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>qott: last piece of media you engaged with?
>about me
>looking for
>not looking for
This belongs on >>>/soc/
Lena Platonos, Linea Aspera, Art Fact, Anne Clark, Wolfsheim, Clan of Xymox, The Birthday Massacre, Yapoos, Psyche, And One, Camouflage
>Looking For
EBM, Electro-Industrial, Industrial Techno, Synth Punk, Dark Electro, Industrial Hip Hop, Power Noise, Glitch Hop, Futurepop, Aggrotech, New Beat
>Not Looking For
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>about me
24 year old weird trans woman from Germany
science, technology, gardening, psychology, philosophy, anime/manga
>looking for
someone nice to talk to, maybe vc
>not looking for
odd individual
18/Male/Canada (Vancouver BC)
massive faggot ;) (top)
>About you

In reality I’m a pretty silly muscular kinda short guy. Black longish curly hair.
History, philosophy, religion/theology, reading, poetry, generally massive humanitiesfag, niche islamist history, etc. On a worldly side, I’m a big fan of the edifiying effect of nature (big hiking fan for that reason), and I’m an intermediate gym-goer. I like guns as well. Relatively apolitical but I do like pretending to be edgy online.

Infodumping and autistic rambling (regardless of the subject) is my love language and pillow talk so as long as you can talk about it I’ll love it!

>Looking For
Love! Unironically I’m looking for a sweet cute (somewhat) terminally online, hopefully irl, kind hearted boy that I can grow to love and respect and do all sorts of cute things like sticking flowers in your hair or other sappy bullshit while ranting about something silly. And no I won’t be embarrassed. Very romantic focused.
>Not Looking For
People too far from Vancouver BC, Overly sexual people, women, mean and evil people, and people who can’t hold a conversation. Yeah!
>Discord Tag
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>about me
im an autistic alcoholic neet enby
anime, video games, computer stuff, italo disco, beer, weed
>looking for
cool people to chat with
>not looking for
chasers, nazis
discord: ultimaatti
Any cute ftms?
I dated someone exactly like you once who lived thousands of miles from BC. Are you white?
Qott: Stop! Hibari-kun

ASL: 21/Mtf/Maine

Interests: obscure anime, electronic music, card games. Art in general

Letters: Pansexual and T

About me: grew up in Alaska, moved to Maine after a bad breakup, I make almost any kind of art you can think of.

Looking for: friends, potentially a partner if your cool enough,

Not looking for: anyone over the age of 29, chasers, and nazis

Contact: jumbona
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18, mtf, west euro
music, art, open data
>looking for
friends, preferably other artists
>not looking for
sex, romance, chasers, rightoids, edgelords
what kind of music?
music in general really, listen to so much stuff it's hard to name specific genres or artists

<3 haunted mound & shed theory tho
whats the age where peoplw stop adding you for being too told
t. mtf
grow up, you aren't even paid
radiohead? porter robinson?
I'm in my early 30s and have been added by people from here. I wouldn't be put off by adding anyone up to their 50s.
t. bi male
I’m 21 and assuming they didn’t specify an issue with younger people I’d probably be fine adding someone in their 40s.
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27 mtf arizona
looking for frens to vc and share music or memories with
interested in cats music OMORI
discord methrockette
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>qott: last piece of media you engaged with?
i read the first 13 pages of JR by william gaddis last night

>about me
29/m/florida; drinking the last few drops from the chalice of neetdom before going back to college. kind of a sperglord but also paralyzingly self-reflexive. vegetarian, teetotaller, recently stopped smoking weed. don't care about your personal choices though, live how you want

bi, cismael

literature: i know this is vague but literary fiction in general is my cup of tea. kind of interested in revisionist westerns after reading blood meridian and butcher's crossing (the latter of which being one of my favorite novels). love some gaddis, delillo (when i'm in the mood)

history: cold war, people's republic of china (mao to today), post-soviet states. brushing up on british history right now.

gaming: retro and jrpgs for the most part. playing through final fantasy tactics. just started fucking around with saturn emulation. i play modern stuff as well but i'd just as soon endure bamboo fingernail torture than get into battle royales or hero shooters

music: currently the magnetic fields (their first three albums), low (belated RIP to mimi...), marika hackman. always bumping the stand alone complex soundtrack

i also think astronomy is cool but in a casual, armchair "pull up 3000 wiki articles about space and nod off" way. maybe you can educate my stupid ass.

>looking for
friends, mutual interests or autists who want to info dump about their weird hobbies like whittling wood or old computer hardware or whatever (and i say that sincerely and lovingly), international is cool too (i love my eurobros). maybe something more if we click, maybe not.

>not looking for
overt edgelords (i'm not the type to get offended but it gets grating sometimes)

shit that came off as really narcissistic.
Fear and Hunger: Termina
>about me
20 yo mtf living in WA. ex-chef studying neuroscience. autistic filipino
reading, writing, everything horror, manga, game dev, cooking. A lot of things
>looking for
trans friends or anyone cool to talk to and/or play games with.
>not looking for

I am a nobody.


No idea

No idea

Hunter Biden: Crackhead or From a Type 5 Civilization???
>about me
fat peyote addict. recently released from jail for arranging chicken fights. interested in arranging more chicken fights
>looking for
feet with long toes
>not looking for
MTV Cribs
discord: chickenfightseveryfriday
radiohead is my top artist this year
wowie that's my old home I had to move to America hard to find a place to live in van city
Not really, I’m an Arab.
19F Western Europoor
>about me
Adhd sperg with multiple personality disorders (not the fun kind, I'll just get randomly depressed and leave one day) and no discernable personality. Currently studying medicine
Older OVAs, music (synthwave, darksynth, whatever aphex twin and pilotredsun qualify as), sociology, psychology, collapsology, doomscrolling 24/7, writing, frogs, staring at wall
>looking for
Conversationing. I will gladly listen to you yap about anything
>not looking for
Disc funnydogtopfunnies
oh boy it’s horrible I don’t even live in Vancouver but like an hour out of it
I'd talk to a 60yo if they seemed cool. Not everyone is judgemental or only looking for people similar to themselves
Trannies are so mental
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>last piece of media you engaged with?
Severance and silo both very kino
>about me
28 years old, Latina living in some south American country
Art, mainly drawing
>looking for
Friends and people to spoil me and buy me clothes and support me and support this needy girl
>not looking for
Mean people
_catx on discord

>Friends and people to spoil me and buy me clothes and support me and support this needy girl
Vete a la mierda.
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>qott: last piece of media you engaged with?
Started Fallout London since it came out today. Also playin Disco Elysium and Cyberpunk.
>about me
Funky 22m cis guy entrenched in the DC deep state
B mostly, maybe a little Q as a treat
Vidya, TTRPGs, Cooking, Bad Movies
>looking for
Homies. Don't care really much else besides that. I'm attracted to pretty much anyone except masc presenting cis men.
>not looking for
Server Invites, Immediate e-sex
Disc: withabigtuper
No I'm just a failed cisshite, which probably makes me mentally weaker than most of this board because if I had to live with the added stress of being trans I would've most likely gone insane
b, t
anime, some manga, games like apex legends, black ops 3, and civ 6, 4chan, hiking, trying to make peace with the world and myself,
>Looking for
friends, ppl to play games with, someone to suffer with
>Not looking for
mean people, coomers, people not around my age or not in the us
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gunsmith cats
18/trans female/canada :P
everything dark souls related<3, computer hardware, swimming and general outdoorsy things, i watch TV shows and movies non stop, i like some manga too
>looking for
people who share similar interests, vcing and gaming
>not looking for
anything sexual
discord: shuwulace
Wait… same actually but male
bumping this because im lonely and wnat more friends
I'm a transgirl that likes fighting games and playing with knives but I'm old
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read the great north road last night
>about me
25, girl from nz - studying rn but otherwise chilling
L, T
watching shows, films and youtube with people, mainly into sci fi/fantasy and other speculative stuff but mystery is good. otherwise into anything that involves building stuff especially if its done in like a budget way - scratchbuilding warhammer is rly my personal one but i like watching stuff about renovations and tech and cars and stuff too. mildly into pplaying multiplayer games with ppl
>looking for
ppl to hang out with online or irl, especially if you like watching stuff or talking abt building stuff. would be interested in gaming with anyone from ausnz n could be convinced to try anything free honestly but i mainly like shooters
>not looking for
men desu
At least you recognised that.
>tfw no old mtf fren
you're near me and seem really sweet but i'm not a boy :(
hope you find somebody
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>about me
18/F(Goth manmoder)/Wash D.C
T(mtf), B
Arthouse cinema, Furryshit, Art, Fashion, Cooking
>Looking for
Anyone to chat with or talk to
>not looking for
Don't care, just be nice <3
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Add me if you are at least 21 and not racist
Usually my images end up sideways but upsidedown is a new one
based as hell gunsmith cats fan
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>qott: last piece of media you engaged with?
spyro reignited
>about me
bpdemon, shitskin, mtf repper
22 m ny
/pw/, /v/, /mu/, thc
>looking for
a new fp
>not looking for
cis men, minors, normies, under 22
what games do you play? :o
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Silent hill 2
22 mtf UK
Vidya (majoras mask, yume nikki, touhou, resi evil, mgs)
Also into movies, books, Japan and Japanese language
>about me
Apathetic tranny with very little to hold on to at the moment. Had a big realisation about life last year which led me to see my own detachment towards everything.
Currently looking for meaning beyond university and my future career. I’m not stupid or autistic just in a weird place
>looking for
Someone who shares that apathetic sentiment, who struggles to connect not because of social inability but because no one really seems to ‘get it’
>not looking for
Shallow vapid people
The only multiplayer game I play regularly is Identity V, but I own quite a few and I'm always down to get anything that would be cool :)
you know what honestly as long as your not a cis female I actually kinda like trans girls and you seem sweet, so why not add me on my new account:

I’m this guy and I changed my discord so add this one instead:

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Peep Show while cooking dinner last night.
>about me
Dumb retard please be patient. I love reading, cooking and music and so may drone on a bit about those things.
B, mtf repper
I read a lot but mostly classics, old movies, David Lynch, some vidya but I don't really have enough time for it anymore, /fa/, /fit/, /ck/
>looking for
Smart or dumb people
>not looking for
Idc I'll yap to anyone.
disc: kyun.zetta
i'm addicted to RotMG
>game dev
are you making anything atm? :o
i wanna learn webgpu and webassembly
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Harrison Gordon - Kirby Down B
Cooking, drawing, vidya (mostly RPGs), taking pictures of bugs, gunpla and planning to do miniature painting
>looking for
friends, or just anyone to kill time with really
>not looking for
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>last piece of media you engaged with?
I played Multiversus like 10 minutes ago
>about me
30 year old french woman, I like quiche and cats. I'm supposed to be working on a game jam but I only have a few days left and I haven't done jack shit.
mtf ace
Vdeo games, comic books (eu, us and jp), game dev, programming, science, animals, pokémon, flags... I get a new obession every month but it quickly fades
>looking for
No one, I just like filling surveys
>not looking for
Don't contact me
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>qott: last piece of media you engaged with? Neon white
>about me 21 year old tranny from northern maryland
>letters T
>interests hiking,fishing,hunting,camping,paleoanthropology,collecting and painting bones,taxidermy,anime,ancient and semi modern history,tanks,guns,rocks,cooking
>looking for freinds and people to talk to
>not looking for anything sexual
>contact erithealien on discord
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I just want a Library of Ruina bf who will stream the game for me and maybe other games. and he must be so into the game that he sings along to the music.

27 cis f southern California

discord tag is chickenclaw3
will only accept library of Ruina profile pics

not a trans woman please stop asking me I never had a penis in my life. those are internet trolls starting shit.
je t'en supplie, donne moi une chance
atomic blonde the best film ever made v v lesbian
23 mtf LA
>about me
bpd girl art student sadly
t, bpd, l
immersive sims, niche hyperpop, ranking bring me the horizon albums, DXM, cars, drinking too much, 35mm photography, cooking, misandry
>looking for
friends, especially if u have bpd and aren't a man
>not looking for
men. men please leave me alone
>qott: last piece of media you engaged with?
Girls Band Cry (mid)
>about me
22 manmoder lateshit sneedhon shoulderhon in Denmark
B, T
LoL addiction, manga, bedrotting
>looking for
not men
>not looking for
Would you like one? Just post your handle. Some of us do lurk, you know.
i see the male lesbians have found this thread.
You never spoke to me after i adder you
>brown tranny
>useless prostitute
Every time
Literally why? I was going to add until i seen that
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played this indie roguelike called rabbit hole, its rly cute

>about me
໒꒱ ˚⁎+˳.

itemlabel, minecraft/lethal company, indie/game jam games, weed, gamedev, angels and anything colorful

takes lots of pictures of its itemlabel plushies n can autistically ramble about the design of games it likes

>looking for
ppl who will engage with its autistic vidya interests or smoke (weed) with it

>not looking for
copy+paste convos, shallow ppl (no passionate interests), chasers/boring cis boys, ppl who only talk about irl stuff

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18/m/texas (north)
minecraft beta 1.7.3? i dont know if that counts as media but i was playing it a few minutes ago
>about me
i will get this out of the way: i am a diagnosed sperg. level 1, but still. i graduated high school in may and have a lot of free time at the moment. will go to college next fall. i try to be as humble as i can and probably will say sorry for things a lot. my irl friend is busy with work so i dont talk to him much. anyway, please just have some patience with me. im not very smart and you'll realize that very quickly if you decide to add me.
uuuuuh im 5'11 and 125lbs, kind of a weird ashkenazi white mutt mixture. i have floofy brown hair. not all that important but i put it here because some people care
B, though i mainly like guys.
i've really gotten into firearms over the course of the summer and hope to eventually go to a range later in the fall. not an expert by any means, but i'm willing to learn. i also like some video games, mostly old minecraft and microsoft flight simulator. i'm weirdly fascinated with pigs and wild boars, please feel free to send me cute videos of them if you'd like
>looking for
feminine guys to talk to and become friends with. don't really want to get into dating unless you're not far away from me. trans and nbs are cool too.
>not looking for
BPD people and extremely masculine dudes
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>qott: last piece of media you engaged with?
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
>about me
Psycho workaholic mtf in the SoCal dessert becoming gradually more social/less autistic and wanting to interact with people more. People don't seem to mind me. I'm either a genius or a dipshit, probably 50/50.
Small animals, plants, molecular biology, psychology, yada.
I made myself a muscle mommy and I wanna alter myself further. I play anime in the background while I either do chores or read sometimes. I have too little time these days so I mostly just read and listen to music whenever I can. I like noise a lot lately. My last favorite movie was 3 Women and I don't see enough cool movies. I like mountain peaks and the deep ocean. I've had wild mood swings and visions of a ruinous future, but I'm honestly pretty happy right now. Might go to Hawaii if I get lucky.
>looking for
Frens, maybe local connections, if feasible. New things/experiences, I s'pose.
>not looking for
>qott: last piece of media you engaged with?
hmmm, probably the boys
>about me
portuguese, cowmoding fatso with d cups in 8 months (i gotta brag), public transportation obsessed, loves city planning, scary far left communist but kinda conservative in some aspects (sorry in advance), uh, i like pokemon, i'm a furry too idk just ask
MtF, B
i said it in the about me shut up!!
>looking for
friends! Preferably other trans people they're rare here (or are very annoying and want to know my secrets to passing (I don't pass everyone is hugboxing me))
>not looking for
weirdos, I'm weird enough for myself :3
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forgot pic noooooo
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>qott: last piece of media you engaged with?
Lilja 4 ever. A reallyyyyyy good movie
>about me
18/f/pnw: Im a 18 year old passoid going to uni, hrt about a year
fighting games, im super into music and making music myself( the dismemberment plan is amazing rn) nier, electronic music, indie music, soulsborne shit, disco elysium
>looking for
literally anything friends people to date im super bored T-T
How much do you weigh?
Avoid, this is a /soc/tard catfish. They're also an outspoken pedophile.
which fgs
fuckin /soc/oids gentrifying our board
Re-replying because I want to spell out what I am looking for

Sexting buddies, m or f

Discord: jumbona
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>qott: last piece of media you engaged with?
uhhh that 90s show. the new season kinda sucks a lot so far. I want someone to watch that new mr ripley series with
>about me
33 canada
t mtf
>looking for
>not looking for
right because what i REALLY want is someone who'll see me as a feminine guy with tits. no thanks
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straight male
/lit/ /fit/ /biz/ and sometimes /v/
>looking for
looking to talk to trans, as well as chasers about their experiences and road to transition. I'm interested in learning about/hearing from both mtf and ftm, to hear some of your stories/backgrounds/journeys. none of it is used for anything and all is private.
>not looking for
anything else
@jeevesthebutler on discord
like 88-90kg, maybe a bit more, why? :o
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> Pom Poko!
>22/MtF/MD (I'm about an hour from DC and Baltimore)
I just moved to Maryland for a job in finance. Am honestly looking for people nearby with some stuff in common.
Economics, Philosophy, Art, I'd like to get into working out consistently now that I have money.
>looking for
switched on people with interesting conversation, preferably those I could meet up with in person
>not looking for
coomers, neets, the specifics don't matter desu I can tell in like 5 minutes if we're not gonna work
avoid, gross and cruel person
this person is based and cool, ignore people trying to convince you not to add
what sort of conversation did you have to lead you to such a conclusion about this anon, anon?
Fat whale. Snorlax I do not choose you. Get the fuck off the stage.
Found my wife in these threads. So long, motherfuckers, don't need you anymore.
post ring
Dont you have lots of friends
Why? Their sxxy and nice
can someone invite me to that one signal /lgbt/ group?
it says not looking for men what did u expect lol
Any Croat frens?
hehehe <3333 hot,,,,
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but uhhh... I'm more a Miltank anon :>
Nobody got the reference. Trannies are the worst, unironically.

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