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>Transitioned at 17, luckily passed almost instantaneously
>Face and body were pretty feminine to begin with, a few years of hrt were more than enough for me
>Learned to do makeup at 15 because I was a gayboy for a while
>Never did voice training because even though my voice is not super feminine it's never been low and I can get by with intonation and mannerism changes
>Inherit clothes from my big sister and my supportive parents have paid for my breast augmentation surgery
>Only ever dated/hooked up w cis men who told me they didn't know trannies could be pretty
>I know I'm not the hottest person alive but I'm okay with that because I know that I'm charismatic and funny, possibly a 7 as a woman but I would have been a 3 as a man
>A tourist here because it makes me feel better how much worse other people cope
>Lurk every few months to remember that even when I get more insecure, I'll never be this brainwormed
>Currently have a loving bf I met before graduating
>Looking for a job with all my gender markers changed, I'll probably be able to find one in my field quite easily while stealth

I'm going to move out soon and my life although not perfect is quite nice. It's true that I got lucky but every once in a while I come in here to see prettier/even luckier people than me act retarded and complain about how hard they've got it. Sometimes I think that even twinkhons could do something with their piece of shit lives if they actually tried to do something once on a while.

Idk. See you in a few months when I need to feel better with myself.
You will kill yourself at 35 after men pump and dump you for years. You will never be a real woman or raise children or have a family.
Trooned at 15 and I will never have this. Total luckshit death
Not gonna happen! Been dating this guy for a year now and even if he leaves me I'll inherit my parents stuff and live a pretty chill life. I'm sorry you can't picture someone content with their lives, you're pretty sad.
>dude I'll have material items
Ur existence is predicated entirely on validation

After 30 you won't have that, and you won't have a family because chasers don't settle with trannies, so you'll probably rope. I'm glad I chose the repression pill
Stay coping. You'll die long before you ever feel anything even half as nice as the worst day I experience.
Insane cope. Do you never wonder why the only old trannies you see are boomerhons who just trooned out recently? Because being a tranny, especially an androphilic tranny is pointless after 30. You either kys or detrans
You literally could, if you wanted to. You could try instead of complaining in this board.
You live in a bubble that you created yourself that only ever lets you see how miserable your own life is, you create walls and mirages that enable your immobility so you can feel better about not doing anything. Old trannies exist and some of them are happy. Ofc some of them died because of aids or because life was harder twenty-thirty years ago, but not all of them. I know a couple of early transitioned 40+ married troons from helping at a queer organization in my city and they're happier than you'll ever be. You deliberately choose staying blind and miserable because it's easier than taking action, but it'll kill you sooner and you won't ever experience actual happiness. I hate people like you.
>ywn be pregnant
>ywn have a loving, strong and protective man who desires to impregnate you
>ywn witness your children grow up and and be successful
>ywn receive a mother's day card
>ywn get to see your grandchildren
Its like you guys specialize in finding shit to scare you into shit lives we can literally adopt? are infertile cis women or gay couples also doomed forever or what? I try to find things to cherish in my daily life and that is enough for me..You are all just sad retards trying to justify why you're miserable. Keep commenting shit like this it makes my day
Its like you guys specialize in finding shit to scare you into shit lives we can literally adopt? are infertile cis women or gay couples also doomed forever or what? I try to find things to cherish in my daily life and that is enough for me..You are all just sad retards trying to justify why you're miserable. Keep commenting shit like this it honestly makes my day
>we can literally adopt
Uh huh. Good luck finding a man who is willing to have children that aren't genetically his.
Thanks for suifuel (started hrt at 17 and 3 years later no closer to passing than pre hrt)
Plenty of people already have before me and plenty after will too. But I don't really need that to be happy. I could adopt by myself and be fulfilled. I'm not afraid, are you?
You're just brainwormed and/or not doing enough. You need to choose between actually doing something with the cards you're given or rotting away at the gates of everything you've ever wanted. I've always known that I wasn't going to die in stasis, but I guess you can stay in this board and let these retards wash over you until there's no going back
>You're just brainwormed and/or not doing enough
no, I just didn't have god tier genetics to pass >almost instantaneously right after starting hrt which then would actually give me any motivation to do anything
...not that passing eventually wouldn't have had the same effect. but with my genetics it's actually basically impossible for me to pass or even come close to passing no matter what I do so rotting and just waiting for death is literally the only option there is for me
Name 5 notable trannies in a relationship with a cis man after 40. You can't lmao. You're coping incredibly hard.

The only reason to be with a woman as she gets older as a man is because women can provide men with families and be the mother to his children. You can't do that. You are incapable of doing that. You have no womb and become invisible to men after a certain point.
you need to realize how lucky you’ve been. im even of the oppinion that you can somewhat make it if you try hard enough but like ive been on hrt for years with good levels and exercise and cycling and i dont have breasts and barely have a waist unless my bmi is at 17. you got lucky, please dont make these miserable women more miserable by telling them its actually their own fault they suffer.
>Guys getting rich is so easy! Just buy a lottery ticket and get millions instantly like I did!

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