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>be me white top
>love the idea of having a human pet
>headpats, dog bowl meals, walkies
>want someone who's excited about being my slobbering puppy
>collared, owned, and obedient

I usually am pretty upfront that this is what I want from my relationships, but I would love feedback on how to better meet the needs/propose this to romantic partners.

>inb4 you need Jesus.

My desire to clicker train someone while they wear a shock collar is not going away.

Glad I got a pishock now so someone can train me later
Why did you have to specify you're white
That way racists like you would put themselves
??? Just making conversation bestie
Proud of you pup. Taking initiative about your future life as someone's obedient bitch is hawwt. Their collars look super high quality. You should take a pic of yours and post it hear. I will check this later.

>post greentext pupppysub stories about your favorite experiences.
Race play is hottt that's why
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^w^ thxxxx uuuu <3

I mean they do warn specifically not to put on your neck the collars are this super cool glossy texture that's super shiny!

Got two of the shockers which came with two of the collars/straps but here's just one so you can see the rest of the stuff >w>

.m. I don have any stories... noner my frens ever interested in playing with it
Holy fuck I've unironically been looking for something like this but I live on an island

>be me
>do traditional relationship, work 9-5
>find my life to be extremely boring, always been interested in d/s dynamic and petplay
>want a man to treat me like a literal animal but also be a good human being at the same time
>scare men off as i'm topping from the bottom despite trying my best to be submissive
>lean into typical trans top stereotype cause i'm twinkhon bitchy looking
>continue repressing my sexual desires until the end of time because I'm too afraid to tell men what I want
>Literal extremist version of BDSM is all I want
>don't wanna be some weird AGP because I'm into this shit
Sounds like you want someone to force puppify you where you transition into a man's pet. I would wear a choker in public , maybe have dog themed trinkets on your outfits. That might get the attention you're looking for from tops. Possibly a pet ear headband. I would play to your strengths too. Lean into your best features physically and focus hard on your diet. Being "mans best friend" is the ultimate companionship role, so make sure to be charming, helpful, and breedable. I believe you can get what you want.
>collared, owned, and obedient
god i hate that im innately pulled towards wanting this kind of relationship ;~;
The ankle location seems like a good spot. I am sorry you don't have anyone to play with. The way you type is cute. Makes me want to top you lol
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unfortunately, puppy play is a very taboo thing, you’re better off finding someone already into it than asking someone to try it for you. also temper your expectations, humans aren’t dogs and can’t sustain this lifestyle 24/7, be realistic about it though and it can be a great time
you were created as a puppygirl and you’ll die as one
i think it’d be fun to be on the opposite side, it’d be so comforting to just give control to someone else, usually guys are weird about that stuff though
>you’ll die as one
i have faith ill recover, just need to work on myself more. im naturally independent too so i doubt ill ever end up the way my cringe estrogen infected mind wants me to
The thought of being trained with a shock collar gives me like bratty butterflies in my stomach. Like being a puppy is cringe and i try to fight it but i'm being blackmailed by the shocks to "debase" myself and act like a pet.
No matter how i try to resist you always shock me into obedience
I have been on good behaviour for a couple of years now waiting for a nice man, but this, this gets me. If a man messaged me this tomorrow on any dating app I'd drop everything in a heartbeat. omfg.
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This is what gets me excited. I believe it can be a therapeutic dynamic that someone could value. I love the idea of being able to give someone a space to let go, relax, and just be a loved and cared for pup.
Awwww thank uuu >w>
Might additionally peak your interesté that I've been in chasity for several months

Only ever tried the thighs on my own but now I wanna try the ankle some time!!!
fuck i wish i had a bf
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Oh gosh chastity is so hott. Imagine if the key to your collar and your cage were the same. I love the idea of being someone's key holder and wearing the key on a necklace out in public.
Hhgjnnhhhhghh alot of people seem to like the wearing the key like a necklace but combing the collar and cage with the same key? Hhghnhghjj <w> never even thought of it
You should work on being a hot show dog for your future owner. Learning how to bark and do tricks on command. :)
Hnnnggfhjj would need some help on the training so it's actually subconscious instead of just knowing it x3
yeah me too, it also makes me feel like i’m making them happy and i mean something to them
>Learning how to bark and do tricks on command.
why does my brain read this as something aspirational !, stg i need to stop posting on this board before i relapse again. it shouldnt be this hard to resist being cringe and wanting to be dependent on someone ;~;
Kasey, stop posting puppybait pretending you're a person.

Bark at your screen and then sit down on the floor where you belong. Good girl.
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how do i even find a guy that will do that stuff with me
i wasnt baitiiiing ;~; fuck i hate how addicting it all feels the fact i was actually gonna sit on the floor cause of a random internet comment is concerning.
go degrade a willing puppy girl i wish to remain not cringe thanks
Of course it's cringe, thats what makes it feel good. The fact that your urge to be treated like a puppy is stronger than your urge to retain human respectability, the thrill you get when you give in and let yourself bask in dumb happy obedience.

Dont you want to be a dumb puppy that follows orders? become a dumb puppy for me.
nothing is stronger than my will to retain human respectability, no matter how mice your words or how strong the desire to bark or whimper i will remain strong.
im only replying itt cause im waiting for responses in voice gen im not baiting
>nothing is stronger than my will to remain human decency
>posting on 4 chan

just learn to bark for some guy it’ll be fun, you’re already a degen
That's fine i guess, you cant force anyone to do anything. I'm happy to letting you fantasize about barking shamelessly. Let you feel embarrassed at the thought of getting down onto the floor to beg like the cutest puppy you've ever seen. There's not a huge difference between you going through the physical act and imagining yourself in the situation, your body processes it the same way; that feeling in your stomach is the same.

I'll thank you for letting me into your mind like that, you're still a good girl. *Click* You still love to obey.
>you’re already a degen
fair lol but barking on command is like another level of degeneracy. idk maybe its just my mind being weird but if someone made me bark for them id lose so much self respect, the sheer idea of a guy making me do that even in private makes me shudder. im sure barking is fun for many dumb girls on this board, i like to think im above them tho
>that feeling in your stomach is the same.
>letting me into your mind
shush shush shush shush stop knowing what to say istg your either insanely good or insanely lucky woof
Awww was barking fun that time? I thought you were above all those cringe puppyposters? What happened? are you admitting you're just as dumb as they are? That's fine you know.
Well, maybe not, but at least it makes you happy.

There are people who would hate being turned into a pet, hate having any freedom taken away from them whatsoever, but you're not like those people. When someone tells you to sit on the floor like a dog, you love it. The thought of giving in makes you so happy, imagining how you would feel, embarrassed and happy. If you need to public ally denounce that part of you, even better, because the more you fight against this part of yourself the stronger the fantasies will become. Until the fantasies become as strong as the real act.

And then you really will be a puppy.

How strong are your fantasies Kasey?
>Awww was barking fun that time?
shush i hate that i let you win
>above all those cringe puppyposters
i am!
>it makes you happy
stop gaslighting mee ;~;
>you're not like those people
I AM THO woof, this board + estrogen are just clouding my mind
we dont need to talk about my fantasies, the cringe reality of me sitting on my floor responding to this post are bad enough woof ;~;
That didn't take much effort now did it? Do you like the view? Because pretty much no matter who you were talking to, from this position, you would need to look so far up to look them in the eyes. Someone patting your head would need to look basically straight down at you. Imagine how you look from their perspective, barking and doing tricks for a chance at more commands.

Unfortunately for you, the 'estrogen' clouding your mind is part of you. It's not some foreign entity forcing you to act, it's literally changing you into a puppyposter, despite any faux resistance you try to put up. Why dont you try putting that tongue out and breathing through your mouth, wouldn't that be fun? You'd look pretty stupid
In relation to this Nash as I see you all the time on this board and I don't trip fag, what's your thoughts on non passing trans girls? I rarely post photo's on here cause ye know, twinkhon
ahhhh im gonna die of shame. i hate that debasing myself like this feels so good fuck god even the thought ff someone seeing me like this is like electric damnit. i hope youre happy with yourselff, ruining me like this >:c
also my resistence isnt faux i genuinely hate this side of meee!!
Uh-huh, I like to imagine how Kasey from the start of the thread would feel looking at you right now, because you're doing so well! Your really good at this, you don't need to feel bad about feeling good.

Now you just need a collar and you can be the perfect pet. We wouldn't want anyone to make a mistake, It's obvious right now, but we need to make sure that anyone who ever sees you knows you're owned
damnit its not my fault its just so nice the way it feels to give in. im gonna hate myself later but for now i can barely think beyond how good i feel woof
>Your really good at this
>need a collar
my one solace is that ive never fallen this low
>you're owned
i should hate this but its just so enticing, is it really so bad to just give up independence in exchange for someone who i can trust and belong to
Well why don't you keep barking like a dog, anytime you have any of those bad thoughts - turn them into barks in your mind. Can you go touch all the walls in that room you're in? No standing, just acting like a dog because you've been told to.
okay woof
> turn them into barks in your mind
kinda wish i could, living life as a puppygirl rather than an aspiring girlboss would be much less stressful woof
>touch all the walls
woof done, hehe arent i so good
*click* Good girl Kasey! It really does feel nice to have someone appreciate you. And you tried really hard to obey even though you had a bit of ego telling you to stop. Thank you! I'll let you curl up on some furniture if you want a break from all that dumb human stuff
how do I sign up for puppy training?
hypothetical speaking of course
>someone appreciate you
yeah it feels really great thanks a lot woof
>ill prob do that now,its late where im from.
thanks for the validation and fun anon woof!
I wouldn't feel bad or ashamed about it. I think its hard to please a specific fetish as a bottom because you take orders. Like you can pursue a guy you like, but you better be a hot slut and do what he says. You can't be genuinely be like "I would like to steer the relationship in this petplay direction" he has to want it himself.
Gods I miss being a 24/7 puppy :(
I used to wait for my Mommy to come home from work by kneeling at the door, naked besides my collar, and she'd rub my hair and call me a good girl every time she got in...
Now I don't even have someone to *go* on a walk with, forget about someone who'd *take me* on one.
Too old to be somebody's puppy now :(
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we need puppygirl euthanasia after a certain age, becoming a dog woman who must interact with the real world and hold down a job is simply too much for some of us
oh no...
the real world shouldn't be real
if it doesn't feel real then why are there consequences
@_@ uhhhhh...
I could get behind this

>shock collar
I could not fathom ever being down with this.

>i have faith ill recover

Lol, never gonna happen.

You'll get someone to depend on, don't worry ;)

Absolutely adorable, mildly jealous
when does the clicker training begin? :>
I think we missed it :/
its over... u_u
clicker training should be mandated for all puppygirls :)
How are puppygirls identified prior to clicker training tho? O_O
you just know
a variety of ways
>search/post history
>anonymous tips (accurate or otherwise)
>generally just having puppygirl potential
>the legendary puppygirl sense
>transitioning at all
>transitioning at all
Lmao, so what you're really saying is to clicker train all transgirls.
HEY!!! not all trans girls are puppygirls! THIS IS SLANDER, we deserve the highest respect.
you just offer clicker training, puppygirls literally can’t resist the opportunity
>tfw puppy boy
>knew what love was
>had a loving home
>Daddy was so nice to me
>turned 25
>dumped and thrown out
>was actually told I'm "too old"
cool guess I'm just a stray senior dog now who's never getting adopted
you got put down lol
Mostly I just see people giving the training without asking. Bait people into responding, and then call them a good girl and give a click. From there slowly ramp up until they're doing it for the click instead of the bait.

pro (shit) tips from my wealth of relationships (2) and situationships (1):

if you find someone you click with instantly and that seems like they can read your mind, they will be so fucking receptive of anything you want to do.

>My desire to clicker train someone while they wear a shock collar is not going away.

as a creature who wants to be clicker trained and wear a shock collar, just start with that desu

consider this:

>be hanging out at $place
>queer looking person comes up cause im queer looking, or happen to be doing something near each other
>says "you look like the type to wear a shock collar and get clicker trained"
>INSTANTLY falls for them

like, if you just say that to people if the vibe matches, then you're so gonna be able to domesticate them, 100%.

never let yourself get into a relationship where your interests and kinks aren't either enthusiastically accepted or reciprocated within the first little bit, so many ppl i know are bored af and wanna die cause of that. this one got super lucky and has an awesome wife but its because we're so compatible not just emotionally but also kinky-ly.

im sure u have way more experience than me but there's my 2 cents.
>clicker train all transgirls.
sure, why not! i can only see that being a net positive tbqh
>HEY!!! not all trans girls are puppygirls!
yet. :)
>we deserve the highest respect.
unequivocally true
but that includes self-respect
you should love yourself too :)

>unfortunately, puppy play is a very taboo thing

what planet are you on?
I'm different, i can beat the clicker training, no problem
>says "you look like the type to wear a shock collar and get clicker trained"

My brain would be fried the rest of the day. Good luck getting comprehensible responses out of me after that.
you cant beat the click
I've tried
anonette when was that last time you talked with someone not on this board about it?
keep begging to be trained, it’s obvious

>you should love yourself too :)

no, actually
Why can't people see it obvious in me? Probably for the best that they can't, but occasionally it might be fun...
that just makes you weak! There's no way i'd lose to the click, its just a dumb little sound
:P not my fault you take it that way
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you consider yourself too highly. quit trying to enforce Kasey’s training, dogs don’t train they get trained

>when was that last time you talked with someone not on this board about it?

this is the first time i've ever talked to anyone on this board about it
shutup im way stronger willed than you >:(
I'm a switch, I train and get trained o:). Not usually at the same time tho. That does explain it though, thanks.
ok puppy *Click*
>tfw my Domme used to take me out on walks with my collar and leash hidden under my scarf and jacket
>ran into one of our neighbours one time and couldn't let go of Her hand (my leash went through my sleeve)
I miss Her...
oh thats nice... but im not weaker than you!

need this on a Divine level
>tfw too switch to get trained

:/ no fair
you simply need to encounter a brat tamer type person to click and degrade you into fully accepting your life as a bottom
I'm not even the disobedient type;-;. If I'm interacting with a dom I'm usually pretty eager to please.

though that scenario is hot af
basedbased absed absed absed based absed abs eadb bab awrrff wruff ffwrff awruuuu woof wroof
>My brain would be fried the rest of the day.

and thats how i got sillied on without consent B)
;-; can you translate this post? I don't understand what you are saying.
I think this is good advice. I can smell the slut scent on people. I really love prodding into strangers to tease out their flirty side. Hold their hand too long when you greet. Make innuendos. Being so direct might get me kicked out of a place, but the risk makes it that much more exciting. I will try it.

Most of my relationships have been through online and I have only had 2 human pets. I am very direct online and it attracts the right crowd. Hang the meat out to attract the dogs, then pick the best from the pack.
Wear chokers and have dog themed outfits. Dogo graphic tees. Bone treat charms.
Feeling wanted is so important, like I want to be someone's Daddy/Master/Owner bf and have them so excited every time they see me.
whats a dog themed outfit like?
What if I don't care about puppy or especially humiliation stuff? I'm just interested in being taken care of, spending most of my time tied up on a leash and occasionally sex'd in kinky ways
>I want to be someone's Daddy/Master/Owner bf and have them so excited every time they see me.

Just being a good bf in general gets that from most girls.
I think everyone twinkhon or not should listen to the value of others on Spotify by Orion tarban. Ladyboys and the like have the challenge of playing the sexual market place from a man's position with a feminine tool set. If you want a top bf, he decides what is good, sexy, hot etc no matter what you feel. Transgirls and twinks expire like women, but don't really have roles like motherhood to fall back on to sustain their value in later years of a relationship. I think twinkhons should max out their sluttiness, charm, inoffensiveness to capture a man. Transgirls have to do what cis women will not. Play to a man's ego and he will melt like butter.
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Just find a generic Dom. Humiliation, degradation, and corruption are hot to me.
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What would you be dropping? Leaving your life behind to get cummed in by an abusive man that makes you his dog bitch sounds like an addict's wet dream. You'd probably get kicked on the street once the horny broke.

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