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Hot and Sweaty Summer Lovin' Edition
Previous thread

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics that are not in the lists, but don't be lazy, please include:
>Name of comic
>Link to it
>Short description
>Whether or not it's NSFW
>Days it updates
If you're not sure if a comic belongs here because maybe it's not LGBT enough, post updates anyway. We won't know about it if no one posts it!
If you see something wrong in the lists, please follow the following instructions to edit them: https://github.com/webcomics-general/pastebin
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none of this shit matters until fritz fargo gets an update.
some dreams have to die so a better world can be birthed
>make a new /wcg/
>it almost instantly dies
I thought that text bubble was an edit lol
so much talk about the mister beast tranny pedo

what can men do against such reckless stupid shitposting
wasn't this debunked immediately by the purported victim
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yeah thats one of the things that makes it shitposting

twenty threads with 4 replies all starting with "what do we think about this sisters"

personally id like jimmy and his entire cohort to die in a fire but does it have to burn so close to my own haunts
seems unfair
>considering replaying p5 just to use the gay mod and turbo shit on all the waifus
In topical news, in case it wasn't mentioned,
I guess it's impossible for that elf to be a trap.
>gay p5 mod
how redundant
I mean, you can shower the boys with jewelry but your romance options in a self-insert game are 10 waifus? Hashino is a megafaggot.
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as fags we must learn to satisfy ourselves with subtext

im happy hashino is off doing other things maybe p6 will be better
to be honest, i could never get behind the akechi ship. his hair is an incredible turn-off and joker has better options who aren't literally serial killers.
a cat is fine too (it isn't fine at all, morgana is a terrible character).

i got super horny for light and l back in high school so i think i might just have a type
bonkin' from page 9
Bump number 10000 in this accursed thread, doomed to die young.
Holy shit, yes.
Letting the twink put it in his butt once turned him into the biggest bottom slut alive many such cases
I'm stuck between fantasizing about this and knowing it'd freak me the hell out if it ever happened even if I'd agreed to before falling asleep.
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hopefully the fujo behind this realizes the potential and releases a porn comic of these two
She seems like the type that would definitely make that porn comic.
It's such a cliché, but I love it.
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oi oi it's me. looking into hosting for the git docc.
looking into PMWiki, seems like it could be a good option if I can figure out how to use it lmao. Will continue to dig, perhaps after a nap tho.
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I almost felt something when I read this but then I remembered shunos experience in the ways of the ethical rapist.
Oh no more straight stuff
The server where I was hosting the smut we shared (Hot but Hoofless, Nine Stones extras, Zocker NSFW, etc) died (RIP). The new server is:


Just so you know and can update any bookmarks. And speaking of Zocker, I'm hoping to resume posting it next week. Traveling atm.
@UwU, I meant to reply with a word of caution regarding self-hosting or coding something yourself, if that's what you intend to go towards. It's a lot of (unpaid) work. Setting things up and maintaining them is a huge commitment. It may also make it awkward or difficult for someone else to take over the document in case you get a boyfriend and stop maintaining whatever solution you've implemented

Regarding a wiki: I remember considering turning the cryptpad into a wiki page when the cryptpad was sabotaged, because wikis are well known and meant for collaborative documents, so I agree it would make sense. But I don't know the differences between wiki softwares/platforms so I wasn't able to choose one, and I also didn't fancy converting the Markdown into wiki syntax. I went with Git because of its versioning capabilities, ease of replication for continuation purposes in case I disappear, and native support of Markdown on Git repository hosting platforms
was planning on having a standard username/password combo to be shared across a few individuals that wanted to, leaving the rest of the wiki pages publicly editable.
As for hosting, I have been looking into webhostmost's free plan, looks decent and for a wiki, doubt we would ever reach the 125mb max unless we were adding pictures for each entry. I made a test site and am fucking about on it now, just to try and learn the lay of the land, so to say.
also i already have a boyfriend lol, he's currently in the shower. If i vanish into the sunset assume he was secretly an axe murderer the last 3 years :3
>i already have a boyfriend lol
mad jealous ngl
glad for you though
The superior ship. Just let it happen please.
>still waiting for clown atsumu to save him from straight kageyama or whatever the fuck is happening here
>ElVeN mAiDeNs
Nobody in this story has so much as platonically held hands with their desired sex. Let's fuckin go lose some v cards.

I'm not even in the comic and I'm hard.
Deacon sperging out is sorta cute even if he spergs out about women.
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the sniffening continues to build
He was 100% creaming his pants
Is she really redrawing the chapters that were already published? ;__;
would it really be a webcomic if she didn't?
i did get the impression she at least wants to change up the plot rather than show off some new art. her style hasn't really changed.
Is it going to take a Nine Stones turn? I certainly hope so
I see she's running on the same hamster wheel crushed's author is on
Mental illness?
Alt text:
>Noah be like: I didn't get stabbed today, let's get naked
This shower scene better be fuckin rad.
Looks like this is just about your last chance to place a bet on how Noah got freaked.
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all right you lot
need a photo for official representation of this board. Gimme your best/worst
Will guess that the winning nomination will be something awkward from ARH
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considering the official tapas account password is 'Adrian,' i'm going to guess you're correct. Second guess would be something from the mythical lost pages of kaito shuno
The original awkward handjob (not actually a good choice but I wanted to post it)
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Cuckstopper is the ultimate representation of the undying will of /wcg/ers to get what they want, creator be damned.
You got me dumping shit from my /wcg/ folder now
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From when I used to make the thread OPs before i got old and lazy
I'll stop or I'm just gonna shit up the thread with loads of images
A thread with funny edits is better than no thread
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Board or the general?
Because the demographics change a lot.
that is a very brave haircut for that level of bald
Just noticed. From that one comic that was alluded to a while back: https://tapas.io/episode/3237008
>the main characters did not actually see each other until over 420 pages and four years of updates
Probably general, but idk whichever works best
Yeah, I'm glad I dropped, it's a shame I did it so late.
I'm ok with "slow burn" like in Strange+Wild since the MCs do actually interact with each other and their adventures are interesting... meanwhile here one guy's stuck in some prison and does literally nothing.
>It's one thing to get penetrated by a man, b-bu it's a whole other thing to be the one doing the penetrating
>Shuno, you're a guy
You heard it here first people. It's less gay to get ass fucked and creamed then it is to do the ass fucking. It's also apparently a line to far to have sex with your live in rapist/boyfriend who you sleep with every night and makes you cum on his boy breaker multiple times a chapter.

I swear to God this comic is the most logical and well thought out piece of fiction since Gilgamesh.
I like the subtlety.
From the circus performance he's still got his penor and from the hotel he doesn't appear to have any visible scarring so my guess is ultra flexible joints (he's gonna pretzel himself around that twink)
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