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Why does every mtftm look like a pooner?
this might shock you to learn that taking cross sex hormones changes your body
this and i beleive some of the changes are permanent.
>crooked teeth
Thats what being british does to a mofo
This video is hilarious. It’s funny seeming how normal people react to /tttt/ brainworms
hot... until you see how tall she is and remember she has a british man's voice
No mtftm detransitioner actually stops taking estrogen
>she has a british man's voice
i stopped taking estrogen and took testosterone for 6 months lol
Fin is busted. Only appeals to closet cases.
They called him an incel? Why? Because that he is gender-critical?

Transbians are so cringe.
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Does the algo reward soiface? Or is this ironic?
Strong groomer vibes
This is what the AGP lobby wants you to believe.
How the fuck do these two OBVIOUS lurkers not know
GP = GynoPhillia (aroused by women)
AGP = AutoGynoPhillia (aroused by the though of self as a woman)
GAMP = GynoAndroMorphoPhilllia (aroused by trannies)
AGAMP = AutoGynoMorphoPhilia (aroused by the thought of self as a tranny)

AGP is trans btw. The two types of trannie according to blanchard are HSTS (faggot who troons out) and AGP (incel who troons out).

Literally every word of this post is a slur, (You) me your tears. Nigger.
I want them to brutally beat me to an inch of my life then restrain me, get on top of me and makeout passionately, while I'm forced to endure the throws of their sensual lovemaking. My penis throbs begging for attention
why my thread on this get deleted?
She is british so I imedately hate her
Ashley, HSTS? She's literally dating the final boss of AGP and has likely been the main force pushing Finn towards medically and socially transitioning. I don't think it's a coincidence that Finn starts dating a tranny and all of a sudden comes out as genderfluid, starts using any pronouns, and gets on HRT
F1nn was on HRT before he even met Ashley lol
What? Finn and Ashley started dating over a year ago. Finn posted his coming out video 4 months ago and stated he started HRT 6 months before that. Claiming anything else is just baseless speculation

You freaks are so hateful and cynical that you can't actually believe the simple fact that two people could fall in love and care for one another, nope, it has to be some conspiracy, it has to be nefarious. It must be exhausting to be so utterly fucking miserable all the time.
Literally the only reason they’re together is to make onlyfans porn and make money, F4ggster only trooned to get more twitch subs from obese basement dwelling Reddit bipedos
Um, that’s pretty embarrassing… but thanks ig
He said he was already on HRT for months before they met but started doing it properly after that
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>Wants to do HRT but does it improperly
>Starts doing HRT properly when he is in a relationship with someone who knows about it and can give him advice and support
>This is apparently grooming

I'm convinced you retards have permanently disabled your minds via internet conspiracy mongering and will never be able to experience love or affection

Nice projection upside down Satan
I need my gf to send me a picture like this.
Estrogen poisoning
incase you've failed to notice estrogen destroys the body permanently
you sure?
Its refreshing to hear ftm’s perspective on this board
>incase you've failed to notice estrogen destroys the body permanently
that's only about height
the rest is vulnerable to permanent mutilation by testosterone and growth hormone
>that's only about height
Guess what estrogen does anon. It fuses your growth plates sooner making you shorter

keyed detranner for overcoming estrogen poisoning, i did think that was an ftm till i saw the brow ridge in the woman photos
mentally ill
Buy an add, faggot
And never post that thing again
Kept the tits lol
AGPedos cannot love another person, so no it's not believable those two OF sychophants would actually fall in love. >>36648999
Giving yourself an inferior form (estrogen dominant) is mentally ill
what did you guys do to him he was just a normal dude who wore girls clothes from time to time on stream for fun. now he's a gay online prostitute. jesus christ
xe did it to ximself xir
Built 4 bbc
Tits on a man are hawt
this ray dude is such a fucking loser

he pretends to be an intellectual while he just has the exact same rants as any other schizo poster from /pol/, delivered in euphemistically supportive language but realistically his "critique" basically comes down to his own coping mechanisms projected onto everyone else
>based blonde
imagine your entire existence being a bimbo who does and says whatever she has to in order to please men... zero cognitive abilities detected
Have you ever considered that intelligent people are arriving at the same conclusions? There only can be so many after all.
I know it’s a pseud memey thing to say so don’t laugh but unironically 4chan is a high-IQ website (at least among people people posting those long-form rants and not just spamming wojak).

Then again I’ve never even heard this dude speak.

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