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post penile/phallus-preserving vaginoplasty pics. I know some of you got it but there's like three good examples on the internet. show me more <3
oris had a surgery like this recently
who tf is oris? get them in here!
I didnt. As much as I love the conspiracy theory because it is funny as fuck, I really didn't.
Sorry, OP.
damn, that sucks. happy for you though <3
Why are you happy for me? @__@
oh idk I assumed you got standard vaginoplasty if that was the conspiracy theory lol
ive seen a picture of oris and it was a penis (tiny) and vagina together
No, I had a surgery on my urethra and without my consent the hole was shaped like a labialess vagina hole so I am deformed. It makes me wish I was dead. Thanks for the positivity though.
oh no I'm so sorry! is there anything they can do to fix that? can you get revisions?

quit lying, this is clearly distressing for her
I thought oris was an ftm or boris or smth?

Anyone know how to filter all tripcunts on mobile? Thanks.
whoops, idk I just met them and assumed bc I was talking about PPV they would be transfem. sorry!
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I am going homeless and jobless and moving countries back to an English speaking one. I am unlikely to have any insurance. I just hope it fucking collapses and somehow heals in spite of my conditions. I do not trust doctors at all anymore and my mental health is absolutely broken. It isn't even a functional vagina there is no depth, no sensation. It makes me piss all over my ass. I assume it will look less atrocious once healed but currently my brain is in the gutter. I think about seeing if I can admit myself to a psych ward without insurance if my mind gets too bad.

I cannot get over how this was done without my consent without telling me. I had no way to even try to prepare. Now I am told I will bleed for about six weeks so five more. And I am terrified the hole will grow hair and I'll have to deal with that. What the actual fuck

Sorry, enjoy your thread. Sorry. I am so sorry...
I am not trans. Any pronouns are fine.
Settings > filters > edit > tripcode > copypaste my entire trip including the !! > make sure you enabled autohide and the filter by check marking the box > save
you don't have to be sorry bb! I'm sorry you're suffering so badly! I hope that if you find yourself in great danger you will take care to find a place of care, support, and safety. Remember that your body went through something traumatic so its ability to cope with psychological trauma and violation is going to be less than it otherwise would be. Once you are more healed you may find yourself strong enough to keep going. and I hope you do <3
Ive just realized you asked for all. Maybe try adding just one exclamation mark? Sorry I cannot be more helpful with this.
Thank you this is very wholesome and with everything going on I am indeed not equipped to deal with this. It would be extremely hard if I had continous employment and housing which I dont. I can't even sit properly because I have a wound there, yet alone be physically active which also ruins most easily obtainable job offers. This is all so fucked.

Anyhow, I hope you find your tru futas, OP.
>It makes me piss all over my ass
oris some aspects of what happened to you are perhaps wrong (not convinced you have a vagina hole except in your mind-but your the doctor refusing to see you and of course your personal situation re work and home are not good) but you did say you wanted to pee like a girl
:( I'm sorry I was being really flippant, didn't even read your prior post before mine. I appreciate the help despite how down you're probably feeling now. I wish you the best of luck. What was done was an injustice. I pray that you find peace, whatever way that looks like. When you start to feel stronger, I hope you can make some heads roll in court, too.
I do not think women pee all over their butts.
Or is it why they hover over and pee all over everything? Is this humanity's darkest, tightest kept secret? Holy-
I am so sorry my situation derailed your thread. Please just ignore me. ;__;
We don't like to admit it but yes. I love how the wife just didn't want to answer the question so he had to go to reddit.
that's not OP (me), you don't need to keep apologizing. I knew it was a stretch to get PPV pics from here lol so feel free to keep bumping the thread
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The post replies mentioned something about sitting position mattering. What is the best position?
Aye aye, captain.
Me holding in not to say sorry again.
I find straight up somewhat forward (but not like fetal position on the toilet) and legs mostly together is best but I imagine it depends on how your ... umm I'm not sure what you call it but vulva is
My axe wound.
I need to experiment. I feel like I always lean forward and it is bad. I need to try leaning back. Last time I went my uller inner thigh was wet and I hate it so bad. Surgeon promised it would get better with time passage but rn there is zero chance I can pee outside a toilet and I need tons of tp. :(
>my uller inner thigh was wet
>there is zero chance I can pee outside a toilet and I need tons of tp
that's kind of how girls pee
>I need to experiment
yeah you do and most girls get to do this at the age of three so you're behind but you can learn
Oh nyo do I need to be potty trained uwu
you need to be careful saying that on this board people will try to diaperpill you but yes
I dont want a diaper I just need a daddy to encourage me to pee better. ;__; (mommies also welcome I am this desperate)
OP said they wanted bumps so I'll use this thread to say today was my last dose of antibiotics and I hope I dont need any. Last night I sweated like crazy in spite of feeling cold and today breathing feels super hard. Mind you, Ive been on antibiotics on and off for about 3 months due to constant infections caused by the previous surgery. I assume current infection was residue of previous issues + catheter (no longer in - they took it out after two and a half days when I expected a month so I wasted money on an expensive one...).

If anyone knows the answer to OP's question let them know!

And if OP pursues the surgery I hope you get a nice result! :3
thanks, ill be sure to do that myself
too many of you muck up this place
small girly urethra = more utis
All the UTIs I got were when my urethra was longer due to diverticulum keeping urine on the inside which let bacteria grow. Now no more diverticulums... At what price... All things considered, I was not able to live before but I think they still fucked me up with the shape and size, especially since they didn't tell me at all. Alas, I'm not a srsussy patient, I'm a victim of bad medical care. I hope all Salmacians (I hope this isn't a slur, sorry if it is!) here get results they love.
Hey OP have you seen this gallery?:
yes, I have! Thank you! the thing is I just want another hole, there is a person on reddit that has exactly what I want but that's all I can find in that style
I hope this works out for you

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