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/hornyfem/ is a *new* safe, peaceful, exciting thread where you can discuss cute fembrained fantasies! post feminization caps, any giwtwm fuel, outfit/body inspo, bimboficafion, hypnosis, and any other related stuff! <3

plzz try your best to stay SFW, this is a blue board after all!!


this thread is *not* for chasers or those who don't wanna present femme, so please dont be a stinky gymbro or chaser here!


to get the discussions started...

QOTT 1: what's ur fav feminization fantasy?

QOTT 2: thoughts on princess peach?
if someone has a better prompt plz lmk btw
So is this a transbian hunting ground?
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seeing this scene when I was young may have infected me with certain desires
not necessarily~ non-trans ppl are welcome too, like CDers, sissies, bimbos, or roleplayers x
>what's ur fav feminization fantasy?
stuff involving chastity, secretarial duties and pencil skirts. Also maid stuff maybe
what movie is that from? i rlly like the black lipstick there, it actually works super well
ooh, cute picks! would you wanna live with a group of maids or work alone for a master?
I want to become a dominatrix and give a girl a handjob while degrading her
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>what movie is that from?
I'd prefer to mostly focus on secretarial tasks and be a personal maid for a master after work
i want to be a pretend domme because dominant men love breaking a domme
i wouldn't argue with someone who wanted to fuck those kinds of people and still called herself a transbian
i want to become a girl and get degraded by a dominatrix while she gives me a handjob
ive not heard of that movie before desu
supremely based. it'd be awesome to read abt a dom being feminized, maybe so she has an easier time drawing in other femmes~
oh~ what kind of tasks, anon?
I want to be taken to a hospital and injected with a serum that makes it impossible to resist before they tell me they are going to do an operation to make me female
… oh wait that happened nevermind
i'm learning to twerk
I just want to be lovingly and nurturingly encouraged and guided to embrace my feminity by tall, strong, buxom woman who dresses me and trains me to perform sexually as a woman eventually allowing her husband and his friends to use me for their pleasure

1. Okay so I’ve got some cringe hyperfem outfits that I’m too embarrassed to wear so ideally I would be hypnotized (either in person or online) under some other pretense but then after I’m completely in trance they exploit the fact that I secretly want to be embarrassed. So now after I wake up I’m mentally the same but my body can no longer resist their orders and they order me into the outfit, despite how hard I try to resist I’m just helpless and they have me perform for them and make me, like, talk like a stereotypical bimbo but the whole time I’m blushing and being teased
where are the fems who need a real man to put them in their place
Surprised Kayla hasnt posted in here yet
Boomerhon general hahahahahaa
What’s up fellow women does anyone want to jerk off in pantyhose on video call to affirm our gender???

I have no idea why but early on at like 15~ I became obsessed with handjobs/blowjobs so much so that I literally chose getting blown over fucking the first girl who wanted me ;~;

and being "forcibly" feminized during it is just alkhasdlfa
no i think they're pretending actually!
pretending what
one dysphoric and insecure trans gf to constantly gender validate and feminize until she reaches a point of loving and accepting herself as a woman please
>what's ur fav feminization fantasy?
a guy thats ok with me listening to bambi sleep but wont ruin my life

yes i know its cringe
My favorite is maid stuff. So much so that when I was 15 I chose a maid outfit over DIY.
god I wish I could have met 15 year old you
what the fuck is this thread
go back go back go back holy shit
what the actual fuck
Why would you sully the modest reputation of princess peach with these revealing representations
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starting to read dorely is it a mistake?
i just want to breed a cute agp nonny with a very cute penis
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I guess I'll contribute while I wait for my nail polish to dry.

I really want to get paid for sex. No emotional attachment, just get the guy to cum and take the cash.
i wouldn't want to ruin my pantyhose like that but i do like going on video sometimes after wearing makeup if people mistake me for a girl
they only do it for 10% of the time
no definitely read it, it's good
the 80's one? that must be a digital remaster or something.
I meant like will it turn me into a girl or anything
I will
oh yeah it probably will
but if you're here I don't think you can avoid that
perhaps this place was the real dorely hall all along
yeah basically
you should read dorley anyway though
This is a dark place
I want to be consumed by a man. Not discarded, but taken.
why does bimbofication and its adjacent hypnosis always get lumped in with crossdressers and sissies
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Rub and prod your fingers against your taint, under your balls, and angle your fingers upwards so that you push into a pocket of flesh just under your scrotum where it meets the taint (you should be able to burrow your fingertips in there completely). When I jerk off while fingering this taint area, it really makes me feel like a woman, genuinely, my mind is convinced of it and I think that's partially why this makes me cum so quick. On top of that, the way my arms come together pushes my chest together and makes my small manboobs bigger like they're real girl tits so looking down seeing my little boobies and fingering where my pussy "would be" really sells it in my mind.
No offense, but that's kinda creepy to say. Why do you want to meet 15 year olds in maid outfits?
Can’t make this one work but I’ll try again when I’m hornier. Have you tried using something like a deodorant can in between your thighs? Feels cold and can null out the sensation of having anything between legs
could be
Know what works even more for feeling like a woman? Getting held down and fucked until you cum from the dick slamming into your prostate over and over, no touching yourself. The best part of this is it doesn't stop just because you cum, it keeps going until he cums inside you. So sometimes it'll push you straight into another orgasm, and then another.
I've personally came from just anal plenty of times, sometimes multiple times in one picking. I definitely don't feel like a man after cumming like that, just moaning and whimpering while on his dick, twitching and clenching around him while he just keeps going, holding me by the shoulders and hips to keep me in place.
Fucking bliss being like that either way.
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t. trans girl in relationship with a man

he’s very loving and caring but sometimes i wish we met in an alternate reality where he’s a warrior in an army besieging the city i live and when they conquer us, all the weaker males (i.e, me) are forced to drink feminization potions and become wives/concubines for the stronger men who defeated us
I wasn’t joking show me your girl dick sissy whore
to groom them of course
i want a man to worship me and buy me pretty things to wear in exchange for being his wife
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I know this is cliche but Tracer has always been GIWTWM fuel to me.

QOTT1: A cute girl finds me when I'm young and "corrupts" me into feminized boy toy.

QOTT2: Cute but kind of boring in a generic bimbo way
my name is bambi?
I can't quite get this feeling to work for me
I don't feel like a woman but I've been masturbating this way for a few years, it just feels really nice
I have this fantasy all the time too, I wanna be spoils of war >.<
she's just like me fr
probably me
i'm a straight cd but keep thinking what if a guy fell in love with my face or something kept pushing my boundaries and in the end had me worshipping him like some kinda boycrazy girl
I fantasize about being the invader in such a scenario. Raping, pillaging, putting all who defy me and my tribe to the sword, taking all the women and effeminate males captive. Spurred on by bloodlust and the adrenaline rush from the heat of battle, I'd mount and ravage you right then and there on your own homeland amidst the smoldering ruins of your city. Your defeated countrymen would watch as I strip your armor, pin you to the ground and fuck you prone bone with the vigor of a rutting beast. You'd be helpless to resist as I conquer your asshole like I conquered your people, shattering your masculinity with every thrust of my throbbing cock. With tears streaming down your girly face and a reluctant erection dripping with cum, you'd die as a male once and for all as I unleash my hot barbarian seed deep inside you, your bloodline completely and utterly destroyed. I'd make you in to my exotic warbride, the jewel of my harem, my favorite concubine. I'd have you addicted to my cock and cum, constantly pining for the man that forcefully made you in to his woman forever.
Ah yes the reason I trooned out and became dysphoric
Too bad I didn’t do it young…
>an alternate reality where he’s a warrior in an army besieging the city i live and when they conquer us, all the weaker males (i.e, me) are forced to drink feminization potions and become wives/concubines for the stronger men who defeated us
This but with werewolves
this also helped me repress longer than I should have r, not consuming it just knowing it existed
lol sorry
for me it was femboy shit
bambi is kinda nice though, trancing is fun
wait how do werewolves fit into this?
how come only bondage triggered my agp early on but now that i indulge it a bit i find sex as a girl more arousing
It's a fantasy world
Goon one out for all the ones who took the srs challenge
I mean are the enemy men werewolves?
what about vampires? I want to be a vampire
He is referencing a hentai series
the enemies yes

you could be a vampire if you want, fantasy worlds are very flexible

shhhhhhh dont call me out like this
link the hentai?
lack of spicebag ITT
thread ruined
it's called the Fall of Red Riding Hood. It's kind of terrible but it has a lot of fans
oh yeah, looks too furry
im going to listen again tomorrow
i stopped weed for a week but i still thought about it constantly
am i broken
good girl
I stopped listening for a while because I lost like 30 minutes of memory while listening and it kinda spooked me that it was actually working
but I started getting into it again anyway. It just feels really nice to be able to relax like that.
I like to dress up like this for guys and bimbo myself.
Anyone else?
I've been wanting to listen to this bimbofication hypnosis file for a while now but every time i think about it i get too embarrassed and chicken out, i don't even have anyone to interact with.
It's about 30 minutes long, what should i do?
Its super furry but it touches on some stuff I've never seen done well anywhere else
>I lost like 30 minutes of memory
it scared me the first time to
but its also something i want its like the ultimate giving up control
what is it?
anyway nothing is going to happen the first time unless you're already practiced at hypnosis
if i were a cis woman i'd forcefem every single one of you exactly in the way you want, i'd even open an institution for that, but i'm a boymoder, i feel like the forcefeminization is less validating if it comes from an amab
you could get some cis women involved in your operation and still make it work
perhaps... i'll just be the woman in the middle
I want to dress up in a cute outfit and get SPANKED by a guy ;_;
you'd look so cute bent over my knee in a frilly pink skirt
But do you pass?
where do you draw the line sacrificing your masculinity for sissy stuff
I mean what masculinity are you trying to retain at this point
you perfectly described one of my biggest fantasies when i was repping. since starting hrt i don’t really have this kink anymore but this was a great revisit to an older time
nothing public. ever
BS helps me relieve my stress so much
yeah I feel guilty using it, but it's so good for relaxing
It's all about triggering a similar state of mind. Different things work for different people. I don't think that there is a one-size fits all. You have to figure out what works for you.

I play with butt-toys every so often and only on one occasion have I ever triggered a similar state of mind from it. I was able to get myself into a trance where I imagined it was actually a guy fucking me. I closed my eyes and felt a phantom sensation of him holding my shoulders while I dipped up and down on the suction cup dildo stuck to the top of my dresser. I really felt like I was being fucked by someone and my dick got hard and was actively leaking a stream of precum. Before I could cum, I fell out of that trance and have never been able to get myself in that state of mind again. I don't know how to get back into it. It was just a wild fluke when it happened that one time.
a flat chest and a mildly scruffy face has to mean something by way of respect as a man
I had my penis cut off
i dont rly feel guilty about it, the whole sissy community is tragic in a sad way to me desu. the main reason i stop and start is something freaks me out. like last time i stopped was because i read a reddit post that was like bambi got referred to a specialist psychiatrist or something
for me it helps with life stress and also forgetting childhood trauma
is it true men like poop and puke on their dick lol
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I'm trying to gymmax. Reverse feminization
>t. pooner
no but i look cute
hows the neo vagene
good? it's just a vagina.. been a while since I used it for anything besides peeing
do you even have to clean it before getting plapped there? does it feel good? do you even know
you're thinking of the butt I think the vagina doesn't need to be cleaned before sex. It cleans itself and it gets wet if I'm attracted to the guy. It does feel good it's just been a while.
how does it get wet and clean itself since yours is just an inverted penis
idk how exactly I just know it's like wet inside making vagina goo. My doctor tested it and found normal flora. And when I get horny it gets extra wet I think because my body is getting ready for sex.
omg this is like my biggest fantasy on the recieving end. i want to be kidnapped and kept as a spoil of war and shared among my enemies <3
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Are himbos allowed too?
nice tits
Because the highest status women are the most fuckable ones
Why wouldn't it?
Need hypno files that aren't bambisleep. I just don't like it.
Because I'm sick of malebrained emasculation fetishists with weird gender issues jerking it to distilled misogyny
I just want to be less insecure about expressing femininity, lean into my slutty submissive side a little, and maybe get some plastic surgery
ur so real for that and 100% agree. it's gross when hairy 50yo reppers with their bnwo fetishes talk about that sort of stuff. they dont even realize they are the furthest possible thing from actual femininity
How do I know if I'm trans or just a cis guy with a feminization fetish and trans ocd?
do you wanna cut your dick off or do you want to jerk your dick off?
>trans or just a cis guy with a feminization fetish and trans ocd
get some hrt
trans ocd isn't a thing, go look up the symptoms of gender dysphoria and the effects of hormones and make a decision
thats not real. start hrt
Resources online say trans ocd is a thing, and I already know I have ocd in general. Normally I'm fine being a guy, but every now and then I have serious doubt. Plus I'm in my mid-twenties and don't want to uproot the life I have.
>Resources online say trans ocd
what resources? :)
>effects of hormones
it fixes agp ocd?
>agp ocd
nta but wanna be plapped
this thread split is fucking dumb btw, leotard boomer still posts in both and sissy captions still end up in both just like people questioning and debating "agp" end up in both... there's a bigger conversation here most people aren't willing to have about all of this and without it being a common shared thing in public spaces this pattern and this schism, as well as the conflict that precedes it, will keep repeating
>Plus I'm in my mid-twenties and don't want to uproot the life I have
every john,50 has said the same thing
nta but more the later but I want it to do it in a cute way
what is this kinda dress called
that doesn't help me find it
its a cutout <3
do you want men to think you are a slut?
doesn't mean he's the same way though. this is like reverse survivor bias
thanks that's spot on
anyone else used to follow elena marita on instagram
all her dressup shit dissapeared and she makes retarded psychology vids now
she had a very unique appearance
what does it mean that women most of the time end up throwing up on long road journeys but most men don't

trans ocd IS A THING
it is not
>god I wish I could have met 15 year old you
Deleted my post for being lewd but still want to to bump thread~
Ive got a princess peach cosplay Ive worked on I got a great dress for it but I need a higher quality wig and crown its hard to find higher than costume quality for that stuff. Shes def one of those archtypical bimbos.
This thread just makes me even more depressed and confused
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Princess peach is not a bimbo she's refined and modest. Why do coomers need to ruin everything
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Why are you even in this thread?
My feelings exactly.
Why do insecure babytrans pickmes always try to elevate themselves over other transwomen through an appeal to purity?
I don't have a problem with trans women I have a problem with non-transitioners (read: cis men) not keeping their misogyny and transphobia in check
This board is worse because they'll spam shit about agp and trans ocd and rogd too
what's the difference?
sissies arent trans women they are 100% cis men with disgusting mef and raceplay fetishes
are E injections taken less often than pills
does it bypass the kidney
can i be an honorary girl i won't make my fetishes obvious
less often yes, how much depends on the particular form of E and your necessary dosing, and I'm not sure to what degree but I believe both sublingual and injections bypass liver/kidneys for whatever first pass stuff might go through with oral (look that up and don't take my word for it, but I think it can make injections safer overall)
>this thread is *not* for chasers or those who don't wanna present femme, so please dont be a stinky gymbro or chaser here!
What if I present masc sometimes but also femme sexually?
you can get e injections that are once a month
only stuff you swallow will go through your liver
bet your arm looks like a junkies arm after a few years from all the jabs
lol what is wrong with you?
Why would you want to be an honorary girl when you can just be a girl?
imagine being this retarded
just wondering
>everyone is exactly the same all the time
Im a sissy. but i dont find it humiliating or degrading to wear panties and be the girl for the moment. And I could care less about race. wat do?
Hey ftmanon, I’m >>36663734 and didn’t see your post before. On the off chance you’re still checking the thread, I just wanted to say you’ve got a legit male looking back. Kinda twinky still, but real progress and potential. Congrats on having a v-taper silhouette. WAGMI
I wish there were more cock hypnos which are non-degrading and encouraging/positive. Feel like I don't want to be insulted for wanting cock.
Then you're fucked. Being feminine is universally seen as inferior and degrading
Just dress up and get fucked by men. Who cares?
then be a normal trans girl???
Ok, hon
going to drink a bit and listen to bambi sleep tonight out of boredom
im doing it tonight with an edible and bad sleep deprivation
yeah I wish I had weed but I'm out
maybe I'll take melatonin? I'm kind of curious what sort of chemicals will help with trance and what won't
Im so addicted to estrogen gotta get my fix sis
i think benzos would be the best but theyre too scary
drink cum
well I don't have any, and they're too addictive
don't think this works
mushrooms, ketamine, and lsd are great
it really hits different when your sense of self is partially or entirely dissolved
I actually do have mushrooms but I'm scared that would be too effective
understandable last time I did bambi on mushrooms it was all I could think about for several days afterwards
it was fun though
Did it change your personality at all?
would it be a bad idea to do shrooms for the first time while listening
probably yeah
> Be me, uncomfy with bottoming cause it stings my ass
> Start dating cute guy
>I tell him about it
> Apparently that's not normal, and he throws away the lube brand I use.
>He fucks me using a different brand to lube
>holyfuckingshit bottoming rules
> Finally able to take dick properly
>still tell him to be gentle and slow since I've never taken more than the tip because of this
>he's super sweet about it and even talks to me like a maiden during her first time
>"Can't wait to breed you"
>he does me for about 30 minutes
>nearly cum hands-free for the first time
>pretty much cum as soon as his hands are on my cock
>few weeks pass
>don't fuck cause we don't have time
>still blow him every now and then
>been getting really clingy and needy
>our schedules finally line up for us to both have a day off at the same time
>obvi we fuck
>"my needy girl's been deprived lately huh?"
>he makes me try to ride him on top
>I can't, my legs are too weak and I lose balance too easily
>he's again super sweet and lies me on my back
>pins me against his bed hard
>"what a pathetic girl you are"
>same as last time, but he doesn't stop after cumming
nothing beats being the girlfriend of such a true gentleman

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