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how do i get a cockgirl girlfriend? tell me.
by not posting pepes for a start
what do you hate about them?
r u a cis woman?
go to the gym, dress nice, smell nice, have a job, be polite.
its always shit tier posters who use them, every single time, every pepe thread ever is low quality
Make her feel desired (as a person), be someone she feels safe around. Chasers basically never do this so you will no joke be ahead of 90% of the competition.

Also, don't fixate on her penis for fuck's sake.
That's actually a uniquely degrading trans slur that i havent seen before, well done
no. i'm a cis man.

why is it degrading?
Tempt her with nuggies.
low class harlot, doesn't know to distinguish between Pepe and Apu.
Apu is giving wholesome anon, don't listen to these jaded sluts.
In general you shouldn't ask women for advice on how to court women, they have no clue what they want. If they did their actions wouldn't be perpetually paradoxical.
He shouldn't be going around calling people cockgirls, at least, have some more respect for us first
i dont care about your retarded pepe and aspbergs pepe or whatever.
It's true, you should start by acting like a gentleman, though the better you know them the more you should tease them, literally grade school shit but that's what works.
Also while it depends on the individual, the general standard is once in the bedroom treat them like dirty rotten whores, pretty much all of them are into being degraded to one degree or another. I know this is true because I'm extremely not into that, it's one of my turn offs. I've always wanted to cherish my partner but they all end up asking for some amount of being treated like a whore or an object.

Dating women(bottoms in general) is about finding the sensible balance of the kind front with the underlying filth even if you have no filth in you(you do, you've just learned to hide it and it probably isn't the kind they want). That's where the "nice guys" get tripped up, women are just as filthy as you are and they don't want you to just be nice, you should have an edge to you that always makes them a bit worried, even if it ultimately only comes out in the bedroom or a street brawl. The small pang of fear that reminds them you could kill them easily but don't is the stuff that drives them wild while also signaling to them you're a good protector. It's the crass physical reality of the "ethereal" attraction women feel for men. Why they get a guilty pleasure from letting their man be more blunt and rude around them than they would other men, it reinforces their trust in him.
Explaining the female mental process sounds like schizo posting but that's what's going on with them. As I said I never enjoyed that aspect of it, it's what they themselves have always requested from me.
Most men have little or no desire to dominate, they're made to.

Didn't ask.
didnt ask for their names either, cope
Nobody was talking to you whore.
I was presenting you as an example of female ignorance to the OP.
i dont think im particularly ignorant... i dont really want to be treated like a whore... respect is nice too you know you can stick to that, no need to be rude
>nobody was talking to you
>literally pinged me multiple times
ok retard, typcial frog poster
>I don't really want to be treated like a whore
You telling me you don't like getting dicked down like a dirty animal until you can't even speak, let alone stand?
I can accept that you wouldn't admit it to me since I'm not leading with respect, but I doubt you're the exception when it comes to being treated that way.

What I'm sure is that you're already showing more civility towards masculine arrogance than you would to a gutless nice guy sucking up to you, but I digress.
Respect gets your foot in the door with women, if that's all you have though, you're not staying in very long. At best they'll like you enough to teach you how they want to be disrespected, but most won't have the patience for that, and moreover most won't even know how to do that, they just expect you to know.
What you're doing by presenting respect as your preference is feigning your surface wants as the sum total of your wants, either out of ignorance or to signal your modesty as a woman (ergo not loose or slutty, ergo a better potential partner), what you don't realize or willfully omit is what the aforementioned nice guys don't understand, what you say is not what you mean. Respect was never enough, it's barely even necessary. Plenty of rude men make it through just fine, very few perfectly respectful ones do, and as I said only with the condition that they learn fast once they're in.
You may legitimately be too stupid to communicate. There's no help for you, if there is it isn't my responsibility.
i mean people enjoy sex, that's not a controversial statement. But a lot of the stuff you're talking about is kinda misogynist adjacent talking points, and telling a clueless guy that stuff is a recipe for disaster, being nice and friendly is good.
You're not going to get a women to do what you want by being rude, i dont think it works like that
I literally told him the opposite, you're not even reading what I type.
I said be polite at first, but be aware that that's not enough. Women say they're attracted to harmless men and they are actively lying, it's not true, it never has been. What you say you want and what you actually want is unrelated, as per my previous statement
>you shouldn't ask women for advice on how to court women
uhh ok sorry maybe i'm dumb, but i dont think im lying and i could date a nice guy whos nice and we're just cozy and happy most of the time. I think i know what i want, and being rude would make me feel bad i think, you wouldn't get that far
oh and to add,
>people enjoy sex
not all men enjoy degrading women, and they certainly don't presume it'll be counted as standard sex, as you seem to, especially after hearing you go on about being respected their entire lives
uhhh i dont really know what you're saying but people do deserve respect. Thats the biggest thing in relationships, i havent like dated a guy yet but thats meant to be the biggest thing, i really dont put up with rude people or being looked down on
If I was trying to date you I wouldn't lead with rude, but we're on 4chan and I don't care if you won't sleep with me so I'm being blunt.
I don't think you realize the work that goes into delivering what you want, presumably because you don't have to, you just have to get it. You presume it's automatic and natural, just as people who know nothing of cinematography think nothing of what it takes to create a compelling scene in a movie.
Just because you watch it doesn't mean you understand how to make it.
Thus, just because you get courted, doesn't mean you understand how to court.
Sure, respect is important in a relationship.
And yet, it's not enough. You have mutual respect for a co-worker, doesn't make you lovers, does it?
well mr anon i think it's going to be harder than you think to get girls to act how you want, and it's not really relevant now but you should want to be with me at least at least a little, i've got a good butt.
By the same methods you get a girlfriend, glad to clarify
I don't have any interest in controlling women, like I said, they're the ones that have interest in being controlled. If it wasn't necessary I would never have done it.
That's my point, I'm not a schizo saying men are superior, I just tried it the other way and got nowhere until I started doing the "misogynist" parts that they actually like, while outwardly rejecting it.
Though I acknowledge that they hate to have it mentioned, but as I said, I don't care.
>you should want to be with me at least at least a little, i've got a good butt.
I'm taken, and even if I weren't it'd still be a no.
do you look like that
I think nice guys trip themselves up by never expressing desire. Being nice and sweet is great for friendships, but you need to also indicate that you find me sexually desirable.

But I think you can do that in a way besides treating women like "whores" or degrading them. Idk, even when I was living as a guy I was never into degradation it just makes me feel bad. Maybe because I have really low self esteem, so I might not be a typical case. If I knew a guy had the attitude towards women you're describing I would be really turned off.
yeah, adding on to this. currently in a relationship with a cis guy, I'm a transgender woman.
He and I started as friends, and he was always very nice and kind to me, but was also upfront that he wanted more from our relationship as long as thats what I wanted. He was never remotely pushy, giving me time, almost 'wooing' me to try and show that he would make a good partner to me.
fast forward 3 years, he and I are going strong even though we're long distance atm.
also, don't call us "cockgirls" unless she's into it, lol
Sounds like you're in a beautiful relationship, always happy to see fellow trans women find joy. :)
the whore thing comes in the bedroom
like I said the respect thing is the outward surface, being degraded is a fetish
nice guys fuck up the distinction between the two, they think you just want to be treated one way, which is untrue.
Indicating sexual desirability is an extremely unhelpful term that ends with men either in the friendzone or on a list. That's why I mentioned stuff like teasing, it's showing interest. You could make lewd jokes too I guess, though that's already edging into cringe territory. But the issue is you're not being specific, indicate how? Doing what? What's too far, what isn't far enough? Where's the line on either side? Are those lines consistent?
>even when I was living as a guy I was never into degradation
Right, that's what I said. Most men don't enjoy it, women do.
this isn't even advice, you just said "my boyfriend did a really good job courting me"

This is the issue with asking the women directly, either they give you land mines or nothing of use.
I was thinking more about what rubbed me the wrong way about your position, and I think it's the attitude that ALL women think and respond in a certain way. As if we're hardwired to. Also the statement that women don't know what they want, but men do. It's an attitude fundamentally similar to cringy "alpha male" dating coaches. Women are people, we all want different things.

I, for example, don't relate at all to how you say women want to be treated in the bedroom. I also wasn't alone in that position. So it can't be intrinsic, nor does it apply to all women. Unless you want to discredit my position on the basis that I'm trans and thus "not a real woman" or whatever. But please, tell me more about what women really think/want.

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