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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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we must protect sneed
repeat question: porn is massively underlubricated, bottombois are hurt in the making, not fun watchimg, why
good morning
thats not a question
good mornting sar
pain don't hurt
asspain sure hurts me
there's something unsavory about spelling "boy" with an "i"
just drink more water
porn is hurtful and not fun because they never actually care about each other and view what they're doing as only transactional with no emotional connection, which is the most important part
>bottombois are hurt in the making
And those bitches love it
im talking to a top and want to meet, of i ask him to tie my hands behind my back at his place, what are the chances he loses the condom and rapes me?
God help the bottoms in these threads
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i'm not asking you to choke me. cause then i still feel in control.
But to answer your question if you have never hooked up with this person don’t do that
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don't listen to dan. he doesn't know wtf he's talking about.
This troll needs get on meds asap
All of my STD test results came back negative. I also got throat and anal swabs.

If the guy is uncut you can get away with very little lube. Costa Rican guy has fucked me with just spit
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Imagine being the cutest twink. Then you end up fat. Grim.
i blame it on him getting a girlfriend
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Would y'all date a liberal white top?

Keep in mind he's extremely, extremely pro-transgender rights and anti-racism.
Dear gaygen. What do you think about Warhammer40k as a hobby? Also bonus question, who is your favourite faction?
Shut up freshienon
i'm not a top, i'm a power bottom
it’s a decent hobby. necrons for sure.
I want to get I to it, but I don't know how. How do I get into warhamer?
i've never kissed a guy. only girls

and im gay i was just pretending to be straight. ive never hugged or held hands with a guy either
no I would not date a repper
i’ve done all that but only with guys
why not?
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or a guy, rather. i ain’t no hoe!
better get on it then, chop chop
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how can you even compete with these adorable critters?
i HATE attractive men
i was scared to come out in middle/high school, which is dumb because no one would have cared

Just wanted to be a cool straight boy jock. pure vanity.
would you rather wear a mantilla or a hijab
I'm ready for the Olympics
i came out young. got bullied and isolated by peers. felt awful.
You’re not even a trip. You don’t know anything.
too skinny 5 me total twink fattening
>take me to paris position
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trips are for fags
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i like the models
chaos space marines for the glory of chaos.....
twisted evil space marines who teleport out of hell to do battle
here is a bad picture of my own warband of painted chaos space marines
how about you anon
My point stands
playing farts on the fart board
slightly chubby twinks.....
which one? that're your a degenerated that gets fisted at pride or that you're a degenerated having sex on a school playground?
paint job looks deece
There’s that dishonest impotent anonymous incel seethe I was baiting out. You cum in your hand yet today bud?
no i came on a picture i printed out of you
/gaygen/ should support Arthur Nory
sorry to hear that bubs, you were brave tho
>tries to engage in discussion of a popular hobby
>asks how I can get into it
Oh fuck off.
only if he shows hole
it's ok. i wasn't depressed, just bullied and harassed.
Walk into a hobby store with some money, buy some supplies like a plastic-cutter and a pot of glue etc., buy a starter box of which ever faction looks cool to you. Maybe buy some paints too. Chit-chat with the hobby store employees, they will set you up if you are willing to make the purchase.
have you invested in a harness yet? can i hook a leash up to your septum piercing?
I’ll get my rich middle eastern bottom bf to buy me one
You first :3
and ozempic
That's not fat. A bit soft but not at the point where it causes health issues probably. In the first image he's just skinny and looks like a kid.
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He is a top
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top hole is best hole
Used to have such a crush on him
Then he went and married his daddy issues
they look better when i take them off the shelf and put them out so my camera can actually see them better
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Bunch of clucking hens.
Drag him and rape him
you have such unrealistic standards for guys you're into lol aim far lower
he ALMOST has the exact look of deep hatred and resentment in his soul that I have and am looking for. I normally don't like guys' faces but I think this confirms what I'm looking for
there's nothing wrong with liking older men cmon, they seem happy together
force feeding a twink gainer shakes until he’s fat
Stan daddy issues
everyone likes hot celebrities, it doesn't mean you refuse to date anyone else
>how'd you reaolve your daddy issues anon?
>i found one to make love to me
...not like this.
Their relationship just seemed so 'cmbyn'
It was weird
delta has a history of aiming for guys he realistically cant obtain with his lifestyle or lookslevel and putting off guys that are more his rank
The point isn’t to resolve them
Maybe its time to give it a break with the comments.
you sound bitter and jealous af lol we get it your life sucks but dont put the jaded nonce shit on everyone else
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I really don't think he was planning on dating tom daley
here's my thing with hot celebrities. str8 guys will openly objectify women, but the moment you objectify a man in their pressence they lose their cool. if it's not ok when the shoe is on the other foot then why the fuck are you doing it all the time? idgaf how hot you think mary elizabeth winstead is. you fuckin' me or you fuckin' her? neither? sounds like you lost.

worse, when they /claim/ to be bi, but you can tell they're not because they react the same way when you tell him you fantasized about dennis rodman and jcvd double teaming you.
He really thinks he has a chance with those types of guys (he doesn't)
cmbyn was about a bipedo pumping and dumping an impressionable teen

daley was an adult when they got together and now they're married with kids
this. he always rejects guys that are more similar to him bc he thinks he deserves and can pull someone above 5/10
I don't know why you're assuming that
how many posters here had he done it to? i remember ramen and a couple anons
Would you date tom daley, delta?
it's been evident with his post history over multiple years lol but go off
homophobia is about straight men being scared of gay men treating them the same way that they treat women. think I heard that somewhere and it rings true.
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>tfw when they call you an incel, but you're a eunuch by choice.
Putting a gainer on a diet until he's just within normal range, enough to satisfy him but not hurt his heart and joints
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The GAG, mamas
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he's just an avoidant personality who shuts people off because he's scared of being hurt/rejected. I know because I'm that way too.
this is who delta thinks he deserves to be dating lol
yeah no he's a repressing pedophile that aims for thinks and twunks out of his league
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They look like adolescents, in their late teens most likely, judging by the fact that one has a maturing hairline
you're trying too hard itt
Left looks like a teenager who hasn't even finished putting on muscle
the mullet always gets me
ok you're just a troll, got it
Nta but he's right. Guy on the left is 19. The mullet one seems a bit younger though.
this thread? as if he hasn't been doing this for days now
Just saying if you like guys that look like they’re in high school you might want to work that out…
Because I love someone else.
Do you know what a twink is
Yeah even if it's not pedophilia it feels weird thinking of dating guys I'm old enough to teach
bucko was right about nonce mfers stuck in their high school mindset
I wonder if he got his hair cut yet :3
Who? Delta?
I’m just saying…
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kys brazilian nonce
hungry as fuck
they're too good
I'm just saving them the time
which is exactly why I wouldn't

I don't know if what I like even is twinks
like I kind of prefer the guy on the right there
you thought stating this did something huh lol
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Why do my nippies look like this?
you are obsessed with xanthippe
I don’t need you guys to try and explain or excuse your weird fetish
No Delta would never. He only goes for 10/10 Chads celebs.
kek roll her
when he's a 2/10 at 300 lbs living with family at 36? no education no job prospects? living off govt gibs?
Lunch on the psychiatric ward
not really in the mood for trans girls today
much to the dismay of my chasergen fans
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It's not weird since it's the most popular fetish out there.
like nipples?

f u
Everyone has their preferences. For instance my boyfriend would never ever in a million years date a black man but claims to not be racist. That’s valid…right?
that might just be you
Should you even bother interacting with other gays if you're not attractive? It honestly feels like you have to be perfect to have a chance
I don’t need you to try and explain or excuse it predator
yawn trip on
I bet the after happened after he got married to a woman and had at least one kid, right?
Male bodies are hot
So is body hair
muscular twunk with armpit hair and a bish
no homo but that's hot
thanks for reading my blog
I don't date underage guys. You're living in a twink world. Get over it.
Why is it always them?
How long until he’s trans going after the most masc men alive?
It's a twink's world and you're lucky to be living in it
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Yeah here’s another angle.
Oh yeah? How come we’ve never had a twink president?
im masc for masc not hsts
if you had 5 minutes to take something from your room in a backpack because a tornado touched down in Lancashire and was about to tear your home apart, what would you take?

I don't see the point in owning these things, they don't add anything to your life, they're just there taking up space, I think you should become a minimalist
Ok pedo. Tell me how that goes as they get older.
it's a nipple...
Would you?
evens i eat lunch
odds i do drugs
Aaaand here comes the p-word. So predictable.
>as they get older
If I really love the guy I won't care.
You’re going to find a nice masc twunk and forget about all this bi nonsense?
i’m 21 but if i like twinks that makes me a pedo?
Mongolia seems based.
You seem bitter.
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i like them because it gives me a sense of accomplishment, i get to try new techniques and get better at painting them, and you can play games with them which is a social thing. if a hand grenade went off and killed all my models it would be pretty sad because i like them, but at the end of the day the silver lining is i would have a clean slate to do it all again but getter.
anyway 5 minutes would be plenty of time to sweep them all off the shelf into a bag and i would because its worth a lot of money and also everything is pointless and uhm
i mean it's not nonsense
I mean y'know like y'know like
No need to get defensive about your dysfunction
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getter is good+better
it means to do something really good
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yes daddy hi daddy hi
No need to be so angry.
Less clothes
I like your tail.
wrangling a twink for deep penetration
I’m not mad because you are attracted to teenagers. Just saying it’s not normal.
cock out or i stab delta in runescape
I honestly don't see a point in trying. I think I'm too ugly/unattractive
he do be havin a fat ass
why cover tattoos?
Why did Chuck sell the Feed & Seed to Sneed?
Just found out Jerry Seinfeld stole my man baka
At the worksite and I was told to find a bucket of steam but I’m not seeing any????
I'm attracted to twinks, like the majority of gay people. There is nothing wrong with it. You're mad because you were never a twink.
Big time pedophilia coping lol
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cus profit
Christ, brother you can’t do shit can you? At least grab that empty bucket and catch the sparks for us
I think they meant steamy bucket.
>pedo pedo pedo

do you have trauma do to your first relationship with an older man?
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>made cookies for my bf while he was at work
>he got home and just stared at them
>"those are going to throw my macros off, you know - too much sugar"
>it's been two days and he still hasn't touched them
okay so I guess I'm never fucking baking again...
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Maybe you should be more conscious of your bfs hard work.
Spotted the gay that’s never worked a day of labor
I just got dressed baka
Too identifying for me
alright changed my mind I just saw a pretty girl
I worked construction for a couple years as a teen. Never again.
>do to
there was another one like this
can't remember what it was

>my macros

>Too identifying for me
are you a celeb?

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Would you?
too young for delta
Ok you gagged me with this honey my wig was found wigless under a railway bridge
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If gigi could compromise this is what a 10/10 would look like.
actually aim that high? no
>the first one but 10 years older
It's weird for me to see because it means "ox" in Portuguese.
What coping? You're coping. You're bitter and angry. It's not my fault you're ugly.
retired decorated american rodeo rider from the west coast
Brother don't do this to yourself. Women are disgusting, dumb holes.
really? :o
This is coping because you’re attracted to teenagers sorry not sorry
The one guy on Grindr I was interested in seems to be gone. It's over...
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I'm attracted to twinks.
This is why I like your models.And they give you good character.
i love black women
How old were you when Daddy snuck into your room for the first time?
More pedo cope please oh I’m laffin
many of the posters here are only 18-23
Ok I’m bored now
hi bored
my adductors have DOMs
he is brazilian
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plushy time wizard
going to eat a tin of fish
what's gaygen having for dinner
>get called out for being attracted to underage looking men
>accuse the person calling you out of incestuous rape
good grief that’s a penis
Oh fuck I missed it

Kms now
should we become bfs before fucking or should we fuck and then become bfs?
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are there no esp and um-
hey, what are we arguing about today
>tfw too ugly for Grindr
Are twinks ethical?
smooth and young
hope I sleep well tonight I kept waking up covered in sweat with a rock solid boner
saved :3
If that makes you feel better, I like twinks with leg and armpit hair.
gawk gawk gawk
i would rub my body all over yours to get the sweat off, before riding your penis until it snaps in half
ik it tastes good…
The second one.
honest thoughts?


I feel like only twinks can pull off such feminine underwear like that.
the boner has returned
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anyone here who records themself having sex for whatever reason, is bottoming, who is enjoying watching themselves getting fucked after?
I'm starting OF but idk if I'll want to watch that except for the bare minimum recording
post boner
the boner since departed
but i think ill probably end up jerking off to the thought of your post next time I wank
damn you & ur gay influence
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You need a man like this in your life
he so badly wants to be a twink

My honest thoughts
boner long since departed
can't wait to make use of my new pussy
having to be some mans caretaker because he's one burger away from a heart attack doesn't sound that great
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Here use this. My treat.
That’s a fat one you got there
New pussy?

That's just a powerlifter bod.
I do NOT have a dichotomy between being gay and being a BBW chaser
The scar is sick.
Dan and Buckos fat cock club

Who else can join
Dan walled so hard LMAO
eating disorders for men
post you real quick? lol
i don't know. i don't care about twinks
fill me with your cum, make me your bottom, permanently
when was he not ugly
>post gay couple in the gay thread
>warned for NSFW
lmao, I know one of you divas reported that
can i feed you cum for breakfast, lunch, and dinner?
i wish i could cum a gallon at a time
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you mad enough to have to bring it up lol
lmao it was you
I showed my face to tankanon on discord but gaygen? Never
Someone get this guy an ice water or something. He seems very thirsty.
you and me both brother
We were talking about Biden and someone recommended I watch the movie "The Death of Stalin". I didn't understand why. Just finished ir. Now I get it. Group think is some weird shit.
death of stalin is great I might get stoned and watch it again
he was supposedly straight?

and you're mad I won lol
>send the pedos into a frothing anger stalking my social media
So I was right then

Anyways bucko likes my big penis, I just stay winning
need to remind myself cougars exist
if i could have my bf's babies, i would.
as it stands though, bottoms cannot reproduce with other males
imagine looking like j*zzy [vomit emoji]
if you liked that i think you should try the director’s tv shows Veep and The Thick of It
gay conversion kink or some shit
holding hands in bed, gay lovers
>nooo you can't post gay men in the gay general that's yucky
Hi guys
Hi Xan. I posted bdc earlier
do not pursue u wu
dont add a romantic element, heteroromanticism is all I got
do you have a problem with it when people report trips for nsfw pics?
staring into his eyes, wondering why he makes you feel the way you do.
and what's that supposed to mean?
lol didn't think so luv
Expert plapper too
Why are people on Grindr like “free Palestine!” Do they think a random Grindr user in a western country is gonna be the person who manages to create peace in Palestine?
do you ever get so bored you could [redacted] a [redacted]
are you seriously this stupid or just bored
im so bored i could fuck a twink
Then he whispers in your ear
Ukraine sitting in the corner crying wondering why she got dumped for Palestina
i’m gonna eat an entire can of beans just to feel something
It’s important to spread awareness about the double standard and Israel conducted genocide
well I could be romantically into a guy but only if I'm attracted to them
You cannot say that. That’s antisemetic.
I don't care about muslims.
delete kek
More for me

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