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How do I make it up to true transsexuals for hurting their optics and chances at survival simply by existing?
t. theyfab
you can fuck off and leave us alone, afabs ruin everything
>drug pillow
take t or stop pretending you have fucking anything to do with us.

i am yet to meet a theyfab that doesn't default to being a woman the moment she gets a boyfriend lmao
Do you claim to be a part of the “trans community”?
Stop doing that
Do you scold people/lecture people/claim to speak on our behalf?
Stop doing that
Also kill yourself.
pls peg me :3 idk how that would help out tranners tho
I'm on testosterone
show me your axe wound you whore
Then you're as trans as any of us, theyfabs are people who don't transition
my apologies, sir
please don't pin me down with your big sexy hairy stinky sweaty leathery rough muscular testosteronized arms uwu
Theyfabs are incredible for trans optics, you are incredibly close to just being a normal cis person and that's a good thing
But I still look like a woman and I'm not at all masculine
I'm neither buff nor a top
If you have dysphoria you're trans. If you don't you're cis
You don't do either of those things by "simply existing."

IDK what you've been looking at.
This board is bad for the mental health of gender conforming binary people let alone enbies you should probably find somewhere better
Most people who want others to "make up" for "bad" things they've done, have something wrong with them.

If you yourself believe you're doing something bad, stop doing it. Otherwise just be honest.
My dysphoria is very mild (if I even qualify as dysphoric in the first place)
The existence of gnc/nonpassing/generally nonconformist trans people ruins the optics of true transsexuals and dilutes their experiences. I've never gone through the pain and strife that a normal straight ftm has, and claiming that we're anywhere near the same thing only makes life harder for assimilationist trutrannies.
How would you describe your dysphoria, like what's it feel like?
>The existence of gnc/nonpassing/generally nonconformist trans people ruins the optics of true transsexuals and dilutes their experiences.
It does not.

I have a feeling you have partial feelings of guilt, and partial feelings of resentment, so you're parroting an idea of what others have said to get responses.

Alright, here's the thing. The thing that actually gets people mad and causes problems is the public idea of what "trans" is.
Gays became accepted once people thought of being "gay" as "having a same-sex attraction." Before that, lots of people would assume it meant lots of other things. Lots of gay people are also those other things anyways. But it is what it is.

People get mad when someone who doesn't have physical dysphoria claims to be trans. They dislike the idea that trans is identity based instead of dysphoria based, because they view the way that identity-based transness is pushed carries an association of it being more frivolous than it is, or something one can choose to do, or choose to not do. While dysphoria to them is something that is innate, life-impacting, and something people are born with.

If you have dysphoria, even if it's minor, even if it's non-binary dysphoria, you're trans, like w/e. MtF boomerhons ruin optics and all that for trannies 100x more than you.

It's not about being gnc or non-passing or non-binary or any of that. It's about how you speak about being what you are and what others are to others.

I knew a transgirl who tried to join her college's LGBT group and before joining they had to vet her. The two people vetting her for the group were both theyfabs who had never touched HRT and never wanted to. They then told her they weren't sure of letting her into the group because "If you were really trans, you wouldn't need to take hrt to validate your trans identity."

It's THAT kinda stuff that causes people to go here and vent and ragepost and shit.

Don't do that stuff, and you're fine, that's literally it.
its hrt pillow
Wanting be physically male and sometimes feeling upset about my feminine features if I let it linger for too long.
I probably don't have dysphoria though, or at least enough that it would differentiate me from a normie cis women if I didn't go on testosterone. The view I feel best about myself when I adopt, rather than the view I adopt to prioritize the needs of true transsexuals, is very theyfabesque too. When I'm not totally weighed down by guilt I just view transitioning as a choice and can't relate at all to the binary normie side of things.
Are you attracted to men, women, or both? Do you go by they them? Why? I’m just curious btw, I wouldn’t really call you a theyfab.
if youre hot you dont damage the trans community, if youre just ugly and a theyfab yeah you damage the trans community
Mostly lean towards and only have history with men, but I used to be a lot more attracted to women until a few years ago. I don't use they/them pronouns since I'm only out to a few people.
>The view I feel best about myself when I adopt, rather than the view I adopt to prioritize the needs of true transsexuals, is very theyfabesque too. When I'm not totally weighed down by guilt I just view transitioning as a choice and can't relate at all to the binary normie side of things.
I'd be interested to know more about your view. I also struggle inside of my own head with a view that is best for my mental health vs one that prioritizes the needs of other people.

I just don't have a complex relating to binary troons, mine is about terfs, religious people, and stuff like that.

IDK. You have permission to think what you want about yourself in your head true or not if it helps you mang.
I gave an example here >>36646273
and like, doing stuff like that IRL can be hurtful to people, but you just sound like another one of those types of people who have never really done anything because you feel a sense of perma-stunlock against yourself in your own mind from searching out things that you might be doing wrong from random others online.

I'm mtf or w/e but I can pick up on the vibe fine senpai. Don't worry, we'd probably actually be chill if not set up against each othehr.
My issue is that any attempt of rationalizing my own existence and issues with gender outside of the true transsexual paradigm ends up with me universalizing my experiences. If I think of myself as "valid" even though I have late onset dysphoria, I start to think that everyone else only developed dysphoria from external factors and not because they're inverts with male brains or whatever. If I don't put myself down for not wanting to go deep stealth, I end up resentful of those who do. And I always hate straight trans people.
I can relate to that feeling of perma-stunlock or whatever, part of the reason that I haven't gone the full theyfab is because I'm just as afraid of embarrassing myself as I am of embarrassing trutrannies.
ngl sounds like you need some kinda therapy or something bro, and don't get me wrong, I'm all for it to the capacity to which I can provide that here, but I don't think it'll be enough.

I mean, I'd like to know more about how you think and feel anyways. If it'd be helpful, I can be the trutrans binary tranny foil for you, if not, plenty would consider me bad and not super trans for X or Y too so, idk.
Up to you.

Do you believe you only started experiencing dysphoria because of external factors rather than intrinsic ones and that if society were different you never would have?
I believe I have dysphoria from extrinsic factors but it's not really society at large or anything, it's just that dysphoria isn't something I naturally have.
Extrinsic factors like what though.
>Wanting be physically male and sometimes feeling upset about my feminine features if I let it linger for too long
That's normal dysphoria I think you just have brainworms. Cis people like theyfabs don't want to be the other sex at all and they're comfortable with their bodies. You have dysphoria so you're a true transsexual too. Passing and your personality aren't relevant for being cis or trans
A theyfab is closer to a “true transsexual” than an MtT, no worries.
Just don’t claim to speak for trannies and I don’t have a problem
forget about tranbians

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