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Male role model edition
previous: >>36622243
QOTT: Did you or do you still as a manmoder have any kind of male role model(s) you look up to, admire, or want to emulate in some way?

>Reminder: This gen is for estrogenized, male-presenting male-to-females (manmoders). All repressor-related or honmoder posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads.
Filthy Frank & Perfect Cell
let's get some pussy tonight
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I just basedfaced and went duuuuuuuude irl so hard you have no idea
I looked up to and modeled myself after soft, emotional, no threatening males. mostly musicians and other types of artists. I just so desperately wanted a compromise between the manhood that was forced onto me and the fact that I desperately wanted to be anything but
QOTT Amanda Lepore
Rollins was one of my role models having survived the LA hardcore scene as a straight edge guy who used lifting to channel his hatred through, instead of drugs. I read all of his books, listened to all of his music, really liked what he was saying about how it's possible to endure a painfully traumatic childhood, and come out the other side, without drugs or other forms of self destructive coping.

I still ended up a drug addict lol. I couldn't cope with everything on my plate at the end of the day, and weightlifting wasn't enough.
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>did you
not really? my dad left when i was 7, and my pop culture exposure was nearly all video games and anime. my peanut brain thought abt kissing the men more than looking up to them.
oh, i randomly thought jeff probst on survivor was a role model bc he was perceptive and somewhat empathetic during the tribal councils. scraping the bottom of the barrel here...
>do you still?
I’m such a fucking faggot. i should put my bum ass to work in service of the glorious motherland of Romania
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I'm built like birdo
this is my role model
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truly my first inspiration growing up
well i am kinda one of the last namefags/trips left in this gen, i can't believe that all of them just kinda vanished desu, but this place is dying and even anons are lesser and lesser.. i hope i will get my shit together and also leave soon
I wonder where they went. Did they graduate to boymoder eventually, develop honfidence, or detrans altogether? I have an appointment for starting HRT in a few days and if I don't chicken out I'll be another manmoder with twinkhon aspirations.
You aren’t even a manmoder dumb nigger
lol goofy ass gay face moder
i am the only true real manmoder here
depends on which other larry this is
I am the only manmoder
I think pretty much everyone who posts here has posted face at least once but i don’t because i am a man
why am I so baldmanmoder
Stay safe brother
dont ask
sar do not redeem
i literally posted my face and got a wave of "you will never pass" how am i not a manmoder
literally the last pic, only one that wasn't secure upload because i can't be assed to format the url in such a way that it's "not spam"
*last pic of the last thread
are you new?
oh don't be like that, i am sure that you will pass with bangs
i've been on and off since 2013, just can't be assed to deal with all the new shit. i was on the tail end of roodypoo/triforce stuff, so i just feel out of place in general
well like I said give it time, and lurk moar
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ermm since we are rating pass potential here
is it over for me? (I know my forehead and hair are bad but idk how to fix)
7 months hrt
if >>36642287 is you then hrt will solve nothing unless you get a new hairline and ozempic
i've unironically lost nearly sixty pounds, this is not my final form

but see there are manmoders out and about
it is over man
commit suicide immediately
Congrats on the weight loss man keep going
Built for BBC
ive been here since 2009, skill issue nigga
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I've been here since october 03
I’ve been here since february
i like girls with short hair who look like boys, and vice versa
I mean not this board, it's still "new" to me, I was just literally on 4chan since I was an underageb& in high school

same and also giwtwm but I'm the ugly kind of androgynous where you can tell exactly what I am
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i was a twink with longish hair who got rizzled by girls and guys, and now I'm pretty much looksfucked with a huge forehead. pleasure to meet you
let me guess you're like 18 and therefore a lateshit ogremoder honcoping pillcel
not at all, im not going to say my age because it'd be too embarrassing to admit. i had really good potential and squandered it.
well we're very different in that regard, I had no potential and was always going to be ugly and unpassing whether I started at 14 or 20 or 30
maybe, MAYBE, if I had gotten HRT or at least blockers early, like 8-10 years old, I could have had a chance
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I'm an elder urban cavetroll
you look like a diapertroon i knew but ygmi i think
logs me
u look like a girl who sa’d me in hs :D
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the general circlejerks about the one true manmoder until an actual autistic man posts once every couple weeks then slows to a crawl for hours because not that many people want to be mean about it, there is no sanctuary for genuine hons, you cope or you rope, nobody is ever going to be on your side unless you somehow find joy in being hugboxxed to death by reddit, better luck next cycle
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Nine for mortal manmoders, doomed to cry
thee 9 is up
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My dad was a role model of sorts growing up, despite our distance. I always idolized cringe political YouTubers growing up, and likely picked up a few as para social role models. I don’t have this now, I don’t really have anyone I can model myself after. Not like it matters, as old and ruined my brain is I doubt any such thing could ever help.
taking it to seventh base with a manmoder who smoked for too many years
>that pic
you already pass if your voice/mannarisms do desu
it's so painful seeing passoids like you in mmg of all places
even twinkhons and boymoders shouldn't be allowed here
euphoria just kicked in crisis averted
you have a thing for bad breath and wheezing?
First off, DO NOT interact with obvious boymoders or borderline passoids who post in this thread.
Now, fellow manmoders, how are you coping with summer? I started wearing a binder while at work this year, and its honestly not so bad. Its nice being able to walk around without people looking at my fucking chest. The heat sucks, but I can safely remove the binder for about two thirds of my time at work.
One thing to keep in mind: your binder will stretch during the first two weeks of use. Keep this in mind while trying it on for the first time. You dont need a perfectly flat chest either btw. As long ad it doesnt look like boobs or boobs in a bra normies dont register it.
where are all the agp fags for me to feminize and gaslight
there are probably some right here tbqh
yeah that's why I come to mmg lol, you guys are the cutest ones on the whole board
nona... you're gonna make me cry...
don't cry princess, it's ok
another day the same pain
Sup fellow dudes who else spiraling rn? I feel cursed and depressed af but need to stay somewhat together/sane or they won't let me get my orchi.

I'm still here albeit very rarely

Bdd passoid I bet

Are you older then 30? if not stfu
Rollins is a big fag.
i'm the only old person itt
well, i guess person is debatable...

yeah spiraling... could be worse though so whatever
I don’t think I ever had any role models
My memory is a giant hole
I don’t know who I am
I hondosed myself ahahahaha
I couldn’t afford enough pills ahahaha
It’s over
6 months for nothing
Injections won’t save me now
My body is ruined permanently
My skin is burned and my face is fucked
There is no hope is there
Disgusting pathetic
Dysphoric little NIGGER FAGGOT
I wish someone would kill me, lovingly grab my hand and let me bleed out in their embrace
That’s my only fantasy
I want nothing else
I’ll never ever ever even be feminine
Not an inch of it is inside me
I’m just a man
Taking estrogen
>go to the sink to wash my hands
>my hands look feminine
>look at my face
>chad staring back
I'm 43. I'm not here that often tho
>a young man wearing glasses and a green shirt, epic wide angle, please do your best, computer monitor, pimples, romanian, lowshot, shaved head, symmetrical crown, around 1 9 years old, android close to camera, by Francis Helps, old apartment, front and side view, slightly blurred
just search for clip interrogator
It's a hugboxing piece of shit
not for me apparently, considered that you pass?
just the throat hole
I refuse to bind, sports bra under shirt is as much as I'll inconvenience myself in the heat and if people want to stare that's their fucking problem
I heard he did a lot to try and help fag rights
I know you guys said this is manmode gen and not Repgen, but I went into Repgen and its nothing but some weirdass Christfag quoting bible verses. So apologies but these Q's have been on my mind. I'm a repper considering going on HRT, 45, and like Norwood 7 superbald. I know if I go on HRT I'll still be bald and, at best walk around with A cup titties and reduced libido. Like, I ask myself, how would my day to day life be any different with taking an extra set of pills and small A cup boobs? I am realistic about not passing, I'm old, and would have to wear wigs or Chemo-patient style headbands every day, and it all just seems like a lot of extra work, for what?
Personally I would take care of the balding before starting hrt
>if people want to stare that's their fucking problem
How doesn’t this make you want to kys?!??!?
some people on this board have had amazing hair recovery, with e or other stuff and sometimes implants

personally just being on estrogen instead of running on testosterone feels way better and makes life more tolerable, so it's worth it despite being a bald neverpasser
idk I was already self-conscious and people already thought I was weird, and I like my body
meant for >>36651247
>take care of the balding before starting hrt
this, some people can get great results from finasteride/dutasteride. and the most common effect from those is reduced libido so if you don't mind that it's easier to go to actual HRT
Giwtwm it makes me severely anxious to the point where i avoid going outside
I have that too, just not over my tits lol
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>five years on E starting with shiny bald crown and very receded hairline
>crown fills in a bit and hairline advances, hair grows longer
>diffuse thinning out the ass
>start fin
>it all falls out then starts filling in more
this is after 3 months and shit sucks, it's not ideal but it is still getting better
Thank you for the feedback. I've visited some Reddit pages in search of older transition timelines, but I get the distinct impression its a huge self-selection bias going on. r/TransLater and r/transabitlater They have the usual vanity selfie posts, maybe some timelines, but I noticed immediately most people there seemed like they never lost hair to begin with, or had maybe Norwood 2 or 3. Everything I've read about Fin/Dut says maybe you will reverse it, but I've only ever seen people say they've reduced a Norwood 2 or 3 to feminine hairline. I've never once read a story about a Norwood 7 doing it and the medical stuff says its rare to never for it to happen.
my advice is to set your sights low and keep the grounded perspective but give it a real shot anyway and take it seriously
You hair is growing very fast
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some is, considering that's about 7 weeks of growth from when I shaved it all off... picrel is june 2020 so it's all relative
everyone i know mogs me
they were ugly as men but pass as women now, i am an attractive man(moder) and i have malefailed zero times
Hehe, I was like that last summer. But now they're grown a bit more, and I prefer a binder even though I still go out with a not even sports bra in faggotmode. You're not wrong - people can stare if they want, and no one says anything anyway. If nothing else, its a good preparation for honmode ...
But my current plan is to basically turn myself into a cyberpunk npc and just really lean into being a theymab. Maybe then I can live with my dysphoria. In any case, I have to do something.
It looks a lot better. Once it’s longer i don’t think it will be visible much
I stopped trying to hide things after the 2nd summer, the 1st one was tolerable since stuff was still growing but I almost died of heat stroke next year trying to cover up

I also hang out in my apartment in my underwear with the window open so I'm kind of getting over the whole shame thing, and I mean there are so just many more unsightly or weird or inconsiderate people out there for others to have to worry about - if people say shit on the street I just cope, and I've gotten okay at just kind of firing off a comment back or ignoring them and moving on
i will never afford ffs
I have insurance that i think covers it but Ffs wouldn't help me desu I think my face is too fucked
doubt it
I should add that my job lowkey requires me to act with some authority every once in a while, so that was a big motivator gor getting a binder. I cant afforf to have a group of zoomers burst into laughter when they see me.
Outside of that, yeah, theres a lot to be said about not being ashamed of what you are and I guess "normalizing men with breasts" but I'll be honest - I enjoy being invisible in public again (as most men are by default).
I'll let my tits out again once I begin theymabing I guess.
same, I don't want to go through all that and put myself at risk to change my face in the way FFS techniques could, seems like I'd be kind of erasing some of my physical identity to match someone else's idea of what a woman should look like and also not actually change the most physically dimorphic and separately just ugly parts of my appearance
i suffer every day knowing i can't afford ffs for a long time, thanks for rubbing it in my face i guess
Dw sis they don’t care
I know I lash out at non-manmoders coming here over dumb shit obviously to troll but (You) must not be able to tolerate existing anywhere on the internet if that's how you react to even just the discussion of the future possibility of FFS relative to where you live or work
not even going to bother replying
shouldn't have bothered posting
I will hopefully get ffs in the next ten years which I guess is fine
Women start getting facelifts around that time anyway so it won’t be too uncanny hopefully
my state only somewhat recently started making FFS something insurance has to cover
I don't give a fuck. If ffs could save you, I'm far worse off
you're not special
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post lat spread or you're not a real man
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what the fuck is that how do I do this? also picrel is basically me
Never claimed to be. I'm one of many who will never be women.
I'm legally obligated to inform you that I have a firearm on my person.

sorry just did my injection :3
trannies are pussies bout injections. you shoot like half a ml of oil with 20mg of drugs in it. try shooting 3ml of oil with 750mg of drugs in it and you'll know how the average roidchad feels every 3.5 days.
and even still, it takes me way too long to do it ;_;
i freeze up before injecting
I'm legally obligated to inform you that ACAB, fuck you and every cop you're related to
yea :'^(
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wtf is wrong with my dog
I need to do mine today... I hover a little and waffle over whether I might hit a vein then just J-J-J-J-JAM IT IN like I'm STICKING IT IN HER POOPER
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I tried
trash. you'll never be a man. do you happen to live in the mid-Atlantic region of the US?
i feel like smoker's blowhole porn is an untapped market. plus it's cool to sound like a robot when you speak. I'm going to keep smoking
rude I'm manly af bruh fuck you suck my dick, also no I'm in the pnw
you need a real man to turn you into the wimpy little girl you are, I'm in the pnw too
I was introduced to the term by drawn together, I think the genre just needs more love
disgustingly manly I agree
Cute nails FAGGOT
I’ll never be feminine enough to paint my nails
I think he's attracted to women
you should princess
you don't have to be feminine to paint your nails...

generally, but I consider myself open minded and get bi urges
I don’t know why but this post hurts so much
>generally, but I consider myself open minded and get bi urges
so, meta-attraction?
Yes you do
Manly men don’t do that
It’s not allowed
It’s weird
It’s faggy
It’s gross
Very ugly
Ugly people aren’t allowed anything but go in their c
well not exactly, but it's just a lot more rare for me to find a man attractive compared to wanting to get fucked by one or anything with women
I am THE real man

manly men don't give a FUCK what's allowed and do their own thing, stop being a little bitch
I just want to help you
Absolutely disgusting people like you shouldn’t take hrt
File deleted.
here I tried to do the machinist do even with my beer gut
well you're no Christian Bale but you do have nicer tits than he does.
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still working on both fronts there
I’m sorry
I know :(
I just felt
Idk what
I have three different firearms in my ass right now.
you're cared about princess <3
impressive, I keep a couple around but (usually) not in my ass
you don't know me like that
I want dick so much bros
I want to dick down a manmoder so bad bros
are you a manmoder?
no lol
what are you? important
But for me, I am just a man
I look like a man, why are you interested in me?
I like the idea of feminizing a manmoder, making her into a perfect girl
that'd take ffs and srs
As for me, my true good is to follow God.
alright, I'm the breadwinner of the house I already expected to pay for my wife's needs and take care of her
where are you from?
God is a real prankster that motherfucker
Real he is so funny and mean
us, west coast
>he loves yooooo but yeah, he made you completely dysfunctional and suicidal lel.
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king county....
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I do not have a girlfriend.
yes actually lol, wtf
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wow destiny amd fate when do i move in
I'm free this weekend :3
c'mon don't ghost anon, what's your discord
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i'm literally a man bro
any san diego :(
yeah so let me turn you into a girl
the grooming fetish is weird.
I used to wish I was normal
Now I wish I was a cute twinkhon trNny uwu
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I never wanted to be normal
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i think it's fine and i'd play into it if i were completely shameless but if he lives in the seattle area he can walk outside and trip over a hon that would indulge him
I became trans
I was never like this
Porn and honing to hrt encouragement hypno and feminization roleplays and tftg hentai made me this way
I was a normal kid who wanted to transform into animals and hated sex and didn’t really like sports or anything but his toys and games and science books
I was normal
I’m not that nigger lol
Completely different type of fucked in the head
Kek yeah sure you where tranny
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I was
There is no reason to believe otherwise
At least that’s what I think
My memory is foggy
I never dressed myself
I never wanted to buy things that where games and toys
I didn’t explore my identity until adulthood. I just did whatever. I was normal.
I don’t know
Something inside me tells me this is the case
I dont remember.
I wish I was more sure
But even on hrt things are unclear
I feel so lonely abd lost. I wish I could just be a cute girl. No ifs or buts. But that’s just delusion.
I am too hateful of things to allow myself to be anything but a pure manmoder.
I need to be better but I forget what that even means
I’ll never be a hon
ugh, you type like offbrand frenchie and it hurts my eyes
I’m male like him after all
take the repgen shit back to repgen to play with the christcuck, you're a fucking tranny and you are NOT special
Eh embrace being a perms troon. You are hear forever most likley AMABs rarely detrans unless they become religious schitzos or are the ultra rare youngshit hsts self hating gay.

The amount of social pressure to not troon out as an adult AMAB is ridiculous so if you started taking HRT as an adult you are most likley a legit tranny for life
I need to accept myself
To stop hating
To be better
I guess at this point it doesn’t matter
I’m taking the damn drugs and so t feel a reason to stop or rather the reasons stem from self hatred
It’s funny this could have been my second year on hrt if I wasn’t a fucking retard who listened to too many brainworms. But 6 months in and yeah. No reason to stop this time.
Should just fear less. Idk
I was more optimistic at the start. But I can’t get over my insignificant issues it seems.
I’m not going there. For whatever reason.
I can't wait for you and methschizo to collide
I talked to them but eh
I’m more self centered so I really do t care about what they say
> >
Yeah the fact you stopped ant went back kinda confirms it.

The way I see it if this was just a big mistake and I found out I wasn't trans I would be fucking ecstatic perks of veing AMAB.

I'm a 6ft tall male with broad shoulders that can put on muscle easy has a natural bodybuilder build that has a high paying job and a promising career prospect. I still have friends and family hasn't disowned me I'm bisexual would have my choice of men and women and would pretty much be top 10% of men the second I detrooned. Literally only thing would be the tits wich I can hide already and I could get removed with Government funded top surgery.

Unfortunately I am a tranny and was the most depressed I ever have been before I trooned and was about to Kim's because of dysphoria and if I stop I will likley try to kms again so yeaaaaaaah.
At least can I be a cute tranny? Like
T is poison and I ruined myself for nothing
I love madonna
Depends on your genetics

I can garuntee you will be a cute tranny in the sense chasers and transbians will wanna fuck you
long hair? hon.
shaved face? hon.
bras? you'd best believe it.
say it with me: hon.

i am the only true manmoder here
this next song is called Your Mother Sucks Cock in Hell
Sure thing sweetie
didn't ask for your input biiiiiiiiiiiitch. now get on your knees and suck my big manly girlcock!
Yeah yeah I’m not hyper lost
Just so much work needs to be done
I always fear every step that I’m not doing good
And I’m not gonna kid myself
I’m not
I’m just doing everything alone abd I can see my flaws but feel that I can’t fix them
Fat ugly biiiitch faggot
Stupid fat face
Can’t do anything right cause wua wua it’s scawy :’(
Fucking cunt bitch
I hope my balls and penis DIE so I never go back into a man ever
Oops ruined my life mom guess I have no choice now!!!!!!!
Sorry I’m rambling
I’m lost ok?
>long hair
>shaved face
doesnt change that im a manmoder
https://unsee cc/album#9Nhe8yAB24fH
also, i have DD/E's... i need a bra
Mood that's why I'm getting an orchi, gotta really WANT it if I detrans after that.

Just like chill on estrogen you will end up honmoding or getting ffs or something eventually anyway
I remember you gz on the huge milkers wide hips I'm jelous af
Yes yes ofc
Just scared my estrogen doses have been awful
My choice not to do bloods
Let’s see how the first month on vials is gonna go now, I’ll do bloods and chill if the results are good
Until then I’m dead
Also like.
I’m really manmoding
Other trannies are getting their legal docs changed and getting whole body laser and having comments made to them about their appearance even in Boymoder abd go out in girlmode in just a year. The advantage of being young I guess. Fuck me
Always comes bs k to that
Repressed abd didn’t even marry or some equal achievement.
Just dropped out abd wasted so many years.
I’ll be brutal
Your face isn’t good
Idk just not my type
Nice ‘mode though very fembrained
Why is every US county named King, Cook or Wayne?
literally just a hon
Careful now, if you end up getting huge milkers you will be in the same boat
Literally me
not if i'm anamoding
Yeah sure lol if you have a passoid skeleton

Try anamoding with broad ass shoulders and a large rib cage and small hips, literal Sui fuel
>Try anamoding with broad ass shoulders and a large rib cage and small hips, literal Sui fuel

Literally me wtf, I have tiny boobs too : ^ )
>>36657397 >>36657407 tnx :33

yea i know... midface, also will get ffs obv
>wears mens t-shirt
>wears mens cardigan
>wears necklace
Drag them sis
you do not look like a man and whatever you are doing to dress yourself is not presenting as a man
TFW there are 2 threads active atm confirming the average manmoder is the average FTM's ideal man to transition into
hot, my ideal would be an androgynous hefab or theyfab with a dick so I mean
when you say average manmoder you mean... average "manmoder" of course, nobody would want to be anything like me
Imagine just walking along in manmode and a dyke looking girl comes up to you and says that you are the most ideal masculine specimen of a man I have ever seen, when I get on T I wish I could look even 1/10th as masculine as you and just walks off.
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Literally this was posted kek
He is very hot
mogs me
mogs me
>you do not look like a man
>whatever you are doing to dress yourself is not presenting as a man
wearing means shirt & cardigan? having long hair?
is simply having large boobs magically making me not a manmoder?
without boobs you would still not look like a man
i doubt that...
if i dont look like a man, what do i look like?
im literally a man
browmogs me
im bald
same, why am I so bald?
and also piglike in appearance
i need one of you to cave in my humongous skull with a polearm of some sort
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prepare yourself
Amazing hair
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>jerk off
>take edible
>hit bong
>take edible
>hit bong
>jerk off
i just want you to be dead
i just want to get rid of the sick thoughts in my head
i can hear them talking about me behind my back thru the walls
my parents at night
my room mates last year. every one's saying my name and i can hear them through the walls
fuck everyone. im going death con 3 on rape hons
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i am a demon i am possessed by demons the devil made me do it i didn't choose this i am hurting everyone around me and have brain damage irreversible decline due to the demonization damaging my brain and controlling my thoughts
why do men have to be ugly cavemen but women get to be cute it isn't fair
this is us.
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Anyone else just not feel like a girl when things get to towards the bottom?
Like at work working moving bottles and crates and shit or at home looking at my face
Both just make me say "yep manly man"
Not too mention I have such a hard time doing things for my transition, like I sometimes wonder "am i trans or dysphoric" Its funny cause lmao im NOT going off hrt anytime soon.
I guess it's an issue at my age more often since Im already so damn masculine and hrt just hasnt had much to do in these past 7 months.
Im just jealous of all the girls and trannies who never had these thoughts and just...are themselves and just fucking "do it". That isnt everyone. But fuck it sucks feeling this stuck mentally and physically.
Ill say, maybe if I was still young and took hrt back in my "damn I wanna be a cute girly boy thing" I would ahve been happier calling myself nb. But Well life is strange so here i am way past twinkdeath and The Wall.
i trooned at 24 and tbhon i can't relate, i have always felt like a girl on most levels and do internally no matter what i'm doing. this is mostly bc of a delusional childhood and dissociated early 20s but i'll take the result.
yea more proof im agp/mef/something
maybe I am not meant for this
2 more years of this shit god
maybe but it doesn't matter, hopefully you don't worry abt it too much in time. we're all doomed anyways. it's a bummer if it stalls your transition long-term though.
I'm literally considering suicide again
>it doesnt matter
It does matter
How can I be transitioning if im not 100% a woman on some level? Ok my body is fucked,fat chance should have eaten more celery at birth, but everything else? Whats wrong with me. Really
nothing i can say to you will fix you, but i hope you heal one day. i'm sorry, anon.
okay but you decided to transition for real reasons, right? like, i guess i've never understood the obsession with weird subcategories like agp mef etc... maybe that's hypocritical of me considering i had a pretty stereotypical trutrans childhood and don't pay that stuff any mind, but aren't we all simply treating gender dysphoria? if you don't feel like a woman, it's probably bc you don't look like one and aren't treated like one. i feel like fixing that is the real solution for most instead of some vague feeling of internal womanhood. idk, maybe i'm misunderstanding something. i'm high and yapping sorry.
Well i dindt wanna lose my hair
I didnt wanna have a body and face that becomes even more masculine.
During my transition I realized yeah the hrt changes are actually kinda nice.
And as I said I have had this "if I could I would do it earlier"
And yeah dysphoria
You know how I started? Multiple people just told me to my face that what I was feeling was just that dysphoria. I was repressing hard.
I grew my hair just to feel less masculine. I tried all my life to wear clothes that are natural.
Idk maybe I just am wrong.
>you decided to transition for real reasons
Is wanting to look feminine a real reason? Or maybe , which is what I said back when I started, just wanting to be less masculine?
Idk im really confused over it. My therapist was supportive of me just saying I couldn't just wait more for something I knew I wanted eventually or in the past.
I just dont know what I am.
Who am I even trying to convince of my 'validity" anymore
Fuck this is tiresome
And I know even if i stopped trying I would still be in this vortex
Fucking shit
yeah i dunno, you and i have such different mindsets i'm definitely in no position to offer you advice. i think you have real reasons but trying to search for true validity is probably going to leave you exhausted, yeah. especially considering that's a very subjective thing, and it's unnecessary imo. you probably need to take your E, get a hobby and stop thinking so much.
Ill just be a man on E
Its fine I suppose, less chance of prostate cancer or w/e
thinking about this shit just makes me sad
Castrates tend to live longer anyway or at least they used to back in the day
My bloodline ends with me, sorry ancestors
>maybe x2
>probably x2
>i feel like
>i guess
>i think
You type so fembrained it hurts to read. Not a manmoder.
my mom always told me to speak more decisively bc it annoyed her lol. thanks ig..?
This some advanced brainworms
Do you see passoids in your cereal as well?
nigga i ain't gotta do shit, my mama take care of me
/tv/ sucks, give me movie reccomendations RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
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breaker morant
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bone tomahawk :3
I need to uninstall Linux to not look so AGP
have fun with windows. i'd rather be an annoying linux autist than have to put up with that shit in the year of our Lord 2024.
I think I will just install Ubuntu, I'm not even a programmer, I just use Linux for political reasons
i pretty much exclusively use apple :3
Nobody cares what computer you use
I don't want to be a stereotype
You already are, there is no way to change that just be yourself
yeah i like to drink, yeah i got a drinking problem.
I'm not HSTS I'm straight meta-attracted AGP
cute, is that the new girl?
why would I feel like a girl? I'm a manmoder, I started hormones at 30, that's the deal

useless trash
sexual dimorphism is a scam
>go out to order food
>paranoid people can tell what I am
>long line of chav men waiting
>embarass myself by sperging out
>walk out, day ruined
open your heart, anon, it's gonna be alright.
What did you order
I'm just trying to live and learn, here
bc you're transgender? why are you acting like that's a strange belief to have
because it doesn't make sense to me - it doesn't to you, either, does it? so why let yourself be hung up on that? who said you need to feel like a girl to start hormones or anything? I honestly don't "feel" like a man either, and this is the manmoder general which is quite obviously for people who are not strictly gender-conforming or identify the same as other mtfs in their transition

having doubts or questions and not being exactly like everyone else are not things that preclude being yourself or taking steps to make your life better
i'm not the confused one you first replied to, but i hear what you're saying. body autonomy, bee yourself yeah yeah. i guess either of your perspectives are hard to understand as a more typical mtf who just had a starting point befitting manmoder status. if i wasn't intensely and suicidally dysphoric i would have continued fagcoping, so like, i never understood altering your brain chemistry to be in line with a woman's if there isn't a lot of that already inside you. isn't that stressful and bizarre feeling?
>i never understood altering your brain chemistry to be in line with a woman's if there isn't a lot of that already inside you
I see, you're making it really clear that you're not actually thinking about this, you're just worried about rhetorical talking points... I suspect that's the case for most people stuck on this

what, exactly, do you think "a lot of that" would be? be specific and define what you mean, and then maybe you can start to ask why indeed WOULD I be on hormones and enjoy it more than not being on hormones if that were the case? what you're saying doesn't actually make any sense if you examine it materially
okay jeez you're right, actually i don't think abt anything bc i'm really stupid, i'm just asking questions... not everything is an argument...
all i know is i have felt like a girl since i was abt 10 years old. it has been ceaseless and painful. do you not see that, for me, it's hard to fathom giving yourself this life if your reasons are much more vague, like average hrt femboy cope? not saying that's you, it's just an example. but without you explaining yourself i can't understand why you would feel better on female hormones that, again FOR ME, bring my brain in line with how it's always felt. you and i have different mindsets, i'm just curious not malicious or trying to fret abt talking points like what...
yeah nah sick of "just asking questions" trolls like you telling me my reasons are vague and that I'm not valid or need to detroon or rep or kms, I have gender dysphoria and I treat it with HRT now fuck off
btw if you were serious, or even just a little more committed to the bit, you would have at least tried to even approach the questions I asked instead of shooting down my "validity" again by repeating yourself

do better
lol okay. i didn't say any of that but go off. i said IF your reasons are vague and asked you to explain, and i certainly wouldn't tell anyone to detroon or rep or kys. your gender dysphoria is objectively atypical, why is being curious abt that such a crime? whatever, you're rude and seem to think everyone is out to get you. i guess i'm just dumb and bad at expressing myself if my sincerity comes off as trolling, sorry...
it is my experience that the ONLY people who go out of their way to make a big show out of "not being trolls" are the laziest kind of troll
keep thinking that ig, i'm too dumb to troll i can barely even make jokes. you made me feel bad abt my communication abilities so i'm going to go back to sleep and maybe cry now. dw i'll stop asking you questions if i can tell it's you bc you're literally just a mean person
I answered your insults and questions directly with genuine insight from my perspective and further invited you to walk through a thought exercise to help you understand better for yourself, and you ignored that to tell me I wasn't explaining while doubling down on your insults
not sure where i insulted you but okay, i'm sorry. i genuinely think you're just smarter than me bc i clearly missed some of what you're saying. it's probably obvious that my only friends are the very patient types.
you understand that I literally do not believe you and know exactly what you're trying to do, right? you STILL won't even try to answer the questions I asked you or even acknowledge the answers I gave you
cool, you don't have to believe me. you upset me for trying to talk with you so no i'm not going to revisit the posts. leave me alone now please
close the tab, I'm not going anywhere and I will continue responding to your insults in kind you retard

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