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>villain ends up being correct in the end
I hate this timeline.
Have you ever considered that maybe we're the bad guys?
if you couldnt see that mr beast was the anti christ years ago you're ngmi
Sunny was just right too soon. He cooked when no one was hungry. Luckily though, what we made was wine and it aged beautifully.
i considered it but after seeing how the other side acts i don't really think so
Cissiod here,
Never have I and never will
After seeing how the bigots are and going deep in this trans community.. the bigots are still infinitely worse
>Cissiod here,
I know I am :3
This will be the biggest spike in tranny hate since Lia Thomas. AGPs are a fucking menace.
He was just misunderstood
Made an unsavoury joke, and kept in contact with a long time fan of the channel and gave him an award. What an EVIL woman!
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transitioned after having a wife and a kid
a tale that rarely has a good end
>villain ends up being correct in the end
its not a villain, its 10 000 villains making sure that they're "correct" in the end. except its not the transition that hurts mrbeast, its the transphobes doing all this shit, digging up minor wrongdoings etc
this desu
the sunnyv2 thing seems like the monkey that eventually did type out shakespeare's works
>Made an unsavoury joke
>Literally groomed multiple 13-15 year old boys
You people deserve every bad thing that will happen to you.
>digging up minor wrongdoings
it's so infuriating about rightoids
rightoids are being forgiven infinitely worse things despite apparently being the "not degenerate ones" but we're supposed to be held to different standards
at this point we shouldn't care about them at all, just show them "an eye for an eye" until they learn they aren't unpunishable
i don't think that happened
he was an agp pedo freak
>minor wrongdoings
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Multiple boys have come forward. In the next few days logs from his goon discord will be posted and normies will see first hand how degenerate this tranny freak is.
you sound like someone i can't trust so i still don't think that happened
>the side that has been railing against cancel culture is less likely to engage in it
Wow really? I can’t believe that.
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>straightoids have epstein island naming all sorts of celebrities and politicians and every other twitch streamer or youtube influencer is a nonce
>barely a peep
>a couple creepy trannies here and there, rare occasion actual crimes
>everybody goes insane
clown world
Stop! Stop! He’s already dead!
Haha. You’re the villain weirdo.
What is a terf doing on 4chan?
Aren't you supposed to be a woman? Get back to the kitchen and get ready for your hussband to beat you up
Having bad boundaries by making adult jokes around minors isn't good but it's not the same thing as being a pedophile/predator. A little weirded out that people seem to think otherwise, most older siblings would be considered predators if that's the case.

I am not a TERF. I am not even a transphobe. I just find this shit hilarious. like online Drama.
I’ve seen this multiple times where trans women become men again when upset or angry. Nikita Dragun, this bald headed bitch, GameStop trans, the tranny who maced the little kid on the train, the tranny who got stomped outside the store. Why?
No since I’ve always known the truth about mtts and FtMs don’t make a point of going full satan mode in public constantly
It is when it’s part of a pattern of behavior that includes being open about masturbating to children.
In this context it’s called “boundary testing/shifting” and is part of the process of grooming children to have sex with.
Because the “woman” personality of mtts is an act that they've deluded themselves into thinking isn’t an act to a greater or lesser degree. It’ll always slip under enough pressure. It’s very similar to how people describe ASPDs doing a “mask drop” under similar loads.
it isn't because it doesn't involve fucking a kid
i do not care that you have managed to memorize a LEO psychiatry term and i will not sign on with your nonsense
yeah transbians and pooners are going regress everything
>and p**ers
Actual transsexuals have nothing to do with the unrelenting crime waves of pedo MtTs
>the chuds are right, moot agreed, don't bother him about it
fuck off 'ger
because men and women are different. you can cut the balls of a man and he ll still get violent . Testosteron level is not the only hormone regulating a man s brain tendancy to violence
Oh I'm sorry I forgot there was a bunch of kids claiming they were sexually exploited. Oh wait, no, they were just in a server where sex jokes were being made. Wow, so groomed.
>the tranny who maced the little kid on the train
wtf i missed that one that can't be real
Because you see expressing anger as masculine. So anyone expressing anger seems masc and when it's a tranner you use it as an excuse to the validate our identities.
It's over for troons. Only memory of the trend that will be left in ten years is laughter and suicide notes.
Yes, thing do get pretty unbelievable when you treat rightoid bullshit as fact. Imagine thinking they're against something they invented and have been continuously practicing for generations.
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Oh no a mentally ill porn addicted freak that thinks he can be a woman is also a pedophile.
no it isn't you stupid posturing faggot.
The new right isn’t just pearl clutching Christian evangelicals dipstick. Shocking right? That things change when time passes? A lot of people considered right wing are just centrists or libertarians who wouldn’t have been called right wing until recently.
Imagine unironically UNIRONICALLY thinking a man can become a woman. Do you realize how insane this sounds? Only half of US and Europe even bothers with this gender identity bullshit and even they know it is fake. You people are a joke to the entire world.
this just confirmed what the rest of us already knew
man larping as a woman = fucked in the head
This is as good a gotcha argument as “the Democrats founded the KKK!”
Yes it is. The public have decided it is retroactively.
BASED fuck mrbeast cant wait til this cancer is gone off the internet, thank you christopher tyson
the people who do this are just mentally animals whose brains shut off the moment they feel humiliated and start barking like a dog in retaliation. of course trans women who do this wouldn't be able to keep up the voice.

that being said cis women are also very prone to this behavior, they just scream instead of yell and aren't big enough to be physically imposing.
yes, women have never gotten violent when harrassed or attacked great point. women are all demure prefect princesses who want to kiss your incel feet.

>A couple
We can turn lead into gold, we can create elements so unstable they only last for an infinitesimal fraction of a second via supercollision. Underestimate the power of alchemy at your own risk.
Toddler anal gape, essential healthcare as xhe called it
Why is it so hard for them to stay away from kids?
So did any of the alleged victims actually accuse her of anything
Or is that why Mr Beast has to hire private investigators rather than there being an ly official investigation?
Almost like people starting drama and pearl clutching over pedos don't really care about the victims but want to push an agenda.
Sadly many victims never admit they were abused. They often even still love their abuser. Its dark shit what these people do to children
>the absence of evidence is evidence itself
Sorry sweetie but she's not going to jail
>digging up minor wrongdoings
>it's so infuriating about rightoids
>rightoids are being forgiven infinitely worse things despite apparently being the "not degenerate ones" but we're supposed to be held to different standards
>at this point we shouldn't care about them at all, just show them "an eye for an eye" until they learn they aren't unpunishable
yeah destiny has actually blackpilled me on this. i'm no longer going to take the high road
There’s ample evidence.
The only “evidence” that doesnt exist is the specific evidence you asked for which is a confession from the victim. Luckily the court of law doesnt require this for the reasons i outlined.
Evidence of what? That sex jokes were made around minors? That's not exactly a crime.
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Holy shit. Maybe you should actually take a look at the sources you are referencing.

First. If you look at the 10 items they used to measure political values, you find half of them just measure sentiment against minorities (blacks, immigrants, gays) and the poor. The other 5 items are pretty much just libertarian anti-government talking points.

So, yes. Conservative views have always been close to pearl clutching evangelical viewpoints. And if you cherry-pick those views and use them as a baseline, then you will, of course find, that the democrats have moved to the left.

So if your primary concern is if people are being called right wing. Then yes. Trying to ignore and undoing 20 years of social progress is fairly right wing. Why not use 1950s viewpoints as a baseline for the study? If you do that, then even the Donald Trump is far-left.
Look around you. You think we’ve made progress?
You’d be much happier in 1995 even without your tranny hrt piped into your veins
We can’t be stopped. We’ll keep transing everything in our path unless we are wiped from the face of the earth.
K blud
Where in the dictionary does it say undoing progressivism is censorship? They’re entirely separate conceptually. Stop moving goalposts.
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You're referring to a 3-year period in which cancel culture and "free speech absolutism" have become right-wing talking points.

I'd accuse do of trying to move the goal post yourself. But I'm not even sure what you are trying to tell me here. Political views on an issue have changed after said issue has been excessively politicized by the right? What is that supposed to be indicative of?

This pretty much only shows how Fox News can take any random issue and make it a right-wing talking point.
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All present, please consider:
People have been migrating out of the left for at least 8 years now. But what’s the statute on this rule you’re asspulling? How many years do you need to wait?
>Alleged victim came forward and said it's a bunch of bullshit
>Ava put out a sincere apology (which wasn't even necessary IMO, just edgy jokes)

Am I missing something? how is this still a thing?
every single right-winger is calling for her head because she's trans

if the exact same things happened but it was xqc's 8 year old chat logs no one would give a shit
Maybe you should back that claim up with some data and we'll see.

Please find some data that actually says what you claim this time.
I grow tired of you
>ability to maintain prosocial facade turns off
>instantly start acting like a man
I do not see this behavior in women strangely
Ngl SOG's video was what convinced me. Sunny was always a negativity feeder, somenody who made "content" based on speaking negatively on whomever's popular. Mutahar on the other hand kept things to a minimum while still showing that Eva was a POS groomer
>has to first be called two different slurs multiple times
>light slap, open fist, distinctly female hit
>most importantly, STERN FINGER POINTING, literally the most effeminate way to display anger physically, used to raise children
This is further proof against you. Women don’t become men when they get angry. Men do.
Lmao women absolutely beat the shit out of people and rape people, you’re just a brain dead simp or someone trying to keep a culture where you can rape boys as a cis school teacher

Would you prefer it if trannies started slipping cyanide into your drinks instead, since that’s a “””fembrained””” method of violence?
I literally just had a look at the report you posted an image from.

Maybe you should read the stuff you post. Then you won't have to throw a hissy fit when someone disagrees with you.
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this is so hilarious. first keffals, noch this kris person ... and not to forget our dear friend chris chan.

the timeline went from transpeople being untouchable angels to the most hated groups after furries.

I like the irony in this.

Picture not related, but we all need a femboy Bridget.
t. hasn't seen the britbong council estate fight vids
It's because of the deep voice and male frame, if it wasn't for those their outbursts would be no different than hambeast cisfem outbursts
this is hilarious
Epstein island visitors represent the top 1% of the elite class, which themselves are a tiny fraction overall of straight cis people. Where as barely a week goes by without some fucking MtF troon raping or sexually abusing some underage a kid! As a demographic, they're massively over represented
she's not attracted to males
I'm starting to think closing rank on pedos and sex abusers is probably a really really bad idea and makes people hate us.

Like. Seriously. Maybe we should stop doing this. I'm really serious that maybe it would be a good call NOT to close rank around pedophiles to own the conservatives.
Trannies are not the issue. Left leaning trannies are.
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If a right winger did this to a 13 year old boy you would not in a million, billion years say it was just an edgy joke
Talked about sex with a minor
>first keffals
kiwigroid detected
esl kiwigroid

mutahar is a fat histrionic brownoid who is very obviously buttslaved to the kf media machine
> My own man
> Under Tates shadow
The worst shit was the Jennete Mccurdy revenge porn video she made.
Like um EW. And all of the slurs too.
Sorry, Kris is retarded. Get her out of here. Not representation worth defending. Nobody is entitled to a career on youtube! Bye bye!
yeah and i'd be lying to paint a conservative as a pedophile
the difference is i hate conservatives for actual reasons and not because i believe they're pedophiles
this, same with gays
the dicks out pride marching fisting in front of kids kind are going to ruin things for everyone
you ever wonder why you take orders from a rich real estate jew and the content of the orders you take is "punish people for jokes" and "make sure no one can claim female privilege" and "elect the guy who said he's israel's greatest ally" and "make sure people born male are born into inescapable slavery and have no sovereignty over their own bodies"

you are a dumb nog and the stereotypes about rightoids were right. i can't believe i ever tolerated your shit. commies are evil faggots but at least they're not this fucking stupid
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>read through the thread
>lots of "but what about"
>lots of "but the right wingers"
>lots of "well it's not as bad as it looks"
>lots of "if it were anyone else though"

why not just denounce it? Why? What do you lose in saying "yes, Kris was wrong to make these jokes, wrong in how she treated the minor(s) she was interacting with, and wrong with how she handled it." Would this not be easier? Would this not be more moral?

The T community seems determined beyond all reason to cripple any good PR they could possibly have. Every opportunity you have to denounce a criminal, you decide instead to stand with them because "we have to protect fellow trans people." All it looks like to everyone else is either "I am guilty of this and if I stand against this now, I will be found out" or "I secretly condone this." Call me a bigot, a right winger, I don't fucking care anymore. You guys are beginning to seriously disgust me. All it would take is ONE denouncement of ONE person and so many of you just refuse to do it.
Schizophrenic reply but OK. We can't have people running around sharing 18 year olds leaked nudes fuck that, majorly gross, clean house, get them out, IDGAF.
>Why not just denounce it?
Because it's not true lol. If actual evidence that any of these allegations are true I'd change my mind. See my post above.
how many pieces of silver did you say that was again
I've seen no evidence at all for anything requiring an apology or denouncing
I think it’s fine to make dirty jokes with teenage boys as a 20 yo, that’s just me though. If anything the 13 yo should apologize to him.
a pedophile did pedophile things and its fucking with mr beasts brand because mr beast is probably not a pedophile and same with all his fans

not because a trans person did trans things
in two more weeks right?
Seems that "bigots" at this point is everyone who things you shouldn't be grooming little kids, sending them drugs behind their parents backs or luring them into the woods. Imagine that.
>keeping up with the youtube drama industry
kill yourself
all trannies are pedos albiet
>yeah and i'd be lying to paint a conservative as a pedophile
then why do you seethe when we do it back to you freaks?
because i'm right and you're wrong, any action i take to defeat you is good and any action you take to defeat be is evil
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I feel the same, look forward to when you faggots start being treated like social pariah again the ball is rolling.
yeah i know, it was pretty obvious. i'm glad you can admit that you will cheat and lie to make trans people look worse
The kris stuff if only the beginning the gloves of principles are off I hope they kill you.
oh no! are you gonna call contrapoints a zoophile? philosophytube a necrophile? what's next?
If it were socially acceptable to remove an open secret sex predator from a job with children none of this would have happened.
Yeah man the pedophile employee of the child gambling company is Jesus.
im sure itll come out eventually theyve been grooming some random faggot as well only a matter of time
christ you can't be this new
You win. You’re the stupidest person on this website.
Sorry, I’m not an inbred tranny so I don’t have 20 hours a day to keep on top of whatever pedophile in group code you’re using
go back
It's been way too long since I've seen pimozideposting
Good post
alright jeez if you're really that retarded to bump with a samefag like that
the silver coins was obviously a term for shekels, which here on 4chan means money paid by jews to astroturf here
they were accusing you of being a shill and you were too much of a newfag to know
Wasn’t me
Shekels are a fiat currency; they aren’t backed by silver or gold and haven’t been for hundreds of years.
“Pieces of silver” in any kind of traitorous context is going to be assumed to be referring to Judas to anyone that isn’t a terminally pol brained retard.
If you’re going to be racist while defending pedophilia at least be accurate
it's ok to admit you're new anon
Tranners are prone to sexual perversion in higher clusters because sin begets sin.

If you lack the moral character to restrain yourself and defeat a mental illness sent upon by satan.
Why would you have the strength to restrain from the rest of the 7 Deadly Sins.

Chris abandoned his wife and child. worse still to bring one of the little ones to sin is even more abominable in the eyes if God.

Repent, Repress, Rejoice.
While you still can.

cast off this foul delusion, be the Man you were destined to be!
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>ai image
>retarded opinion
There are so much better things to do with AI anon
you can also just draw android incest by hand if that's your thing
but i guess it is rather appropriate to use ai for robot porn lol
can you post us a link to your kf thread anonette?
i wanna see what sorts of degen shit you have been posting on xitter
Hard to draw with one hand
psh, amateur
get a vibrating plug
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I have one but I’ve been too afraid to use it
I guess tonight’s the night
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Request for more received
>A fraction of a fraction of a percent
>Acting like straightoids aren't creepy as shit
>Literal pedo communities built to house tons of straightoids with pedo convictions on every one of their belts
lmao no fuck off. Every day there's another one of you fucking one of your students, your own children, or complete strangers. Every single day multiple times a day. Just because you pretend that isn't the case doesn't mean it isn't the case.
Fucking delusional retard. "Overrepresented" my ass. On top of it all, straightoids are the ones promoting and reward OUR degens and enabling them. Stop being fucking retards who think only in black and white and realize everyone has the capacity for evil.
Acting like it's only the elites. What the fuck is a friend of a billionaire who makes millions himself then, huh?
The majority of it comes from parents and there aren't exactly a lot of gay or tranny parents, retard.
>Ava put out a sincere apology
i think the situation was blown out of proportion, but her "apology" was the most half-assed shit possible, literally pulled the "i'm sorry you were offended" card
Mr. Beast had children twerking in their underwear in his old videos and nobody cared. It's just straights giving out exception for their own and not anyone else. In fact, it was even brought up recently and the majority of people said shit along the lines "don't care", "clout chaser", "you just want to start drama", and my personal favorite(because it's kind of funny) was one man saying something like "I don't care I'm just trying to get those chocolate bars".
The sentiment has been focusing on trannies and claiming it's "all trannies" as pedos. Yeah, some of us are just like the rest of you have some pedos.
Hell, there's TONS of that shit and WAS tons of that shit on both 4chan and reddit. But it's only the dredges of society that get the blanket statements and stigmas. Half a million registered sex offenders in the US and we're barely a drop in the bucket.
Because you are all the same. you arent individuals. you are just satans puppets.

Everyone else sees it.
God isn't real, dumbass AIpajeet phoneposter.
They wanted revenge for Dr. Disrepect's cancellation (who is chud-ish so they consider him "their guy") and of course a trans person is always the easiest target.
shut the fuck up. heartlessness and treating others as subhuman is as evil and satanic as it gets. you're FACTUALLY the most abusive and crime filled group by numbers and by percentage but you don't see us lumping you all together as pedos, war mongers, rapists, serial killers, etc. because it's a willfully ignorant and evil mindset to do that.
eat shit.

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