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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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It seems wierd to me. Is it because their relationship with sexuality is already different?
what do you mean by straight? im a boymoder and i have a bf
I don't tend to misgender people, so I mean that they are with men if mtf or women if ftm
Trans people who had gender dysphoria in early ages are mostly straight. Most homosexual trans people are what's called "late onset gender dysphoria" or even don't have GD to begin with

Also what should not be forgotten, a large chunk of trans people are bisexual, which is probably not so different from cis people, but amongst cis people there is still a lot of repressed bisexuality (i.e. people with a strong hetero preference who haven't accepted that they have some interest in the same gender, mostly because it's very weak and internalized homophobia), and transgender people are just more likely to accept sexual divergence
What if I wanted to be a girl at six already and I am still a lesbian?
straight trans girls exist transbians just are loud and push us out of trans spaces also lots of us hide being trans like when i get all my surgerys i will hide being trans and never talk about it
What I'm saying that the disribution is roughly 25% straight, bi, gay each. How is that? In straight people it's like one percent
This is the reason. There is little benefit to announce that you're trans if you're straight and therefore will almost exclusively date cis people

Where as birds of a feather flock together and transbians and gaydens under the age of 40 are almost all exclusively t4t
And what benefit is there to announce that you are trans if you are homosexual? Do lesbians jump at me when they learn that I am trans? Also T4T is mostly out of lack of other pptions. Trans lesbians get like 0,33% of the population, trans gay men nearly nobody because not only are gay men even more rare, almost none of them want trans men. It's like > 1% times 1%
People who are openly trannies have already committed to being fruity, coming out as bisexuality too is no big deal, Down low cis gays exist but there's no such thing as a down low tranny
Entitlement to women’s spaces.
What does that have to do with anything? Especially trans men?
AGP transbian rapebeast headcanon revisionism
this is all held up by studies btw
for FTMs, a lot of them tend to be gay more because of fujoshi impulses, daddy issues, or having already been a tomboy + conditioned to be into men socially so it "just makes sense" even if they're really more bi - additionally, dating cis women who are straight when you dont have a dick poses issues, and in general a dick somewhere in the mix makes things easier when it comes to sex
for MTFs, a lot of it tends towards once again, being conditioned to like women socially from birth, himedanshi impulses, but then also a lot of internalized homophobia/misandry or trauma related to men where they may want, in fact, NEED a more 'male' partner, but are terrified of or just hate men due to preconceived biases - worth noting most girls who go transbian are t4t only because a whole mix of reasons, but ultimately the core factor is just that it's 'safe', it's something they get and theres an inner belief that only other trans girls can understand them or empathize properly - which is compounded on if they hate/fear men

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