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Where did the stereotype that trannies are fat come from? Nearly every tranny I've ever seen had some kind of eating disorder. Pooners are sometimes fat, but a fat tranny I have literally never seen unless it's from some goyslop website like Reddit or something. I live in a very progressive city that is filled with trannies and the chubbiest one I ever met was maybe 10lbs overweight at most.
It’s unironically a popular aesthetic in my scene. People talk about it and everything
Is that the case? I really want to find spaces where I can be fat and trans and not hated desu
Is that the case? I really want to find spaces where I can have sex with fat trans girls
I mean yeah this too this would be amazing... fat smooth t4t is like a dream
every trans girl should be at least this fat :3
omg is she trans? goals either way I probably need 30-40lbs for this
I looked up and she is, wow. Post more! (her twitter has mostly pics of her skinnier)
I have hope for the future *sobs*
Fat trans women are made for men. Transbians get to be skele-hons together.
I'm bi anon, most men just have been cruel to me so I am more reserved with them.
If I had a chubby trans gf who was nice to me and liked my cooking I don't think I'd ever be able to forgive myself if I let her down.
Eh, I don't understand this being said about pooners either. Most of poons I know are either anoreixc or gymbros
I guess theymabs and theyfabs made these stereotypes
I'm 5'8 and was at 258ibs, down to 211ibs. Hoping to get below 200 soon, getting into cooking for myself and keeping up my exercise routine.
non passing 35 year old transitioning hons tend to be overweight, and that type is disproportionately represented in online spaces. irl most of us had/have an eating disorder
>had an eating disorder all my life
>its the wrong one
fuck my gay life
i'm a fat tranny but i manmode
i knew another fat manmoding tranny
I'm a cis dude so I don't really get what you mean by manmoding.
nta, but manmoding is when you take hrt but present as male and are masculine enough to have no one questioning you (as opposed to the more feminine/youthful boymoder)
Isn't the point of taking HRT to become the other gender? Is it just like a preparation phase basically?
i dont pass but maybe i can in the future after some surgeries and long enough on estrogen
> Isn't the point of taking HRT to become the other gender?
yes, but some of us are too far gone without ffs to have any chance at passing, so they have to manmode till then. in some rare cases someone may have enough dysphoria alleviated by medical transition that they don’t feel the need to socially transition
>Is it just like a preparation phase basically?
it should be. either till you begin passing more consistently or are in a safe environment. many of us are brainwormed to the degree that we don’t leave this phase even when we should. this type of individual becomes a bdd passoid
I guess it would be big a let down if you tried really hard to look like a girl but then people said you look like a guy still. That sounds like a huge pain, I'm sorry you gotta do that anonette
>in some rare cases someone may have enough dysphoria alleviated by medical transition that they don’t feel the need to socially transition
So just taking the pills is enough for some people? Wouldn't it have to make you look/feel more like a girl to help the dysphoria?
>many of us are brainwormed to the degree that we don’t leave this phase even when we should. this type of individual becomes a bdd passoid
I think I know what you mean with that, I have seen a few troons that are all "I hate how much of a man I look like I'm such an ugly manly freak" and they literally look like me when I was in my twink phase back in high school and got called ma'am a lot
> So just taking the pills is enough for some people?
for some of us it’s simply all they can get. while they may never pass it brings their minds at ease that they aren’t masculinizing anymore.
> Wouldn't it have to make you look/feel more like a girl to help the dysphoria?
yes, and typically it does, even just a little bit. i can say as a boymoder who doesn’t pass that having a body that more closely resembles a woman's and that continually becomes more like a woman's has done wonders for my mental health
> "I hate how much of a man I look like I'm such an ugly manly freak" and they literally look like me when I was in my twink phase
bingo, except some of them genuinely just look like women and it destroys a little bit more of my soul each time a hear a passoid complaining about features they don’t have but that i do
idk I'm a 5'10 boymoder that weighs ~133 pounds. Feel like I need to lose more but I'm ignoring the voices.
Yanno, it was written in the samurai code that the only person you should compare yourself against, is who you were yesterday. I think you should try being more like a samurai anonette, those BDD people just sound like any other idiot who throws pity parties online for clout.

Not just hons. I met a lot of dumb tranners who think being fat=being feminine. Because there's a lot of fat bitches around, more than thin girls and to them that's what registers. Androgynous thin model-like girls who are thin usually don't register as real women to them, because that's not what they see irl every day on the street. I'm from Europe btw not from the USA.

My ex was a dumb gypsy tranner (in the beginning I thought she was smart and cool but that's before the BPD shit came out and it turned out she was pretending to be smart) and after she bloatmaxxed herself from the hormones she was like "ok, now I'm feminine".

Naw senpai, you just became fat like your mom and your sister and you think that's what girls should look like.
When I say a lot, I mean more than that one particular example. All her gypsy tranner friends were bloatmaxxing as well and ironically some of them gained weight in a way that they looked more like a girl with a dad bod than a fat cis girl.
thanks anon, comparing where i was even a few months ago is night and day difference. i do think i’m gonna make it, it just gets hard sometimes
Because when a minority group finds itself in the ire-spotlight, people push an idea that every bad thing people can be is something they are.

It makes things difficult.

You want to say "I'm not those things you say I am!" but then risk offending people who are those things (not even other trannies), so you have to just take it or be really careful in order to get out of being in the ire-spotlight.
>ironically some of them gained weight in a way that they looked more like a girl with a dad bod than a fat cis girl.
bad levels + no exercise, tragic

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