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Imagine being a surgeon who gets constant access to cute tranners and gets to make them even hotter
imagine being the heads of medical and pharmaceutical companies who are racking in the dollars off of people transitioning and have no actual concern for their well-being or whether these medical interventions are appropriate or will provide them long-term benefits.
why do you all seem to think HRT is really expensive or something?
it's not really that profitable, and the government covers it in Canada...
it's everything within the scope of "gender-affirming care", not just HRT. and it's not just the one-off stuff, but the repeated check ups and additional "care" people will inevitably get. depending on the procedures done and how long you take hormones, that's a long-term committment with big pharma and the medical industry you're making.

Anon I am pretty sure my cis het parents have constantly seen the doctor their whole lives for various illnesses and many of those were not even life threatening. My mom has insurance provided hormone therapy for menopause symptoms. And what about oral surgeries which have much higher our of pocket costs because they are considered medical. People pay money for implanted teeth and orthodontic. Not to mention the cis cosmetic surgery industry. Why should people be shamed for spending money on optional medical care if they wanted? Should people be shamed for taking time off work or pursuing educational degrees too?

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Haha being diabetic is more profitable for these companies than being a tranny could ever be. The cost is minimal compared to managing most chronic conditions. Get an Orchi for a few grand (if insurance doesn't cover it) then get some shelf stable estradiol powder and you're set for life DIY.

You're just a concern troll. You don't actually care about a for profit health system, you just hate tranners.
least obvious concern troll
muh big pharma makes more money off of menopausal cis women than they do off of tranners
I have to see the doctor once a year for hormones and I’m supposed to see the gynecologist once a year per my surgeon (but don’t since they don’t want to see me). Doesn’t seem that different than any healthy cis woman who doesn’t want babies
also odd that despite fearmongering about the medical industry’s profit motive as if that is a reason to avoid treatment I need and desire the reality is they try their hardest to avoid seeing me and giving me the medical care I need
how much money they make off trans people relative to other patients doesn't matter, the point is that it's in these people's best interest to make money, and "gender-affirming care" (GAC) is an additional way to do that. leftists historically were the ones who were very skeptical of capitalistic enterprises and how they might manipulate the public in whatever way possible for their greed, but when it comes to big pharma and the medical industry, because transgenderism is such a deep aspect of many of their belief systems, they're much less likely to second guess them - if they do that at all - in regards to their sincerity towards trans people's well-being and whether they might go too far in providing "care" as a means to rack in more dollars here or there.
>you just hate tranners
you may not ultimately believe me, but I don't. I do not want to feign compassion, but I'm not really a fan of people making fun of trans people in general (like the 41% meme), though I do think some are ridiculous and deserve to be criticized and in some cases even made fun of. but I really find a lot of their lack of consideration for "le evil capitalism" curious here, but as I explained already I feel like I get the logic of it.
who cares if the pharmaceutical company makes money I still need estrogen
>the point is that it's in these people's best interest to make money, and "gender-affirming care" (GAC) is an additional way to do that
so capitalism working as intended?
you can describe literally any healthcare like this
>ugh I can only get food thanks to people selling it to me for money. They should give me food for free out of the goodness of their hearts! All they care about is the money!
and I bet you love socialized healthcare and free shit for the poors and 15 minute cities damn commie libtard
its like a £80 a year. that's like more than when YOU pay for xbox gamepass
sounds based
again, you guys are missing the point: there's a general lack of consideration for these industries doing things like cutting corners or getting patients to buy into certain procedures and medications - or at least more than would otherwise normally be prescribed - which could be unnecessary and even harmful to the people who think these "care" givers are just adhering to protocol.
like I clarified elsewhere, it's not merely about the dollar amount, let alone the dollar amount a single person has to pay (considering the procedures other people get and how monetarily damaging they can be).
wow just like literally every other aspect of the medical industry and literally every other industry
which leftists traditionally denounced or at least more heavily scrutinized. whereas with GAC they are generally much less scrutinizing and sometimes even aggressive in their advocacy of these entities having the power they have and dismissing any consideration for potentially nefarious and pernicious motives.
I don't think you understand
even in countries where healthcare is socialized, doctors and medical corporations still work for money. They don't just do stuff for free because the government says so or whatever.
kill yourself
for the third time, that they make money by itself isn't the issue
make me
this is retarded concern-trolling. leftists are for socialized healthcare, which means GAC doesn't directly cost the trannie a cent no matter how much care is provisioned
>but the repeated check ups
I go to the doctor's once a year to get my script renewed and a blood test done (which you're supposed to do anyway).
I've always wondered what surgeons think about when they're molding a new pussy
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imagine being the gf of a surgeon who gets to customise you to be the prettiest girl in the world to him <3
The cute tranny is the long term benefit.
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dr did a good job
hopefully ffs will be more accessible to the younger ones one day so we have more cute trannies instead of the ffs-boomerhons we have now
Good thing I'm not a leftist then
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The long tern effects of ffs are absolutely horrible and a mess. Your face becomes absolutely uneven as you age, scars show worse, any symmetry you had is out the door. I may not have the best face but at least I still get carded and I'm 35
You must hate people with obesity or those who engage in dangerous sports so much...
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you think that because you are post wall and the ffs train has already left the station. the girl in the video is in her early 20s and will not need any facelifts after her surgery.
t. had v line jaw at 25, no excess skin or irregularities
she doesnt look uneven though

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