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prev: >>36634251

qott: have you ever worn a one-piece swimsuit and did it get your knob a-crankin?

>AGP questions and answers
>Thoughts and feelings / emotions
>Help, advice, guidance
>Be cozy and chill out

>What is AGP?
Autogynephilia, from Greek αὐτό- ("self"), γυνή ("woman") and φιλία ("love")
Broadly, arousal to the thought of being a woman. It can take many forms - being aroused at imagining or seeing yourself with a female body, dressing in clothes that make you appear feminine, acting in stereotypical "feminine" ways, or others.

>Isn't AGP just discredited pseudoscience?
"The 'debunking' of autogynephilia is in good company with the debunking of biological sex and the debunking of natal males’ physical advantage in competitive sport." - Ray Blanchard

>I'm AGP, does this mean I'm not trans?
No, you can be AGP and trans.

>Aren't you all just trannies in denial?
Some people with AGP will go on to transition, while others are content with incorporating it into their sex life or simply the occasional indulgence. It varies greatly in intensity. If AGP consumes a lot of your mental energy or causes you lots of distress, it is probably worth asking more questions.


>Why Gender Matters, the Emerging Science of Sex Differences

>The Gender Variant Phenomenon:

Compilation of AGP books and studies: https://pastebin.com/dRQvi2K7
>Nigga no one wants to talk about tg erotica unless actively masturbating.
>You're girlmoding. Go live your life.

Wrong. Girlmoders are ALWAYS welcome here and we ALWAYS want to talk about tg erotica.
no anon, this gen is for even more intense autism now that we've ejected the women from the conversation
post something malebrained and confrontational or gtfo
why do deranged tranny brained call themselves malebrained
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yesh i luv wearing them
The women? Does girlmoding make you a woman? Lmao. Fuck off. Girlmoding means you present as a woman. it does not make you ontologically female.
Also it seems like your little AGPgen schism turned out exactly as expected: boomerhons shit.
female/male. they're acts, spectrum acts
why do you think
yes, woman is a social category, if you fit in you fit in, ducks quack and all that
> ontologically
ok, zoomer
So being a woman is passing as one to you?
If so, then you must agree that unpassing individuals are in their right to abhor passers and detest them from the bottom of their souls, murderously, and want to kick them out of their spaces and see them miserable and broken?
if the vibes are right, yeah, it's not always just looks ofc
> If so, then you must agree that unpassing individuals are in their right
no, that's just meaness and spite anon, they haven't done anything to you but exist
>but exist
That's literally their most inexcusable crime.
As a manmoder, you'd have to be an immense cuck not to hate gilrmoders with all your soul.
I just told a trans widow that she deserved it lmao.
As an AGP, I love all AGPs with all of my hard
They don't love you back.
Girlmoders are heartless.
Literally complete sociopaths.
They would kill you, if they could.
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>Just girlmode hon!
Am I supposed to go outside looking like this?
I look like a serial rapist.
Miring that haunted hotel tier bedroom along with the ghostly manmoder that lives in it !
My face is so fucking masculine.
I can't believe it.
You have the phenotype of a young 19th century mathematician. I could also see you being a lover of Alexander the Great.

The long hair isn't working for you I think. I suggest you figure out a better haircare routine, or keep it short and call yourself a butch or something.
Yeah I haven't washed it in a while. 10 days maybe. I should try to do it more regularly maybe.
But since it's curly I can't wash it more than once a week so it's hard to keep a regular routine. Uh.
Maybe I'll cut them short.
Or a ponytail like Angela Baker?
But if I go to the FFS surgeon with short hair, won't they take me less seriously?
Considering I haven't voicetrained either.
Try styling it in different ways, or even straightening it, but don’t cut it!
one piece swimsuits trigger my agp so much idk why and or how to stop it
Your room is very elegant. How do you take your pictures?
Yeah I should try... Hard to style curly hair tho. I think. No one in my family really has curly hair.
I put my phone on a timer and let it rest on something.
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>qott: have you ever worn a one-piece swimsuit and did it get your knob a-crankin?
How to crank a knob when you're wearing a swimsuit.
How do I reconcile AGP with looking like a stereotype of masculinity
>love long hair
>have shitty greying weak hair
owari da
yes. I tried on one of my roommates in college. thats all im gonna say lol.
Ten days? What the fuck? I have curly hair and this is a load of shit. The longest I can reasonably go is four days before the disgustingness sets in.
give me a fully feminized agp girlfriend ;-;
frenchie evolution
god why am i the only one that has an arm fetish

at least it's not a foot fetish
I spent 7 hours today writing a 10 pages refutation, fully sourced, to debunk a guy saying AGP is masochism.
Why am I so fucking autistic.
Ah ça ira ça ira ça ira.
I might be stupid idk.
Or too lazy.
Should I wash them more often?
I'll wash them tomorrow ig.
I was supposed to play fallout London today but it runs like shit on my 4 year old laptop.
atp just rope
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Whats the point of a thread about a fetish without fuel

You're right, I should.
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Long time ago but my knob was so small that it couldn't crank.

I still got my knob and I recently learned how to sort of stuff it, in my panties. I never really had urge or thoughts of getting rid off it. Anyway. I stuffed it and thought that it actually feels sort of good.
I then discovered that grinding myself against stuff feels awesome. For first time instead of thinking about taking it up the butt, I could think about taking it up the pussy and it opened a whole new perspective on life for me. It would feel more personal if you could just look into eyes of a man that you are riding.

Women are so lucky.
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fucking do it then
I'm too cowardly.
Can you come here to do it?
doesn't matter, agp is a biological imperative
if the guy is who i think it is, don't bother, his autism level is *far* greater than yours
Who are you thinking about?
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name starts with a w or something, i've only ever seen him on reddit
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>no one posting anything again

yh these are threads are ruined forever
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i love women and i want to be women. that's literally just how simple it is.
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sorry senpai, estrogen made me way less male lusty
i haven't collected new pics in years and don't look at women the same way i used to
Idk he's on twitter. John Smith or something.
"""Detransitioner""" identified as a tranny for 3 months 9 years ago and never went on hrt.
These posts make me so jealous.
I hate being a disgusting fucking man.
Why can you bask in the bliss of womanhood, and not me?
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based and true AGPpilled
you can still take some inspiration from them or get envy right ;)
yeah, i've never had such a frustrating conversation before i met that guy, but then i learned what autism was and let it go
kek, even worse
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Also why arent there more HRT captions/hypno

feels like there should be 10x more
its like the hottest thing ever I honestly dont get why no one makes them anymore
this happened to me too, I still get in "giwtwm" lusty moods sometimes but it's nothing like before, I think because I have a lot more satisfaction from just existing in my own body now
Omg I'm so fucking jealous.
I can't believe some people are just happy with their bodies.
They look into the mirror and see a woman.
I want to die.
>They look into the mirror and see a woman.
no, I don't... it's just relief from it being better than before
I made such a fucking mistake by not trooning at 17...
I've ruined my life. Plain and simple.
My life is over.
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wearing a women's swimsuit and swimming like a girl
going shopping like a girl
taking selfies like a girl
peeing like a girl
masturbating rarely, like girls do
getting picked up and riding in a boy's sports car
wearing a cute necklace and a cute watch like a girl
being a girl at work
being a girl at school
That still sounds good...
well even that takes time, good levels, and working on letting go or defanging the repper brainworms
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frenchie, a genie has arrived and he can make you into a 100% real girl, with a vagina, and you can get off on being a girl for the rest of your days, but... you will be a black girl, and the right wing in france will take over and they will call you a nigger and tell you to go back to africa, and then you actually will have to go back to africa forever. Would you do it?
Lmao actual propaganda
And I tried to get into hypno once but everyone is more into being horny than making actual hypnosis tracks
this shit is why I repressed, it's disgusting
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That fucking repper didn't even address my refutation.
I wrote over 10 pages, with 30 sources.
How can he pretend his theory is correct and should be given credence when it's literally based on solipsism, anecdotal evidences and vibes??
What a fucking stupid retarded nigger.
I will take it I think. I don't mind being a black woman even through they are not very agp to me. Do I get to chose which black phenotype I have?
If so I want to be Fulani.
Also in Africa am I poor or can I be a middle class urbanite?
>How can he pretend his theory is correct and should be given credence when it's literally based on solipsism, anecdotal evidences and vibes??
cut Blanchard some slack, things were different back then
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yeah, now i get much more satisfaction imagining someone embracing me and my body than "giwtwm" these days
link your paper
Blanchard actually tried to be scientific.
It's weird I can't seem to link my substack normally.
ah, would be easier to read if you posted the figures you're referencing
I'm literally so angry.
Making a theory and not defending it thoroughly should be punishable with death.
Sorry, but I post the firsthand sources, which are all on Anna's archives.
Short of posting screenshots of each articles it would be difficult.
Btw what are the chances that Anna is an AGP tranny?
I'd say 75%
Who is Anna btw
The creator of Anna's archives. The largest shadow library currently.
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What most prevents me from leaving AGP is my childhood.

Logically speaking. I think AGP is just a creative product of the mind. And because I have a weak mind and OCD I believed this was part of my identity.

But what contributes most to this is thinking that I've been like this since I was 5 years old. It leads me to believe that it is something innate.

And today it seems like it's a part of my mind that I've explored a lot and I can't get rid of it anymore.
yeah, this is gross. no thanks
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sisters, you're not fooling anyone
I have experienced le euphoria boners, sissy hypno and susansplace hons and boomer shit like that genuinely grossed me out so much I ran away from anything even tangentially related to it
Now we're talkin'
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the vagina is powerful
vagina animals...
How do I cope with waking up every morning and still being a man.
ok I'm staying with 100%
does anyone have that collage of blanchard's tweets? I forgot to save it.
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I want to kms, I can't believe my face is so fucking disgusting.
This one?
no it was a whole collection of based tweets
give me a fully feminized agp girlfriend ;-;
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This one?
no, ty though. It was in a recent thread but frenchie refused to include links to previous threads.
It included "The 'debunking' of autogynephilia is in good company with the debunking of biological sex and the debunking of natal males’ physical advantage in competitive sport."
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I *am* frenchie, which you should always assume if you are talking to someone here.
I didn't make this thread, nor the last, so that's not on me.
Anyway since I am immensely magnanimous, I combed through the last 6 threads and found it.
rofl ty frenchie
*tips fedora*
>have you ever worn a one-piece swimsuit
of course
>did it get your knob a-crankin
no I was at the pool
this is actually my life
I'm so jealous.
I should admit I've had sex in the pool before but by that point I wasn't wearing a swimsuit
agp as an orientation makes no sense, it's just a kink, orientations involve other people, you can't be in love with yourself in the same way
was your knob a-cranking?
I don't really have a knob but yeah I think in spirit
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This is my worst picture ever.
I will never be a woman.
"Orientation involves other people" is retarded because it mixes up semantics and taxonomy.
Here, taxonomy is the source of semantics, not the other way around.
We consider that orientation is "other people" because the sexualities we consider to be orientation currently are.
30 years ago, you could have argued "homosexuality isn't an orientation, orientations involve a woman and a man!" and it would have been just as stupid.
So why do we call them orientation?
It's based on the features of the group we consider to be orientation.
If we find that a sexuality is *taxonomically* similar to orientations due to common features and idiosyncrasies, and farther from, say, paraphilias, then we can conclude that said sexuality is an orientation.
How tf am I supposed to believe I can ever make a comeback and not always feel horrible in my body when I look like *THAT* ???
ok, let me make it simpler
agp shares far more with objects classified under the taxon of 'kinks' than with the objects classified under the taxon of 'sexual orientations'.
it has unique attributes that distinguish it from the objects under the taxon of 'sexual orientations' while also lacking key attributes that all objects under the 'sexual orientations' taxon share, namely attraction to other people
>agp shares far more with objects classified under the taxon of 'kinks' than with the objects classified under the taxon of 'sexual orientations'.
That's exactly what Blanchard argues against. That it has traits, especially in stronger cases, that are a lot more reminiscent of sexualities (pair bonding, romance, general wider impact on the person way beyond simple sexuality etc).
>it has unique attributes that distinguish it from the objects under the taxon of 'sexual orientations'
Such as?
>lacking key attributes that all objects under the 'sexual orientations' taxon share, namely attraction to other people
That's not a functional difference in how the sexualities work through.
It'd be like arguing that penguins can't be birds because they don't fly.
What matters is less the target and more of how the sexuality itself manifests.
Also using the word "kink", which isn't scientific, doesn't make any sense here.
No one would call pedophilia a "kink".
We're talking about paraphilias.
I love this drawing so much wtf
> That it has traits, especially in stronger cases, that are a lot more reminiscent of sexualities (pair bonding, romance, general wider impact on the person way beyond simple sexuality etc).
that has nothing to do with agp, since most people with agp just get off to it and that's it
> Such as?
- compulsive sexual behavior, most people are normal when it comes to their orientation, and obsessive when it comes to kinks if they have any
- high degree of correlation with other paraphilias, a dead ringer
- malleability, lots of people get rid of their agp like any other unwanted kink and also suddenly develop agp in their late 30s and 40s sometimes
- secondary to actual orientations and non-exclusive, i.e. people are still fundamentally straight/gay/whatever but agp exists as a kink in the same way of being a foot fetishist, otherwise agps would be fully autosexual
> That's not a functional difference in how the sexualities work through.
> What matters is less the target and more of how the sexuality itself manifests.
that's like saying a foot fetish is a kind of sexual orientation
> It'd be like arguing that penguins can't be birds because they don't fly.
there are more attributes to being a bird than flying, that are far more important, so that anology doesn't hold
i don't like the word "paraphilia" because it aims to put kinks and fetishes at the same level as sexual orientations, along with the suffix '-philia'.
it's completely political and muddles discussions about sexuality
>that has nothing to do with agp
Many people do not just get off to it. For some people it's minor, for others, major. For some it's minor and gets temporarily amplified one way or another. To others it's just always major and widespread.
It has to do with it and is important because it manifests in AGPs and not in other paraphilias.
>compulsive sexual behavior
This was not found to always be a feature of AGP.
25% of pre-operative trans women Lawrence saw had only occasionally had sexual fantasies revolving around it.
>high degree of correlation with other para
Like homosexuality then? Lmfao.
>malleability, lots of people get rid of their agp like develop agp in their late 30s and 40s sometimes
Getting rid of AGP doesn't exist. Blanchard tested it using the absolute best method (phallometry) and found that AGPs who pretend not to have it anymore still do.
Much like ex gays.
And the idea that people routinely develop agp out of the blue in their middle age does not appear to correlate with what we know, most of the AGPs reported a late childhood or early teenagehood onset.
>secondary to actual orientations and non-exclusive
Many AGPs are fully autosexual.
Furthermore people can have several sexualities competing with each other. That's literally what bisexuality is, and it's considered a sexual orientation.
>that's like saying a foot fetish is a kind of sexual orientation
Foot fetishes aren't kinks because they are about feet. They're kinks because they do not lead to pair bonding, romance, wider impact on the psyche etc.
>there are more attributes to being a bird than flying, that are far more important
And there are more attributes to being a sexual orientation than being about others.
>i don't like the word "paraphilia"
And kink voluntarily lessens the importance and effect of paraphilias by presenting it as secondary. If you think a raging pedophile has a kink, you are braindead. You are using that word politically too.
I bet you're that retarded nigger from twitter.
> Many people do not just get off to it.
there has to be something else going on, normal guys with agp don't want to become women
and how tf do you pair bond and romance yourself, that doesn't make sense
> 25% of pre-operative trans women Lawrence saw had only occasionally had sexual fantasies revolving around it.
probably due to AAs, a known treatment for sexual disorders
> Like homosexuality then? Lmfao.
gay men are probably as kinky as anyone else, paraphiles are super kinky
> found that AGPs who pretend not to have it anymore still do.
didn't he test on primarily active CDs? like duh, they probably agp'd just before coming in for testing, you have to test on people who are just normal men who got rid of their kink
> most of the AGPs reported a late childhood or early teenagehood onset.
don't they also say that for GD
> That's literally what bisexuality is, and it's considered a sexual orientation.
ok, fair, but bisexuality is made up of two sexual orientations then, agps have a sexual orientation and a kink
> They're kinks because they do not lead to pair bonding, romance, wider impact on the psyche etc.
for most agps, it doesn't either, like i said there's something else going on (social contagion + rogd?)
> And there are more attributes to being a sexual orientation than being about others.
its of the most important attributes though
> And kink voluntarily lessens the importance and effect of paraphilias by presenting it as secondary.
how about sexual disorder then? i used kink because it is less negatively charged when refering to something like agp
i don't use xitter
>there has to be something else going on, normal guys with agp don't want to become women
The most obvious answer is that some people simply have various degree of allo vs auto sexuality.
Just like bisexuals have various degrees of gyne vs androphilia.
The idea that AGP is the same in everyone and just develops because of X reason (generally porn) in all isn't based on anything.
People who develop temporary strong AGP are generally pretty obvious (it doesn't last long, feels incredibly egodystonic, and they have obsessive features).
Meanwhiles attempts to decrease AGP (or GD before we knew about AGP) through CBT etc never worked. Same with pedos. Why assume it's different?
>and how tf do you pair bond and romance yourself, that doesn't make sense
You pair bond with the erotic target.
If the erotic target is "being a woman", then you pair bond with that concept.
Pedophiles also pair bond with kids and fall in love. I wouldn't be surprised if zoophiles did too.
>probably due to AAs, a known treatment for sexual disorders
It was life-long...
>gay men are probably as kinky as anyone else, paraphiles are super kinky
Gay and bi men have much higher chances to be paraphilic, into sadomasochism, pedophilia etc.
>you have to test on people who are just normal men who got rid of their kink
These "normal men" are non-existent through. All "ex AGPs" say they have buried it and aren't thinking about it anymore, basically. They would still be aroused by it. The mythical AGP not aroused by it anymore does not appear to exist, or at least, I have never seen anyone even mention them.
>then, agps have a sexual orientation and a kink
The point is that the existence of several and their competition doesn't mean it's not a sexuality.
>don't they also say that for GD
The main difference is that they have reasons to lie about GD, and no real reason to lie about autogynephilia, desu. Sure patient-self report is trash, but the idea that 48 yo roberts suddenly discovers sissy
porn and troons within the year isn't really based on anything.
It would also be quite nonsensical considering paraphilias generally decrease in power over the years, maybe due to lower testosterone.
The idea that they have had AGP for a long time and it grew in term of pair bond until it became hard to cope with makes more sense on top of aligning with the self-report.
>for most agps, it doesn't either,
You have to understand that when Blanchard talked about this, he was referring to strong AGPs who came to him and had dysphoria. He wasn't talking about AGPs for whom it was very secondary.
I mean, same for bisexuality. In many ways, the average modern zoomer has a "gay kink". He wants to fuck feminine guys. He doesn't have any romantic attraction, and it's secondary, it's a kink. That doesn't mean androphilia can't be a sexuality in some.
>social contagion + rogd?)
Nigga ROGD has an explanatory power for women because their transition is actually booming. This is not the case for males. So ROGD has no particular value. It's just AGPs trooning, with higher social acceptance.
>its of the most important attributes though
I disagree desu. Whether it's inward or outward is less important than true structural differences in manifestation. IMO.
>how about sexual disorder then?
Still makes little sense because it's only a disorder if it causes distress. Most feet fetishists for instance do not suffer from it. It's not a disorder.
>i don't use xitter
I'm sorry then, you reminded me of this guy.
> The most obvious answer is that some people simply have various degree of allo vs auto sexuality.
how does that lead to pair bonding though, why don't foot fetishists pair bond to feet
> Meanwhiles attempts to decrease AGP (or GD before we knew about AGP) through CBT etc never worked.
how do you know this? has it been tried?
> It was life-long...
did they not get snipped afterward? which also seems dangerous now that i think about because then wouldn't the need to be a woman go away at that point if this is connected?
> Gay and bi men have much higher chances to be paraphilic
ok, well at least they're not "pair bonding" to themselves
> but the idea that 48 yo roberts suddenly discovers sissy porn and troons within the year isn't really based on anything
but it happens all the time, that's why the average agp age to transition is like 40+ while hsts are like at puberty or something
> paraphilias generally decrease in power over the years, maybe due to lower testosterone.
if that were the case there wouldn't be so many agp boomers
> he was referring to strong AGPs who came to him and had dysphoria.
do strong foot fetishists develop feet dysphoria?
> It's just AGPs trooning, with higher social acceptance.
acceptance is decreasing because of agps, but only ftms have rogd? bs, like >>36655613, are you telling me this isn't social contagion??
> Whether it's inward or outward
maybe it's like pair bonding to yourself as a tulpa then
> Most feet fetishists for instance do not suffer from it. It's not a disorder.
in that case, feet fetishists should be considered a sexual orientation first before agp, as lots do suffer from agp
>how does that lead to pair bonding though, why don't foot fetishists pair bond to feet
The most obvious response would be that humans pair bond with individuals and animals, less so with objects.
>how do you know this? has it been tried?
This was the standard method what was employed to treat transsexuals and ppl with transvestic disorders until the 80s.
If you read the case reports you constantly see doctors complaining that it doesn't really work and testing alternative methods, one of which was transition.
>did they not get snipped afterward?
Yep and it obviously decreased their AGP behavior a lot more.
>because then wouldn't the need to be a woman go away at that point if this is connected?
That's one of the greatest argument against the theory that AGP is just a kink and for the pair bonding theory. The rate of regret among AGPs is extremely low despite the sexual desire dropping.
>but it happens all the time
Just like heterosexual men just suddenly become homosexual at 50 and cheat on their wives uh? I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.
>if that were the case there wouldn't be so many agp boomers
Exactly. Hence why it's a great argument for the pair bonding theory.
>do strong foot fetishists develop feet dysphoria?
Dysphoria is about yourself. I can imagine that they would feel deeply unsatisfied if they were prevented from ever partaking in their kink.
>acceptance is decreasing because of agps
This is a lie.
>are you telling me this isn't social contagion??
This is porn my nigger
>in that case, feet fetishists should be considered a sexual orientation first before agp, as lots do suffer from agp
I am fairly sure you IQ is under 95 at this point.
> The most obvious response would be that humans pair bond with individuals and animals, less so with objects
isn't a concept (the idea of a woman) an object though? why does the agp object lead to pair bonding but not the feet object then?
> If you read the case reports you constantly see doctors complaining that it doesn't really work and testing alternative methods, one of which was transition.
what about CBT + chemical castration?
> The rate of regret among AGPs is extremely low despite the sexual desire dropping.
so then pair bonding can't be because of agp then if this doesn't disappear when agp disappears, that's the point i was making
> Just like heterosexual men just suddenly become homosexual at 50 and cheat on their wives uh?
but that's a sexual orientation and not a kink
> This is a lie.
then explain the ava situation and the groomer controversy, to me it seems trannies had a better reputation before agps were allowed to transition and overtake the zeitgeist
> This is porn my nigger
the porn tells the boomer to transition, he'll feel great, and he does, this is social contagion
*and he does transition
If you have mild AGP with a strong competing heterosexuality, it might practically function like a kink yes. Just like in a bisexual guy with a stronger preference for women, his attraction to men mostly looks like a kink. Still doesn’t make homosexuality a kink right?

If you have strong AGP with very little or no competing heterosexuality, it looks way more like a sexual orientation than a kink. It is has a romantic side with the pair bonding etc, that’s doesn’t disappear when the sexual side is diminished.

(I’m not frenchie btw)
>isn't a concept (the idea of a woman) an object though
It manifests as an imagined individual (the female self).
Hence why boomer crossies who eventually troon talk about "becoming Alicia" or whatever. They created a female self, complete with a name and everything, and masturbated to being her for 3 decades.
>what about CBT + chemical castration?
Basically what transitioning is lol.
Also chemical castration doesn't cure dysphoria.
>so then pair bonding can't be because of agp then if this doesn't disappear when agp disappears,
When old couples stay together, that's because they're pair bonded. They don't get raging erections for each other anymore. Yet they still love each other and stay together due to pair bond.
>but that's a sexual orientation and not a kink
Circular reasoning.
>then explain the ava situation and the groomer controversy,
Modern people use grooming way too liberally. She doesn't appear to have actually groomed anything.
>trannies had a better reputation before agps
The first trannies were AGP.
>the porn tells the boomer to transition, he'll feel great, and he does, this is social contagion
It's just pornography. How many actually troon from that? How many who wouldn't have trooned? You have no idea. What we know is that the number of adult trans women is DROPPING.
> Still doesn’t make homosexuality a kink right?
homosexuality involves consenting sexual partners though, agp involves abstract concepts and mental constructions, so i don't find it comparable
> It is has a romantic side with the pair bonding etc, that’s doesn’t disappear when the sexual side is diminished.
why would it, this can't be an aspect of agp if non-pair bonding agps exist
the frequency of arousal from "mild" agp can't be all that different from "strong" agp, non-pair bonding agps i have observed to be just as big as coomers as the pair-bonding ones
why does one pair bond and the other not? agp "strength" is insufficent to explain this, especially if it persists despite eliminating agp
do pair bonding agps have a built-in instinct to attract themselves as a mate? does that even make sense?
I just wear a one piece when I go swimming now. Usually pack one when I go camping near a lake :3
>this can't be an aspect of agp if non-pair bonding agps exist
Because AGP is a spectrum of severity, which goes from kink to sexuality, like androphilia is.
>the frequency of arousal from "mild" agp can't be all that different from "strong" agp, non-pair bonding agps i have observed to be just as big as coomers as the pair-bonding ones
This is very correct actually. This leads credence to the idea that how strong AGP is, and the onset of dysphoria, is decided by prenatal or at least early childhood factors, as opposed to how much you coom to AGP.
>why does one pair bond and the other not?
Dysphoria is correlated with certain types of AGP over others.
>do pair bonding agps have a built-in instinct to attract themselves as a mate?
Maybe pair bonding AGP are simply more prone to pair bonding in general (K selected) while non pair bonding AGPs are less so (r selected).
> It manifests as an imagined individual (the female self).
agp as tulpamancy makes sense
> Also chemical castration doesn't cure dysphoria.
perhaps in hsts, but in agp, it should if combine with therapies that address the social contagion aspect (CBT)
> When old couples stay together, that's because they're pair bonded. They don't get raging erections for each other anymore. Yet they still love each other and stay together due to pair bond.
this makes sense of it being love towards a tulpa
> Modern people use grooming way too liberally. She doesn't appear to have actually groomed anything.
regardless agps are ruining trans acceptance
> The first trannies were AGP.
how can that be when hsts experience dysphoria first?
> What we know is that the number of adult trans women is DROPPING.
>regardless agps are ruining trans acceptance
I'd argue drag queens in school are a lot worse to optics.
>how can that be when hsts experience dysphoria first?
Because AGPs are higher IQ and less likely to end up as prostitutes, so they figured out a way to transition first.
We have no idea.
Cute outfit unironicly
Glad ur still alive frenchie :3
I like seein ur post.
wott: no but ive worn a bikini. it didn't crank my knob but i did feel very cute!
Thanks, you are very nice.
AGP is a type of bisexual autosexuality that tends to romanticize women and objectify men Is this true or false?
how is this not just a cult of personality? why do you all hate yourselves and other transgender people SO MUCH that you NEED his bullshit to be true instead of facing reality?

are you "the bad ones?" do you want to be? because that's how you are portrayed by everyone in society who hears the term autogynephilia, and it is explicitly how you are trying to paint yourselves and others who don't suck dick and act like flamers from the time they're kids (which is kind of extremely fucked up) "proven" by the colonel measuring dude's dick twitches
you are engaging in pure conjecture to force people and concepts into predefined boxes based on falsified "data"
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kek i was unironically going to buy a one piece swimsuit to cosplay in my room while gaming and decided to ask in this general
which one do you think is more fem? i like dva but pink one is really cute
I'm trans but I love lifting weights and trying to be tough and stuff and love dominating girls
get both. one is never enough
i can only buy one this time anon, which one would you recommend?
Pink first
> Because AGP is a spectrum of severity, which goes from kink to sexuality, like androphilia is.
i don't think that holds, androphilia as a "kink" is just casual sex, while there is no sex with agp, just masturbation
> is decided by prenatal or at least early childhood factors
which factors?
> Dysphoria is correlated with certain types of AGP over others.
do agps even really feel actual dysphoria? if agp is a sexual orientation, then is agp "dysphoria" actually just auto-inceldom/celibacy? (to relate to sexual orientations)
> Maybe pair bonding AGP are simply more prone to pair bonding in general (K selected) while non pair bonding AGPs are less so (r selected).
so then agp is a kink that some agps pair bond to?
> I'd argue drag queens in school are a lot worse to optics.
they're agps as well according to the public
> Because AGPs are higher IQ and less likely to end up as prostitutes, so they figured out a way to transition first.
well agps are still ruining it now
>i don't think that holds, androphilia as a "kink" is just casual sex, while there is no sex with agp, just masturbation
Such a low IQ take.
>which factors?
We don't know.
>do agps even really feel actual dysphoria? if agp is a sexual orientation, then is agp "dysphoria" actually just auto-inceldom/celibacy? (to relate to sexual orientations)
AGP dysphoria is considered the most "legit" by clinicians, compared to HSTS
>so then agp is a kink that some agps pair bond to?
I already told you why kink isn't justified here
>they're agps as well according to the public
Who cares
They're closer to HSTS
alright pink it is then
But i need to keep growing my legs and butt to balance my body and look better in those
Very off topic. But I wonder is there such a thing as "autoandrophilia?"

Like you just watch yourself in the mirror. Flex your biceps, stroke ur cock bit like that American psycho vibe.

I think I used to do that when I was a guy. Especially after sex. Was great.
I am a girl but I have aap yes I wish I had a cock
man get boner when man wear panty
yep, that's classical agp
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I would run around horny 24/7 with these hot pants up my ass. How do women do this?
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>agp's don't have gayface
g*d really has a hilarious sense of humor
> Such a low IQ take.
but it's not wrong?
> We don't know.
then why make that assumption?
> AGP dysphoria is considered the most "legit" by clinicians, compared to HSTS
being sexually unfulfilled sucks, but i don't think that's the same as gender dysphoria
> I already told you why kink isn't justified here
what i mean is you could have pair bonded to anything else due to your natural proclivities, not necessarily agp
which would mean agp is a kink and pair bonding is another phenomenon, that's my whole point
> Who cares
people who don't want their rights taken away
> They're closer to HSTS
doesn't matter, they're effectively agp
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i hope all the pics in this thread are inspiration and not like something you are wanking too
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aw sweet, it's another black text/green text thread
cant they be both?
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this is so fuckin real dawg this is what i still come to this board for did u draw it or know who did
Agpsisters, I'm not feeling well. I talked with Emilia after years, and she doesn't consider herself trans anymore. She sees herself just as a woman with an intersex condition and a transsexual-like experience but not really trans. She says she's not really trans and doesn't even consider her life stealth anymore because she's not a tranny. She also doesn't feel comfortable talking with us anymore, and her only friend left from here is apparently intersex, straight and married like her. :( I hate how all of this turned out. How come she was fine with us AGPs, then just HSTSs, and now not even HSTSs? She was my inspiration and the reason I transitioned, and now it turns out she's a cis woman. Damn it.
> She sees herself just as a woman with an intersex condition
> doesn't even consider her life stealth anymore because she's not a tranny
> straight and married
sounds like a success story tbhon, what's the problem
Stop thinking about bitchs
>She was my inspiration and the reason I transitioned
You're the Greek, which means YOU are one of the main reason she doesn't feel comfortable.
Also I bet you didn't talk to her because I doubt she'd humor you after what you did.
Have you tried becoming a cis woman too?
I'm not the Greekoid :(
Wow, how many people did she convince to troon wtf?
I always saw her as completely different from me in every way, so why would she convince me?
Fuck why are some of you so easy to break.
And now I'll never be a woman and it's all my fault.
is this person amab or afab?
How do I make my cheeks chubby? This is honestly the thing I want more than anything else.
Gonna go with amab
A guy just told me I look like Tony Soprano.
It's so over.

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