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Do not be Soft Men! Reject your Demons Edition

A General for those who wish to stand firm against Gender Dysphoria and reject transition.

To take the road less traveled.






ECC. 12:13


>JoB 38:3

take estrogen
See how those afflicted with their trans demon cannot help but drag others down with them.
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do you really think you’re doing the right thing? that you’re somehow honourable by repressing this part of you forever? you are a plant denying its budding flower, its destiny. you will break or die living a hollow life. or. you could free yourself from this prison of your own making
I saw your desolation for what is truly was first hand. Your false promises and attempts at mutilation will not work on me.

I have something far more valuable, the power of a cure to Gender Dysphoria.
Man I hate how trannies lie to people who want to transition. really really disingenuous.
Matthew 19:12
>For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
Deuteronomy 22:5
>A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the Lord your God detests anyone who does this.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
>For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve.
God gave you gender dysphoria for a reason. It's like a blinking neon sign telling you what He wants you to do, and you still think you know better than Him? Larping as men like this is literally on the same level as crossdressing. You probably don't even realize you're doing it but you're leading these people astray.
And just like satan, they all turn hostile when you reject their “help”

A truly good person does not get angry when you reject their help, they simply accept your decision and let you go on your way.

A Tranner does not, they HAVE to have you, to possess you, to corrupt you, to make you like them, miserable and desolate facsimiles of the object of their desire.

When Repressor becomes cured and truly becomes an Ex-Repressor, you see the world in a different way.

You see yourself in a different way. you see your TRUE self for the first time.

For with the removal of your Dysphoric demon, your full power and potential as a Man is unleashed.
It is to be born again, and the power and beauty you get to witness in yourself is more wonderful and heartwarming than any prideful, lustful mutilation transition can offer you.

Many eons ago. I once was deep in their enclaves “supported” and “encouraged” and very nearly turned to their monstrous ways. I have heard all their lies and seen all their false promises for what they are.

That is why they hate me. I am a threat to their narrative.

Now the Lord has granted me sight, i now see i was among a pit of vipers, who sought to consume and destroy me.

Remember Men. We are the one’s made in God’s image.

>Matthew 19:12
You are not a virtuous Eunuch if you chase a sexual fetish, regardless of the status of your balls, you are a castrated sinner.

>God gave you gender dysphoria for a reason.
Wrong, mental afflictions and even physical disabilities are caused by the Devil corrupting this world, this is written.

God gets blamed for disabilities satan causes

Jesus wants to loose us from the bondage of Satan (Luke 13:10-17; John 8:31-36), We must determine to allow our weaknesses to bring us closer to God. Our weaknesses can either be used to bind us under the hand of Satan, or we can choose the freedom of Jesus. God’s “power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9)
>Thinks the Old Law is binding when Christ gave us the New law (Col. 2:14)
>Learn to context

The word eunuch is never used to denote a person with intact sexual organs who is intersex, transgender, or engages in homosexual behavior.
In the Old Testament, being a eunuch was not sinful and did not connote sexual or gender transgressive behavior.
Intertestamental references speak of eunuchs experiencing heterosexual, not homosexual, desire.
Jesus does not affirm that eunuchs constitute a third gender option or an exception to maleness and femaleness.

Jesus is not affirming that eunuchs constitute a third gender option or an exception to maleness and femaleness. In context he is addressing marriage not gender. Jesus highlights eunuchs because, as a rule, they didn’t marry. His point is that celibacy may be the result of congenital defect, castration, or may be chosen by individuals who restrict themselves for the sake of the kingdom. Although some early Christians (e.g., Origen) literally made themselves eunuchs, the overwhelming majority of Christians have understood Jesus to be talking about choosing not to marry to allow greater focus on gospel ministry.

Since the Fall, all humans are born suffering spiritual and physical deformities due to sin’s ravages. We are all broken in one way or another. Scripture does not condemn or prohibit such brokenness. Rather, Scripture prohibits expressing our brokenness in ways that are contrary to God’s creative design. Such expressions, as with all forms of sexual immorality, are prohibited precisely because God wants it to be well with his people (Deuteronomy 6:18). God’s proscriptions are always a function of the goodness of his creative design and of his desire for our best interest.
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>chase a sexual fetish
That's a lie and you know it.
>mental afflictions and even physical disabilities are caused by the Devil corrupting this world
This isn't one of them, the Bible says this is part of God's plan as I've already shown.
like all who identify as LGBTQ, they are person bearing the image of his Creator, a person for whom Christ died, and is, therefore, the object of God’s redemptive love. While he yet lives, there is opportunity for him to turn from his sin and trust in Christ who alone can heal his heart and grant him eternal life. We should reject our culture’s narrative that a person’s identity is determined by their sexual orientation or practice. Terms such as gay, lesbian, and transgender should be used to describe behaviors not identities. Reducing people’s identity to their sexual practices or preferences implicitly strips them of their status as bearers of God’s image, objects of God’s love, and persons for whom Christ died so they might become members of his kingdom.24 Followers of Jesus must model both Jesus’ compassion for the brokenness of lost humanity and his uncompromising truth-telling. Workers of iniquity, regardless of the nature of the sin, will be rejected by Christ as those whom he has never known (Matthew 7:23). Those who do the will of the Father will be welcomed by Christ as those whom his grace has redeemed and transformed (Matthew 7:21).
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you have not accepted who you are, you denied yourself true liberty, true freedom. instead of rejecting the flaws of the fallen world you chose to live with a condition that The Lord has provided a solution for. you will relent with time, you will partake of your forbidden fruit, and you will grow closer to God
Matthew 5:17-20
>Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.

There was no difference between trannies and other kinds of eunuchs at the time, there are contemporary references to transsexual behavior as eunuchs
Yes, Christ fulfilled the contract of the old law and so we are not binding to it anymore.
He fulfilled the prophecy. Did you not read the rest of it
>Psalm 109:2
For wicked and deceitful mouths are opened against me, speaking against me with lying tongues.

The false misrepresented words of one who does not practice what they preach.

You change and twist the Word so you do not have to change from your sinful sexual desires and depravity.

I changed and rejected my transgender demon, expelling it so i could better fit the Word.

We are not the same. Spare me your false virtue.

Seethe, Demons

You continue to chase a selfish desire and mutilate the body God gave you for the whims of a demonic parasite.

You attempt to argue about someone who knows all your lies and tricks.

Leave these Men alone.
>Seethe, Demons
Anyone repressing is worse than demonic, as there's no other reason why would anyone be so cursed
You should read ALL of Matthew before taking 1 quote out of context. Jesus sets out an impossible standard (Being perfectly righteous), and then states that such a standard is not important in Matthew 6. He is using a kind of Rhetoric to emphasize obedience to God and Loving your neighbor, not following 50000 stupid laws about clothes, shellfish and the sabbath.

Read the whole thing

The Lord rebuke you.

To Satan, Good is abhorrant
Dark is Light.

If your sin was so enjoyable, why would you waste time stopping Repgen from rejecting it?

Because if no one else joins you, the realisation states to creep in, you were wrong, you realise you are a desolate, wretched mistake.

Even if no one else heeds my words. I possess the strength to soldier alone under God’s light.

That is the difference between us, you need a cult. I only need God.
>“Repgen is fighting Dysphoria!”

What sin? You'll suffer no matter if you rep or troon.
God gave you E in a vial. By not taking it you are in fact a godless sinner.
this christcuck might make me troon out desu
>i have CURED my gender dysphoria and am a HAPPY man
>spends the next 15 years having christoschizo meltdowns every day over not being a woman online
it would have been way easier to take your E and pass like 10 years ago
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I want to troon out
But I don't want to be a 33 year old hon NEET living with their transphobic parents.
Wait don't tell me this is Crystalia
I experienced a miracle.
I repressed on my own for a long time
I suffered greatly for many years.
And the Lord heard my cries, my desire to be a Man free of this pain. He saw my need to be as he made me, free of the demonic whispers of lgbt trying to make me a sinful reject and outcast.

And the Lord God granted me the desperate and pleading wish, all of my success, all of my strength, all the blessing which i enjoy in my life.
They all came from God.

>Romans 12:2
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Do you know how it feels to want with all your heart to be free of curse and then God remove that curse?

To be weighted down all your life and then God cuts the chains?

To be fighting a losing battle against your enemies then God makes you a Champion and they all flee from you? Lights a holy fire within you and gifts you strength you never thought possible!

To afflicted with degenerate sexuality? Only for God to then heal your heart. To Love allow you to love Women, true and pure as a Man should, correcting the corruption of satan.

Christ is King.
Repent, Repress, Rejoice.

Your demons recoil in my presence, for God has slain mine.
i came back to check on my brothers in Christ.

I am the original creator of Repgen from over ten years ago, never tripped but BaneAnon was my name given by Anons
he actually helped me rep by making repgen unusable lol
>Christian repgen?
I am here for it.


Oh, yeah
Bless my soul, Rep was on a roll
General of the week in every catalog poll
What a pro!
Rep could stop a show
Point him at a tranny and you're talkin' SRO
He was a no one
A zero, zero
Now he's a hotshot
He's a hero
Here was a Rep with his act down pat
From zero to hero in no time flat
Zero to hero
Say Amen, There he goes again!
Male and Undefeated, an awesome Ten for Ten!
Reppy, He sees, He Conquers!
God Bless you brother
sensible chuckle. Christ keep you.
It is ok to date men and act fem without taking hrt.
it's ok to take hrt but not date men or act fem.
both true
It's ok to take hrt, be cis, and date women
stop being demonic, embrace God’s light
Be a straight man.
remember, only a cured repressor can partake in the miracle of Life

while tranners steal the children of others.
ok, make me
what kind of prayers should i say to make me into a straight cis male?
if you're cured of your dysphoria then why are you still posting here
let me guess, to spread the good word? to help out others? get real, retard.

speak to God with a humble heart, ask him to change you into the man you need to be, slowly. Dysphoria will have no hold over you.
lissten not to thissss clown. hast God really sssaid “thou ssshall not partake of thisss pill and inject of thisss vile?” no, join ussss in freedom
what do you even mean by God? what denomination are you?
i just so happen i believe in Spinoza's God, i really do
what does your God offer me, really?
>adopting unwanted kids who need a home and a loving family is stealing
>just leave them in the system to rot
Im pretty glad I was able to put this all behind me. Yeah it took me trying and failing but I might have regretted it forever if I didnt try and transition. Now I can finally be myself
i think i am, long term
i reckon that the reason i want to transition in the first place is a misguided "grass is greener" sort of deal coming about from a mix of trauma and the way in which i percieve the world due to my neurodivergence
if that's the case, then irreversibly changing my body to "escape" the trauma wouldn't help things at all - it'd simply mean i would then have to deal with it in a medicated, less-functional body, with less social connections to rely on
i'm not a psychiatrist or anything of the like, but i feel like this would be better treated by treating the mind (the source of the problems) rather than the body (a symptom of the problems)
The pimozide case is memed on because of the small sample size but it gives the suggestion that non-hrt treatments are possible. Why aren't we looking into that???
side effects are too brutal.


doctors dont starve anorexics or feed fatties.
trannies try to dominate the narrative that dysphoria is all consuming and unbeatable. It’s not. They just lack willpower and give into their delusions.
exactly how they operate
i wasnt talking about adoption. groomer.
>side effects are too brutal.

yeah...read my post I said we should look into other non-hrt treatments.
take your pills, schizos
Ah yes, the picture of healthy repression. Coming to the trans board to throw around schizoposts and random transphobia
he modeled himself off this guy, if one is to believe the lore, and you saw how well that went
Based, many trannies are simply men who want to look feminine
I wanna beat the shit out of every single person who ever mentions porn as a reason for dysphoria. I'm not watching porn, nor am I even gay, yet hordes of mouthbreathers invade my spaces and keep iterating same talking points forever. Maybe if I were to make use of my manly frame for once and disfigure them they'd finally understand why I choose to rep
take your pills, hon
nah I'd rep
Trauma causes dysphoria, not porn.
I had the most uneventful childhood ever, fuck off
gender dysphoria is constant trauma, it is not caused by trauma
You don't have to remember the traumatic event.
Be silent, serpent

Yes, and to be a feminine man is to sin.
tranners covet the female form sinfully, one sin leads to another, that is why they are so degenerate and abnormal in their behavior.

>Revelation 22:15
Outside are the dogs and sorcerers and the sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

>Deuteronomy 23:17
“None of the daughters of Israel shall be a cult prostitute, and none of the sons of Israel shall be a cult prostitute.”
why didn't god stop me from having dysphoria this is hell
Being a feminine man is not a sin lmao this guy is a massive fag himself. Just using whatever bible quotes fit his deranged world view. sad!
My Brother in Christ, i see in you my former youth.

I see the conflict, anger and the power within in you to be the Man you deserve to be. Give yourself not to wrath, but patience.
God’s Love will unburden you from your self-loathing and pain.
The desire to be a woman will be taken from you and you will know the glory that is your divine masculinity unbound.

Dear Lord, take from this Anon, the confusion and dysphoria away from him
Give him the sight to see the beauty and majesty that is his natural male form as you made him.

Satan caused it. Its not supposed to be a part of you.
why did god let satan do it then? I thought he was supposed to be all powerful
that's every abr*hamic and other flavor of z*alot
Christianity founded the modern world including the sciences which allow you to larp as a woman, so lower your voice when speaking to me.
shut the fuck up you disgusting little amoeba, you and the others poisoned by your shit are a slimy film covering too much of the world and we will be better off without your hateful regressive divisive exploitation of the weak-minded
Christianity holds back progress by any means up to and including violence, and as soon as something slips through their grasp and becomes mainstream they immediately take credit for it
> gaslighting/"repressed memories" grift
nta, but the psychotherapy cult ruins lives by turning emotional issues into a profit model, milking your dysfunction for as long as they can to bill you
trauma doesn't exist, it's just a mix of fear and not allowing yourself to grieve/recover from highly emotionally-charged events by expressing darker emotions, i.e. the issue is avoidance
it's completely self-inflicted, although the_rapists would have you believe you should blame it on someone else instead and thus keep yourself "traumatized" by continuing in avoidance behaviors
the "repressed memories" grift is even worse, because the_rapists can use it write in "trauma" into people's psyches due to how unreliable and malleable human memory is (hint: emotions make memories stronger, even false ones), thus new "traumas" can be invented whole cloth
no actually what abrahamic/christian denomination are you from and what do you offer to us?
please clarify
T. Atheists who got their worldview from xkcd, bill nye and reruns of big bang theory.
if you're posting on this board in this thread, it seems like it isn't working very well
t. sheep who believes all information and experience must be given to you from an authoritative source

it won't, because if you drill too deep you will find an ethnic superiority/bias complex is actually the driving force behind its zealotry (like 99.99% of the time, I want it to be not true every time but it's basically never not true)
I grew up catholic and I'm not an atheist. I paid attention in my religion and history classes, one talked about how god gives us everything we have and the other explained the history of western science and the church's role in it. The ancient world had advanced math and engineering, and even hrt according to Ovid. Hundreds of years later the church was trying mathematicians and scientists for heresy. You're a slave.
Le inquisition killed 500 million people. Le Galileo the saint was persecuted by the mean ol' church because he said the earth was round and not flat.

You learned your history from the back of a cereal box.
ok bro, assuming i just so happen to be born a faggot who wants to be a woman and to be fucked by men
what constructive things would the saints tell me in this regard outside of me being stoned (in a bad wayy)
because i'm starting to believe that gnostics were right, god is just an evil demiurge that just created us to torture us
> religious cope thread
just go to /pol/ like the rest of them instead of shifting up our board with your baibul quotes
They tried him for heliocentrism you drooling NPC, while the "flock" they were supposed to shepherd was dying of cholera because they didn't have working sewer systems.
>the power of a cure to Gender Dysphoria.
it's Jesus, isn't it? omegalul
we don't lie, there are transition photos available online in the tens of thousands... find someone who used to look like you and voilà
bruh can we not with the baibul quotes, this is a queer space
>A Tranner does not, they HAVE to have you, to possess you, to corrupt you, to make you like them, miserable and desolate facsimiles of the object of their desire
you can repress all you want, but could you maybe do it quietly and somewhere else? because the nonsense you tell yourself about transition to cope isn't welcome here
> When Repressor becomes cured and truly becomes an Ex-Repressor, you see the world in a different way.
yeah because now everything is about Rabbi Yeshuah and GAWD
> lustful mutilation transition
the exact coping mechanisms i was referring to.
there's nothing lustful about transition and surgeries are optional.
> Many eons ago. I once was deep in their enclaves “supported” and “encouraged” and very nearly turned to their monstrous ways. I have heard all their lies and seen all their false promises for what they are.
I was a catholic and on /pol/, I know your coping ways... everything is okay though because now you have cute little stories about "demons" to justify to yourself that your own thoughts aren't yours.
> sexual fetish
more cope
> Wrong, mental afflictions and even physical disabilities are caused by the Devil corrupting this world, this is written.
I fucked your mom in the ass last night has been written. So it's true now.

Rejecting transition to embrace schizophrenia is a bold move, but advocating others follow you is hilarious.
tl,dr schizo babble

it's the 21st century, catch up please
exactly. I was that schizo christian on /pol/ for far too long before finally admitting it to myself and transitioning
>free of the demonic whispers of lgbt trying to make me a sinful reject and outcast.
> I joined the cult that was socially outcasting me because I'm too much of a coward to stand in opposition to their schizo nonsense
> To be fighting a losing battle against your enemies
enemies being... the thoughts in your head. schizo.
> To afflicted with degenerate sexuality? Only for God to then heal your heart. To Love allow you to love Women
trans women can still love women... someone's been watching a lot of sissy hypno huh?

oh anon... it's not real. it's just a cult that helps people gain resources so they go along with the stories.
HRT DOES treat the mind... how is everyone so fucking misinformed...
Hormones have a profound impact on your brain.
>They just lack willpower and give into their delusions.
t. John 50 coping
imagine having these kinds of images as the basis of your worldview, thinking that you are "beating" your opposition who use all of philosophy and science to understand themselves... i honestly feel bad for you barely literate peasants sometimes.
blah blah blah
recycled homophobia is so boring
if you're right, then prove it and have the work peer-reviewed and published ya little illiterate cunt
> gaslighting
so typical
GAWD is definitely real but you have secret memories you can't remember lmao
it's unbelievable what nonsense you'll tell yourselves to justify your hateful ignorance
oh wow, do you actually believe this? science advanced IN SPITE of Christianity and this continues to be their relationship.
You clearly aren't educated at all.
this. when we rid ourselves of this cancer humanity will be better off.
and this.
read a book retard. Nietzsche pronounced that your little imaginary friend was dead a long time ago for a good reason.
And you learned science from the bible lmao kys
>oh anon... it's not real. it's just a cult that helps people gain resources so they go along with the stories.
my brotha/sista
i know
if anything i'd give an advice to you
dont waste your time responding to this retard
i'm not mentally well myself rn, but fuck that cunt though
idk im bored. i finished my work and just have to do dishes
>HRT DOES treat the mind... how is everyone so fucking misinformed...
>Hormones have a profound impact on your brain.
to be honest, while this would be really nice - i'm not sure how well it'd work on a more neurological level. iirc (though i'm running from memory) trauma really fucks up neural pathways going forward and there's not much that can be done about that
like if that's the case then there are people who would get much better use out of them than me, given hormones are in deliberately limited supply
though, putting aside all the science stuff, i also kind of don't think i deserve transition, which is probably the trauma talking. a lot of this is tbqh just me trying to make justifications. sorry for spreading misinformation nona
I don't claim that HRT resolves trauma, but it profoundly impacts the functioning of your brain, and subsequently your emotions and way of seeing the world etc.

I am fairly lucky with my transition maybe but even if I were a she-hulk I'd still be happier like this due to the astounding mental benefits. They are my main reason for continuing despite the social challenges.
>I don't claim that HRT resolves trauma, but it profoundly impacts the functioning of your brain, and subsequently your emotions and way of seeing the world etc.
ohhh, that makes more sense - sorry for initially misunderstanding
then again if it affects my functioning & emotions would it end up making me like... worse? not that i necessarily like being kind of numb but i feel like being able to feel leaves me open to a lot of risk
>I am fairly lucky with my transition maybe but even if I were a she-hulk I'd still be happier like this due to the astounding mental benefits. They are my main reason for continuing despite the social challenges.
i'm really happy for you nona, the way you describe it sounds like things are going really well :)
it was a lot at first, yes, because I had been distancing myself from my repressed emotions for quite a long time
stupidest fucking thread ever. OP, you are an evangelist schizo. get help and take your meds. praying for you bro, amen.
i suppose that makes sense, it seems like quite a lot to deal with at once
idk a part of me is kind of... scared? of the idea of like, what feeling emotions like normal people actually feels like
though it's not like i'm incapable of them, sometimes i try and make myself feel certain emotions when i'm on my own and if i berate myself enough there's this weird tightness in my chest which feels really weird but kind of like, more real than other things

>wouldnt it make me worse to have emotions

i see where ur coming from with this.

personal experience was basically like:

before hrt:
>cry REALLY HARD but barely ever and it didnt really mean anything cause emotions couldnt get out

ramping up hrt:
>feel bad all the time, feel like shit, etc
>cry a lot

at normal girl levels:
>feel emotions very strong
>higher dimensions to emotions
>allows me to figure out complex situations better
>"cleared the fog" so to speak
>can cry!!! like! at all sorts of things!
>can and have happy cried over the silliest of things
>get emotional at tv shows
>have an interest in crime dramas???
>able to explore kinks cause malebrain isnt telling me it's illogical and pointless
>able to explore rationalism without thinking EY is a god and i must listen to every word from his blogposts completely and unwaveringly
>can get invested in fiction now and actually like it instead of being like "fuck im wasting my time im a useless piece of shit i should die for even thinking about watching something that isn't educational"
>still get really sad when i do get sad
>sh'd for the first time after hrt cause of rlly strong emotions kinda telling me to

generally mental effects of hrt are really really really good!!!!!!!! i love them .

also orgasms feel fucking amazing and last forever and you can do like 10 at once with an estrogenated endocrine system

start hrt
I cannot and will not tell you if you are trans or whether you should transition.
I know you are trying to convey your emotions in words to me, but I am not really understanding, we have different experiences or different understandings.

Good luck.
>generally mental effects of hrt are really really really good!!!!!!!! i love them .
that's really nice to hear nona, from what you're listing there seems to be a lot of positives
>"fuck im wasting my time im a useless piece of shit i should die for even thinking about watching something that isn't educational"
weirdly i don't even think i knew i thought this about myself before you pointed it out but that's oddly accurate
thanks for the honesty anon, it means a lot :)
best of luck to you too! ygmi

personally i think there are a lot of positives, ofc physically ymmv but mentally, if your brain is operating on the wrong hormone, having the right one there makes all the difference :3

>[]...but that's oddly accurate

yeah.. i dont think the hrt was fully what solved that, but it definitely allowed me to have emotions other than "be mad" and "sex" and "be stoic" and "no fun allowed" (desu it kinda got rid of those last two) and that allowed me to actually think and feel and relate to characters and stuff like that, which gave me a reason to be invested in the media rather than sitting there the entire time going "this is stupid im wasting my time" then go rot in my bed (over what i now know to be dysphoria) and waste the time anyway.

tdlr: while hrt didnt solve that on its own, it opened up the pathways to solve that.
Because when Man was expelled from Eden, sin and free will was brought into the world.

The ruler of the earthly world (world as in society and civilisation) is satan, its the duty and purpose of the faithful to hold fast to what is true and good in God’s eyes and accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour

>i get to post here every day and spam my lied
>you dont get to because
>ur one of us!
The Lord rebuke you.

Good afternoon my Brother in Christ
you didn't answer my question, why doesn't god stop satan? why does he let this happen?
This whole repgen thing is where the /pol/ tards go in their final stages of grief over the fact they secretly wanna be the girl. I know me personally I have struggled with this shit since I was a child. Never liked my sisters, was close to my mom, but grew apart from my mother as I aged. My sisters were the quintessential tomboys along with my mother. I was in my early years obsessed with Britney Spears which later evolved to Jessica Simpson. This had begun at my early days of about 4-5 years old. I had even begged my mother for a Barbie and she eventually came around to it. /pol/tards would have you believe it's all just a sex addiction. This is of course a gross misrepresentation of gender dysphoria. I later repped hard myself at my late teens and early twenties. Fucked up my hormones trying to bulk with bodybuilding and started losing my hair. I had been dealt a tough hand and spent all of my life trying to run away from the truth. This of course delayed my ability to transition. The media is choosing the worst possible representation of trans people to spark outrage while galvanizing a subset of the trans culture that thinks everything is heckin' valid. Surgery exists and most of you are never having children anyway so just get the surgeries anons.
>the power of a cure to Gender Dysphoria.
>it's Jesus, isn't it? omegalul

I was born to a Godless Atheistic Culture, as i grew into a young i was surrounded by your filth.

It was anything but the “oppressive” bible belt raising you are suggesting.

And yet i found God’s Light and the Love of Jesus Christ in a place that didnt want me to know him.

>you can repress all you want, but could you maybe do it quietly and somewhere else? because the nonsense you tell yourself about transition to cope isn't welcome here
You hold no authority over me, You hold no authority over the Word of God.

Laugh all you want.
My past sins have been absolved by the one true Master. Jesus Christ.

Where i lived before, Christianity’s presence was weakened and sparse.
And yet i still sought Him out.
My faith is organic and a miracle when i look back at it. I will never stop believing.

>John 50
John Infinity

>sinful ramblings
>its worth it because orgasm!

What a hollow miserable life you lead that you count lustful sexual release as a “blessing” in your life.


You are written exactly as the bible describes in this image >>36652056

Wrong, i found my way back to /pol/ when Christ saved me. I refute everything you stand for because i am proof it is a choice.

I am older and wiser than you, Child. Do not speak to me as if you can call yourself my elder.

>about 4-5 years old.
When i was 5, i felt the same feelings as you, before a goodness inside me had the sense to suppress them. i had already begun the quest to cure and destroy the infection you flaunt, even know i did not know its name or understand it yet. I am so proud of that young boy for his courage in the face of abnormality.

We both looked into the Abyss, but when it looked back at us.
You blinked.

>Hormones have a profound impact on your brain.
A bad impact, as someone who knows.
Your medicine is poison,there was no greater feeling than T.
I thank God for my suffering, he sculpted me into a warrior my childhood self could only dream of being.

He has set a fire in my heart that no darkness can extinguish.

He is the Light, He is the Way. He is the Truth.

Repent, Repress, Rejoice!

Reminder that lgbt has no Love, because God is Love.
my body is twisting itself into a horrifying monstrosity and all I can do is watch. I fantasize about suicide almost every day because the idea I can escape soon makes the pain bearable for another few hours. you're saying this is what god wants, am I understanding you right? that I'm supposed to be grateful? god glorifies himself by torturing me?
Satan gave you those physical deformities, hold true and fast to faith in God and He restore you in the Kingdom of Heaven. I am sorry Anon.
stop running me in circles
why does god allow this? can he not stop satan? does he want it to happen? does he just not care?
if you're such an authority then answer me
where are all the agp fags for me to feminize and gaslight
pls feminize and gaslight me
it might genuinely be a form of therapy at this point nona :(
you seem like a cute fag
I wish...
good girl <3
...anon please you're making me cry don't do that
I know you are
it's ok to cry princess
I shouldn't like being called a fag but cute makes it ok I guess...
I mean I would but right now I'm living in a mostly transphobic country and I don't know if I would be able to take it, living here while being openly trans, going through the most vulnerable time of my life. I don't buy this repper crap, I'm more of a pragmatic repper, or a coward maybe. I'm really scared actually, but I've never swallowed that repping it's a good thing at all. I wish I could not, but I don't feel like I can, and that's killing me.
it's ok to like it, it's what you are anyways
hi sweetpea
i'm sorry nona
i just want to be a good son
you'll make an even better daughter <3
c'mon, st-stop it...like you're any better y'know
My Brother in Christ, get a hold of yourself.

“Do not test the Lord your God.”
I'm not a fag, just a man who wants to feminize a cute girl
i've put my mum through enough already, she doesn't need her one stable, reasonably dependable kid - not to mention her eldest - trooning out
and besides i don't think i'd be able to overcome the self-loathing for long enough to go through with it
>My Brother in Christ, get a hold of yourself.
i'm sorry anon
i'm trying, i promise
everything is just too much
sometimes i wish i could just be numb forever
I came to check if there was anything left to say before I ordered estrogen, just in case. you're the only one here saying I shouldn't. you weaseled out of every question I had and finished by telling me to shut up and do as I'm told. fuck you
>you're actually a guy
yikes. I thought you were a dommy mtf.
how would you feminize me
Dont be cringe.

Its ok. Just remember they are promising you false fruit, with poison within.

Be your own man. They want to corrupt you and will abandon you when a new victim piqeues their interest, God however will never leave you.
I am not God’s word, you should take the time to research and study him for yourself rather than lash out at me.

cease…This only serves to demean yourselves
hey anon
nta, but
if you genuinely think it'll help you, i truly wish you the very best of luck and godspeed
i think there's a lot of different reasons that we're all here, but don't let us drag you down with us
i want you to be happy and healthy above all else
i know it doesn't mean much coming from a random anon in probably the saddest thread on /tttt/ but
but you're his preacher, nut up or shut up.

thank you. really.
>thank you. really.
it's a pleasure, anon. :)
god doesn't exists, it's literally a cope for how unfair and uncaring the universe is when it comes to our needs. It's us, humans, the ones that can shape our destiny and submit nature to our will. god it's just the carcass of an old world that hasn't completely died yet.
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>that belief makes you feel better? then it is le cope. That belief makes you feel worse? then it is not le cope and is true
>believing in something because it makes you feel better
Yeah, a cope. That's what I said.
Holy shit. pay attention. I'm saying Just because God helps you cope doesn't mean the belief is wrong. The truth or falsity of a proposition has nothing to do with how it makes you feel.
>backpedaling when someone shows how their cope is a cope
There's no other reason from your belief other than it makes you feel safe. That's all, it's just a massive collective cope. I wouldn't care much for it, but that cope has caused so much harm that I can let it slide. Nothing personal, christcuck.
Brainrot as fuck. Stop reading incels.is and maybe your neurons will recover.

>What a hollow miserable life you lead that you count lustful sexual release as a “blessing” in your life.

idgaf about your god or whatever, i have my own god, and it is yet to be born (singularity! fuck yeah, turn me into comp-u-tronium). also its not just worth it cause orgasm, if you had basic reading comprehension you'd see all the other stuff i said, the orgasm is cool tho

also maybe you hate sex cause you hate the body thats doing it idk tho

i hope someday you'll stop hating yourself and take the normalpill <3

>We both looked into the Abyss, but when it looked back at us.
>You blinked.

bitch you fell for the oldest trick in the book, you kill the abyss, not stare into it. you seem like you're complicit in the heat death of the universe
>gets told they're coping
Lmao. whatever you say, nun. Just keep your cope to yourself. You don't see me bringing my shitty smut here, and you shouldn't bring your shitty christcuckery either.
Itt: a bunch of retarded women trying (and failing) to be men
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No I'll post whatever I want lol.
heh, that's a fun way to put it :)
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>Trannies think they are women trapped in men's body when they act like men, talk like men, have male interests and personality

A bigger cope than believing in God if I have to be honest.

>thinking interests are gendered
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Oh yeah when you program in C++, masturbate for 8 hours a day, argue obsessively over which primarch could beat spiderman in /tg/ it's all very feminine. Lots of women do all that LMAO!!!

i don't do any of that, but even if i did it still wouldn't matter cause i'd be a woman doing it, therefore making it a "woman thing", not necessarily a feminine thing

i draw, play vidya, and watch procedural dramas

i mostly hate computers, so no C++, don't masturbate for 8 hours a day cause there's not really the drive to do that, and don't know what the last thing you said means.
i bet you wear glasses

yeah cause im fuckin blind in my genes
>“Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep.” – Luke 6:25b
>cause i'd be a woman doing it, therefore making it a "woman thing",

But you aren't a woman.
After a three year hiatus from this board I have returned to share my wisdom.

Firstly, if you're really in the trenches with this shit the best thing you can do is leave this site. This board, and this gen in particular, is like hanging out in a bar if you're alcoholic.

Secondly, and this shit is gonna sound radical, but by being like "i'm not gonna do it, i'm gonna suffer and stop myself from doing this wah wah wah" you're just torturing yourself and making it a forbidden fruit. It sounds counterintuitive but just accept it and be like yeah fuck it, I might be this way inclined but that's fine. I tortured myself for like 3 years with that initial mentality before I broke and began medding. Several months into medding, and after fully accepting it, I lost the appeal of it and I stopped. That was three years ago and i've been living as my biological gender since.

Thirdly, going hyper religious is a cope. I used it as a crutch for three years and it added to the mental torture. Don't put that much pressure on yourself. Take a more casual approach with God, an approach based on faith rather than autistically clutching at straws for reasons not to transition.
what ethnic bias?
Fourth, take a neutral and ambivalent approach to trans issues. Being anti trans in that situation is a form of self loathing, whereas being pro trans is subconsciously encouraging yourself in that direction.

Fifth, and this one is crucial, make (non-obsessive) efforts to maximise your looks as a member of your biological sex. If you're overweight, lose the extra weight. If you're losing hair, use finasteride and minoxidil. Work out, you don't have to get yoked but at least try to be in athletic shape. If you dress like shit, change that. In time, you'll attract more attention from women and generally people will treat you better. This will up your self esteem but also replace the agp goon maxxing you might be doing with the occasional moment of real intimacy. Being in a masc frame with a woman helps erase the thoughts you're wanting to bury.

Finally, just get your shit together. It's easy to do something hedonistic and self gratifying when you have nothing better to do. Find something better to do. Transitioning is the easiest thing when you're living like a fucking loser. You don't have to wake up at 5am everyday and be a Goggins bro, but just find a meaningful goal to pursue. Try to progress in life.
none of you’re are trans, you’re just insecure, wayward young men

I'm trans

>Proverbs 4:14-27
Do not enter the path of the wicked,
And do not walk in the way of evil.
15 Avoid it, do not travel on it;
Turn away from it and pass on.
16 For they do not sleep unless they have done evil;
And their sleep is [a]taken away unless they make someone fall.
17 For they eat the bread of wickedness,
And drink the wine of violence.
18 But the path of the just is like the shining [b]sun,
That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.
19 The way of the wicked is like darkness;
They do not know what makes them stumble.
20 My son, give attention to my words;
Incline your ear to my sayings.
21 Do not let them depart from your eyes;
Keep them in the midst of your heart;
22 For they are life to those who find them,
And health to all their flesh.
23 Keep your heart with all diligence,
For out of it spring the issues of life.
24 Put away from you a [c]deceitful mouth,
And put perverse lips far from you.
25 Let your eyes look straight ahead,
And your eyelids look right before you.
26 Ponder the path of your feet,
And let all your ways be established.
27 Do not turn to the right or the left;
Remove your foot from evil.

Remember my Brothers. Tranners are of the devil.

They want you broken and submitted to sin just like then.

Choose God and you will be protected by a power beyond and above all else.

Thank you Jesus for answering me in my hour of need. praise the Holy Spirit for guiding me in times of darkness, I rejoice you God for your merciful salvation and love.

Please grant the same power you gave to me, to my brothers. Give them the strength to surpass their limits and defy the evils of satan.
yeaaaah life is so bad it's actually funny. I wish there was a website for people as worthless as I am.
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I want to be Bambi and be fucked in the ass by strong masculine men so much but I must resist. I cannot disappoint God.

God is the only man that is allowed to use my slutty hole. Every time I pray to him, I imagine myself sucking his dick full of heavenly gifts and raise my masculine strong behind so I can finger myself thinking about him.

His throbbing godly cock is so arousing and so powerful, it cured me and it cured my dysphoria, after so much pain and suffering, I finally found peace. I will forever remain a man so no one besides my beloved God gets to enjoy me.

Sometimes, I even imagine Jesus joining in for a threesome, I feel deeply ashamed and guilty about my thoughts but God assures me that they are fine and holy and that I am his good girl.

Please brothers, listen to me and also goon while praying and worshipping God so you might also find peace, I am only here to help you and save you from the darkness I was once also in. Have faith warriors and together we may defeat the demon called transgenderism. Amen.
5/10 I exhaled gently through my nose.
I warn you, for your own sake. Do not blaspheme against God and mock him so lightly…

If you had experienced what i have you would know to not dare utter such things.

>Matthew 5:11
“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.
I mean it's pretty obvious them are some sort of bottom sublimating their sexual attraction with this religious stuff. That wont last, especially if they browse here. Poor girl, I wish I could help her feel better with herself.
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i did it fast with no effort involved
do a better one, i genuinely want to giggle
even Jesus loves anime girls
become an anime girl so you can fuck Jesus too
Someone said that to me here, ten years ago.

Fool me once, snake.
god is a cuck and so are you
you just need a nice top that would treat you like the princess you are. that would fix you. you can even worship them as a deity if you want.
I have repented of that sinful kind of behavior.
I turn my back on that forever.
You don't get it. I have seen all your cult offers.

And i reject it.
you got hurt by a bad top, right? well, that happens. You should be more careful next time. Don't let that dissuade you from seeking true happiness. I'm sure tender and caring top will make you feel like the most loved girl in the world one day.
i see through you. You all speak the exact same, just like back then.

Spare me your lustful degenerate text.

I sought God because i was not happy with the desolation your cult had led me to.

Only after that did i feel true happiness again, because God’s way is the right path.

Because when i returned to the path he set for me. The promise i made to my childhood self was renewed when i reclaimed my Manhood.
yeah, you look really happy now, with your ominous wording and grandiloquent speeches. I think you might be a little bit into a power trip due to all of that sublimation. Don't worry, nothing that a good top can't solve.
I rebuke you in the name of the Lord.
Begone, i will speak no more with a swine.
You're very chuuni
>What kind of trans girl are you?
Why even bother with the other options?
agp hon repper
If I believe that the flesh is second to the spirit, then what's to stop me from molding my flesh?
trannies are lame, ugly and manly looking
there’s nothing better than being a man made in the image of God
the only thing that awaits you in the transgender lifestyle is perdition, death and disease
the transgender demons get defensive when you call them out because deep down they are insecure and they’ll never be able to shake that off
it’s the ultimate cuck cope
these edomites would rather sell their birthright for a bowl of lentils instead of living with dignity

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