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As a trans girl, how do I not get jealous of non-virgins?

It's fucking insane to me that there are living breathing humans that ACTUALLY like touch eachother and kiss and have sex, and thats just like a regular thing to them??? like jesus fucking christ thats like insane.

I get so jealous and feel so alienated and inferior because of it. pls help.
By losing your own virginity? Will mellow you out tremendously, would recommend
ok but thats much easier said than done
That’s true about everything, just gotta do it
this isnt a 'just do it' thing, this is a 'be incredibly lucky and charasmatic' thing
Those are themselves “just do it” things
Have you tried getting laid?
fuck off

no they arent!
>'be incredibly lucky and charasmatic'
This is not a requirement to have sex. This is a requirement to have sex with someone who is especially attractive. Just go out there and talk to people and flirt and see who likes and if you like them back then go and rail them/get railed by them
oh also you forgot to add the

>oh and be neurotypical and good at conversing and dont have social anxiety and be able to flirt
I have social anxiety and I am neurodivergent. I usually fuck other neurodivergent people. I'm getting laid this Friday by an autistic shawty. People with social anxiety get laid all the time. Download Grindr and try to talk to people you find attractive on there. Have pictures of yourself so they can make the same judgements of if they like you, otherwise they'll assume you're fugly
>Download Grindr and try to talk to people you find attractive on there.

oh you mean the ten people that are on there? you mean the ten 35+ year old gay men? them? is that who you're talking about?
I met my wife on Grindr. I met my most recent romantic interest on Grindr. I met my fwb on Grindr. They're all neurodivergent, attractive, and trans.

Or you can just find reasons to not pursue having a life and continue to rot ig, you do you
as a fellow virgin i second this
lmao so you're just a privileged person assuming others share your privileges? anon you do know that like, not everyone lives where you live right? there are maybe 20 people within a three hour drive of me and they are all old gay men, so like fuck off with this retarded advice
Well if you live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere (even moreso than me, living in the British countryside) then sadge I guess. My wife ws 180+ km away when we started talking.
>just drive for four hours to meet up with a random grindr person without talkin! (because they hate talking and block you if you even dare to get to know them)

Stop responding to this bitter retard, she has no interest in improvement only being a whiner. She'll always find an excuse
Fuck off Spice
It's amazing how you have a reason for everything to not work :) good luck anon, I know your type
this is not a trans girl issue whatsoever i think u just suck

reading some of this thread if you really think you’re that unattractive then u should probably make steps to fix that.. like idk.. going to the gym or eating better etc. dropping the video games would probably help too lol. just go to bars or something and eventually you’ll hit it off with somebody as long as you don’t come off like some rapehon trying to coerce a girl into sex by buying her drinks over and over again
but bars are so scary and im so bad at talking to people... and i get drunk sooo easily like i'll get blackout drunk so quick
Sex is overrated, I lucked out once and while it wasn't unpleasant it'll never live up to what you pictured it as for all these years.
We're all autists here, look what site you're on. You get better at all those things by practicing, if you're just looking to get laid most bars will do since alcohol is a good stepping-stool until you learn how to socialize sober.
as a pooner i relate so much i feel like everyone in my life who has a sex life desrves to die its not fair
how do i find a respectful, adjusted man to take my virginity then
same I’ve had sex with two guys
number one: kinda uncomfortable then he fell asleep
number two: stuck his finger in my urethra
>stuck his finger in my urethra
Do you engage in sounding or are afab urethras just insane like that?
no no no not like all the way really just poked at the entrance
I corrected him but it still hurt
Ah, okay. Good thing porn taught me better, the worst embarrassment I've had was failing to find the entrance while doing cowgirl for like an entire minute.
same guy later tried to use some strap on thing that goes around his penis since he couldn’t get it hand
he couldn’t get it in me and tried to call my vagina defective so I grabbed it and stuck it in and then said both his penis and this thing are defective
do I still count as a virgin if I've never cum during sex?
t. manmoder

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