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Man Claims He Was Groomed From An Early Age By Kris Tyson, Who Provided Him With Copious Porn And Called Him "Daddy", As Well As Other Young Boys. MANY other children are coming forward soon

How common is this in the trans community? What did MrBeast know, and when did he know it?

Nathan's testimony HERE: https://x.com/ImBrainFreak/status/1816195054635004122
Couldn't he have just like, idk, blocked him on pisscord or whatever?
>How common is this in the trans community?
extremely common, they're all groomer filth
>victim blaming
classic pedo move, pedo.
why the fuck does he look like that
This is fucking awful
This guy is too ugly therefore made up but nigga could do with some grooming lessons desu
poor guy, i believe him
>chud zoomer phenotype
terribly psyop
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Moon man got groomed too???
>How common is this in the trans community?
why does nobody ask this about any other demographic
Is he really ugly? I think it's just slavoid genes but he mogs me
You don't get it, all groomers are trannies and fags, closeted and otherwise, there's no other demographics.
His face is fine but his hair looks ridiculous, very poorly done 90s middle part.
I'm a Slavoid, and he's pretty ugly even by Slavic standards, he also doesn't look particularly Slavic.
>How common is this in the trans community?
Very common between AGPs
his face and hair both look weird and ugly. very off putting and strange, hard on the eyes.
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>posted porn in discord with minors
>zero evidence for anything
>omg he said nigger 5 years ago
Nothing burger.
It might be a nothing burger to you but this whole thing has been to puritanical zoomers, TERFs and dramatubers what a bucket of chum is to sharks.
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The worst things are mentioned in this twitter video with zero evidence. The straw that apparently broke the camel's back was kris saying "pay for my patreon and I will post my nudes" to a minor, which is kind of disturbing to say but is light years from being a pedophile.
How come every thread about this incident is spammed with trannies lying coping and making excuses?
Really makes you think. Stay the fuck out of gaygen.
That’s not true, I knew a cishet groomer when I was new to the internet. Although personally I think that efebophiles and pedophiles should be distinguished from gynephiles and androphiles.

Maybe we need to determine what you consider to be a legitimate definition of grooming if you will only accept lgbt people as groomers and not people who are cishet. Cause to only accept a specific demographic as guilty of a crime makes me think you have a private definition of that crime. a black code. You think it’s bad to sell cotton after midnight but what that actually means is that you only want to punish a certain demographic disproportionately for a crime that only they will be arrested for.

As far as I know, grooming is the act of manipulation of someone, usually a minor but not always, and usually by making them lower their precautions by making them trust/befriend the groomer, with the goal of attaining some sort of sexual satisfaction through using them. It’s not a very unusual scenario, after all lots of men lower women’s defenses through "wanting to be friends" as a way to eventually maybe sleep with them in the long term (not that male woman friendships are impossible ofc)

I think it’s cause this website is retarded. Poltards will see a single tranny being a pedo as proof that all the legbutts are pedos, and so people here will just refuse to acknowledge anything because the notion of individual responsibility is pointless if your opposition will then say "who cares you are all like this and deserve the death penalty"

Granted us taking the bait of participation in this discourse means we already lost the conversation
whatever fits your worldview i guess
they've been waiting years for this moment. hoping each next groomer or mass shooter turned out to be a tranny so they could ignore the countless straight men that came before them
if kris never trooned everything would play out the same except with less screaming about trannies
>The straw that apparently broke the camel's back was kris saying "pay for my patreon and I will post my nudes" to a minor
i thought it was the shadman. imo these allegations would still exist and be looked into if it weren't a tranny but the people defending or attacking that person would be different
>That’s not true, I knew a cishet groomer when I was new to the internet.
He's just a repping agp transbian, that's about it.
what are you some masc4masc freak?
if you keep embracing your tds you'll eventually start believing it for real
do you really want that to be what your life revolves around
>if kris never trooned everything would play out the same except with less screaming about trannies
except it wouldn't. in fact we know this, half the shit had already come out years ago. most of the evidence here was public tweets that have been deleted for years. she got "cancelled" for them once before, but it didn't stick. it's only after she transitioned that people are looking at them and screaming pedo.
What a cool thought terminating cliche. You just throw the argument into a box so that you don’t need to think about it
But here I’ll be more patient with you anon
Let us say a heterosexual cisgender man groomed a girl into having sex with him, would he lose his heterosexuality by being a predator? If so, how do you define cisgender and heterosexual people? What about when adults are emotionally manipulated in the same way kids are in order to obtain sexual favors? Plenty of research suggests a majority of men are attracted to and aroused by girls under 18, regardless of the age of the men. So if were to go by your definition of groomers (short hand for pedophiles) as people who are crypto lgbt people in the closet, wouldn’t that mean the majority of men are some kind of queer?
Why did that transbian only approach boys?
who did kris have sex with
>Be young
>Receive attention

>Get old
>Receive zero attention
If you're young, relish the attention you get while you can. It won't last forever.
There’s no evidence for anything. Only people trying to get clicks so far
Her wife who was a child at some point.
Who did Mr beast anger for all their secrets to get out
wow this is just me3
We try but they call us racist
now the fake accusations start to jump on the train
>MANY other children are coming forward soon
hyperstition will be raped in my basement. more and more people are saying "i am a dumb bitch, please punch me in the fucking mouth"
God why can't I be groomed by a trans girl why do these ugly fuckers get to talk with them whyyyy
I think people are missing the obvious here. Why are grown men sending explicit shit like Loli and anime porn to their underage fan base? This is literally grooming. Adults sending porn of any kind is fucked up
Think about all the people Mr Beast already paid hush money too. Someone who worked for him came out with a video saying there’s more to come. Mr Beast has already contacted multiple (alleged) victims and is probably paying them all off as we speak
>How common is this in the trans community?
Probably 60% of MtTs and the same rate as cis men in FtMs
You’re glad because a tranny is being ruined
I’m glad because mr beast is being ruined
We are not the same
his face is fucking nasty too
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Okay this is horrible and the transvestite is a pedo and all that
This nigga's head looks like one of those shit candycorn lollies you get at Christmas that no one wants
yeah thats what slavs look like when they arent /int/ attention whores
zero evidence but puritan zoomers freak out over a sex joke. did men not make sex jokes when they were children?
using porn is textbook online grooming. Kris is a pedophile. needs to be locked up
i was groomed a ton online when i was a kid. i dont see how this is the same.
is it annoying to have to prefix your posts with an affirmation of ideological compliance like that
You see an adult should be responsible. Sending porn to minors is irresponsible as it sends the child a wrong message. We already know porn fucks your brain up similarly to hard drugs… Chris should not be sending that shit to minors or openly advocating for Loli when his fan base is all tweens and teens. It makes no sense.
No, it’s more like 80% of cis men, 90% of cis women, -75% of trans women, and 100% of ftms are pedos. Since we’re just pulling numbers from the deepest corners of our assholes.
show me proof and I'll believe it
true, but why is only kris getting the bullet for this? the entire internet is basically designed to expose kids to porn, everyone every age sees it.
not particularly, im not a transvestite so i dont have the need to leap to the defence of pedophiles and i do genuinely feel sorry for the abuse that victims of pedophiles suffer
Content creators who do this get outed and canceled bruh. Show me another major content creator doing this on their discord servers or snapchats
kris isn't a content creator, let alone a major one. she was just a guy who happened to know mr beast.
He was in a bunch of his videos and had his own fan base from it. Hence his own discord weirdness. Idk why you’re okay with grown men sending porn kids… that’s not normal by any means
it's actually really normal by the standards we're outlining here (those standards being having an nsfw channel with a porn bot in 2019)
>how common is this in the trans community?
Get back to /pol/ and hnag urself
>if kris never trooned everything would play out the same
You are genuinly coping if you think it would have been the same lol
The only reason they went after her is because she is trans, don't kid yourself
Everything was public before and some even knew of her old tweets and shadman association but no one cared because she was cis at the tine
The same was no one still cares about all the one who were even more associated with shadman like game grumps and the the dude from smiling friemds (ony olays,or something?)

It's purly because she is trans now
i hated the left because they pulled media blitzes like this and tried to get me on board with a bunch of dumb bullshit via idiotic tabloid sensationalism

why would i not hate the right for the same reasons
the right is about truth and facts
Because you can go to any gay bar, inquire about their early life, and many were molested or molested others.
Causality goes in the opposite direction. Sadism is a component of pedophilia. They target children with any form of neurodivergence, including LGBT. They were already gay and get molested as a hate crime. Idiot.
and "reality has a left-wing bias". yes, it's the same shit. i hate it like i have always hated it. eat it and glue your anus shut so you can't shit it back out and leave with it so that it's not here
>the right is about truth and facts
>obvious bandwagoner
there is an art to doing this
When are Internet troons going to stop forming parasocial relationships with the worst people on the planet?
Chuds trying too hard to mak fake shit happening
Facts like flat earth, magic nanny man in sky, and o noes demons.
What does that have to do with you raping kids yet again
i hate faggot bandwagoners so much
don't ask
don't ask the sexuality of the men molesting them
How come Tyson only groomed uggos?
Not that anon but why didn't he just do that?
*Except if the claims are about LGBTQ issues, then anything goes!
i wish i could see the mug of the subhuman typing this
it's not grooming if you convince her father to let you marry her
-- t. mainstream conservatism
What is a porn bot
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hes so hot i want his brain to be broken from his e-molestation and i want him to e-molest me and send me dick pics of his pretty circumcised cock so i can imagine deepthroating it
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Wow, what a shocking post!

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