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why is this a common cope among terfs and chuds?
I don't believe in gender dysphoria. If you cannot articulate what exactly first trigger you to think being male is unacceptable, my brain turns off because you are being manipulative.
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>i don't believe in depression. if you cannot articulate what exactly first trigger you to think being is unacceptable, my brain turns off because you are being manipulative.
I thought we all agreed that GD isn't real, so isn't she correct??
>last week
right, if you are trying to make up vague sounding conditions to persecute me or make me think a certain way you need to do better than just saying a word and expecting me to capitulate
>. If you cannot articulate what exactly first trigger you to think being male is unacceptable
it's called puberty, dumbass
>mtfs repping commit suicide
>ftms repping try to ban transition for everyone
why is it like this??
>why is this a common cope among terfs and chuds?
because they are just lying, obviously
Holy cope
ftms aren't trans
yeah but you cannot explain why you really think it just came out of nowhere and you never saw media images of males and females portrayed in certain ways or experienced boys and girls being treated differently

trannies are literally men lying about being women for social gain...
>trannies are literally men lying about being women for social gain...
And here we go, the lies just continue
>cannot explain why you really think it just came out of nowhere
dude your reading comprehension?
conversion therapy, that is a victim of abuse
>ftms aren't trans
I think some FtMs are actually trans but the huge majority isn't. I think the reason why is pretty simple, a lot more can go wrong when males develop in the womb, we start out as female as embryos and then hormones make us develop to look physically male. Female is the default state. It's like for us part of the process can get missed where our brain and some physical features don't develop fully male and it's more likely for that to happen than for another process to happen to female fetuses that masculinize them in that way. It can happen but not much.
>internet causes gender dysphoria
>hear all about it on the internet
>internet causes gender dysphoria
>hear all about it on the internet
This exact thing about muh social contagion is driving a lot of the narratives about how media is normalizing gay relationships.
>what you can't just show 2 masc men kissing on tv and being a happy couple that would imply I could have done that instead of living in the closet I DIDN'T WASTE MY LIFE BILLIONS MUST DIE
It's top tier cope.
men cannot become women
you have schizophrenia
> a swift removal of my internet access
surely this power move from her parents didn't come with any other ultimatums, threats or coercion

it's common because most of them are closeted, whether that be as trans or bisexual etc.
>doesn't even know what schizophrenia is
you people never change
you just sound like you have npd and never realized it
someones existence and identity isnt an attack on you that they need to justify to your exact standards
> obsessively seek out anti-trans content
> the transes are forcing me to think about my dysphoria!!
this is what happens when you're surrounded by low IQ christians
> strawman
quite literally no one is saying that someone of the male sex is transforming into someone of the female sex, at least not entirely, since hormones and secondary sex characteristics are part of sex.

You argue with phantasms in your head because you can't actually engage with anything we are actually saying. Probably because you're another closet case or just too low IQ to learn anything.
>expecting me to capitulate
what on earth makes you think you're so important to us?
we just don't want laws oppressing us, i don't really care if some low IQ chud who does manual labor or some shit thinks im a man... i don't interact with you people anyway
trans women are closer to male than female
according to neurological studies, the opposite is true for their brains, even before transition...

but hey, based on... nothing but your "common sense"... you disagree... i guess we're at a stalemate until you decide to admit you know quite literally nothing about this outside of twitter rageposts
you look male, brain scans are irrelevant
my eyes can tell you are xy
jaguars are closer to house cats than dogs by the way -- doesn't mean a whole lot.

you said we ARE men and now you're saying we are "closer to" men...

you have no real stance on this, because you have no relevant data to base your stance on... you're just here to cope with being some flavor of LGBTQ+ yourself or to rage at trans people instead of dealing with your life problems.

find a better form of escapism, or deal with your problems, chud.
ah yes the male gaze is the ultimate arbiter of objective truth... you keep asserting that the world revolves around you, it shows a lack of power in your life... you must be very powerless to behave this way as a coping mechanism.
>unlike powerful castrated submissive males
i have an extremely good education, a wife, children, and i own my own business with multiple employees.

so yes, i am more powerful than you.

my dick is probably bigger too. don't assume we are all "castrated", not even the majority get bottom surgery.
>a wife
wait so you knocked up a woman but you consider yourself a woman too?
no, i use they/them pronouns and my legal sex is 'X' because i do not feel like i am either one or the other.

and because i've decided to just abandon this debate with the dumbest people America has to offer... a nice side effect.
you could swiftly remove her access to any room except the kitchen, she'd get over it in about a month
I mean it’s pretty much true. What’s your problem with it?
>case number 7 trillion of progressives reinventing sexism
Nobody feels like either sex they just feel like themselves.
> reinventing sexism
thanks for repeating some moronic talking point you heard on YouTube
> they just feel like themselves
Indeed, as do I... we just happen to feel differently.

You're the one who seems to take issue with that, though. You should really examine why that is, because I assure you my life has zero impact on yours. Well, not yet anyway. I'm working on it.
>a wife, children
holy rapehon
Sorry fuckface but I invented the “reinventing sexism” argument back in 2012. And if you can’t explain yourself then why even post? You can have your sorry excuse for social peacocking that you’ve chosen as a distraction from the humiliating normalcy of your inner mind. Nobody’s stopping you from being a red flag.
does that word even mean anything? it was consensual...
where did i not explain myself...? yet another right-wing talking point... huhhduhh the transes can't answer my questions (you didn't ask any....)
> You can have your sorry excuse for social peacocking that you’ve chosen as a distraction from the humiliating normalcy of your inner mind. Nobody’s stopping you from being a red flag.
humiliating normalcy... fascinating projection.

every single thing you've said itt is something i could get from any random construction worker on the street.
transgenderism is woke homophobia and sexism packaged together
they just shame you when you point out the truth and call you names
that's all they have
>literally speaking to le political boogeyman in your head to feed persecution complex
Go back to posting Star Wars memes on r/politics
when someone speaks solely in ideological babble I'm going to point it out.
I don't do reddit. I was on /pol/ for years, I know these people inside and out.
> persecution complex
the PROJECTION.... it's off the charts.
www.translegislation.com -- if these bills weren't there maybe you'd have a point, but let's stick to reality as you supposedly claim to
You’re literally not trans. You’re just furthering evidence of the performative victimhood aspects of your they/themfaggotry.
> defend trans community
> this is evidence of [made up nonsense]
you argue like a retard, this is why none of this tracks in academia and only goes viral among the illiterate
Nobody attacked the trans community lmfao, we’re talking about your retarded neopronouns.
and when losing, just gaslight... typical.

scroll up, and try to overcome your goldfish-tier memory capacity

Anyway... you enjoy your raging & coping. I have work to do.
Why would anyone willingly turn into a gorilla/pig hybrid that evokes fear everytime someone sees em
>this much projection
christ you aren’t real. Idk why they sent a paid troll to this hellhole anyway
because women have no soul or creative spirit and some people value those things over social power
> the last half of the conversation is the entire conversation
like I said, illiterate.
Ftm’s are men and men are abhorrent. Next question
> "for those who say im in denial"
> denial
She's half correct. Being trans is still a real thing, but genuine cases are way more rare. When I was in the art scene, I knew a lot. Almost all of them were either terminally online and/or addicted to porn.
Trans rights are men's rights. Women co-opted transitioning for attention and pity, and now that it doesn't work anymore they want to ban it. They need to just shut the fuck up, honestly. Ignore all women, all the time.
being trans is not a real thing
That’s when I started posting genius
Could transitioning have saved him?
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Here is an image of "Hazel" before she deleted all her videos and replaced them with AI.
Amabs cannot be trans, you are a gooner who memed himself into taking estrogen
No one should care what a retard like you believes
>I used to be dysphoric and then by giving away my autonomy I was cured
>Still dysphoria
Many such cases.
I could fix him
>my dysphoria is cured as long as I repress constantly
These people are SO RETARDED
>we start out as female as embryos
just bcuz the body runs program Z when program A is missing doesnt mean program Z was always running

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