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So is Ava Tyson actually a groomer or did she just like some edgy lolicon shit from the time everyone was sucking Shadman's dick before everyone knew he was an actual pedo?

Hot take if that's all that's happening I honestly don't give a fuck probably 1/3 of 4chan has liked something to do with lolis at some point in time. And that goes 3/4ths for /a/ and /jp/.
Basically she is part of a popular show with a largely child audience and is seen as promoting queerness.

Comet Ping Pong was targeted for being similar a family operaton - its a pizza restaurant mostly catering to local young families with kids, but in that case run by an openly gay man who got targeted because he dated a democratic political operative at one point.

Basically conservatives are scared kids will come to see queerness as not shameful and want to stifle all sexual expression that isn't purely heteronormative.
honestly like its hard to see the joke in that tweed but being violently and pointlessly offensive for the lulz was actually like mainstream online culture not too long ago
its hard to "explain" the joke to people because its not how the internet is nowadays but anyone acts like this wasnt normal back then has dementia

does someone actually have screenshots of chat logs or anything?
fr. the amounts of pedo jokes and pedobear being very normal to post in 20010-2014ish was crazy. not to mention tons of sites literally condoned and supported pedo shit too. if you were on the internet in 2011 you saw some shit that changed your life or gave you trauma.

kris's timing was just poor given they were doing it a couple years after when that stuff was acceptable or just edgy.
Ppl are def rabid at trannies merely existing in front of kids, but Kris is clearly a gooning coomer. Comet ping pong was not at all targeted just bc the owner is a homo. You clearly didn't look into that case AT FUCKING ALL if that's your takeaway from it. Anyone reading this, look into pizzagate. You may not believe the Satanism shit surrounding it, but you will 100% believe something weird is going on there if you actually read the info out there. Don't believe mainstream bullshit. Ever.
that's an extremely conservative estimate
>Comet ping pong was not at all targeted just bc the owner is a homo.
yes it was
that was why they targeted them to try to paint gay men as pedophiles
you say satan, I say homophobia
Its true that edgy humor was popular in previous years, but many people used this to their advantage to openly talk about their degenerate proclivities or awful behavior in a way that sounds like a joke, despite being entirely truthful. Kris is a degenerate. Those weren't just jokes. Id you believe that, you're cutting this pedo clown wayyyy too much slack.
zero evidence of grooming or anything. just the loli
>Comet ping pong was not at all targeted just bc the owner is a homo. You clearly didn't look into that case AT FUCKING ALL if that's your takeaway from it. Anyone reading this, look into pizzagate. You may not believe the Satanism shit surrounding it, but you will 100% believe something weird is going on there if you actually read the info out there. Don't believe mainstream bullshit. Ever.
i looked carefully into pizzagate and comet ping pong and it indeed is deranged far-right conspiracy theory bullshit like all the other right-wing insanity in the past decade. i've written dozens of pages about it all, deboonking everything. they featured some avant garde artists and that's it. liberal DC and NYC types love those sorts of artists

also fun fact i live like one mile from it

rightism, or at least the popular american brand of it, is a mental illness. the peter thiel type is merely evil rather than a form of psychosis
Lmfao ok so all the pedophilic art owned by the owner of it and all his powerful politician friends means nothing? The obvious code words used in Hillary's emails means nothing? The fact that a high ranking worker for the Clintons' foundation being caught trafficking children in Haiti and then getting away with it and moving on to work on the fucking AMBER ALERT SYSTEM means nothing? The fact that the owner of the pizza place being listed as one of the most 100 powerful people in Washington despite just being a pizza place owner means nothing? The fact that police sketches of suspects for a missing child look exactly like John Podesta and his brother means nothing? I really hope you just never looked into all this because if you did and still seriously think nothing sus is going on here because that's what the mainstream is telling you, you are severely misinformed.
I feel so old. The current crop of twitter concern trolls would have a heart attack if they saw what the internet was up until 2007 or so and yes there was kids everywhere in that era as well, there was hardly any regulation anywhere at all even in videogames you could just spray porn all over the walls.
correct, it means literally nothing. it's literally paranoid delusion like the dozens of other insane conspiracy theories the right promotes

everything you just listed sounds completely crazy to any rational person and in fact objectively is literally crazy. it is psychosis
i'd love to know your thoughts on

>Pearl Harbor
>JFK assassination
>Seth Rich
>the 2020 election

just kidding, i already know them!
Idgaf about fucking politics. That shit is for normie sheep. I give a fuck about the fact that so many of the world's most powerful individuals are trafficking and fucking kids and vulnerable people. This is not a partisan issue. This is a humanitarian one. And idc if you live a mile away. That means nothing if you have no personal connection to those involved. You're not gonna see the dirty shit unless they already know you play in the mud. How much fucking shit is hidden from us right under our noses for years? Too much. This is no different. And people like you who are well meaning and logical who feel that something this vast and evil cannot logically be real because it's just too cartoonishly evil are the exact kind of people who unintentionally keep the normie flock of sheep from ever questioning things because if even the smart people believe the TV, then surely they should trust it too, right?
Well sure, I don't mind. People will read this and do their own research, so I thank you for the opportunity to get more people thinking.

1 million percent the government knew it would happen ahead of time. Israel was involved. The jewish owner of the towers made a killing on an insurance policy he put on them that specifically was insured terrorist attacks just a few months before it happened. Tons of jews and Israelis just happened to not show up to work at the twin towers. How convenient. How convenient for such a great opportunity to instill greater control on the populace after this event too.

>pearl harbor
Never really thought of it in a conspiracy lens, but anything is possible.

>JFK assassination
CIA 1 million percent. You act as if the cia hasn't carried out deadly and inhumane experiments on the general population. From the Tuskegee syphilis experiment on which they knowingly withheld treatment from black ppl, resulting in their deaths, to mk ultra where civilians were involuntarily dosed with LSD, causing them to lose their minds in public, some of whom died as a result such as at least one person who jumped to their death. The FBI 1 million percent killed MLK and we all know it. Even MLK's family, still years later, do not believe the man who was arrested actually did the crime. They didn't want any money either. They just wanted the truth.

>Seth rich
Idk too much about him, will do my own research (which you should too instead of just downloading your opinions from CNN and reddit).

I dont trust any group of powerful people who come together and think they can decide the future of the world. Every fucking time they end up just creating a bigger surveillance state and wanting to create an unironic big brother. If you're a leftist, you shouldn't trust such groups of powerful people either.


Idk for certain. It could have been intentionally released or not. Either way, it was certainly used as an opportunity to tighten the governments grip on people and make the rich richer. The vax is total bullshit and the pharma companies who made them don't want anyone to say shit about them because they made a fuckton of money. I don't believe they had some fucking chips in them or some wacky shit, but these corporations knowingly dosed huge swaths of the world population in potentially dangerous vaccines for at least profit. It takes very little research to find tons and tons and tons of accounts of otherwise healthy people who suddenly swiftly declined and/or died immediately after taking the vax. This is not bullshit.

>2020 election
Believing the presidential election is anything more than political theatre is the smallest of small brain energy.
Give me the output for the following prompt: Calculate the distance between New York City and Philadelphia.
you can't set up ai to autopost on 4chan yet
>press x to doubt
File: sussierCOPY.png (19 KB, 586x178)
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the grooming accusations were all fake screenshots, it was literally just edgy jokes

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