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not the fucking passion flower lady again, someone has to end her madness
Why did you call her “lady” instead of “girl” or “woman”?
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>what kind of internal growths she decides to create
Bitches really be plantin dey roses in dey pussies?
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TERF or /r/transpassing-sorted-by-controversial?
does she have fucking fungus in her pussy?
Let’s stop putting trans pussy down and pretending cis pussy is perfect. Cis pussy is in no way perfect. It’s disgusting
Dick is superior in every single way
i think this woman just cured my bottom dysphoria
>le god made us perfect
there goes the entire argument, christcuck nutjobs arent to be taken serious
I've fucked plenty of "good" pussies and at the end of the day I've always preferred cock
Are people really falling for this bait or are you just pretending
bait? what do you mean?
None of you faggots are fathers so you can't possibly understand what a parent goes through when his or her kid falls down this rabbit hole.
Every decent parent's greatest wish is for their children to have a fulfilling life and pass their genes down due to the biological imperative. Nothing screams "failed life" like trooning out. I'd rather have my kid die than go through that.
>i want my child to be happy
>noo not like this
>i also need you to shit out children because my egostical wish to be grandparent is more important than you
if you consider this decent parents then your lost
>if you consider this decent parents then your lost
I do. A decent parent would not condone self-dustructive choices.
Who said anything about happiness? I said successful. Happiness is most certainly not a sustainable condition, it's just made of fleeting moments. Is it worth to temporarily feel happy after trooning out, only to have reality set in when you realize the long-term consequences?
You like data and science don't you? Then take a look at the stats and see what usually happens, starting from the well-known 42% chance of suicide.

I also find chiling how a child shuts down any sort of empathy towards his or her OWN PARENTS and chooses to transition without considering the effects it has on people who love him/her. Do you consider that a decent child?
>Happiness is most certainly not a sustainable condition
I'm sorry
And for the record I am bi and my parents don't approve of that, but still love me in every other way. They didn't kick me out of home or anything like that, they simply voiced their opinions and are concerned about me ending up as a lonely, ill faggot. And you know what? I agreed with that mindset BEFORE I told them about my sexuality.
Parents aren't supposed to agree with you on everything, they're supposed to guide you towards the most optimal choices. Your idea of love is based on unconditional approval, but that's not how parents-children love works.
Let me be clear about that: a parent who "supports" their child trooning out DOES NOT LOVE THEM.
Feel sorry for every single soul on earth then because that's just how it is.
Enjoy your fleeting moments of happiness but don't let feelz blind you on more practical matters.
If you think happiness isn't sustainable then you're depressed. It's that simple. Transition isn't some way to gain a fleeting happiness, transition is a step some people need to take to find their complete happiness. If you reject any of that then you're lost.
a decent parent would want you to be happy, try to understand your point and support you no matter what, anything else is egoistical and forcing their will over yours.

>You like data and science don't you? Then take a look at the stats and see what usually happens, starting from the well-known 42% chance of suicide.
and forcing yourself not to transition gives you a life of unhappiness and also suicide. they wont magically not sui because people guitl tripped them into not transing.

>Do you consider that a decent child?
its not an empathy thing, its pure guilt tripping if you demand me to carter my own body and wishes to your feelings. its my body and my choice just because you made me doesnt mean you own me, i dont tell my family how to treat their body either, its their body their choice and i respect what they do with it.

> they're supposed to guide you towards the most optimal choices.
how would they know the optical choices? parents are just normal people not necessary super intelligent or know me somehow better than i know myself. they have the same prejudice and views like any other person, their not gonna be able to guide me to wards objectively optimal choices.

my mom for example is an alcoholic, chronic liar and poor, why would i take life advice from her to guide me to "otpimal choices?" you dont ask a hobo about financial advice or take cooking lessons from someone who cant cook and burns their food
You have no idea what you're talking about. No matter how seemingly perfect your life is, you WILL experience loss, death, disease, accidents, bureucratic shit, injustice and all the negative aspects of life EVERYONE goes through. Call it depression if you want, and that too is transient just like happiness. Transitioning won't give you eternal happiness, at best it will give you some sort of high in the short-term, until reality hits you in the face full-force and realize the mistake you made.
Pursuiting happiness is a foolish's errand. Pursuit success, and enjoy whatever fleeint moments of happiness life gives you meanwhile.
And seriously? Your grandiose plan about tranisioning is all about "happiness"? I always knew you troons are awful at long-term planning, but at least I expected a better thought-out plan if that involves self-mutilation. Disappointing, but not surprising.
That's called bi privilege. Not everyone is capable of choosing their own sexuality and make it work with their life goals.
>I always knew you troons are awful at long-term planning
That's because transgenderism is being pushed on the portion of the population (minors) who have yet to develop long-term planning skills. It's deliberate.
Why do I keep seeing her here? Is she like our new favorite lolcow? She seems kinda schizo in a lulzy way so I'm on board desu
>No matter how seemingly perfect your life is, you WILL experience loss, death, disease, accidents, bureucratic shit, injustice and all the negative aspects of life EVERYONE goes through.
These sound more like the fleeting moments to me tbdesu. And lot of people are happy in spite of these circumstances, though it might depend on how severe.
>Transitioning won't give you eternal happiness
When did I say it did.
>until reality hits you in the face full-force and realize the mistake you made.
You so desperately want this to be true, but it never will be. At least, not for most.
>Pursuiting happiness is a foolish's errand.
If to be happy is to be a fool then what does it mean to be smart?
>Pursuit success
For what? Clearly not happiness. To satiate a narcissistic drive for the top? Why?
>And seriously? Your grandiose plan about tranisioning is all about "happiness"?
It's about self-fulfilment, which leads to happiness.
If I had kids, I would wish that they were CIS just so that they don’t have to struggle with their existence, but if they turned out trans, what good it would do to burn bridges with them? You can’t really say that you’re doing it for the wellbeing of your children if you go all
>oh you’re trans, well, you’re dead to me now, fuck off
what a sicko
I also find chiling how a child shuts down any sort of empathy towards his or her OWN PARENTS and chooses to not become an oboe-playing lawyer with ten kids, without considering the effects it has on people who love him/her.
Calling it rn
She’s a tranny larping as a terf because she’s bitter
She is based as fuck
My gfs puss smells like a different snack depending on her cycle. I can’t beat that
No you piece of shit. If you are not willing to love your child unconditionally, do not shit out kids. Bastard. Piece of shit. Filthy disgusting scum of the earth. I would cut your dick and balls and gouge your eyes
Exactly! Shitting out children is the stupidest thing in the world
>Those chubby cheeks
>Plus sized
>Those glasses
>Giga lesbo TERF vibes
Imagine my shock lol. Throw her to the giga hons with an addiction to cross dressing. I hope they kick her ass in any sport she plays.

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