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Wow another breadtube sexual predator wants to troon out and be a transbian
They can’t even describe what it means to be a girl.
That doesn't mean he's trooning out that's just how way too online guys speak now
Can you?
pickme gets btfo
Twitter trannies are retarded, he isn’t talking about trooning out
Can we catch a single fucking break? Holy goddamn shit bitch on a flaming motorcycle.
those with a phenotypical expression denoting an absence of androgen exposure and reception
Can you, the lgbt movement, stop making actual and self-admitted pedophiles your most well-known and prominent members? Just for 2 seconds? Jesus Christ.
am i meant to know who that is?
is this vaush? I swear to fuck if it's vaush. the kris shit is not 1% of the storm vaush will fucking incite.
who is vautism speaks
are they like, an offshoot/representative of autism speaks? why would they post this?
These narcissistic YouTubers and ecelebs are getting actual people killed.
Dunno who this is
Why should we care?
>be AGP
>hate male body
>look in mirror
>”gee I bet I wouldn’t look good at all with conetits and love handles”
>stay man

I don’t get what level of lack of objective awareness that leads hons to transition. How can you even get sexual gratification and not simple self-hatred? Do they unironically fall for transition timelines and Astolfo trap memes?
gender dysphoria, you fucking retard, it doesn't matter whether or not you think you would pass or be attractive to others
How does looking even more obviously manly alleviate dysphoria? All I would be able to focus on is the obvious contrast.
>autist trying to emulate theory of mind challenge 2024
ok so you're a repper, in that case I'm not gonna "debate" you sweatie I'm just going to keep insulting you and telling you you're wrong because you won't even lift a finger to do a fucking google search or try to consider the issue beyond a literally cosmetic level

fuck you, suffer, continue bitching about it online and dragging others down with you if that's what you really want - that's your choice, asshole
>t. passoid or delusional hon
Holy cope somebody struck a nerve lmfao.
Feels like anons worldview just got actually shattered itt
neither, I'm an unpassing permamanmoder on HRT sick of people gatekeeping themselves and others over complete bullshit then spreading that bullshit because I would have trooned earlier if I'd just known better

>projecting this hard
what is my world view, and what did the whiny shallow autist say that even in any way challenged it?
Yikes! Stop encouraging people to troon out and get into your cesspit, there's no reason to troon without passing potential
You are getting pretty upset over relatively innocuous posts. Were I a betting ma’am I’d say you’re struggling with some subconscious doubts just beneath the surface of your precariously juryrigged facade.
>there's no reason to troon without passing potential
that is objective misinformation

very creative anon, you've whipped up a whole character and backstory for me
>that is objective misinformation
How's it goin ma'am, are you liking being a neverpasser so far
please stop misgendering me, and yes I am
Cool, but why do you think others people would love to get gyno and become uncanny ugly freaks?
why are you still actively pushing this conflation? I did this to alleviate my gender dysphoria (and it worked), and that's why I think other people obviously expressing gender dysphoria might want to as well
How would it work if it didn't even do anything of value to you?
that's another reason back in the old days why even with dysphoria if you were too mannish and ugly you weren't allowed to transition. the psychic and social damage that comes from looking and feeling like a man failing at trying to be female was correctly seen as too catastrophic and bad for the patient
then the coomers complained and hijacked the community and invented transgender and ruined it for everybody
I genuinely don't understand your question because it seems to be comprised of two assumptions with a question mark thrown on at the end - it did plenty of value for me, and it worked to alleviate my dysphoria

you need to stop, as you have with literally every post so far replying to me, insisting directly or implicitly that the entire and exclusive "point" of transition or gender dysphoria is to 100% be indistinguishable from a cis woman in public view

or maybe we could help people manage their expectations and set realistic goals instead of making transition a gatekept one-size-fits-all solution where you have to conform to an outdated stereotype of a gender norm or just hide yourself away from society forever
>100% be indistinguishable from a cis woman in public view
No? I would settle for cute twinkhon or boymoder looks. But definetly not manmoding
that's perfectly fine, everyone's preferences and goals or what's possible with their chemical makeup and physical development are different, and it's also completely irrelevant to anything that has been said thus far about the anti-trans disinfo you're spouting
> or maybe we could help people manage their expectations and set realistic goals instead of making transition a gatekept one-size-fits-all solution where you have to conform to an outdated stereotype of a gender norm or just hide yourself away from society forever
I finally got the answer to the question I asked: just lie to yourself. Thanks, that actually explains the AGP hon thing, even if it’s a little simplistic.
>just lie to yourself
if you think that's even remotely what I was suggesting or otherwise somehow concluded that from this exchange then you really need to work on your reading comprehension, because I am explicitly and emphatically saying the exact opposite
>anti-trans disinfo
Manmoders and hons isn't even trans they're just men, sorry but that's just reality for everyone including you
>or maybe we could help people manage their expectations and set realistic goals instead of making transition a gatekept one-size-fits-all solution where you have to conform to an outdated stereotype of a gender norm or just hide yourself away from society forever
you don't get it though, they can't manage their expectations or have realistic goals. they don't want anything less than being a passoid identical to a cis woman their brains won't let them accept it. but they can never be that so lying to them that everything will turn out fine and letting them be brickhons is a horrible cruelty that causes heinous psychiatric damage
gatekeeping them out was the least bad option. stay men, numb yourself however you can, trying and failing to be a woman is much worse, stop listening to retarded allies and coomer transbians who want you to be an ugly brick hon because if you call yourself a woman and wear some lipstick then they don't feel like a faggot for wanting to fuck you so bad
> where you have to conform to an outdated stereotype of a gender norm or just hide yourself away from society forever
just because you will it to be so, you can’t actually change the patterned perception of gender of 8 billion people.
So if you only change your own pattern recognition what else is it if not lying to yourself?
can i just say this kind of shit is why people put off transition for years on end
like not to both-sides but it doesn't help that both sides of the argument are generally pretty dug into their own takes on things to the point where you can't really trust them for accurate responses
and even medical professionals are 9 times out of 10 there to fuck you over if you can even see them
the whole tranners vs. reppers thing is borderline ropefuel because it always devolves into a senseless argument wherein everyone is just going on about how their way of doing things is better
reppers/pretrooners are looking for *advice*, not people acting like car salesmen on either side of things
[spoiler]i don't wanna come across as an insufferable asshole for being like this but it's hard enough trying to find decent spaces for candid and genuine discussion on this shit that isn't borderline propaganda in one direction or another, which isn't helpful when considering making life-altering changes based on this advice[/spoiler]
semantics and labels are also not relevant to the thing being discussed - I for example am AMAB with intense physical gender dysphoria and little to no social dysphoria, so I take feminizing hormone therapy while living and presenting as a man still, but I am very much affected by anything to do with trans rights

nah fuck you this attitude is EXACTLY how you make more John 50s to ruin your precious "optics"
> reppers/pretrooners are looking for *advice*, not people acting like car salesmen on either side of things

Is that just what you’re calling advice you disagree with or?
spoilers don't work on this board newfag, and there's a reason I'm only engaging with fact vs fiction while swatting down rhetoric
These people are literally rich. Why can't these people troon out in secret and live a relaxed life/disappear? Why do they have turn that whole shit into a spectacle and harm other people in the process?
she would look so cute using a skirt
I have no idea what you think I'm trying to say, but you're using a common talking point from anti-trans rhetoric to attack whatever that is - I'm not talking about changing anyone's mind or fooling anyone or lying to anyone from any perspective
i don't want to disagree with advice because ultimately advice differs from person to person, but a more clear deliniation between just advice and actual backing would be nice, rather than "my advice is this, because it matches my experience it must universally be true"
apologies, i'm still trying to get used to using more effective formatting here and there
>t. mostly lurked for a couple of years so honestly yeah still a relative newfag
>because it matches my experience it must universally be true
notice this only comes from the happy-go-lucky passoids and head-in-the-sand reppers? it's a product of not actually considering the information and context
>notice this only comes from the happy-go-lucky passoids and head-in-the-sand reppers?
this is true tbqh, and obviously to a certain extent it makes sense that those demographics are going to be the most prominent, but it still kinda shits up discussion
>it's a product of not actually considering the information and context
true again, and i think it'd be nice for people to do this a little more in both directions
>i think it'd be nice for people to do this a little more in both directions
you're right, and I suppose I can for my part try to be mindful of or even actively consider that in the future, instead of indulging in retaliatory lashing out at the people I see suffering the way I used to who attack or put down everyone who isn't like them
>arguing with a rightwing influencer you’ve built in your mind
Well I found your problem, stop paying attention to that shit. I’ve never paid attention to anti-trans influencers nor do I have talking points. I think you should do the same as you’ve got the makings of textbook paranoia
is the RNC an "influencer?" are sitting politicians "influencers?" is the heritage foundation an "influencer?" you're using the same language and self-inconsistent that those people do when definitionally erasing me and my rights in my own country
What's the point if they aren't giving you the desired effect? Are you really happy about getting gyno and erectile disfunction
self-inconsistent logic*
>I suppose I can for my part try to be mindful of or even actively consider that in the future, instead of indulging in retaliatory lashing out at the people I see suffering the way I used to who attack or put down everyone who isn't like them
thanks anon, that really means a lot
it might be naive of me but i would like to believe wgmi :)
>they aren't giving you the desired effect
who said that? why do you need that to be true so badly? I like having a softer body with breasts and nicer hair, and my dick is a little smaller/softer but works just fine, and even without my body changing I feel calmer and more at home in my own brain and body - all of which lines up with the symptoms of my gender dysphoria being alleviated by HRT
>wanting to fuck women is predatory
dworkin pls go
Literally nobody said that.
everyone itt please go look up the symptoms of gender dysphoria right now holy shit
>feel calmer and more at home
Doesn't estrogen make you more emotional?
>certain that your gender identity conflicts with your biological sex
>comfortable only when in the gender role of your preferred gender identity (may include non-binary)
>a strong desire to hide or be rid of physical signs of your biological sex, such as breasts or facial hair
>a strong dislike of the genitals of your biological sex
>low self-esteem
>becoming withdrawn or socially isolated
>depression or anxiety
>taking unnecessary risks
>neglecting themselves
not an exhaustive list but here's a few nabbed from official nhs sources
>inb4 muh terfland nhs fake
These people enjoy being brickhons because they are AGAMP.
sure it can, absolutely, and that can be a really big shock if you've spent a long time very aggressively distancing yourself from or squashing your emotions down (this did happen to me) - but like at my baseline just, quiet moment in my head, things are calmer and feel more "real" like I'm present instead of dissociated or in fear of or running away from my own physical existence

well I didn't say find one source and take it as definitive and it's very apparent what that source's bias is, but even they have a decent definition and it's not necessary to have all of the symptoms or even experience them the exact same way as others
i was a pretty boy and now im a pretty androgynous person

we are all going to be ugly as fuck one day anyway, anon... i wanted to alleviate my mental suffering and live my life, so even if i turned out even worse than this i would still do it
>be agp
>stare at the vials of hrt wondering if i'll ever take them
>repeat every day
underage/retard post
nothing was said that shattered anything... please stop pretending like your silly little words we've all heard a million times are going to change the fact that HRT saves our lives
>there's no reason to troon without passing potential
this is coomer-brained nonsense.
if you feel okay not transitioning you're either very good as gaslighting yourself or you're not trans
It’s not like we vote in this shit in a committee or something, just like everything else in life whichever retard can flap their hands and scream the loudest gets the most attention
are you able to think of anything other than looks? you sound like a child, an ugly one to boot.
> it alleviate my gender dysphoria
> but it had no value??
are you illiterate
you have a well thought-out position on this anon, ignore the reppers and tourists.
every single thing you've said is an assumption unrelated to what they have said. you are coping & projecting your coping mechanisms.
> i represent every single person on earth
here comes the narcissism or internalized transphobia cope
it's insane how illiterate this person is responding to you...
>so lying to them that everything will turn out fine and letting them be brickhons is a horrible cruelty that causes heinous psychiatric damage
>gatekeeping them out was the least bad option. stay men, numb yourself however you can, trying and failing to be a woman is much worse, stop listening to retarded allies and coomer transbians who want you to be an ugly brick hon because if you call yourself a woman and wear some lipstick then they don't feel like a faggot for wanting to fuck you so bad
very male-brained and coomer take.
everything in life is about looks to yall... you spend too much time online and don't understand how common it is to see someone who is ugly in public... it's like every 30 seconds on the metro.
You're the one ASSUMING the ONLY "desired effect" is to look like a woman, anon.
The mental health benefits far outweigh any of the nonsense that barely-literate retards want to yell at me online.

You're going to be ugly and unfuckable one day, no matter what you do or don't do. So stop being so fucking obsessive about it.
>erectile disfunction
this also isn't a thing.
been on HRT for 3 years and I still pound my wife into oblivion
yes, but that comes with emotional depth instead of the superficial shit you've been demonstrating itt
so much made up nonsense.
we enjoy the benefits of HRT over the social consequences that pressure people to conform and pass
>at my baseline just, quiet moment in my head, things are calmer and feel more "real" like I'm present instead of dissociated or in fear of or running away from my own physical existence
same. this is exactly how I'd describe it.
before HRT i was always running away from my emotions, the very little i could feel of them anyway... my entire personality and life revolved around it, and I was insufferable.
>this also isn't a thing.
it varies between people
for whatever reason you're in the "can still get erections" group and others have no sex drive and their dick shrinks from never getting erect
>been on HRT for 3 years and I still pound my wife into oblivion
i don't know how you do that and not feel like a man tbhon
i stopped caring about what i'm perceived as or even what i perceive myself as.
i am happier, more in tune with my emotions and feel peace for the first time ever in my life on HRT, so I continue to take it.

the rest is political, as far as I'm concerned. I have work to do, housework to do, kids to raise... I don't really care to participate in the spectacle of the "political trans" debate with a bunch of illiterate xtian retards.

does it give me dysphoria sometimes? sure... but i also don't want bottom surgery so i adapt... which actually feels possible unlike when i was trying to repress

I focus on the pleasure, for myself and that I'm bringing her - we also don't always have that kind of sex, it's a lot more intimate, slow and cuddly / exploratory etc. now, so that helps as well.
>for whatever reason
it's not random.
my doctor told me it's because we do not get elections at night and so we need to "use it" a few times a week or "lose it".
it's that simple. it's like a muscle you have to "work out" now whereas it used to just do that itself
post pic you sound like a rapehon and that other anon is right
transitioning if your body/age cant support it, especially now that we have the norm set as young children getting help and transitioning into actual girls to compare to, is a suicide mission
there needs to be an update to how this is all done in 2024 because its harmful to the future of trans people
read my other replies above (the last few itt)...

the purpose of transition isn't aesthetic. if that's your only concern then i see you as mentally weak.

i transitioned to feel better. the fact that i look prettier is nice and all but i dress fairly androgynously, maybe wearing a dress or skirt like 20-30% of the time... i'm far more focused on my wife, kids, career, projects, leisure etc... i don't understand the obsession with appearance.

you can call me "rapehon" or whatever else you want, i like the way i look for the first time in my life... in hindsight i can see i was an attractive man as well, but i hated everything about my body and face then. now i see myself in the mirror.

whether YOU or anyone else likes that image is completely irrelevant to me, and those who are superficial enough to dismiss me out of hand due to looking different aren't the kinds of people I want around me anyway... I'm trying to build a company, follow my dreams etc... not recreate jersey shore.
theres no way this isnt bait youre a straight up moid going through a mental health crisis we are not the same stop talking to me lol
Dude you’re both literally moids on hormones. Do you think you’re in a position to lecture others?
>muh optics
they'll just john 50 on you, shooting yourself in the foot by trying to sort out "the bad ones" and stop them from transing
literally what have they said that is incorrect? anybody willing to actually think about this for themselves or others will find that as much as someone with gender dysphoria might want to or benefit from having an appearance compatible with passing as the other sex, not having that doesn't preclude them from benefitting from transition medical and/or social transition
i identify as non-binary and use they/them pronouns so yeah we probably aren't identical...

however, your attitude is extremely toxic. fighting the discrimination of some cis people by being yourself discriminatory isn't helpful.

gender dysphoria is a mental condition, anon. some of us experienced it differently.

you and I don't need to be identical for me to advocate for your rights to continue being trans. I am very well educated in general and on most topics related to trans people from an academic perspective. I'm not the person you should be worried about.
If this were remotely true those "doctors" would have handed out methadone like candy to make their patients feel better. Instead the "treatment" was just saying don't be trans.
>theymab coper
oh my god stop giving advice to trans people
precisely. i started transitioning in my early 30s so having a goal of "passing" was a bit ridiculous. my goal is just to be presentable, which I am... then I focus on the things that actually matter in life instead of being a vain narcissist like so many here.

I also live in an extremely queer-friendly part of Canada, so obviously I can acknowledge that many of you have external pressures I do not.

Would I like to look like Megan Fox or Margot Robbie? Sure. Plenty of cis women would too. And yet they continue to live their lives instead of obsessing about that 24/7... the ones who do choose to be obsessive aren't living lives I'd want either, anyway.

I derive far more fulfillment in life from accomplishing things than, say... getting compliments about my appearance, or "passing".

I "pass" enough that people know I'm trans but they don't quite know which "direction" of trans, and that's enough for me... because I use they/them pronouns anyway to just check out of the whole women's bathrooms and sports blah blah nonsense that has zero impact on my life anyway... my university has gender neutral bathrooms and I don't give a fuck about sports etc.

I adapted my life, rather than trying to adapt myself to cisheteronormativity. I have the privilege to do so, living in a safe place. I'm sorry if that's not the case for some of you, but sperging out about "rapehons" and whatnot isn't helping you get there.

Even if you pass in an unsafe place, then what? Are you going to join them in hating on other trans people? That makes you subhuman as far as I'm concerned.

The gatekeeping is noted but I'm going to continue living my life as I see fit.
>The gatekeeping is noted but I'm going to continue living my life as I see fit.
coping with what, exactly?
that I'm not pretty enough?
that I'm not a "real girl"?

I have better things to do, anon. It's sad that you don't.
you literally live as a moid and the only thing that even makes your life and mindset connected to mine at all is that no one can prevent you from taking estrogen
which is my entire point
why are you even giving your opinion or advice or worldview as a non-dysphoric old man with a wife and kids that had no issues repping and performing in cisheteronormative male society for that long

im not going to sit here and get lectured on being a tranny from a literal man
>you literally live as a moid
no I don't. my entire wardrobe is women's clothing -- most of it is just not super femme, my name (legally) is a feminine-leaning gender neutral name, I don't talk to men much and feel incredibly uncomfortable in their "spaces".

> the only thing that even makes your life and mindset connected to mine at all is that no one can prevent you from taking estrogen which is my entire point
sure, whatever... I don't really care what you think the similarities or differences are between us. I was just sharing my experience.

> why are you even giving your opinion or advice or worldview as a non-dysphoric old man with a wife and kids that had no issues repping and performing in cisheteronormative male society for that long
You've made a lot of bizarre assumptions here. I am not "non-dysphoric", I had a myriad of issues from repressing, but I was deep into it due to a lifetime of religious indoctrination.

I did not "perform in cishet society". I was a university student for almost a decade in mathematics, surrounded by Chinese people. I spent my time inside gaming or on /pol/. I was not a functional person, I just had money so it didn't matter.

Lastly, where the fuck do you get off calling me a man? You're absolutely disgusting.

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