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don’t get me wrong, i do consider myself a staunch feminist and i took a gender studies course, but i just have some concerns. in the before times, there was _something_ of a balance; men had the power but weren’t completely subjugated as were slaves, women were protected and provided for. but now?: it seems the female is more suited to intellectualism than the male reflecting in higher grades and a majority of university enrolments, eventually this imbalance will carry over into the workforce, creating a wealth and power imbalance. inevitably women will hold the majority of political power and wealth in the world, but this won’t leave the male in the position the female once held in the previous sexist society, nono; what protected women from complete impoverishment was male desire: women are still and will remain the sexually desired class, men have nothing in this regard. what value will men hold in this upcoming world? i fear the answer will be brutish drones, for work factories and militaries. perhaps this is the final step before blossoming into eusocial species, reflecting the matriarchal structure of anthropoid cultures. dyson sphere imminent. mayhaps the sexism of the past was a necessary compromise to ensure both sexes had a role in the world, as now women are liberated is there much use for the male?
>i do consider myself a staunch feminist
don't you think being a woman is fundamentally embarassing and demeaning?
the cure for feminism is supporting trans men
trans inclusionary radical misogyny is the future
well it is inherently embarrassing and demeaning to be a woman AS A MAN
feminism need be cure?
If you break down the class divisions that exist in society broadly this will be a non-issue.
not sure exactly but it seems best to transition into a female before it’s too late
true but that sounds like a lot of work and no one really wants to give up their shit so enh
i want the best for my bros.
in the coming decades will we see massive waves of gender refugees???
please take your meds
men could shatter all of these illusions instantly if they just decided to all chimp out and go full monke caveman mode and violently take whatever they want and rebuild society from zero again
thats why its so important to the (((powers that be))) to find ways to break and humiliate them socially and sedate them medically
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No skibidi toilet mentioned in the first 4 words

Too long didn't read im going back to youtube shorts
most based anon itt
you are exactly the type of lumpenmale that will be sold into chastity
men build roads and do other physically demanding work, simple as
Boring! Who let the the fuckin sissy faggot girly nerd right up this crap? I want to push you into a locker and pull your panties up over your head or rip them while trying. Fuckin nerd, show me your nerdy glasses
brotha did u even read the post?
>slaves are so respected in society cuz they do tha hard work!
we don't have slavery, men could still vote, and they are sexually desirable. your argument sucks frankly.
when your only role in society is to build the roads get back to me
men are only sexually desirable to other men
Maybe its time for men to be like birds and do silly flashy dances for attention instead of monke rape
>autogynephilic fetishist starts ranting incoherently about "the consequences of feminism"
many such cases
Men will stop raising their boys to be toxic and retarded worker drones and start raising them to be better communicators, more intelligent, more understanding, and more suited to the modern world.

This has already been happening for decades. Retarded “alpha male” types have been saying it will be the “downfall of society” for like 100 years now, but they just can’t handle the reality that they are a relic of a bygone era and they need to quit passing in their trauma to subsequent generations and just die off quietly for the betterment of society.
>Men will stop raising their boys to be toxic and retarded worker drones and start raising them to be better communicators, more intelligent, more understanding, and more suited to the modern world.
How does one raise their boy not to be a worker drone when that's their societal role? Even if I raise him to be those things he's still going to be discriminated against in education and employment for being male.
idk sounds to me like you want the west to fall but whatever
I still don't get why people shit on "reddit spacing".

This fucking uncapitalized, massive, one-paragraph word salad is supposed to be better?
The same way people have been doing for decades?
Like, do you guys really think that all men are like useless chuds or something?

Men still run the world. They're still on average mostly smarter, more driven, more capable than women are in a huge variety of roles. They're just out there being functional members of society, instead of bitching on xitter about how the women/immigrants/robots took their jobs.

The west has succeeded by transcending the natural order of things. This is literally what "the west" is. A society where we decided to value freedom, co-operation, outcomes etc. instead of sticking to the "natural order" where we value only physical strength and let the "strongest" be the winner in all competition, rather than valuing the "best" by a variety of metrics.

It sounds like YOU want the west to fall. Go live in fucking Russia or Dubai or some other redpiller paradise that is a dysfunctional shithole beneath it's veneer of wealth and opulence if that's the world you want.
We've spent hundreds of years building the most successful societies in the world. Liberal western societies have outpaced literally every alternative.
We will continue to do so because we value results, not some retarded macho bullshit.
you are so jewish
men are already facing the consequences of this. Most men today including myself can't land a cis wife because she has no interest in us if we make less than her.

I am now dating a trans woman as a replacement for my cis woman counterpart
what the fuck does this mean
explain what you are
Compelling argument anon I’m sure you have much to contribute to society
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You fucking newfagniggers shit on everyone that just posts how we all used to because your not used to it and need nice big spaces to clearly separate paragraphs, can't imagine youfags trying to read a book it must be torture.

Now we all do this reddit bullshit to not get made fun of by you big meanies even though the spacing was used before and is suited for anything but single thought paragraphs.

Fuck you.
You replied to me. I've been here since 2006
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Oh well sorry... also fuck you oldfag don't be such a fag about it !
this really isn't an uncommon prediction actually
have you read the gender acceleration blackpaper?
there's a lot of people orbiting philosophers like nick land who have similar ideas
oh also it's not going to get better lol
it's not going to happen THAT soon, but you should stop manmoding anyway idiot.
>They're just out there being functional members of society
Young women earn more in urban areas and go to higher education more
All my male friends whose parents were doctors, scientists, etc. either underperformed and work low-tier blue collar stuff or rent-seek
60% of young males are single.
>Liberal western societies have outpaced literally every alternative.
Every liberal western society is declining in international relevance and has a collapsing birth rate
And those countries came to power by very illiberal means, when they were prominent believed in natural order 100% (what people call social darwinism now)
>can't land a cis wife
Skill issue

>I am now dating a trans woman as a replacement for my cis woman counterpart
I hope she leaves you
>All my male friends whose parents were doctors, scientists, etc. either underperformed and work low-tier blue collar stuff or rent-seek
idk fag. Maybe not everyone *can* be a doctor and a lawyer?

>Every liberal western society is declining in international relevance and has a collapsing birth rate
Declining in relevance? Nah mate that’s delusional

Yes, the birth rates are declining in the industrialised countries, because have a choice and they choose to not have kids or have them later and not as much

The population should level off eventually
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>i took a gender studies course
Masochistic Emasculation Fetish
i did eventually drop it, but i dropped all my courses

abort and have a daughter.
or even better, don't replicate. the existence of children is an ongoing ethical horror.
stupid, narcissistic, dishonest women supremacist.
maybe consider feminism to be an effectively dead ideology thats worth less than shit
read hegel, read wittgenstein, read gramsci, read lacan, read marx and realize youre a midwit
>being a woman is fundamentally embarassing and demeaning
Being a man and being forced to reduce yourself to disposable, inhuman labor-slave is embarassing and demeaning, while women are fully liberated and empowered, allowed to actually live their dreams and act out their
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Women still can’t outperform men, and there are more male brains/genius than female brains/genius. It’s just a fact. The men are represented far more on both ends of the extremes. Women are far more consistent, and it’s why they excel as librarians and accountants and hearth skills (cooking, etc, although men are still more represented in actual restaurants). It’s why men excel at navigation and skills relating to innovation and creativity. Art.

This thread is bait.
reed bordiga you ignoranus
ya but they act so gay about it
maybe we can have like a gerudo thing where women control everything but every like 100 years when that male genius gets born they can unite the clan?
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This reads like an MEF fantasy, and that is what I will take it as.
you obviously don’t know shit about MEFism

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