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>all the hottest trans women Christian Nazis
explain this
I don't think that's true. You probably get more exposure to nazi trannies here because of the /pol/ to trans pipeline where chuds visit to "make fun of" tranny anons while gradually picking up tips on how to do hair removal, voice training, hrt ordering from the internet, etc.
except it keeps being true
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Here's your qt 3.14 third reich gf, bro
....dude. its over
kek. You’re not serious?
Omg its over
thats a leftist
That's what you call "hot"?
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SEXO! I want to plow her with my miseginated hooded cock! I want her to spit on my while riding my cock, draining my mixxed seed forever inside her. One pale fashion model nazi princess GF please!
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this is true
Now this is the trans chuddie that I enjoy
Hons are mostly libs
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mmm, sexy nazi trans girls
its very funny to be a neo-nazi when the original nazis died like bitches and specifically got defeated by the slavs they alleged were subhuman dogs. I hope this cokehead overdoses.
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true and real
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holy seethe!
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>nyooooo you aren't allowed to post THOSE nazi trannies, they disprove my stupid claim!
I think the other funny thing about nazis is that all their high command were improperly hanged by some hayseed from Iowa or some shit who lied and said he knew how to tie a noose, so they all struggled as they choked out for minutes :)
>rich nepo baby who snorts coke and posts on twitter all day
wow trad af
twinks are so hot
not true, i transitioned 12 years ago (when i was 14) and i am natsoc

honestly right-wing trannies seem to not even be different than left-wing trannies, the left-wing ones just hurt themselves mentally with their delusions more often.

it's sad to see
nazi trannies are definitely way more mentally ill than commie trannies. nazi trannies have to use cognitive dissonance to ignore the fact that almost everyone in their group would subjugate or kill them if they won
you're already in a hurtbox it's not much different here, people say the most vile things
the average person here is a saint compared to a neo-nazi interacting with a tranny
i got my neo-nazi boyfriend on estrogen :3
Get real with yourself, her Britbonger bestie is better looking than her and hasn't committed to the 24/7 "I'm just a eunuch teehee" shtick
Wanna go on a date?
god thats the hottest twink ive ever seen.
i love how much he looks like a malnourished boy. irl hooni. the boy part makes it hot
maybe but im only lesbian except for my enby bf
mogs me
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They're Christian Nazis....Niceeeeeee.

We could use more improvement though little Slavic looking to me.
Christians love everybody, actually.

maybe she should change the name to Ovariesteros
Christians are some of the most intolerant people I have ever met
When did Pariah start HRT? Was she on blockers?
There's no stronger hate than Christian love. This saying exists for a reason.
That’s cause Christianity has a fundamentally warped understanding of love. Virtually every treatment from care to abuse can be framed as loving because the loving god has abused people but we cannot question that he is loving. As such we must rationalize his constant violations of human rights as divine wisdom/love that we will never fathom because of our small monkey brains instead of it just being murder. The Christian loves the murderer just as much as they love the child, because both can enter the kingdom of god, both can be freed of their sins, but not because of who the recipient of the love is individually.
Nazis fundamentally misunderstand Christ’s teachings. Christ was also likely a colored man, being a 1st century Palestinian Jew and whatnot
Tolerance has nothing to do with love
You have never read the bible
The lost tribes of Israel are Europeans, Jesus Christ had blue eyes, and you dont know anything about Nazis besides what you saw and heard from a cartoonish movie made by a Jewish person.
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The levant was white-tan Caucasians before the 1000+ yrs of rapes conquests and occupations by many nations and races. The mixed people of the last few hundred yrs are absolutely not the same people besides some Samaritans and a few very small groups.

Jesus and the Israelites of the northern kingdom were white get over it Shlomo Edomitesteinbaum.

Most levantine peoples of the time were a variation of (Pre turkoman mass rape) GREEKS in the north , some Egyptian(Egypt has been colonized by Rome and Greece earlier on by this point), some very European Roman settlers , and the southern tribes that had race mixed with kushites, ethopians, pre Arab-Arabic tribes.

Then there's the fact that Egypt had a long control of the levant somewhat and those old Egyptians were more berber/ white with great pharaohs like Ramses II the red head. To believe what your saying here is to have zero historical knowledge of the people that have inhabited the levant and surrounding areas over 2500+yrs ...to be a lazy intellectual or just a liar.

Christ is king, He was white, and it's racist for you to have a problem with that. ; )
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Here anon you will like this alot, give it a read when you've got some time.
Do you have a version thats not 240p
I only wish the Soviets killed more of the Nazis, who were superstitious cretins and cowards.
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No I'll post the original one before a brush up but usually you need to go into desktop mode to not gets ants.
i must fight her two the death
Incurious mind
Communism is boring and retarded it worships money the same way as Capitalism
does the gay community have a nazi problem or does the nazi community have a gay problem?
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Why are either of those things a problem?

Not Kosher enough?
they aren't it's just funny
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I think so to honey.
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The later. B00t fucked all the top guys of a far right strasserist terrorist group and basically singlehandedly made them implode. Now Pariah keeps trying to fuck Nick Fuentes. Its a problem
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the nigger fucking troon is a christian AND a nazi? okay dude
not even the least hypocritical christian or nazi
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Anon idk how to tell you this.

That's a Philipino.
i did read the bible but you didn't
Yahweh will never be El, no matter how much censorship Jews and Christian translators do to hide it
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skinny androgynous fish faced models aren't hot anon
big tits big lips fitness bimbos are hot
lol if anyone considers themself that then they are low iq as fuck and dont understand either. they put the moron in oxymoron
You just know they're BBC sissy addict
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ah yes goebbels the propaganda master, clearly he would be honest and have genuine views lol
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If you knew anything (you dont) youd know Goebbels was a novelist before joining the Nazi party. If you read any of his work (you havent) youd know his propaganda was exactly what he truly believed in his heart.
Goebbels possibly being a michling and liking a few Jewish women in his time is surely enough to make you think about it though right.
Also did you know! The big lie you've heard about your whole life and how it's NS core principle for propaganda.

When you actually read the passage not take the route out of context...he's referring to Jewish media lies! The more you know.
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i dont know what your point is with these hitler quotes, here he hates christianty lol.

and ofc not, why would i read books of dudes that have a hatred and prejudice towards my race and want us genocided
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A late war table talk quote(table talks might be real or fake no one knows).
But completely understandable coming from late war Hitler. This quote is 1944 I think. Why would he not lament that Christianity had lost the warriors and martyrs spirit it once had from its beginning until the fall off of the medieval period. Islam was a religion of warriors still is today, Hitler tried to institute Positive Christianity but he had a few yrs not decades for it to take effect.

He wasn't the best tactician though or perfect, he left 400k troops in Norway for zero good reason till surrender.
latter* post disregarded + ur brown
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It was never about genociding your people it was about containment of the literal civilizational poison your men spread once in any position of power or influence upon all others to protect the tribe- the way your people endure is a poisonous two faced friendship with everyone not of the tribe that is never in good faith of both parties it is simply benifical to Jews while providing a few smart Jews at the cost of a host people's own morality, thoughts, will of the people to choose what's Best for them etc because your people have a incredibly strong racial instinct to persevere that is admirable. Always ready to let your friend take a bullet never the one to take it for your friend though.

He, like me and most non idiot NS leaner's don't hate the Jew we hate and do now hate the disproportionately bad actions of your people overtime on constant display everywhere with not a single apology. Hate the sin not the sinner sort of thing.

Also c'mon you had hundreds of thousands of Edeljude's and michlings serving in the German military and public sector of the Reich all 12yrs. Hitler himself had a soft spot for many Jews he personally knew from his mother's doctor to this little girl that shared bdays with him.


We're not the monsters you wish we were, we're just the ones that see the Big lie for what it is.
>it was never about genocide
>literally systematically mass murders every single jew from eldery to child regardless of power position
>also forces occupied countries to participate in this
lol idg why you hitler simps literally like this guy, he killed more white people in his war than any jew or whatever did in the entire history of humankind, he destroyed more white cultural heritage, buildings, pillaged artefacts, cause more destruction and death of white countries and people than anyone else at that time.

literally what has this ns movement archived but destruction of not only whites but about any cultures and people
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>all the hottest trans women Christian Nazis
I do wear a cross necklace, I think it's good tranny camouflage. I even went to a Trump rally lol
>hottest lol
Also, trumps about to get btfo by a black woman
Who would ever vote for that cackling idiot kamalala? She's not even black she's Indian, dots not feathers. She also put more black men in prison than anyone else. Meanwhile Trump is a bad ass, a felon, got shot, likes gold, dude has the black vote.
This November we will make America great again. Drill baby drill, global warming is a scam to get us back into being feudal slaves to the elites. TRUMP is the way the truth and the light
You're bringing logic to an illogical argument, sadly you can never win against these people no matter how rational or well built your argument is, they're past looking at facts, they only look for confirmation for what they already believe. Props for trying though.
yeah i noticed , they always seem so brainwashed
weirs since i was raised catholic and confirmed catholic at 15.

i remember getting pamphlets for confession as a kid (2008-2010ish) that included homosexuality as a sin that must be confessed.
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Not discussing holocaust stuff with you since that's a whole different 3hr talk to really get into. Forces occupied nations to participate, huh I wonder if any other nation in history has ever done this?- it's is all of them that ever expanded, go ask a pole and a Lithuanian what they think of USSR or what Britain really felt when begging for America to save them then making them give up their entire empire for our benefit while turning the whole of Europe into a second American economy also using them in coalition wars such as iraq etc.

Wow the biggest war in human history right after the second biggest war right before it, killed a lot of white people trying to defend Europa from outside invasion like it's done since Christian "unification" of the continent. Not surprising honestly, If China invades somewhere many han Chinese die who could possibly guess they wouldn't have a K/D of 0 Chinese- 300mil gajin. A war started on a massive scale by Western nations and soviet's for their own reasons not because anyone gives a fuck about Poland or Denmark or Czechoslovakia or the Balkans- they didn't give a shit for 200+ yrs before WW2 about those nations, why the sudden fake friendly morality?. A war that seriously contemplated genociding Germans because of the audacity to stand up to the big boy western banking cartel nations.

The Reich overly prideful and self assured begins to accumulate European history in artefact, paintings gold etc because Germany had become a continental Europe unifying super Rome and would have kept these things safe out of the hands of international non Europeans bidding shekels over our history sort of like how Egyptians or Indians don't like Britain still having their artefacts. All would have been given proper honor in their own nations or the new (Rome) Capitol Germania....what happened when the US and USSR got their hands on them ? They looted relics ceaselessly, you have pictures you can Google right now of Americans-cont>
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Wearing the Holy Roman crown or taking things home to be stuck in attics for years and plenty of things just going missing afterwards.

Hitler destroyed almost nothing compared to no fucks given allied carpet bombing wherever applicable. To the Russian burning loot-raping and general spiteful revenge on Germany(rape/ total leveling of konigsburg) and Europe as a whole, not to mention Russia had their own policy of scorched earth whenever retreating so many of those burnt down babushka hamlets(along with slaughtered farmers not willing to leave their homes) were lit by the nkvd and blamed on Germany during and after the war. All of these civilization burning methods were implemented by the "gud guyz" they even went so far to erase history and all knowledge they didn't want leaving the brains of people in Axis territory through de-nazification then made it illegal for those people to dare even make a squeak about what was known a truth before denazification, you can literally still see it in the German psyche today.

All of these nations that made war on Germany did it under false Just war bullshitery that are outright lies, The big 3 did it under Jewish bloodline leaders or blackmail-debt, friendly leverage as with Churchill. (FDR and Stalin both Jewish when you trace their bloodline back) go look at FDRs government buddies early life section and go look at Stalin's nice nkvd pals like yagoda and others.

It would have archived alot more if Jewish led world order had not basically burned the New library of Alexandria. Almost as revenge for the second temples burning and subsequent loss of knowledge.

There's my overly sweaty impassioned plea for you and others to atleast question the things you think you know to be a fact of reality. Maybe you will be able to see all the little lies interwoven with the big one and atleast forge your own thoughts instead of letting others beam their template into your brain and make it "your" thought. I wish I was wrong.
say "hitler was a good boy who dindu nuffin" to a pole, I dare you
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Your argument consists of telling the other person that their argument isn't a argument then blocking your ears stamping your feet and denying anything that comes out of their mouths because, you = Good VS Not you= Bad and dumb.

Cool Factoid- most scientific fact is actually just a Theory because its neigh impossible to prove as a Fact, look it up .
op pic is hot but she seems like she'd do some kind of schemes against you
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That would just be a asshole move wouldn't it, poles have every reason to be mad at both sides and feel the way they do, Hitler again made a massive retard level fuck up invading them instead of becoming allies like poles were starting to want, the whole starting the war in 39 way to early with no proper build up was frankly dumb beyond belief to.

For the record I think I'd win against a Angry sober Pole but probably lose to a angry drunk Pole right now.
Attractive or successful people are less likely to support stupid and immoral egalitarian ideologies. These ideologies attract those unable to succeed honestly.
what is the appeal of political rallies
do they have good food or something?
>right wing
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Euphoria of the crowd, The sort of shared spirit and interconnected consciousness of everyone when in a crowd, many other reasons though.
>yapping about how the nazis were actually le good guys
you would 100% be dead if hitler was still in power, died in some ditch in stalingrad
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Funny you think that, Hitler was once a grunt in the field that should have probably died in one of his many WW1 charges but seemed to have been protected by fate until a certain point.

And if I could die defending the good people of the world and bring about a better world free of the poisons, lies, outright foolish governments that treat their citizens as nothing more than a debt slave etc, well ..... I would be blessed to die such a good death face down in the Mud which flowers would bloom from afterwards.
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Are you taken relationship wise?, id very much like to have wife I don't have to bicker about politics with.
communism wins bc ur hotter
she's cute. would watch films about the holocaust with her.
bro really out here defending hitler on an lgbt board
in the old days of the partei hitler used to really gas up his LGBT buddies (i swear there's no pun intended here)
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So basically I'm just gonna appreciate
you (lgbt)
I know... UGH I know... I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just I'm not gonna persecute you is all
god i love crossdressing twinks
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Hitler gas is some crazy stuff but imagine Rohm gas.

"one forceful gust of Rohm wind and the whole rotten edifice will come crashing down" - Hitler on the Soviet government 1934 or something
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That pipeline works the other way
A lot of troons brigading /pol/ got radicalized
Someone who is submissive and has their brain in a 24/7 cloud from ssri's and hrt should NOT try debating a smart, resourceful nazi with lots of facts at his disposal
you're pathetic
yep lol
curbstomp all nazis
pickmes against the wall

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Very proud of you little Jewanon now just do that a couple hundred more times on a national scale for 1000+ yrs.

Your getting there lil guy ; D
and yet, you still lost in the end…sad!
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Check em, it's funny because even when they try to debate it here or on /pol/ they can't :"D, it's nothing but cringe violent murder fantasy(day of the rope) larp or easily disproven lies!
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I lost right here though ? .....I didn't hear no bell.

What board gets the most traffic and influences the public again? Is it /a/ ?
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I'm right here though?*
pariah isnt a nazi. she has said publicly before that she likes jews and has tonnes of mexican friends. shes also stated "im not right wing, im catholic".
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That's the cucks way of saying, "I'm a Nazi I just don't hate people based off differences of race". Exactly like me honestly, I actually like most Jews I'm just not fond of the ones that hate me and froth at the mouth when I don't submit out of guilt that I don't even have at heart. I love a Jew willing to talk and be honest heart to heart.

Most people say these things to save face and not be socially murdered in the normiesphere.
what age did pariah start hrt?
why do nazi transgirls even exist. arent those things just polar opposites? how do you exist in a space where you obviously face the most hatred in
you wouldn't get it
counter-point: gwyn
yeahhh but it really just says you have weak values.
either your a cheap excuse for a transgirl, who doesnt have any sense of self preservation.
or youre a crappy nazi who cant even support your beliefs without falter
I've read something before that said one of the first transgirls transitioned under the 3rd reich medical system and became a mom
awhh thats cute.
yeah i think there (kind of ironically) was a big trans science thing going on in germany. or at least thats what it looks like from my history book
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Komrade Darnell Ogbunta, you have trans women at home in Africa and the borders will be closed sorry frendo. but it's just the way things are besides tourist papers and cross cultural mutually benifical people's projects infrastructure wise, Maybe music to.

Where the hood, where the hood, where the hood at?
Have that nigga in the cut, where the wood at?
Oh, them niggas actin' up? Where the wolves at?
You better bust that if you gon' pull that
Where the hood, where the hood, where the hood at?
Have that nigga in the cut, where the wood at?
Oh, them niggas actin' up? Where the wolves at?
You better bust that if you gon' pull that
Yo, yo (yo, yo)
Yo, yo (yo, yo)
Yo, yo (yo, yo, yo, yo)
Man, cats don't know (What?) what it's gon' be (be)
Fuckin' with a nigga like me (D)
D to the M to the X (X).
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Dora maybe?
Maybe a intersex person though.
So rabbinical Ashkenazi Jews are white?
We are the incredibly traditional transgender shemale Nazis. We're tired of everything being heckin' valid and are sick of the shit floating out there with a lack of standards.
The Nazis literally burned down one of the first gender clinics that started under the Weimar Republic.
yeahh but not every german was a nazi. most of them were just radicalized by the nazi party going into power
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Where do I find a Nazi trans gf? I'm fucking serious, this isn't a joke anymore. Where do they hang out? Would they date a passing pooner? I don't have a dick to cut off but I would cut off my fingers and tongue as an equivalent if it meant a Nazi transgirl would send me one(1) photo of her ass in an SS uniform. Seriously I'm desperate, where the fuck are you people?
I genuinely and unironically find her cute. I'd watch the entire 12 hour run of Europa: The Last Battle with her and then suck on her gock or pound her ass, whichever she prefers.
Is picrel supposed to prove your point? That thing's face looks so alien that if I saw it in front of my car at night I would instinctively floor the pedal and kill it.
she was never a nazi it was a troll shes a tankie
weird looking girls are fine as hell
Not sure what's worse honestly. Point stands.
I fucked a tankie transgirl before so now I need to fuck a nazi transgirl so I can know once and for all which one is better.
this, her catholic choir boy/trad schtick is old as the men she fucks. dimes square turds need flushing
the nazis persecuted christians dipshit
>J-J-Jews have, like, an in-group preference, and that's, like, so immoral!!!
>But it's hecking good when we do it!!!
>TRUMP is the way the truth and the light
i know you're obviously being sarcastic but it's very funny the way religious conservatives say the most outright blasphemous shit. i'm an atheist but if there were ever a real life antichrist i can't think of anyone more fitting.

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