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Ava did nothing wrong. Talking to a minor isn’t illegal. Can she hopefully rebound and put this all behind her? I want to see more videos with her.
dude she's been banned from beast's show
>nothing get's the knob a cranking like some loli
Ava did plenty wrong
She said that when she was a guy
what the fuck does have to do with anything LOL
I don't think transitioning washes away the pedophilia
An adult talking to a minor over the internet should be illegal. There is NEVER any reason for it, and the fact that some of the material in question was even remotely "edgy" (and it was far more than that) ought to be punished by at least imprisonment or having his kids taken from him.

Inexcusable, and the fact that some of you defend it is deplorable. No wonder no one likes you.
there is actually pretty much no reason for it
>this edgy joke you made nearly a decade ago? It basically proves you're a pedophile and groomer even though the victim said you never groomed him
Xitter is a mental illness, a mass psychosis permeating the minds of the brainless goycattle daily. Xitter users are all brain dead subhumans literally incapable of higher thought, you are actual cannon fodder and should die for Israel
>this edgy joke
You're too stunted to even realise it's a joke, less developed cognitively than 14 year olds. Subhuman
She stepped away.
we get what youre saying but youre failing to recognize that normal functional people do not make "jokes" like that on average
>omg bro what if I fucked a child bro!!!! what if I raped a kid rofl!!!!!!!!! lmfao!!!!! dude im jacking my peen to 5 year olds right now!!!!!! just some funny jokes with the boys!!!!
No of course not, all of mr beasts friends are autistic social outcasts but still he isn't a pedo
Work a single day in the trades or low skill labour and these tweets won't even faze you. You are an autistic faggot
wait did I miss up
What fucking construction site are you working where all your co-workers are pedos? I've worked labour before and none of the middle ages men who made puns would ever stand for a joke like "I jerk off to kids"
you have to recognize that if people were trying to imply kris were an actual pedophile that actually groomed/acted inappropriately sexually to a minor as an adult, this would escalate to far more than a departure from mr beast?
if this is taken seriously, it would be a full investigation looking for actual CSAM and victim testimony, in order to build a full criminal case

i dont even know what defending her at this point accomplishes, even if you recognize that its a hitjob by kiwifaggots/transphobes
its just too messy at this point and if you want to help her, i think the best thing to do is just shut up and hope people recognize it for what it was and move on
having commissioned shadman lolicon art on your fucking wall counts as a joke apparently

if it looks like a duck
acts like a duck
quacks like a duck
might just be a fucking duck
sick and tired of all the pedos hiding behind screens and when that stops working they hide behind a face full of makeup and NDAs. the goddamn goonclown started this shit and is stinking up the LGBT community I hate these sick fucks
Yes but they won't because majority of people are retarded followers literally bred to wageslave and farm taxes. Subhumans
Literally every construction site is like this, they all make gay jokes and pedo jokes
>Literally every construction site is like this
Dude everyone is a pedo!!! it's not just me all of these totally real people also love "joking" about raping kids!!!
OK but during that period shadman was an inside joke on twitter, infamous and in the replies constantly. I'm like 90% certain the picture Chris had was supposed to be Belle Delphine who shad had collaborated with loads. He also does "normal" art aka adults so following him isn't really pedo in itself.
You are terminally online if you think like this, go outside unironically. Yes tradesmen make jokes like that all of the time, I can't imagine some frail estrogenised xitter faggot going on a tangent about the tradies being "problematic" or "groomers" because theyre pissbabies and cant handle a joke lmao. Touch grass
it was a loli with a "be patient I have autism" hat and a gun in her mouth with a spade tattoo that's what was posted on Chris's Twitter with the caption "fidget spinner earrings for extra autism" that's what was on his fucking wall and was even shown in a Mr beast video. this ain't some 2017 belle delphine fanart shit this is real pedo shit that should not be downplayed
Shad was doing art of belle delphine around that time though, the dyed hair, eye colour and lipstick match belle delphine along with her slim build. I mean even if it is supposed to depict a child what child even looks like that?
My dad and my cousins and my all my jobs in the my 20s were in trade jobs, everyone there has facebook humor not "I want to fuck kids" humor
Maybe it's a regional thing, because here it's like trades people joke about being worse than dahmer, visiting epstein island, being a nazi/dating 13 year old lol. It's pretty normal dark humour
burn in hell you sick fuck your not gaslighting me into believing this shit is okay
No it's still pretty weird, but let's be honest it isn't a realistic depiction of a child. If it was genuine loli/shota then I'd understand but it isn't, it's much more mature
This Xitter screenshot will eventually be used during a congressional hearing to get hentai outlawed in America.
>playing Halo 3 with a 12 year old is literally immoral

Your generation is an absolute cesspool of pornbrained degeneracy, you say shit like this because you simply cannot conceive of a world absent of coom. It would be like a bright blue sky without the sun.
its not realistic that's just how shadman does his garbage, that's the main reason he got away with it for so long. it doesn't change what its trying to be or what the fuck it is,
like Vaush trying to say his goon folder was all short stacks but everyone knew that was a fucking lie
But it's a drawing, so if it doesn't have an age and it looks of age, how is it even pedophilia or loli in the first place? Because you could just draw a fully grown adult, but later say they're 2 years old and then everyone is a pedophile apparently. Makes no sense
>guys I'm not a scat fetishist I only jack off to DRAWINGS of shit coming out of an asshole
he was making sexually inappropriate jokes
not playing halo
theres no way this isnt a psyop i dont want to actually start to believe trans girls here are pedos
> An adult talking to a minor over the internet should be illegal. There is NEVER any reason for it
actual fucking glowie shit right here
burn in hell I hope you rot
yeah but that isnt one of the reasons so
what are you even saying why are you arguing here that has nothing to do with ava
I mean yeah? Pictures of cartoon scat and actual scat are completely different things. Most of it is porn addiction, if you had real scat and cartoon scat then fair enough you're a freak but cartoon is pure fantasy and not based on reality
its three letter agent tier gaslighting, they keep moving the goalpost over and over
I can understand actual loli/shota being banned, you can obviously tell its a depiction of a child but like half the stuff shad draws is adults anyways, and the picture Chris had looked like belle delphine anyways. The stuff shad did of keems daughter though is reprehensible
that is insane copium holy shit
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This is the "how can words be offensive? they're just words they don't mean anything" of porn
Only it isn't? It's like seeing fetish content on the Internet and liking it, but then when you try it you don't actually like it. It's just severe porn addiction tbqh
>but like half the stuff shad draws is adults anyways
do you know how fucking dumb you sound just because he draws of age woman sometimes doesn't mean the loli shit isn't bad. that's like saying Jeffrey Epstein isn't that bad because he had sex with adult women sometimes
The fuck are you talking about? I was responding to a single anon’s comment that you should never talk to a kid online and it should be illegal. >>36646466 moved the goalposts
Trans women were never guys, they were born girls
No, I meant that Chris and others found his work through his of age content, and within the community found out the shadman jokes which is why he tweeted stuff like that. It was literally edgy gay humour
Do you realise how cumbersome it would be to do this though? Like every single online lobby fully moderated, every single chat between two accounts moderated not to mention kids lying about their age to play COD or something, it would literally be impossible to implement this
yeah I was telling (you) that they were moving the goal post
Dirty talk between an adult man and a little boy is wrong actually.
Good, ban gaming too, burgerland has been nothing but a blight to both
Can we not agree that sending porn as a 21 years old man to a 13 years old kid is literally WRONG?

Not even that. The mf had a literal grooming discord where he send hentai to his own little cult of underage elementary and high schoolers.

Gay jokes, yes, but jokes about child abuse? No. I’ve done some day labor shifts on construction sites, worked for a moving company, worked in a UPS warehouse, and had a brief stint in the navy and have seen homoeroticism disguised with humor. I’ve seen these same dudes also defend their friends were accused of sexually assaulting or harassing grown women. But jokes about kids? Never.
he said he sent nudes as well
>no crime was committed so she did nothing wrong
lmao this is probably why kris trooned
of course once mr beast got as big as it did and as rich as it did people were going to find out about things like this and threaten them
it really was a humiliation ritual to tank trans optics
apparently not because it takes pulling teeth with a fucking hammer to explain that loli porn is BAD especially if you fucking commissioned it
this guy is a pedophile.

trannies defending nonces gain nothing, but they keep at it, then ask wow why are we monsters in the eyes of normal people?
Never happened but ok
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>meanwhile in Bonglandistan
the lgbt community will never be accepted if we keep letting these freaks hide behind a flag. it has never been safe for us. Chris isnt a transwoman she's or he was a pedophile that wanted to hide and use the community as a meat shield
Good, ban anglos from having culture, lest they ban us
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>wake up
>breathing oxygen banned
>the lgbt community will never be accepted if we keep letting these freaks hide behind a flag. it has never been safe for us. Chris isnt a transwoman she's or he was a pedophile that wanted to hide and use the community as a meat shield
except in this case the pedo allegations are bullshit, or at least these new ones are

the shadman + loli comments were exposed like a year ago and she didn't get cancelled again. if you want to cancel her for them now, fine, but then you definitely need to include the majority of this site

personally i do think enjoying loli content is definitely pedophilia. not sure if kris actually enjoyed it or was just making edgy jokes about it though

>humiliation ritual
When I was like 11 years old I was playing “misty chainsaw rape” on newgrounds and “cybering” with 40 year olds in habbo hotel.

Kids these days are too coddled the boomers were right.
>not sure if kris actually enjoyed it
Didn't he have a framed shad pic on his wall?
I will let the grooming allegations play out since they are new as I have not talked about in this thread. I am only speaking on the lolicon shit as of right now and that already solidified them as a pedophile as you have also agreed. and you know what I will include a majority of this site they're all gonna burn too
I've never made a joke about molesting children, then again I'm not a pedophile.
>I was abused as a child so it’s ok if the next generation is abused

Seek help
>Playing a violent flash game as a kid = abuse

I sincerely hope you never breed.
Still is
It’s not really abuse, it’s learning to test your own limits in the safety of your own home.

There gas never been a safer more kid friendly way to be exposed to adult topics. So long as you are engaged in your kids life it’s a non issue, it’s only neglectful or overbearing parents that actually make this a problem.
I personally believe Kris Tyson is an edgy person who should've never been thrusted into the mainstream. there's an audience for her, but everything went wrong when mainstream niggas started using Kris as some kind of representative for trans people in the name of being supportive or whatever the fuck. she's way too autistic and didn't need that kind of scrutiny on all her actions so suddenly after already (kinda) being turned into a lolcow upon transitioning
/tttt/ ava should change her name after this
do zoomers even go outside at all?
like half of my friends growing up were 10 to 20 years older than me and a lot of those dudes were like actual drug dealers
>wasn't stealing playboys a cigarettes from friends dads since elementary school
not only do you have no realistic world view but you fail to remember that just because people are young it does not mean they will not lie and worm their way into adult spaces.
these children, especially teens, are capable of rape, murder, manipulation, and every horrific crime under the sun.
you also have a metric fuck ton of youtube content creators and influencers who are literal children.
i swear it's like forgotten what literally every kid in school was like.
do you really think little timmy on discord or xbox is gonna be abused because he heard sex stuff? he's been fucking his friends and TRYING to fuck his friend's mom for ages now. they do not care.
it's wrong, but it's not grooming. it was also the status quo in early discord. also from what I know the kids in the server came from that first guy, then the rest were invited by him. he wasn't seeking them, he just wasn't removing them. which is still wrong, but this is all miles tamer than what is being portrayed. seriously, even people ITT are talking about kris commissioning porn of keemstar's daughter. or literally raping the kids. neither of these things happened. her crimes are not kicking minors from a discord server.
its not loli retard. go on /b/ and compare it. its a drawing of belle delphine
T is poison for the mind and soul
Society decides what is truth now, not reality. The panopticon WILL smear you as a pedo. The public WILL see the blood it craves.
Drawings are quite literally by definition not 'real' pedo shit because they are not 'real' anything

Zoomers are just as reactionary as boomers, man, it's fucking terrifying what this world is turning into
Every trans woman who wants to give birth is a pedophile. You literally fantasise about a newborn baby rubbing against your genitalia. Every tranny who gets SRS is a nonce & it should be banned.
He doesn’t get a pass just because he says he’s a woman now. Men should be canceled for sending minors explicit content. Idgaf if you’re lgbt or straight or whatever. This should be a something everyone gets behind. Didn’t some other streamer get canceled the week before for the same shit?
I hate these mental gymnastics people use to advocate for CP like Lolicon. The only people consuming Loli porn are the people into sexualized depictions of children aka pedophiles
it seems like i end up seeing a lot more loli from antis sperging about it constantly than i do from actual lolicons who just mind their own shit
>An adult talking to a minor over the internet should be illegal
In practice this is what everyone should do. Do NOT talk with kids on internet ever, do NOT trust the age they give you
This will always backfire on you like that CoD guy who killed himself over some bitch making shit up

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