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>The biggest youtuber ever’s trans friend is a pedo
>300,000,000 subscribers
its never been more over sisters
what's the point of the investigation if he's already firing her and talking like he knows all the facts
maybe not there is no evidence thus far. And besides plenty of famous cis peopel are pedos that doesn't mean they are all pedos same for us.
its over he had to sacrifice her
didn't he meet with the kid too?
They did this to him because he was thinking about running for president. Fuck the deep state.
The point is he has to publicly fire her because of the PR, but the "independent investigation" is going to be Jimmy putting his gorillions into putting together concrete proof that his lifelong best friend is not a predator and then rehiring her
He has to play the game but he's still a good ol' carolina boy who stands with his friends
pedo accusations are reputation poison so you kind of have to distance yourself publicly at least until you can prove them false.
he better not abandon his friend!!!!
This is how professionals handle this shit, they don't play some celebrity chinese whispers gossip game.

If it looks bad at a glance you just suspend the person and outsource your liability by hiring someone to investigate. You let things blow over and the dust settle while doing your due diligence behind the scenes.
As a professional you are supposed the avoid the "appearance" of impropriety actions, so a suspension is justified in either case regardless of what actually happened. If it's bullshit they can be re-instated afterwards and if it's not, you can let them fade away and avoid the damage to your brand.
This is literally him abandoning his friend lol
What the hell could an investigator possibly find that would cause beast to put out a statement saying he's besties with ava again

even if they're false allegations surely there's enough other stuff to prevent them rehiring her, the shadman shit and the tweets about cp

yeah that would be normal, not firing them and saying you've seen enough to do so, if there's already enough to fire them now what's the investigation for
Friends don't mean jack shit when you're one of the biggest goddamn YouTubers in the history of the site. It's all about protecting your image, PR and hanging on to every ounce of clout all the way down.
Damn, this is way more aggro than I expected his response to be. Props to him.
And trannies will still insist on forcibly out their chaser bfs when not even the biggest social media star on the planet can withstand the transphobic mob weaponizing his friendship to a trans individual against him.
>thread about grooming
>/tv/ enters immediately
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I think he's trying to save her with the investigation. The whole passive "I'm leaving" from Ava and the "we need all the facts first" from Jimmy says it all.
What are you even trying to say
>I've seen enough online
Insane how being a cis guy who made edgy jokes gets you a hit Adult Swim show and being a trans woman who made edgy jokes gets you endless harassment
holy shit
all that sounds fucking terrifying lmao
owning cp isn't edgy jokes
it's clearly some acting on his part.
>"Alas this has gone far enough! I need to fire you now Kris, for you have betrayed me with these terrible allegations! You are no longer my best friend!"
>"In fact- I am going to hire private investigators with my hundreds of millions of dollars to clear your name - I mean uh, clear the air!"
Someone on here claimed the smiling friends guy was besties with shadman the pedophile though
i dont think thats the case. hes putting a huge spotlight on kris and almost saying "we should ALL investigate this person, theres for sure more to it". doesnt sound like saving a friend, by any measure.
just makes him look like a spineless coward to anyone with a brain
errr ok
>ava who? never seen him
it might be a double standard but it's still not edgy jokes
the money mrbeast has can even recover deleted private chatlogs from discord plus attached files. just how toasted is ourgirl(male)?
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I'm telling you, it's all according to keikaku.
>Mr. Beast talks to his lawyers immediately after allegations start - he knows that he himself was wrapped (not as much, but still enough) into Kris's 2016-era pedophilia + edgy humor
>Lawyers develop plan, immediately get Kris fired behind the scenes
>Kris immediately issues blanket non-apology saying she's taking a mental health break (no more press and no admissions of guilt)
>Mr. Beast then comes out saying Kris has been taken care of based on what he's "seen online" (AKA non-substantial evidence AKA hearsay AKA shit the investigators + lawyers can twist)
>Kris gets a slap on the wrist (still fired probably depending on how much they can sweep under the rug, but everyone else INCLUDING Mr. Beast is safe from further allegations)
Screenshot this
This is just like the Britany episode of South Park. Society is physically unable to stop until Kris is dead by his own hand.
yeah like I said spineless coward who threw away his friend to get ahead
It's sad how decades of progress can potentially be undone because of one person's fuck ups
This is very good progress. The only thing left now is trump being sworn in as president of the United States and Chris live-streaming himself slowly hanging himself in front of all the hundreds of thousands of trans people who idolize and support him, just to watch their biggest hero and trans representative slowly plunge himself into the 41%, undoubtedly destroying all of their hopes and dreams as their biggest trans icon kills himself and trump’s presidency secures a world unsafe for trans people to be publicly trans in. This year is going to be a great year for us all.
Thats the smartest move, hr basically clean his image by removing Ava and cleans Ava image in the process (unles she is indeed a pedo).
The youtuber who "expoced" Ava did a terrible job, the only concret stuffs were the sex jokes and the shadman art, both arent enough to labbel someone a pedo. He jumped the gun with what he had instead of digging further for a stronger case and now Ava deleted everything which may make the investigation fall in her favor.
Big if true
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uhhh krisbros? it's not looking too good
Remember when he said his trans friend wasn’t a liability? LOL Chris had to delete all his past tweets because he said some gross stuff pertaining to minors. The thing that seals the deal on the coffin his the fact Chris commissioned CP. he bought Loli porn based off of real life girls. That’s beyond fucked
>even if they're false allegations surely there's enough other stuff to prevent them rehiring her, the shadman shit and the tweets about cp
wasn't there just the "i love cranking my knob to loli" tweet. were there others?
drawings are not cp
thanks chris
Drawings of minors in sexual acts is CP
Zach Hadel and Michael Cusack are next in line to receive massive social reckoning in the near future. Their online history is so damn extensive, all it will take is one of them having a slight controversy to provoke rabid schitzos to dig up their worst moments. Fuck it. I call it will happen before the end of the year.

GenZ raised amidst a #MeToo world have learned nothing but snark and have internalized the urge to eat their own. They do it for fun, for clout, and out of morbid pride in taking down low-worth e-celebs which are a dime a dozen.

We will all become crabs in a bucket in no time.
god I hate social media and the people it has created
very well said. as a millennial raised in basically the opposite culture it's mortifying and alien seeing how brutal this shit gets socially. the past 10 years have created an entire generation crippled with moral ocd
According to 99.9% of posters from /tttt/ they are, now and forever. Eventually a drawing of a stickman will be considered CP a few years from now - doesn't matter how much you claim it isn't.
they're the guys that made smiling friends, both of them have a long history of animation on youtube and newgrounds before that
well yeah no shit. everyone knows she definitely didn't do anything remotely illegal and in terms of morality the worst thing was liking shadman and possibly masturbating to drawn child pornography. which is bad but that applies to at least 1/3 of this site

even turkey tom, known for transphobic videos, was on destiny's stream a few hours ago saying he doesn't even think the shadman association is a big deal anymore due to the laundry list of e-celebs who were discovered being friendly with him at that time

mrbeast has no choice but to do this to protect his brand and company. ava obviously understands. any of us would do the same if we ran a successful organization like that
its strokes with a pen on a paper, there is no child involved, no actual human is being hurt. after that logic any drawing would be cp unless the paper and the pen it was drawn with have been over 18 years old
Sucks that rightoids will never get cancelled like this because they lack the creativity and artistry to make anything culturally worthwhile
Idk a lot of these leftist content creators advocate for cancel culture and are constantly grifting so it’s funny when it happens to them. Inpraiseofshadows tried coming for some Christian content creator and it completely backfired and now he’s hiding from every platform
>The thing that seals the deal on the coffin his the fact Chris commissioned CP. he bought Loli porn based off of real life girls. That’s beyond fucked
i don't think there's any evidence of that, is there? she bought something off of shadman and hung a piece of shadman art on her wall but is it known what she commissioned?
Sure but drawings explicitly showing characters that are minors in sexual acts is CP and creepy as fuck to try and normalize especially when kids are some of the most vulnerable in any society.
they better release season 3 before it happens
they don't drink they don't have sex they just spend all day on the Internet trying to appear to be better than everyone else
>We will all become crabs in a bucket in no time.
seems like if you were born before 2005 you're just fucked trying to make it online or whatever
Keemstar said Chris commissioned CP based off his daughter and Chris has not come out and said no. This is open to the public now and Chris can sue if it’s not true
>turkey tom
is there literally anything likeable about this guy? everything he's ever made has been a hit piece on micro-celebrities in a nasally monotone voice.
bro is crisp. rip.
this is the most terminally online thing i've seen for quite a while

aren't you all living in America or something? innocent until proven guilty and all that?
>innocent until proven guilty and all that?

You've got it backwards, it's "guilty until proven guilty"
In America they build monuments to criminals like George Floyd so idk
All it takes is an ignition point

If Kris hadn't trooned out, much of this shit wouldn't have erupted as bad as it did

If Justin Roiland hadn't beat his wife, the DMs he sent and podcast clips likely would have never resurfaced

If Lizzo wasn't obese and black and hadn't made music about being obese and black, her cancellation wouldn't have had as much steam

If Dream and his SMP faggots had toned down their faggotry, nobody would have been grasping at straws to run each and every one of them off the internet with false rape accusations and faked DMs
if you draw a stick child yeah that's cp, your usage is what matters to whether you're being a paedo
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Every one of you that bowed down to chuddies to disavow is to blame for setting back troons
I disagree. If Chris wasn’t trans it would be much worse and everyone would have jumped on him. The issue is Chris is trans and creeps in the lgbt community get defended. James Charles still has a career and multiple platforms online even after multiple minors came forward
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god what a shit show
fuck the debate about if loli is or isn't cp, it doesn't matter. that's not why kris was following shad
shadman was an edgy porn artist, he drew that shit because he could get attention from it
he also drew a lot of other kinds of porn, he was a legend in the scene
led to him cultivating a massive fanbase of people jerking it to his belle delphine or crossdressing art, and laughing at his haha edgy shit
if you're gonna guilt by association with fucking shadman you have a lot of targets.
the lists people are collecting now are just the tip of the iceberg. he has quite literally almost 1 million followers.
not saying I approve of or support this guy's actions
all I am saying that there are more reasons people were around that guy
and more people making these jokes at that time
the only reason kris is getting the bullet instead of them is because kris is a troon
meaning she's lost benefit of the doubt

no he didn't, he said that kris supported shadman, and that shadman drew the porn himself. keemstar would have spoken out about kris commissioning something like that earlier if it was true.
lol @ this shitty guilt trip attempt. many more will fall. enjoy the show.
Eagerly awaiting twomad's response
I'd argue this situation seems to be pushed quite a bit by conservatives yelling "all trannies are groomers" en masse, which is happening in droves on X right now. The Right fucking hated Kris since day one of his trooning, and they've now finally got their MacGuffin to rationalize it
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Jesus. I think it's really over for us this time.

I'd bet anything that more serious shit is going to be dumped... This isn't over.
Think how many more people are going to be redpilled on the troon question because of this.
>The biggest youtuber ever’s trans friend is a pedo
Mrbeast is a pedo too, they were literally roommates.
are you retarded or trolling he's only 26 years old dumbass
my mom just saw the news. Shes telling me shes vehemently anti trans now
they're not guilt tripping, they're making fun of you. the fact you interpret it as guilt tripping proves that you knew you were wrong.
Well I watch mrbeast. So that actually makes me a pedo too, anon
Mr Beast is actually planning to run for president when his fans have grown up. He's talked about it on podcasts a few times.
t. nta
well probably not planning on it anymore lol, he's gotta be panicking like hell at all the skeletons he has himself
This isn't even half a skeleton. If you think it is then you should read up on the past of any random presidential candidate from the past 50 years. Left or Right, call it.
they can all hang who cares
I wonder how much he paid her to take the blame for it all? Cause I am 100% sure jimmy was in on some of the stuff they did together back then
>here's your trans visibility bro
Lmao what? It's definitely the exact opposite
He is making sure she never bounces back from this so she doesn't think of lumping jimmy with her
He is making sure all the evidence are agaisnt her
Who cares about friendship? He has all the money now he won't sacrifice it for a tranner friend
Having your friend troon out is barely tolerable in the first place. That was the first betrayal. She was on thin ice.
you hang everyone who follows shadman, /pol/ is gonna get a lot quieter
actually, maybe that's not such a bad idea
not literally hang, I mean they can all go to hell idc
Mrbeast has a shadman association too and nobody cares because he's not a tranny.
adult following porn artist - normal, maybe a little weird to associate that with your real name rather than an anonymous account

adult following porn artist who then chats about that porn with children - problem
>masturbating to drawn child pornography. which is bad but that applies to at least 1/3 of this site
Speak for yourself, even in the old days lolicons were a small minority of users
2016 inverted the trend
so what your saying is Gen z are basically the same as early 4channers? doing deranged shit for the lulz
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>Mr.Beast here. I am simply SHOCKED by the allegations. I had no idea
He'll be fine
No, he's just a low IQ engagement bait retard
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Ezra is easily the best example of that

A silly memeworthy vacation in Hawaii got turned into a smear campaign and ridiculous hyperbolic allegations that every grifter on the Right bought into because Ezra is non-binary, and everyone on the Left bought into because libs on social media are easily led cattle
trannies posting this meme while tears stroll down their face. their pedophile lost
are trannies really like this?
>Nooo pattern recognition is transphobic
why do these things all talk like blacks
am i supposed to take them more seriously when they do that
Honestly, who kares?
What does it really matter?
You don't know these people, and for every program or person that gets '''cancelled''', there are three other nearly identikal things to fill that spase
And in the grand skeme of things, there are so many more important things going on at any moment that this just doesn't matter
His name is Chris not Ava, it's the name he was born with
Not sure about the timeline on this one.

Shadman drew porn of Keemstars kid, that's true, but didn't that happen six or seven years ago? There was a huge blowup about it when it happened because yeah, drawing fictional loli characters is one thing, but drawing a real kid (even stylised) caused far more outrage than Shad was expecting. He also never mentioned it being a commission? If I recall correctly.
All of these responses are retarded.
The MtT is his employee. If he actually raped a kid after beastcorp funded their meetup he could be criminally liable. He’s afraid it’s worse than the currently known stuff and is trying to prevent himself from being criminally liable for anything and his company from being able to get sued. Most likely 80% of the work of the “investigators”’ work will be permanently destroying anything that looks even slightly off in any private documents/messages/etc.
The guy who drew the Loli is a self admitted pedo who apparently lusted over a real life little girl. Chris knew this and still supported his art. It’s creepy as fuck and even people like Destiny who try and joke off the severity of Loli even admit that if you’re into Loli porn you’re obviously a pedo because why else be into that kind of stuff unless you’re into kids
Oh I'm not defending either of them. Both can burn for all I care. But if people start spreading false shit which is then proven false, it makes it harder for the truth to stand out without people thinking it might be a false rumor too. Pedos should absolutely be named, shamed, and kicked to the curb, but making up rumors doesn't help anyone.
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Damn. How the bell is sneako of all people going to dunk on you? Kris failed as a man and a woman.
if you're going to jerk yourself off like this at least post vids
Sure. you can say that, until it's your particular favorite creative being lynched over something trivial. Or a friend or family member of yours. Or possibly even you. You can see twitter mobs go after random everyday nonfamous people, to dox and contact their jobs or colleges over shit like 6 year old tweets. Last week it was abysmal going on twitter and seeing LibsOfTikTok doxxing grannies and nobodies nonstop. Cancel Culture has the biggest effect on those who are not wildly rich or established to recuperate
This, trust the plan my niggies
if he had any moral backbone as a piece of shit cis man he'd shut down production of the show and delete his entire catalog in protest and support of her
wake us up and make a sticky when it happens
So grown men should message minors inappropriate things in private messages? This is literally groomer mentality my guy
Lol you don't know Gen Z
i’m done pretending lateshit hons are trans desu. like he lived his life as a man posting about ‘cranking his knob to loli’ has a wife and son and then suddenly troons out? nooope they not like us
I wish Freud was still alive. It’s really such a fascinating type of Peter Pan syndrome found in the modern times
>independent investigators
This will be a case of 'we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong' and Mr beastiality will let kris back into the fold
yeah, in front of a production crew
>until it's your particular favorite creative being lynched over something trivial
Sorry but this kind of, and level of involvement and kares goes beyond that level of emotional investment, into being very parasosial
Also, your partikular "favorite creative" is Kris from Mr. Beast?
If you're watcing Mr. Beast, you aren't old enough to be here

>"seeing LibsOfTikTok doxxing grannies and nobodies nonstop"
Yeah that isn't "cancel culture", whic is when a bunc of people get other people to stop watcing someone's kontent (as this only really works on sosial media jobs), effektively killing their kareer (whic, if someone believes in the free market, is entirely the coise of the konsumer to do, as they get to deside what to spend their time on)
That's targeted harassment against non sosial media figures (at least thats what it appears like from your deskription), and depending on what people do to those private figures, kould be kriminal
But when people panik over any given person being kanselled, it's always about a selebrity being kanselled, whic again, in basikally any sosiety that isn't some ideologikally inkonsistent mess, is totally fine
>troon not only a pedo but racist
You're all such great people.
tldr, if you type like that keep it short pls, its painful to read and makes me think you have some brain damage and i feel bad for even pointing it out, stop pls
Trans is just a leftist dogwhistle for pedophile and it gets more obvious every day
Trans visibility = exposing their mutilated genitals to minors
bro. when he made that joke was only 2-3 yeara after the internet got over the pedobear jokes and jailbait posting.

get off your high horse.
First they came for the pedo youtubers

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