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I'm a pre-op trans man and intend to remain as such for the simple reason that a functional man-cunt is for me preferable over a non-functional rotting meat tentacle. But I still feel like I'm missing a part of me, simply knowing that I don't have a cock dangling between my legs. For a while I felt better just stuffing my boxers just enough to give me that very subtle but noticeable bulge. The thing is, I'm relatively well-passing, but if I fill my crotch with a folded pair of socks, I have this nagging feeling that it's not realistic enough. Someone will surely know. So, what to do? How to find a reasonable solution to not having a dick bulge when I walk around? I've been toying with the idea of making a replacement myself, but how? Can I just buy one? The only ones I've found online are like $600 prosthetic penises and I'm not that desperate, I'd rather stick to socks if that's my only option, or some sex toys and I don't want a fucking 12-inch erect dildo, needs to be realistic. So, any ideas?
It will take me a moment to remember the name, but for packing there’s one that’s like $20 that’s better for that purpose than the $600 ones and is pretty much dead on in the tactile sense for a soft dick
getting a packer is way more uncanny looking, also its kind of pathetic to larp like you have a huge cock when you dont even have one
someone post the reddit meme with the pooner wearing a massive packer to lil bros birthday party
Mr Limpy
I knew it had a retarded name but I couldn’t remember what came after the Mr.
It looks like nothing and can’t be used for anything, but for just packing it’s ideal.
why would anyone pack? its like asking to be made fun of once you take your pants off
A huge one would be dumb, having something there is as crucial as women having a breast bulge. Straight males vastly underestimate how often androphiles evaluate it. When I was a theater kid (and this all the men were at some point or another in revealing tights) everyone bi and every straight woman was completely familiar with the size and general shape of every male student’s cock. Usually whether they were cut, too.
Thanks, I'll check it out.

I don't need a huge cock. I just want to feel like I have one. It's a real confidence booster, like when I started stuffing, for a while I really felt like I have a cock, like of course it wasn't sexual, but just feeling something there is enough to create a subconscious illusion when you aren't actively thinking about it, ie. 99% of the time.

It's not for sexual purposes. It's for looks and confidence, mostly the latter. I'd never have sex with anyone who doesn't already know I've got a vag
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Same reason men wear lifts
Here you go dawg, alleged megalist of every packer/play packer/STP ever.
OP here, I just googled and Mr. limpy actually seems pretty much exactly what I wanted, so thanks for that. It's cheap, too. Does anyone know if it can be fitted into some kind of belt or something, or does it just kind stay in place?
I cannot help much. But I do remember seeing more realistically sized packers selling for far less then $600 a few years back. I imagine they would also be far more hygienic then socks.
Have you tried looking at places that specifically cater to trans people? I imagine many places that sell binders would also have a selection of packers.
I assume it is mostly a dysphoria thing. Sorta like makeup and MtFs.
As someone into st4t, I personally like the idea of a bf with a noticeable bulge.
Fuck you kys
I NEED to see this
Soft packers don't cost that much. You only get those high costs if you get things like STPs and 3 in 1s. For your needs, you can easily buy one for less than 50$.
But also frankly you can get a realistic looking bulge with a sock. It's the feel that will be off if someone gropes you though.
whats the point of a bulge if its fake?
you could get a small sensibly sized one, pretend that he's a grower not a shower. I'm 5'6" and was <6" at the height of male puberty. As far as someone "knowing" that you're using socks, the only people looking at your crotch will (presumably) be straight/bi women if they feel horny, and gay men. Even then as long as it stays in the front area of your crotch and the bulge will be made by your clothes covering it; the biggest thing is your comfort and how soft/squishy you want your dick to be on a causal basis.

Some fit to belts, idk about that model, but iirc there's packing underwear that has something similar to the pouch that men's underwear, but it's made to hold a packer tight and against your body.
>Have you tried looking at places that specifically cater to trans people?
Yeah, some, most very really expensive or otherwise just... not what I was looking for.
>assume it is mostly a dysphoria thing. Sorta like makeup and MtFs.
100% this, can't explain it in any way that makes sense other than this. You know how some men just can't get how women out on make up for themselves? If you don't do it, you just kinda can't get it. It's for me. It's just a part of the elaborate makeup I put on every day when I want the world to, for a brief second, see me as the man I feel like.
woman go off the site
Imagine I'm a man, I've just been cursed by an evil spirit and my cock was inverted and the only way I can undo the curse is if enough or people around me believe I still have my cock, I'd figure that'd be easier for you to believe than the idea that someone who was assigned at birth as a woman identifies as a man, because the former requires only childlike belief to fairy tales while the latter requires you to empathize with another human
I wear boxer briefs so I just put it in the jock cup. It’s kind of tacky so it doesn’t fall out.
why do I not live somewhere men wear tight clothes often??? (yes I look when I can)
i'd also be concerned he'd swap it out for a too big strap on
yeah but like all women wear make up and I've never seen a packer
Hey poonbro cis guy here, the thing with bulges is that we usually try to avoid them being visible. Like for instance the big secret behind manspreading is that we don't just do it because it's comfy, but also because it hides that crease along the leg where the dick is.
No one wants to sit on their own nuts
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My bf sucks mine off and ngl it’s a pretty great visual
Plus underwear bulge
Underwear bulge………..
To be fair even shrinkage is pretty rough, plenty of guys pack just when they're in a speedo
As always G, it pains me that you are not st4t pilled.
are you even packing in this pic
I’d fuck with a trans girl if she’s dommy, but I don’t wanna seem like a creepy bottom chaser ;-;
Yeah, it’s just sitting kinda weird
get her ass
>I’d fuck with a trans girl if she’s dommy
You are one of the very few decent trips from /ftmg/. Don't kill my dreams like this G.
I’m sorry ;—;
I can’t help being a massive bottom for literally everyone,,,,,
I know. It's not just for the bulge, I should've put more emphasis on the whole dysphoria aspect. It's mostly for me, I want to 'know' there's something, I can't really explain it better than that. I want the full-on experience, as realistic as I can. Like, it probably sounds stupid as fuck, but when I got rejected by a woman for the first time after I started presenting male, that rejection felt AMAZING, because she rejected me as a man, not as some schizoid tranny. Like that was the first time I felt like people around me see me as a man. And after years of loving as a woman and having to turn down men, while also reading how men suffer from being turned all the time, feeling that very male experience of being turned down by a woman felt so cathartic. It's stupid, and it's horrible men have to feel rejected all the time, and it's absurd that I use that as some sort of fuel for myself because I want to feel like a man, but I can't help it. For me, it's important not just to be seen as a man, but feel like one, too. And I know being a man isn't just this overtly romanticised picture of people who own the world, there's a lot of invisible shit and burden that comes with it.

And even if it's something as small of being embarrassed when I realise my barely visible bulge was MAYBE seen by someone, I want that. I want the feeling of "failing" in some way specific for men, because it's an integral part of life for men. Like even if it's something that in the moment I wish didn't happen, it just in some weird fucking way makes it that much more real.

I know it's stupid, and I should be happy if I can avoid the downsides of manhood. But I know no man out there can opt out of them. So I shouldn't, either.
Yeah nah that makes sense, just don't be that guy who gets a packer that makes him look like he's hard 24/7 lmao.
Absolutely not, I want it to be realistic and just kinda there. 99% of the time I will be the only person who knows there's anything there, and that 1% will be by accident, probably without me even realising someone noticed it. Like I know what bulges on men look like. Outside of porn and saucy calendars for women, they don't look like the picture I posted, that's for sure.
>I should be happy if I can avoid the downsides of manhood
>But I know no man out there can opt out of them
>So I shouldn't, either
This is one of the reasons why I'm such a big fan of st4t. Because this is almost a mirror of how I feel about the downsides of being a afab. I get that things like periods really suck. But if there were some surgery that allowed me to experience them, then I absolutely would get it done. I think being able to have this shared negative experience with everyone else of the gender you identify as is just really validating and would help with dysphoria.
Bulges are just hot in general also. Even the slightly cringy unrealistic ones.
Only and only ever only .
Hardboiled eggs
>he only ones I've found online are like $600 prosthetic penises and I'm not that desperate
too bad, reelmagiks are fucking amazing
You take your pants off in public?
Most men don't have visible bulges you weirdo flaccid dicks are small
Infact, having a visible one is embarrassing so if you do have a larger penis you wear looser pants to hide it
>makes any woman that sees super horny
ikr just call it a MUNT
Scout from TF2 is FtM?
>functional man-cunt
I move this be shortened to munt from now on.
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This is how women see the world.
Because deep down ur a woman and you know it
It won’t make anybody horny because it’s not gonna look genuine at all if he just stuffs a bunch of socks down there women sniff these things out like bloodhounds
>>36645570 no they don't
He's specifically asking for something more realistic than socks
as a woman okay even if you have a sock happens when you take your pants off???
This isn’t about sex nigga are you retarded
what is the point of a penis if not for sex?
Realistically, cocks really aren't that noticeable. It's because men's penises are usually flaccid and don't push against the fabric of their pants, or if they do get an erection in public they're wearing something loose enough so it won't be uncomfortable.
Just bee urself.
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Pooners are such a fucking embarrassment holy shit, try talking to actual cis men about theses things for once in your lives
Women don't get horny over dick bulges, that shit is gay as fuck and only impresses faggots
This is the exact type of insane shit that lead to that one reddit pooner wearing a dildo in her pants to a 10yr olds birthday party
>talk to cis men to learn how women think
>Pooners want to be what they find attractive

Just like AGP troons want to be the hot bimbo they want to fuck. Beautiful symmetry.
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You have confused attraction for dick with needing one on your outside. You need one in the musty cave.

I hope someone posts it, it's fucking deathly cringe and humorous at the same time

>I, a woman, would prefer a man
lmfao at everything you do
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talk to cis men to learn how cis men think/act, retard
seriously i know no straight cis man who would even notice a lack of bulge and then if they somehow did notice wouldn't chalk it up to being a grower. poons need to worry about the mickey mouse voice saggy tits and love handles before they worry about their crotch
I need sloppy munt like yesterday
munt must
munt MUSK*
musky munts*
I’m cumming
jsyk the mr limpy is made of a weird material e.g. not silicone (it's called 'superskin' which is a very nondescript name) so it's not properly skin safe, just make sure there's some sort of layer between it and your groin
Lmao, I can't imagine the overwhelming shame and humiliation a poonchudder manlet must feel every waking second to not only be a bottom value fakemale, but also not even have a cock. They unironically call their enlarged clittys "T dicks" LMAO. You will never be able to please a woman with such a useless stub, women want alpha males, tall, dominant, big thick meaty cock and able to effortlessly pummel any creepy FtCs into the dirt whole she watches in awe. She begins to seep, ready to take chads cock at the sight of the pooners humiliation. It's only natural for women to submit themselves to only the best and deserving men
Cuck fetish aside what is an ftc supposed to be
Female to Chud
"female to cuck"
>Women don't get horny over dick bulges
yeah im sure youd know
ignore 5"6 anon hes a schizophrenic autist. Very intresting fella
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Hes right though
They make underwear with integrated cups. Far more practical than a packer and significantly less embarrassing if you ever get found out. Plus you can get hit in the groin and break someone's hand as the ultimate fuck you
hey, you know what makes for the best bottom?
a woman.

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