable to have imcompatible gametes with them, to want to have a big family of my own but to have no womb to create it, to be incapable of love and sex without having a (neo)vagina but to never have my own uterus...
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Literally get a bf and adopt
>just get a bf
Where is this from?
I’m happily in a transbian relationship so I don’t give a shit about the man part.

Not being able to get pregnant makes me want to strangle God with my own intestines.
What if your son grew up (partially) to be a manlet though?
With His own intestines I meant, fuck.
if u wanna get preg then u r a fag :3
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i genuinely have no clue, but the fact that no one has been able to provide an answer leads me to believe that it must have spawned on this website
Well you're clearly capable of adapting to incredibly difficult circumstances and finding another way to do what you need to do.

Not that I would wish it upon you (or them) or think that it "makes up" for it somehow, but maybe someday your children will be going through something very hard for them and your experiences, including what you went through to have them, will allow you to help them.
>ywn be pregnant
doesnt mean i wont stop crying
> obsessing over lineage is malebrained
Most women I've met have photos of their great grand cousins and can recite their entire family tree on the spot
literally coping, seething, dilating
Umareru Seibetsu Wo Machigaeta
/ I was born the wrong sex!
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me rn
One more reason for me to kms thanks anon
yeah no. part of children is your own body making them.

and actual surrogacy costs 10s of thousands before the birth.
Stop putting pregnancy tests up your butt
BOOO HOOOO men can't get pregnant lmfao, what's new? Literally, what's new??? It's been like this since begging of the human race and you fags acting like this is something new LMFAOOOO.
Trannies are embarrassing.
as a child ive never seen any good reasons for pregnancy other than my siblings which i had to raise myself. stretch marks. VIOLENT stretch marks not uwu cute shit. incredible nausea hair growth in weird patches swelling your feet and hands grow and sometimes scalp hair loss. men are visual so they hate the birthing process and have no empathy for it (a lot just ask for a birthing stitch or when they can fuck her again) (and the INCREDIBLE PAIN) and get disappointed when the belly doesnt immediately deflate. if i could get pregnant id rather do it for a woman who couldnt who i loved and who loved me. maybe a former mother. but not some fucking guy.
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completely fine i dont like children and pregnancy repulses me
>pregnancy repulses me
Good, because you, as a man wouldn't never experience it in the first place, so no reason to bother!
ok, i genuine dont care. i dont want children anyway, they ruin your body, drain your wallet, throw away 18 of your years or more and there is no guarantee it pays off and they end up successful and providing for you in old age
If I wasn't trans, none of these things would be possible either. So might aswell be trans and at least look the way I want to. Some people are just dealt a shit hand at birth and we just gotta deal with it lol
Ok my guy, it's not like you can get pregnant anyways. Why such drama over your imaginary womb? KEK
your the one starting drama
>yeah no. part of children is your own body making them.

absolutely not lol. That is one method for making a family, which is not possible or best for many people.
good, fuck children, disgusting snot nosed little rats that ruin your life and take your money
im gonna date my chaser BF and have 3x the fun as any breeder with our combined wealth
Idk but that’s actually fucking hilarious. A treat for what was to come. Not even mad
>ywn have a loving, strong, and protective man who desires to impregnate you
jokes on you, anon, I already have that :3
it's me
i'm the strong man
>ywn be pregnant
okay this kinda sucks actually. i imagine it feels really nice to be cared for and have your husband get protectice of you so you don't overexert yourself late term. feel the baby kicking and cuddle and all that.
>ywn have a loving, strong and protective man who desires to impregnate you
men can wanna put a baby in you and even try, whether ur infertile or not, what is this?
>ywn witness your children grow up and and be successful
adoption exists you nimbwit
>ywn receive a mother's day card
>ywn get to see your grandchildren

i'm clearly just to high IQ to fall for dysphoriabait. so i might miss out on 7 months of nice moments but get to avoid the harsh condition that is pregnancy and the severe trauma of birth. things could really be worse. i'm more scared that men will hate me and i'll never find a boyfriend
tell that to a mother or father. i fucking dare you asshat.
read through it, less ropefuel than i was hoping, more just an actual experience (which was established early on but still, i’m here to hurt myself over never being a mother not the difficulties of dilating)
bad, i'm going to cry myself to sleep <3 and i'll rope after seeing all of my friends' babies photos on socials
You can still adopt, or surrogacy. One day you will have your ideal partner and make a family with him/her
>it's okay because i can adopt
yeah you can adopt another woman's child.
Totally, I mean more like caring whether your kid has your genes or not. Men care about that more while women are usually more OK with adoption or alloparenting.
this. i don’t care about the genetic aspect of it i just want to be able to have had the possibility to carry. but instead i got the tranny gene
Idk it's probably about equal. Men yap a lot about their child's genes because they can never really be 100% sure if a child is theirs even if they think it is. Women go the adoption route when they have no other choice or they've already had multiple other kids. I've met three women who had adopted children and none of their husbands left them over being infertile. I don't think it's any couple's first choice generally, infertility is always devastating.
can someone here be my mommy
I want to be a mommy so badly anon. Why must you hurt me like thay? :(
I hate kids. People always told me that things will be different when I get my own children. And I didn't understand why I would care about something like that but since I trooned I understood that I just wanted to be a mother. I would be the bost mom ever for my kids and do everything for them. Everything so they will be happier than me
I wish someone would moderate and ban you niggers, that's how I feel, nigger
I understand that missing out on motherhood is a terrible feeling but you are completely deranged if you are a natalist
>ywn be pregnant
no but we can keep trying
>ywn have a loving, strong and protective man who desires to impregnate you
see above
>ywn witness your children grow up and and be successful
i have step kids, and I've gotten to enjoy raising them from young ages. they still consider me mom. the blood of covenant is thicker than the water of the womb
>ywn receive a mother's day card
i do tho even though I never asked them to
>ywn get to see your grandchildren
I'm more concerned with them being financially stable before getting some girl pregnant or getting pregnant herself. all of them are attractive and got rizz. they will all be having kids eventually, only a matter of time
How does this make you feel, exactly?
my ancestors are smiling upon me, can you say the same?
Imagine precious and delicate life growing inside you.
It does not feel delicate, I assure you
meh, I'm not really about that life, or maybe I just haven't met the right guy?
But fuck you telling me I'll never do something. If I want to experience it I'll take out my brain and put it in a female body soon as I figure out how to connect all the tubes and stop tissue rejection. I don't think I'd be a good parent tho
>ywn be pregnant
dont want to be
>ywn have a loving, strong and protective man who desires to impregnate you
dont want one
>ywn witness your children grow up and and be successful
dont want to
>ywn receive a mother's day card
>ywn get to see your grandchildren
wasn't planning on it anyway

im literally mashing the skip button on your dialogue OP its such a fucking boooorrre dude
You literally can impregnate someone and not bear the terrible burden of pregnancy, I don’t understand this.
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totally good bro. I've just accepted it as a fact of life and in now way feel a horrible, sickening sadness and dispair over something so minor h-haha that would be silly r-right haha..

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