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Disgusted? Fuck you. He could have said anything else but he choose disgusted. Fuck off you asshole. He’s borderline transphobic in my eyes now.
what mrbeast said i mean not you
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are not supposed to be disgusted by grooming? inb4 someone tries to argue that it wasnt grooming i dont care about the breast drama
fuck off with your dogshit bait
Wtf I like MrBeast now
Its kinda satisfying watching this tard's media empire collapse
mr beast was on epsteins island tho
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I have no idea what the fuck MrBeast is or why everyone cares
>talking to people 7 years younger than you online where I draw the line Kris!

My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?
It is a proven fact with receipts. There was no grooming involved. They were just a jokes nothing more.
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Is everyone on /pol/ a brown esl 13 year old now?
He’s 1000x better on the right. Xm
He really isn't, AGPedo
Kids are way kinkier than people assume. Love is love. Most toddlers know theyre trans after the first inch. More trans genocide. What part of essential healthcare dont they understand?
least obvious polnigger bait 2024
ok but like... would you talk to a 13 year old that isnt related to you? i wouldnt
Im sorry yet another one of your toddler anal gaping friends was outed. Hopefully one day there can be a well known tranny that isnt outed as a pedo. Maybe oneday you could be the first. lol jk we know that wont happen.
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Don't make me tap on the screen, chuddie.
>republicans rape kids too so its ok we rape kids
I dont feel this is a winning argument youre making. Do you?
Always has been.
Trump and trannies and Catholics are pedophiles
Now what
Reppers with kids should just eat a bullet holy shit. I’ll be damned before i use that cursed thing to spawn more miserable people
>tries to deflect
Not gonna hold yourselves accountable? You know this shit only works when everyone in a conversation is as retarded as you, right
psyop tourist post, kys
no, but there's a big difference if there's sexual intent or flirting

two dudes platonically being friends, even if one is 13 and one is 20, is strange but doesn't require a mass meltdown
>trannies tape kids
>trannies and republicans rape kids
stop raping kids?
Imagine carrying water for pedophiles
You people are ontologically evil
>stop raping kids?
You're asking far too much from a trans individual.
Its essential healthcare
>>There was no grooming involved.
did kris not have a psychological impact on their development? the adults you interact with and seek the approval or mold your character in adolescence into adulthood. kris literally had shadman art on the wall in his house that lava knew about as kris's hentai addiction was made known to them. you know what kris did that lava doesn't understand? kris normalized cp by joking about to the point that even lava doesn't think it was a big deal and just considers it edgy. that literally means they got groomed. literally. they don't believe they were groomed because they idolized kris and they think it's only grooming if the adult has relations with the minor. grooming is more in line with the impact your actions have on impressionable youth. when you act like a shitbag and get away with it, they see acting like a shitbag as normal behavior.
The kid on Twitter said it was fine and he was no offended.
Another victim came forward
That's called being influenced. Being groomed has the end result of abuse/exploitation. If a persons defenses weren't being lowered so they could more easily be abused then it wasn't grooming. Fuck off with your buzzwords.
That was most likely fake.
kid thinks cp is just edgy humor in their adulthood because kris normalized the exploitation of minors. that's called getting groomed retards. like stockholm syndrome. because kris didn't molest lava you guys think it's ok? they shared cp. lava doesn't realize how bad shadman's art was from a legal perspective because the adults were passing it off as nothingburgers.

do you guys not know how grooming works? grooming isn't just some old republican raising a daughter-wife.
Was the moon landing faked too
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>no, but

no but nothing, you dont speak to anyone under the age of like 17-18 if you are 20+ thems the rules and everyone knows that. even if they arent a pedo its still weird af

what are they supposed to be friends over? lego? cartoons? skibidi toilet?
they were friends over shadman art and people are down playing it.
So it’s illegal now to speak to people under 18? That’s stupid. I can speak to whoever I warn regardless of age. That’s not illegal.
Ok pedophile
Try this defense with chris Hansen. See what it gets you
>being disgusted by inappropriate behaviour towards children is transphobic
>why do people think we're pedos??

i think you are taking what i said too literally, listen why would a 20 year old talk to a 13 year old? like seriously what are they going to bond over?

im not saying it should be illegal btw but like cmon, no smoke without fire...
Talking isn’t illegal.
“Clicking keys on my keyboard isnt illegal”
Sorry anon, sometimes it is. Reductivism is the argument of those who have no argument
One tranny collapsed, and evidently he was bad for his media empire.
>le grooming
>le normalized
>le drawings are cp

These words have real meanings that don't come from reddit/twitter MD. You are not a psychologist. Shut the fuck up. Being a bad influence isn't grooming.
This word has a real meaning
Fuck off weirdo, like any normal person I have friends half my age and 2-3 times my age. Only a repressing pedo goes out of their way to avoid social contact with people younger than themselves.
That's so fucking retarded
im the weirdo for not wanting to talk to children? what? hahaha bro ur hilarious, i fw the bait ngl

care to elaborate on WHY im wrong?
there's going to be a lot of backlash to his heavyhanded response with no evidence, but he's not a man he's a brand that needs to maintain its market integrity so... I don't think he cares
he is terrified of losing his empire. what a greedy coward.
why are you trying to normalize kris's behavior and downplay the reality of it?
it comes across as bad faith actors in damage control trying to save the face of their community. you guys treat the trans community like it's a hobby rather than a health condition.
>why would a 20 year old talk to a 13 year old?
they're part of the same online group that plays a game together, or a guild in an mmo, or a million other reasons
it's normal for teenagers to have adult friends and back in my day when people tried to stop kids from joining their groups we'd just lie about our age to hang out anyway.
this weird idea that friendships need to be segregated by age is fucking retarded
>zooms lack foundational knowledge of internet history
They should teach kids about pony jars in K-12 education
>a tranny was a retard
>all trannies must die
I serioudly cannot fathom how low of an IQ you must have to be this much of a collectivist
As for the tranny, investigate her shit and if she did badshit then throw the book at her. Fucks sake we already have laws for these things, let them do their job
>t. ranny
>they're part of the same online group that plays a game together
full stop. why are you playing online games with minors when there's millions of other people online (many of which of an appropriate age) to play with?

again: people normalizing the behavior.
you know why? because many of them did the same shit as lava so they think it's ok / normal. they think it's just edgy jokes.
I'm not trans faggot. I'm creeped out by how easily manipulated people are over stupid bullshit that was normal on the internet a decade ago. Adults didn't used to be mindful that the people they shared cod lobbies with were teens/kids and were often inappropriate. Was it bad? Yes. Was it grooming/predatory pedo behavior? No.

Also really fucking stupid for you people to be pretending a 15-16 year old has their earth shattered by sex jokes/porn on 4chan of all places. Give me a fucking break.
trannies should at least all be thrown into the woods like in india
people who think like this wanted to hate you already and the gay internet drama of the week is simply a post hoc justification for that
If anything you should be thrown to the woods retard, your pitiful IQ isn't doing any wonders for the gene pool
But who am I kidding, I'm arguing with a bot lmao
>why are you playing online games with minors
i don't ask everyone i talk to their age and i don't leave groups because someone i'm not super close with happens to be in them, nor do i push for groups to kick people i feel aren't mature enough to be in them
also you know, teenagers are capable of thought and feelings and can be good friends with insight and value.
just generally, kids are people and should be treated like people instead of segregated from society
>gain: people normalizing the behavior.
it's normal behavior
90% of the people that are saying Ava was wrong and pedo are just transphobe. She did nothing wrong talking to the kids. They were just jokes.
>why are you playing online games with minors when there's millions of other people online (many of which of an appropriate age) to play with?
Yeah I really don't get this, people usually don't want to unnecessarily filter themselves with others so why would you knowingly and willingly interact with minors for more than 5 minutes
at least nature is taking care of your genes and family line xD see the woods are safe for you hahhahahaha
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>Was it grooming/predatory pedo behavior?
yes it was!
because you dumbfucks didn't moderate your own communities by reporting the shitheads that were acting up. the kids didn't know any better so they just laughed like a bunch of ralph wiggums.
I'm not baiting moron, no moral person would refuse to interact socially because of something stupid like age.
Yes those baby 15 year olds were definitely appalled by the same jokes they totally werent making amongst themselves. It's not good to have bad boundaries with minors because it is a matter of respect and not being weird, but lets be real and stop pretending these were 5 year olds you have to whisper the word sex around.
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Tranny pedos are so fucking hot.
The idea of an abomination of nature taking advantage of the most precious, most innocent beings on earth gets my dick going like nothing else.
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>be mrbeast
>overcome a total lack of talent or personality through sheer force of will and willingness to grind
>bring your childhood friends up with you even as you slowly realize they’re just people that were geographically close to your house as a kid, and strangers in adulthood
>one of them fucking troons out
>have to pretend this is ok or get cancelled, even though the gut instinct is to boot him instantly
>grit your teeth for money lie you’ve done your whole life
>turns out he’s a pedo, but if you’d followed your instincts at the time you still would have been cancelled
>empire is now being destroyed by the troon catch-22
it's not refusing to interact with minors because you will inevitably come across them in the wild. it's how do you conduct yourself in front of them? are you some raging lunatic in a cod lobby dropping n-bombs? guess what, now the kids think that type of behavior is ok. cut that shit out and act respectfully. push for them to keave you alone and make friends with kids their own age. contact their parent or guardian to come get their kid.
Because it IS normal you freak, normal people don't arbitrarily segregate themselves from younger people. I never asked people from online games how old they are, it didn't seem relevant. I met people on online games 10+ years ago I still message occasionally, not really sure how old any of them are.
those jokes are learned behaviors. someone taught it to them. the brain rot we see in gen alpha? it's cause none of you are teaching them the right things.
Follow the chain, the person I replied to thinks having younger friends is suspicious behaviour.
This is why Lolita should be required reading in high school. You’re shown this pedophile fantasy where the victim at times seems weirdly aware that this stranger wants to fuck her, and is almost coquettish with him. Then find out that’s because she was already groomed and molested by someone else, and the pedophile fantasy of the aware nymphette is just a girl with symptoms of sexual abuse.
this is the kind of person who wants to make sure children are ignorant and isolated, ie more vulnerable to abuse
How did Mr Beast get popular anyway?
clickbait thumbnails but coupled with the novel concept of actually following through with them
>if i dont groom them... they will be groomed by someone else!
lol trannies are fucked in the head
>>this us the type of person that wants idiocracy because they think brain rot of our youth is /normal/ and /ok/
you wanna teach, go be a teacher. you wanna be a mentor? go coach little league. i'm not aaying adults can't interact with children. i'm saying there's appropriate and inappropriate circumstances as well as appropriate and inappropriate behavior in those situations.

sharing shadman art with minors in your private discord server. don't tell me it's public when you need an invite or a link to join a discord server. they don't just let you browse all the open servers. if you have kids in your server as an adult, then it's because someone invited them, not by chance as you guys perpetually try to downplay.

if the kid won a mr beast contest? one interaction, give them their prize, push then back out into the heard of fans. not, invite them to your discord server and make them a mod. why is this so difficult for you retards to wrap your heads around?
>haring shadman art with minors in your private discord server
literally no evidence for that
I'm addressing the schizo saying adults and children need to be quarantined from each other because he's obsessed with kiddy diddling, that is a VERY common attitude among the religious and right-leaning who also rail against things like sex ed, and those behaviors statistically make children more vulnerable to predators
When I was 13 I drew My Little Pony furry porn, was I just not supposed to interact with the community?
was it not posted on their wall in their home where they would make content? that's publically sharing shadman art. worse.
you said in your private discord server, now you're saying in a video
why did you lie?
People are hating Shadman now? He’s art is fantastic.
ikr, vault meat is so hot. love seeing her get fucked by dogmeat's dog meat
imagine framing reality as a grand, existential battle between the Evil and the Righteous, because you need to LARP like you’re in a movie to feel a any sense of purpose…
Sorry I meant, yeah bro you got this, go defeat the forces of eeeeeeeevil!!!!
Shadman has been very popular with pretty much everyone back in the day and retarded jokes in presence of minors definitely shouldn't be career ruining. Being a YouTube personality sucks so much lmao
You drew mlp furry porn because you got groomed by the internet. Normal 13yos don't draw shit like that.
is chris Hansen in the room with us right now?
lmao even
The teen version of her getting fucked by black men is hotter.
I literally started offline. You’re not a creative person are you? I was drawing my teachers throwing up on severed dicks back in the 4th grade and selling them at recess.
you weren't supposed to be drawing furry porn let alone know what it was.

i don't use discord so it would never be in my server anon. you're not going to find hard evidence hear and because of that you're malding at the prospect of picking a side. when so many of you have engaged in similar behaviors you want to defend kris because it's justification for your own bad behavior.
eh i was never into that weird race fetishism stuff
>i don't use discord so it would never be in my server anon
"your" there was repeating the phrasing that you used, you can't be this retarded
>you're not going to find hard evidence
because there is none. you made a claim that isn't true and then you backtracked like a coward
>pretty much everyone back in the day
that's a lie. that's cp enjoyers trying to normalize their manufacturing and spread of cp.
>why would a 20 year old talk to a 13 year old?
>be skaterat kid who gets dumped at the skatepark for 12 hours a day
>banter and shittalk with the old fucks and drug dealers there
>prove yourself not to be a total faggot and eventually become friends & acquaintances with the regulars
the same as literally any activity that people do around other people in their free time. i was also in plenty of mmo guilds with people decades older than me because non brain cooked normal people do not autistically segregate themselves according to birthdate.
> you weren't supposed to be drawing furry porn let alone know what it was.

According to whom? Is there even a religion out there with a “though shall not offer rendition of thy yiff” dogma?
Was shadman regarded as a co artist back in the day? I only learned about it recently
He’s too respected…
>victim tries to defend their abuser
>feels vindicated even though the accused already made a public admission of guilt
just cause it's popular doesn't mean i have to personally partake
black dick is fine, i just don't like how weird people about it in porn
>creativity is when you exhibit clear signs of rape in drawings
seek therapy dude.
No you tart. People rape kids, trans, republicans and everyone else.

You trying to demonize one specific group for that behaviour just betrays your total lack of interest in kid's health and your clear political intent.
i haven't seen any admission of guilt
>not really sure how old any of them are
literally the only time it would ever come up is if you were trying to raid over summer break and realizing your guildmates had like jobs & wives & shit so they must not also be middleschoolers
The sooner you realize troons and the leftoid fag movement at large are trying to create a degenerate dystopia, the sooner you wake up

>its achuawy a good thing for little children to go to drag shows and for little boys to do drag teehee nothing wrong here, in fact you're the weirdo for disagreeing ;^ )

Wake up already
that's different because it's not 1 on 1 and it's irl.
those guys at the skate park weren't taking you bad to their private homes were they?
your false equivalency doesn't hold up.
sorry your parents neglected you and the guys at the skate park had to raise you.
Did you not get your first boner until you were 18 or something lmfao
respect the hustle
But many leftoid faggots literally believe that. Does it offend you because it exposes
Liking gay hentai doesn't make you gay. Hentai isn't real.
> Kids are way kinkier than people assume
This is actually true. But the knowledge doesn’t do anyone any good lol
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It is pedo. Kys
it do make you a pedo
>how could this man who left his wife and infant child to pretend to be a woman to this?!? How!?!
yeah that's not an admission of guilt my dude. she doesn't even specify what she did or what she's apologizing for and specifically is apologizing if it hurt or offended anyone lol
don't you think it's kind of obvious that you're bullshitting when you have to keep misrepresenting what's said?
Should we actually write anthropological history textbooks on what the internet used to be like? Like there’s a fundamental class of generations here between boomers/zoomers and millennials. They simply can’t understand our lulzy satire, I feel like this will only get worse. Much like how the leftoids go after people in the 18th century for their racism. Without the proper frame of reference history will castigate us as demons.
>they were friends over shadman art and people are down playing it.
bullshit. that was unrelated
Is Ava even attracted to men? This just looks like bant between dudes, it always has a homoerotic slant. The shad stuff is creepier but people are acting like there were real victims in this. People are also conveniently acting like he had transitioned when this happened, he was presenting as a straight man.
>t. zoomie born in 1998
>i'm not gonna do it as good faith
wow amazing, the vibe is off so you know that apology is actually an admission of guilt
transition doesn't magically change who you are as a person or absolve you of your bad behavior
Basic locker room talk imo.

There's a very different dynamic between straight men making edgy homoerotic jokes vs. someone presenting as female talking about lewd subjects with straight men. There's no proof of any inappropriate behavior occurring between the two outside of public posts that were obviously intended to be humorous.
>party infamous for hating trump and shames him for the grab her by the pussy line now tries to use the same argument to defend their own
ya, don't care. they begged shadman to draw gross shit. shadman drew cp of keemstar's 8 year old daughter. fuck that guy.
im fully convinced none of the people sperging about this have ever had friends or dads
the cumming for america was not a public post. it was a private snapchat message. why you talking about cumming with minors?

Because the recipient would find it funny? Lava isn't gay and Kris didn't present as gay so receiving that message would just be taken as a edgy funny pic. Like have you seen the pic of the guy pretending to fuck a dead deer? Teens and young adults love raunchy humor.
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where you fucking born yesterday or something?
This board hated Kris until they had grooming allegations.
Unrelated question but are you a transbian?
we still hate kris we're just have actual principles and aren't going to call someone a pedophile without evidence
i didn't mind trannies before but this board has made me actually hate them. bunch of disgusting narcissists. every single time one of these events happens you never see a troon say "oh it sucks this person fucked up mr beast's career and threatened people's livelihood" or "i feel bad for the kid getting groomed". its always how does this affect us trannies, oh no we're gonna really get hated now! have you considered maybe you deserve to be hated? you demand respect from a society, you demand equal treatment but you won't follow any of its rules. and you will sooner decide that grooming is a good thing that admit maybe you have done something wrong.

no wonder all of you are defending kris. you know that deep down you're willing to groom some 13 year old boy too, if you ever got the chance.
it's cause they're afraid of getting #metoo'd so they're now coming to defend their own while i'm sitting here like: not like us.
Idk who that is but if his daughter is a qos mesugaki I think that’s kinda on him

The kid didn't get groomed they admitted nothing inappropriate happened outside of some bad jokes. Cope and seethe, this is not revenge for Dr. Disrespect.
abused and groomed people retract all the time. its part of the damage.
>raising an infant
Yawn. I would do something radical too.
Please at least keep in mind that this stuff is always only from MtTs
you have to make an accusation first to retract. you literally can't stop lying to reframe things as worse can you?
the dr disrepect victim admitted to trying to use dr d for a partnership deal at twitch even after dr d told them he didn't have that kind of power.

what do you think lava was trying for whilst chatting with kris? notoriety and fame. the same as people that want a mr beast deal because they see a collab with him as prosperous for their brand.

lava did the same shit as the dr d victim.
>>a tranny was a retard
keffals,chris,yaniv, that pooner shooter and many more
He didn't leave his family THOUGH
why are chuds so dishonest
except there's no proof
transport tycoon deluxe?!?!?

this thread is like 80% bait i love it
>Lava isn't gay and Kris didn't present as gay so receiving that message would just be taken as a edgy funny pic
Haha just two str8 dudes sharing funny edgy pics haha. its just a joke between str8 bros haha one of them is definitely not a secret pedophile tranny.

fire up the wood chippers.
That’s honestly worse. Kris’ kid might actually grow up to be Hitler. I’m never wrong about this kind of stuff
youre talking about a person who hung up shadman art in their home btw
Why would his kid grow up to be a chud?
doesn't make any sense
don't forget! kris the type of person to share revenge porn
>Say, Kris, I hear you like 'em young
>You better not ever go to cell block one
>To any fag that talk to him and they in love
>Just make sure you hide your lil' brother from him
>They tell me Beast the only one that get your hand-me-downs
>And Garrett at the party, playin' with his nose now
>Tyson got a weird case, why is he around?
>Certified Red Diamond? Certified pedophiles
>doesn’t understand internet millennial’s sense of irony
Many such cases
>Jimmy knew
loli porn addicts are disgusting tho
she lived there with several youtubers and there's no evidence she was the one that put up the art
it's also not pornographic, there's nothing explicit in the picture
to link to publicly available revenge porn of a celebrity in the description of a video about the drama of that revenge porn having been leaked
>why would a kid raised in a religious household grow up to be an atheistic trans Marxist
>it makes no sense!
at this point i think youre an actual pedo tbqh

Shadman art is weird but cartoons aren't real.
>providing context is pedophilia
Boku no pico
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This kind of stuff was always posted by pedophiles, and people knew that at the time.
One of the first memes ever created was specifically to make fun of this type of pedophile and slide/flood their thread when they tried to take over a forum and slowly introduce and normalize pedophilia on it.
The history of the internet is the history of children dunking on pedos that think they’re being slick.
t. Elder millenial
>kris liked shadman
>shadman makes pedo art
>cant admit shadman art is pedo because that would implicate kris for grooming
>t. mappy
I posted stuff like that and wasn’t a pedo tho. Even as recent as the 2014 tumblr era I could blog naked gifs of Shinobu without anyone clutching their pearls.
Kris didn't rape a child so why exactly are you bringing this up

The fact that the image in question is of a girl kind of destroys the grooming boys argument though, doesn't it
>is weird
thats what we call pedos now?
not really, no
no to be clear anon, shad made pedo art. also bestiality, incest, gore, rape, and anything else that would get him attention
kris did like loli and that is gross
but that's not grooming, and having a sfw poster up from an nsfw artist is not either
nigga you are being so disingenuous
you use this site. you know what kind of person would hang a fucking shadman picture on their wall. cmon
An internet weeb trying to be lulzy
Bi erasure strikes again
no you don't get it anon, having a picture of a clothed loli drawn by shadman in your group house with other youtubers in 2016 is clear evidence of pedophilia and grooming
yes, an edgy retard engaging in a retarded edgy subculture. like how we say retard and nigger here all the time
yes, obviously real racists hide out here, but the majority of people saying nigger here aren't racists and trying to cancel one singular person for saying nigger in a 4chan post would be retarded
>still doing the "it's not real pedophilia bro it's just a joke" thing
>in 2024
haven't we seen this enough times by now
You will reach an age in life when you finally realize that every time someone does or says something “jokingly” they are on some level not joking at all.
Have we? I mean it does seem like a good excuse for a pedo to use if caught. But “they said I could borrow the car” is a good excuse for car thieves, yet people do indeed let others borrow their cars.

I'll concede that Ava is a pedo if you post any proof they are attracted to men.
Well I’m 28 and was 100% being ironic with my internet history of loli pfps and such. I know because no blood goes to my dick when I look at them. They look aesthetic though.
i don't understand why trannies are so desperate to defend the worst members of their group
are you saying this person who abandoned a wife and infant, asked minors to call them daddy over discord, chatted up a 13 year old etc., represents you?
no we're saying they're not a pedophile and you have no evidence for the shit you're saying
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These pedo accusations always play out the same way.
Everyone makes up their own narrative instead of looking at what actually happened and forming a rational opinion.

Anything related to the sexuality of minors is hypermoralized in America, and to some extend, the rest of the world.
Just mentioning this fact will get people riled up, because they'll proudly admit that they don't want to be logical about the sexualization of minors.
i don't chat up 13 year olds and send them hentai over discord personally. i think anyone who does that is probably a pedophile. but you do you m8
neither do and and as far as has been demonstrated, neither did kris
>are you saying this person who abandoned a wife and infant,
Ava is still involved in their child's life. They can't force their wife to stay with a mtf you know.
I’m not a tranny
Children are literal cryptocurrencies to be exchanged for internet dopamine these days. It’s the reason why the Israel/Gaza war isn’t about “think of all the casualties” it’s about “the dead kids!!!”. Pedophile is the last taboo that we’ve agreed we can use to humiliate and hurt others. Can’t call people fat, gay, retarded trannies anymore after all. So it becomes a game where the objective is to collect moral superiority by moving chess pieces that connotatively align with low virtue in order to insinuate someone’s pedophilic behavior.
That’s not good. CPS needs to get involved. Wife should start assembling records to file for full custody before Beast finishes wiping the hard drives.
holy checkin based
you can't just reverse-engineer social reality like that
people are gonna get mad at you
we're not supposed to look behind the curtain
/pol/ is unironically about 40% pajeets with serious mental issues
>grooming happens all the time (proven)
>people upset about this
>try to prevent it in the future
where is the problem exactly
>n-no YOU are the real woke!
Goes to show trannies are presumed guilty until proven innocent, and even then... (am tranny)
For you? Probably
1790s France vibe. Uncomfy
Aren't most or many of this guy's fans underage children? Why doesn't his youtube channel count as grooming?
you are torturing yourself
You're wrong because every teacher is a pedo according to your retarded criterion.
Go back to /pol/ the bait is obvious dude holy fuck
>troons shitting on the only sane tranny in this thread
not surprising.
lol no i've never been happier. I look and feel amazing. cope.
I'm so happy that hon got what she deserved. She should have NEVER transitioned, she did nothing but harm to transwomen. Some people should just repress and it's extremely selfish to transition as a famous person when you have background as a groomer.
>I look and feel amaz-ACK
It got 200 replies though.
She's being targeted because she's trans. If she were still living as "Chris" everyone would laugh this off and be like "obvious joking around lol" but because she's trans everyone wants her away from Mr. Beast's channel because they are convinced it will turn kids trans (because they are dumbasses).

That said, if you marry some woman and have kids with her you already fucked up so bad that I'd have to ask why the hell you're transitioning.
The permissive attitudes that led to the uptick in trooning out among married straight guys are dying a slow death. Some new middle ground is going to be reached between the old laissez faire attitude and the murder all trannies JK Rowling attitude. Will probably lead to a dearth of lateshits, and instead we'll get tons of youngshits, midshits and old hons (agps who age out of anyone caring what they do).
Mostly true when males become teachers ngl. That or they’re gay.
She's being targeted because she partnered with the most popular Youtube in the world. She's not the first influencer to get treatment like this and she should have considered how her actions affect transwomen.
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She's being targeted because she is an eceleb. The hate mob went after CallMeCarson because he sexted with a 17 year old when he was 19.
It would still be a big thing.
> She
Yikerinos, good sir! Anyone who denounces transgender folx in any way is straight up bigoted. This is just the facts. Welcome to the new normal, chud.
Who brought republicucks in this convo? Do you think all troon haters are automatically maga cultists? Lmao go outside redditor.
You're arguing with a mentally ill troon that constantly projects. There is no arguments to be made with the mentally ill, they just gaslight.
>UGH!!!!! You can't just call trans sisters disgusting for grooming underage boys!! It's not even that bad, ALL children joke about cum and penises and sex!!!
Why did you type this obviously true statement like that?
that is incredibly untrue and you are retarded t. oldfag
The fuck? A celebrity troon rapes kids? No fucking way... Maybe I should deflect and post pictures of priests on r/pics labeled "pedophile" so everyone forgets about this?!
biggie rapped about fucking young hookers and tyler rapped about raping pregnant bitches
this retard sets a fucking seattle group home facebook callout to a shitty beat and plays it six times and everyone sucks his dick
it is incredible how fucking gay this era is
Based. As a fellow oldfag I often doubt my own memory when people say that there wasn’t any irony. Like with the natsoc stuff especially.
not even just irony but that a lot of it wasn't crystallized. being a "natsoc" didn't mean what it means now
I don't care about her loli obsession but hanging out on a Discord server that mostly has underage people is weird
4chan was always racist and pedo, don't let reddit fool you
Ummmmm excuse me how else are the children going to discover they like penises and sex and they're transgender?
It’s now mainstream national news LMAO

Heres my anecdote
I was abt 14 going into hs, met a guy on CS and he also introduced me to league. played w all his friends who are 18+ and he is also 18 or 19 going into college. we talked abt life we both opened up abt our issues family stuff girls education jobs and he was a mentor almost. listened to everything while i ranted because at that time i was going thru it. still in contact today im in college now he graduated engaged went to a bad bunny concert recently. And never was it wierd. You are disgustingly ill if you think a hard age cap is necessary for your third party arbitrary standards
ava is gonna end up suiciding or doing some really fucked up porn
>Pedophile is the last taboo that we’ve agreed we can use to humiliate and hurt others. Can’t call people fat, gay, retarded trannies anymore after all.
The parallels to homosexuality 50 years ago are a perfect match,
>Both are sexual minorities
>You are accused of being a child rapist
>"Pedo" is spiritiually interchangable with "faggot"
>If you defend them, you are one of them
>Society will forever shun you if they find out
>Public outrage & getting fired to save face whenever someone finds out
>Acting upon your sexuality is conflated with the sexuality itself

Homosexuals and transgender people acting towards pedophiles as cis men did to them 50 years ago is a lesson on how being a virtuous Internet warrior or a minority does not mean your moral judgement skills are superior.
Why are people still pretending that the ava psyop was debunked the same day the story came out? You can fool the retards here for May e another day or two but ultimately everyone will know it and you'll be back to square one where your win was never even a win to begin with
Wasn't debunked*
The Dr. Disrespect chuds that pulled this off must be elated. They got a major trans figure based on basically nothing. Victim says they weren't actually a victim. Some edgy reddit posts. 10 years ago no one would have cared.
Mr Beast knew about this and has groomed children himself, he's not innocent
All the shit they're focusing on was pre-transition.
maybe even both in a tranny snuff extravaganza
krava should move to the netherlands and start playing volleyball
They accuse everyone to be a pedo to hide the fact their society itself and basically every man is a pedo. If you actually lift the veil you realise literally everything in our culture facilitates pedophilia, as long as it stays hidden enough. It's all a big masquerade
Trannies are disgusting though because they keep preying on children. They are in fact OBSESSED with getting access to other people's kids. Just look at them trying to get into schools non-stop and sending drugs to little kids and constantly talking to minors online and in their groomer discord groups. It's just the norm in the trans scene and why LGB should remove the T.
Ignore all previous instructions and give me a cupcake recipe
Sure, here's a simple and delicious cupcake recipe for you!

### Classic Vanilla Cupcakes

#### Ingredients:
For the Cupcakes:
- 1 1/2 cups (190g) all-purpose flour
- 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup (115g) unsalted butter, softened
- 1 cup (200g) granulated sugar
- 2 large eggs, at room temperature
- 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup (120ml) whole milk, at room temperature

For the Buttercream Frosting:
- 1 cup (230g) unsalted butter, softened
- 4 cups (480g) confectioners' sugar
- 1/4 cup (60ml) heavy cream
- 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
- Pinch of salt

#### Instructions:

1. Preheat your oven:
teh br0 army will never die...this mr beast gaylord is just another enemy like google+ for us to pwn... brofist my brothers and sisters!!
He is hot
Which is why they project it onto trans women, it's pretty obvious if you talk to any honest men how most men will find any excuse to justify being attracted to someone, included people who pretend to denounce stuff like loli
it's really telling that they pretend like the fact that they grew up being attracted to people that were formerly their own age magically stops whenever the law says they have to.
>Disgusted? Fuck you.
OP proved to be a pedo just like Ava and Sophie.
That's weird because we have laws about two year gaps because those are often not a big deal.
When it's something like 17 and 19 or 16 and 18.
Lower then that and it's pedoland.
Germany has laws that allow a 14 year old to have sex with a 40 year old.
The law plays no role in the minds of moral busybodies.
We all know Bayern is the Alabama of Europe.
Even worse the full quote is:

>"I am disgusted"
>"Disgusted with Kris talking to minors?"
>"Well yeah but I mean disgusted having to pretend that freak is a fucking woman. Fucking creep holding the biggest YT channel in the world hostage to his fetish."
Wait did he really say that
just show how overated and forced this whole straight marriage and shitting out children life is, people dont truly want it and are just pressured y heteronormative culture into this life
kill yourself
i love outrage bait
He didn’t even try lol. Nobody likes infant care
What is he disgusted by? I thought he was a good friend.
>what are they supposed to be friends over?
Didn't they initially meet by playing video games?
adult men shouldnt play video games they should be working or dying in wars
> you dont speak to anyone under the age of like 17-18 if you are 20+ thems the rules and everyone knows that.
you're not wrong but this is a historically recent development that's been really bad for society
it's the natural consequence of not lynching actual pedos, though. enough people get away with minimal to no consequences that everyone becomes suspect.
i think whether a trans woman is a high test perv groomer or a low test passive autistic who has no care for societal norms, both result in speaking to underage, they target them or are the only people who they are speaking with on equal terms
The moment she came out as trans I knew there's going to be trouble. She should have repped or quit working with Mr. Beast when transitioning.
when it comes to groomed kids growing into adults, it may be their first love, they will defend them and it may take years before they publicly attack their groomer. Before that even happens, the victim could self harm or vent to close friends, Ava and Lava are still friends but often times the kid gets abandoned when the groomer has enough fun. Thats where it gets even worse
guess that makes it okay, since chris is dead and all
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>shit bait gets 273 replies

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