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Hey hey!! I'm a femboy and im most likely trans, like if i could press a button to be a girl id do it straight away.
I've always thought about it since I'm very small (5,3) but my main worry is that I will never feel like a real girl and I'll just feel like an abomination.

So is it worth transitioning, or should i just live my life as a cis guy.
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Think about it more, if the feelings just get worse and worse with dysphoria and all that then just go for it.
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The thing is i feel like if i think about it too much my dysphoria will get worse and i'll get more depressed due to insecurities
Thinking about it just speeds up the process and has an end goal, if you just leave it be things will just get miserable. (That's how it was for me atleast)
i wish i could be a girl, and just be accepted as one
I think ive been socially conditioned by my family into thinking trans women arent real by my family
I see, don't let them change your view of yourself. This is about YOU after all. It seems like you have already made up in your head that you're trans, but are afraid of the consequences. Just start by telling your close friends, it helped me to have one or two people backing me hehe.
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just start HRT already, seriously
I think im a trans person in denial desu, and i dont have any close friends

Im kinda scared abt what itll do to my body
Almost all effects are reversible.
what about like man boobs?
even so, i wont ever be as much of a girl as a cis girl
no good will come out of being trans, i promise
You're not trans because that isn't a real thing.
how come?

i just wanna be a girl..
boobs are NOT reversable past the very beginning. you will grow them, they will stay there. when you start to grow buds, you stop then if you really hate the ideas of getting them.

reading your posts, you seem very clearly trans to me. if the idea of having boobs you cant remove scares you, try buying some small falsies. you're already a femboy, so if asked just say you're into crossdressing or similar. wear not hypersexual online femboy fits but "normal" girl clothes (suited to your liking, but normalish)

also, get off the board you will only get brainworms and feel horrible about yourself. literally go to reddit, i promise it's better for babytrannies. i also recommend giving "the gender dysphoria bible" a read, it's not all perfect but it's a pretty good runthrough.

if you want to ping me on disc you can find me at "curl.bash"
agree lmfao, do not stay on this board its terrible for anything other than light browsing
oh yeah i forgot to add something.

you ARE trans. you've realized it, it's not something that's reversible. here are the options that you have:

1. transition. this is the best one for the vast majority of people. you will alleviate your gender dysphoria and feel better. this comes of course at the cost of the pain of transitioning, but at some point you will be 8 years on HRT and happy with your life, occasionally forgetting that you are trans.

2. repress / stay in the closet. a very bad option, but sometimes the only available one for those in bad countries. don't get any delusions about forgetting the fact that you are trans, it will not happen. this will lead to misery and pain for a great deal of time. additionally, the pain of repressing will only get worse as you age, so repressing will this will lead into 3 separate subcategories for options with your life as you grow:
a) not infrequently people will break and try to transition at 50, frequently creating tragedies (hons).
b) if you don't break, the REST OF YOUR LIFE will be miserable.
c) if you do break, but transition doesnt work out or you refuse to...
3. you die by suicide. obviously, suboptimal. no amount of romanticize of death, of suicide, of depression will make it better. there will be people that miss you. i would like to point out that if you have younger people in your life that you care about and that care about you, having a role model increased their chances of committing suicide by something like 40%. so, uh, yeah, bad. try to aim not for this.

my advice? cut off anyone who is being a significant hindrance to your transition, and pick #1. transition, and be happier for it

this board is not good. the reason i say this is because genuinely all the trannies here have issues, mostly hatred of the self. a bad place to explore your gender.
If you're really only 5'3" transitioning would definitely be the best thing for you. You're not going to get taken seriously as a man.
well said
i think i will just regress them, i think it will be better for my mental health

yeah... i feel like i will kinda be lonely forever
>all this /tttt/ hate
I've been here for over a decade and I'm happy. I've never gone to other trans spaces either. People talk about this board like it sucks the life out of you, but there's plenty of good here.

>at some point you will be 8 years on HRT and happy with your life, occasionally forgetting that you are trans
True, I'm 8 years in and happier than I've ever been.

OP, if you know you're trans then do it. You may feel like an abomination sometimes, but it's far better than living as a guy. As time goes on you'll feel that less and less, until it eventually goes away.

You have one chance at life, make it a good one.
start hrt pls

i was femboy coping for a long while
and i could've been on hrt instead the whole time
you don't even have to be a girl if you're not sure
but if you look at all the benefits, negatives and side effects of hrt and still think it sounds good then please don't be like me and do it
>>at some point you will be 8 years on HRT and happy with your life, occasionally forgetting that you are trans
>True, I'm 8 years in and happier than I've ever been.
I'm happy for you anon :)

>>all this /tttt/ hate
>I've been here for over a decade and I'm happy. I've never gone to other trans spaces either. People talk about this board like it sucks the life out of you, but there's plenty of good here.
I don't know what to tell you. I'm somewhat of a newfag, using the board for a few years now. I only used it because wallowing in it feels good initially, but ive gotten worse brainworms from here than anything else. sure, i'm used to it now and i'm not affected anymore, but this place still sucks for babytrannies, and i cant recommend anyone uses it.
im 18, so i still have a decent amount of time! ill look into it
DIY now.


go to /hrtgen/
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>im 18, so i still have a decent amount of time

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