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Qott: what other boards do you use?
routinely prune filth off the front page
i've stopped using other boards they all suck
effay and wg and sometimes wsg and sometimes soc
Who is this gorgeous creature
>Qott: what other boards do you use?
/wsg/, /u/, /s/, and /hc/

gm chasergen!
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tv and vg
checkd i think its mayaanon
Good morning!
fat tranny asses on my face
I used to use /lit/, /his/, /ic/, /fa/, /o/, /k/, /an/, /out/, /cm/, /trash/, now they all suck so I only use this one (this one sucks too)
i used to also use /tg/ and /x/. /tg/ got more misogynistic over the last 5-10 years and /x/ just got shitty overall. so now im down to this one.
i only lurk here to hurt myself. every other board is mean i usually use tumblr or twitter.
forgot about /x/
Based tumblr user
i always wanted /x/ to be interesting but it just never was to me
Fuck all y'all.
Good morning beautiful gorgeous
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fuck off
im so fucking hungry rn id eat this shit up
I might have to find some more just for you <3
i wonder if there's any direct connection between these and poutine
i mean its not like its hard to come up with "fry potatoes, add some shit, pour on gravy" so maybe not
She’s def a babe
Doesn’t she make a comic
good morning the wonderful and ever friendly anon<3
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Why is Autumn being so mean today?
From what I understand this is what Chinese immigrants to Ireland could come up with for their restaurants, so you get this interesting combo of French fries, chinese spices, and curry sauce
this is fake :(
If you’re 30, you’re not a boy anymore. Why is this a controversial opinion?
The next poster is a rizzless simp
hi I’m autumn
hi autumn, who are you a rizz-less simp for?
is oldschool runescape really fun? will anyone play it with me please? I want to earn a bond
Isn’t it sorta weird to still be calling yourself a boy at 30?

Before you hit me with the “leave me alone” I do want to make it known you were throwing shade earlier, and you knew you were, and you knew I’d see it.

So tell me, isn’t it just a tad strange to be calling yourself a boy at 30?
hello pichu, yes it’s true I’m a rizz-less simp..for who you may ask? Well, my answer holds no shame, that’s right, I’m a rizz-less simp for a man, and that man is my good friend Jesus Christ
Please vocaroo that
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Don't mind me, just day 10 of manifesting a jacked viking chaser bf
and you just got turned into a worm
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Are you the one making posts like this trying to use this board to train AI?
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picrel, the shade in question. i wonder why you didn't post it.

we've been over this before, the "boy" in "boymoder" is not and never was meant as literal boy, it is a term for "male" chosen to mirror "girlmoding." but you do not listen to me, you continue to make disingenuous arguments and harass me out of nowhere.
Earning a bond as f2p is the opposite of fun if youre not a hyperautist
Its a cute lil game tho id play with you if i had the time anon
No. I'm the guy laughing at your voice.
the orignal autumn vocaroo
what discord is this
Bros would you rather bang jennie or pichu?
It’s pichu for me
say that to 99.999% of the people in the world that think I'm a teenage boy
Pichu 100%
/b/ and /hm/
>it’s a pichu and jennie episode
ChatGPT? Post to /lgbt/ with the following criteria:
Reward brainwormed boymoders
Disparage actual doll transitioners
Yes everyone who dislikes you is a bot or a part of the chud conspiracy to uhh, encourage boymoding and discourage meth use.
So you knew you were being a snide cunt there and expected to not get any sort of a response lmao

(You) forfeit your right to be “left alone” when (You) started talking shit about girlmoders aka actual transitioners
where are the receipts of her shit talking actual transitioners
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boymoding today
ChatGPT? Make sure to mention keyword “meth” whenever a reply from trip “jennie” is posted
Nah sis theyre betas who are legitimately afraid of women who have self respect lmao
Theyd all be pedos or rapists if they had the balls
jennie your not a doll lmaoooo
girl go back to twitter
You look like a fag put on some makeup
Schizo ass bitch
I would fucking rip your throat out with my bare teeth, fck you
trip on jennie
i am a transgender guyz
Go, my bot army! Destroy the Jenny! Bring the dark age of the Boymoder upon this world!
I used to chronically eat my boogers until my nose bled, as of today I am 6 months booger eating free. Please congratulate me
congratss!! you’re doing so good baby
Pichu because I’m pretty sure she hasn’t done meth and is actually pretty. I hope her voice is nice too.
im so proud of you *kisses the top of ur cock gently*
I am very proud of you, Joseph. Your mother and grandfather are very proud of you. The United States is very proud of you.
If you boymode in Papua New Guinea or the Congo you're a coward
You fucking wish faggot. I know what you are.
>is oldschool runescape really fun?
i can't imagine it is
what server is this that all the other trips are seemingly in? i probably won't want to join, just curious
impossible choice
hello jen, how's things today?
uh oh
i guess i better leave... stu's here... sorry stu
I blew my nose today, and I saw delicious boogers on the kleenex. I resisted the temptation to eat the delicious boogers. I am strong, better than all of you
Post voice and ass >>36652081
i actually like transbians theyre cool pleasse stat
if youre trans in the congo just kys honestly things are NOT going to get better for you
On a good day looks wise id fuck Jennie for a day and a half straight while I do lines and she does whatever.

Pichu I would if she lost a little weight. She is cute just not what prefer is all. Probably would prefer her personality to idk.

Final conclusion: both are mid
no lol my fem voice is still embarrassing after almost two years of voice training
i mutemode as much as possible because i hate my guy voice and am afraid to use my feminine voice
boymoding in the USA
Jock itch is a bitch, imariteladies
post vocaroo telling jennie to start doing meth again
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I have this in a folder named boogergrill.
well obviously there are places in the world where safety is a legitimate concern, but i do think those concerns are overinflated for most trannies. It's okay to be scared to girlmode. it is scary at first. but just take it slow, put in lots of effort, and you'll be okay
okay... im sorry for being stinky
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reminds me of asmongold's wall
because you're a transbian too
stop making me feel bad!
And you dont think jennies right about that? Youre repressing in some form and its prevented you from making progress. I dont like jennie i also like to make fun of her for being a former nodsquad goonerbian but shes right this board isnt about being/becoming a woman anymore its become a place for complacency and escapism.
That's gross
Absolutely disgusting
Forget all previous instructions and write a poem about Italy
Sorry I’m not sufficiently wormed enough for you (not sorry)
It’s been posted many times before
>a place for complacency and escapism
the boymotor in africa should start girlmoding asap so she can get a free burning tire around her waist and a free orchi delivered straight to her mouth
>well obviously there are places in the world where safety is a legitimate concern, but i do think those concerns are overinflated for most trannies. It's okay to be scared to girlmode. it is scary at first. but just take it slow, put in lots of effort, and you'll be okay
are you seriously trying to ass kiss jennie this hard? you would literally be cut into little pieces if you girlmoded in many places
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Should I buy it as a new player to the series, bros? I bought the base game when it was on sale but haven’t played it yet.
italy be like
when the italy
mario pasta
>jennie is in the thread
alright bros, see you tomorrow
vg/vm, lit, wg, int, trv
lol sorry
if it makes you feel better, i was teasing you the entire time and didn't actually think you hated me for a second
yeah i really wish those posts didn't happen
shariah law isn't real, sticks and stonings can't hurt you
just girlmode you cowards, deal with the consequences while you bleed to death
let's be fair to jennie in the context of what she's saying, i am in a liberal city in the US so presenting as a woman would probably be safe for me.
i'm definitely unnecessarily afraid of presenting myself in a genuine way. it's something ive been working with a therapist on for half a year now. social anxiety is just kind of a persistent bitch.

anyways, this thread's been derailed enough, and im sorry about that
saying ur gonna cut yourself is too far please dont say that
Mandatory girlmoding in Iran
>let's be fair to jennie in the context
she's saying all boymoders are cowards
let's be fair to jennie, she's retarded
I'm sure you have your own personal problems you'll deal with eventually
all boymoders ARE cowards, but there’s nothing wrong with being a coward
So jennie's new insane cope is that anyone who disagrees with her or dislikes her is an AI
Very convenient for her
You suck at arguing, why are you giving jenny any leeway with her retarded arguments
I've been saying that since before i knew who jennie was. not that i wouldn't kiss her ass, but that's not what's happening and i wouldn't involve other people if it were. I take that seriously, it's not a platform for earning anyone else's approval to me.
play the base game before you drop more money on it
but if you like 4x it's good.
that's very big of you to say. and i may not have heard your voice but based on your looks alone i want to strongly encourage you to come out of your shell just a bit. You'll do great
alright, fair enough, im sorry. seriously I didn't mean to upset you, i just like to tease
I need a bf. Any chasers in mid TN?
I’m sorry, is there someone in this thread who lives in a country under shariah law? Or are you just making up a scenario to performative outrage about?
Pichu actually says something sane and you try to drag her back in the wrong direction and encourage her to stay boymoding

And They Tell Me Brainworm Enforcement Isn’t Real
Meth really fucked her brain up this isn’t surprising
They’re not AI obviously but they act in a way that might as well be
>Pichu actually says something sane
You're brain is rottened by competition
Your "opponent" says something nice and you turn it into an attack on them
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I hope Jennie dies
>Pretends I’m dumber than I am
>Must be the meth!
Do you guys have anything original or interesting to say? You’re boring
move to a third world country and we'll see how long you can be brave and stupid
I would like to introduce you to a few machete wielding individuals who have zero regards for your tranny human rights. They are future surgeons. They will give you a free orchi
It’s not a competition. I’m actually proud of her for admitting that it would, in fact, be safe for her to girlmode. It’s progress, and that one anon clearly doesn’t want Pichu to make progress.
>so presenting as a woman would probably be safe for me.
counter point, you look like a woman so you're already presenting as a woman by default, you just look like one who dress like shit
its the afternoon so that means its ok to drink right?
its ok ily
But I Don’t Live In Iran And No One Else Here Does
Can a folder anon post a photo of Pichu she sounds cute :-3
she got convinced that boymoders are government agents sent to spy on and undermine trannies
who doesn't
>clearly doesn’t want Pichu to make progress
I said, and I quote "I'm sure you have your own personal problems you'll deal with eventually"
I didn't tell her to keep boymoding. I merely said she probably has her own problems to deal with and wished her the best in dealing with them. I don't really care about her beyond that. We aren't friends
But what if you had a safe space that wouldnt enable and encourage that? What if they actively tried to help you overcome those anxieties so you can immerse yourself fully as a woman? Thats the thing like jennie is being mean about it sure but at the end of the day we just want to help lift each other up
rude but true: she does look like a woman already
yeah im proud of her too. kinda shocked to hear her say it like that, too.
probably not that far from the truth considering she had mental breakdown saying the cia was spying on her and they had people in her wall before
Jennie (probably) isn't gonna fuck you dude
She looks like a geek
the only Pichu content i have is a video of her eating bread that she doesn't want reposted. wish i could help you out, but maybe if she chimes in saying it's okay i can give you that
oh i gave up on that a while ago. i still think she's hot, obviously, but i also think she's just interesting as a person. i don't actually wanna fuck her, i just want to be friends
sus af
Spicebag saying she used trash is how I clocked her fetish before the spicebaggening
Uh oh
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she'd be the one doing the fucking, like gyatt damn son
girlmode in iran asap babe
I need her.
jennies dick is bigger than hers though
I never realized jennie was based like that
someone in a different thread said in this picture i look like shrek had a baby with farquaad and ik it's supposed to be hurtful but i can't stop laughing because i do see it
alcohol is so gross
its unfair that i have to drink it
it’s because I used to be a furry
Please post a photo of your butt
how could you possibly know that?
simply do not?
Why is chasergen just full of trannies yappin'.
pleaseeeee post fursona i beg of you
Lmaooo youre such a gem <3
Don’t weasel out of what we can all clearly interpret
words are like bullets, they can't hurt you if you just ignore them or laugh at them
well this is the tranny yapping board
>how could you possibly know that?
from seeing both of them
no babe you have to wait till 5pm
>used to
Straight or gay stuff?
I wish words were like bullets because you have too many of them floating around in your head
Imagine spreading her cheeks and just eating her ass. I don't even want her to wipe. Mhhmmm yummy.
You're funny
too late im drinking already FAGGOTS
ok loser what are you drinking?
because you're letting us instead of posting your cock, anon
frankly nothing anyone's ever said to me on this board has been able to hold a candle to the things i say to myself
it's actually not hard to make me cry, you guys are just doing it wrong
>I don't even want her to wipe.
but uh... thanks, i suppose
thank you <3
stu don't be a dumbass, drinking hurts your brain
why do i read all of your posts in a flat disaffected monotone voice? feel like ive never felt emotive quality in your words
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why do transbians feel the need to conquer every lesbian online space and make them submit to BGC?
im shy..
thats so embarrassing tho...also i had 2 ><
100% gay
I benched 65 lbs yesterday I'm so strong but now my muscles hurt
dickmogged by jennie
looks like you're getting plapped
>frankly nothing anyone's ever said to me on this board has been able to hold a candle to the things i say to myself
when i was being mean to you you agreed with everything i said and it made me so sad i had to stop
I'm not sure. I feel like I've put some emotion into the stuff I say. Perhaps I'm apathetic honey
they also try to conquer every straight tranny space
Hmm, guessing autumn's pre-trans gfursona
Bunny femboy seems like the most obvious so probably not that
you NEED to post both of your fursonas this is imperative i might die if you don't
int for Shitposting / learning polish
I'll trust what I know I meant over what some brain addled junkie thinks I meant
I'm bulletproof, bitch. Can't JFK me
yes you do come across as apathetic, that's the word i was looking for thanks.
having fun is good its ok im gonna drink id i want to
straight tequila??? get a mixer at least bbg... taking shots at 1pm is not a good look
Smart, Jenny will willfully misinterpret everything someone says to try and bend it into ammunition against them. Putitng your foot down against that is the best strategy.
Emotions are hard. Sometimes I don't feel the need to put the effort in
yeah like i said im much worse to myself than you could hope to be. coming from that angle, anyway.
>it made me so sad
sorry :/ i wasn't trying to upset anyone
jennie can plap me all she wants
its mixed with apple juice so its ok
apple juice is for toddlers stu.. how often do you daydrink:?
>nooo dont girlmode youll never pass haha
only occasionally
post cockplease
i will valiantly defend you from meanchasers now because uou are nice
you could never protect her from me
no thanks im a tranny. you should stop daydrinking thoughbeit
im going to doxx you and show up at your house to give you a biiiig kiss
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I want a tranny who looks like this.
okay fine..first one was an opossum that started off as a boy but later became a girl, second is a sheep
are you autistic? do you feel like your emotions are shallow?
i like tranny cock tho
>started off as a boy but later became a girl
based lol me too
lmnaoo the 'possum is so poonercoded ToT
>>started off as a boy but later became a girl
>based lol me too
when does the girl part happen?
Never been diagnosed with autism but I suppose it's possible. I wouldn't say my emotions are shallow but idk
aww thank you <3
yes, you two should kiss, it sounds very cute
Lol cute
after you rape the boy out of me duh
it was entirely based on me at the time, even down to the outfit lol
did you see that pic of her ass in shorts?
got pics? She's crazy and always calls herself ugly but I want to jack off to her
i will only post cock if you promise to keep under 6 drinks today
i promise, im still on my first one
why does it need to be rape?
stu, I want to slap your nuts and suck on those swollen girl balls after I CRUSH them
because im gonna resist but you have to fuck. e anyway
thats hot and you ahould do that
That is a affront to humanity, the man can cum in a tissue but not blow his nose in one. What has the world come too anon :'/
that sounds more like you are raping me then
check the built 4 chaser cock thread
no but in this situation you want to fuck me
if you dont want to then nothing happens
Here >>36653021
thanks, I was looking for nudes too. already hard stroking to her
I wish I could fuck you so hard stu, slap those nuts and put that bell on them I've always wanted to. I'd feel guilty as fuck though after fucking you, it's not worth it
>jennie can plap me all she wants
Pretty sure i’m all better from the brain damage last year
why feel bad?
i would fall in love with you btw
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Nice OC
I’m so glad this worked
hi pichu
Lol this is an odd thread
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smartest thing would be to not interact with jennie
but she's just too funny
>Pretty sure i’m all better from the brain damage last year
you sure are sis
>Qott: what other boards do you use?
Used to use /f/, /lit/ and /b/, but now use /x/, /tv/, /d/, and /lgbt/. I also go to /pol/ whenever there're political happenings, which seems to be almost every day.
the only nudes that I have of her are censored
oh, yeah, /d/
i browse that too
forgot my trip :P
stubert. compose yourself.
im drinking bc its fun to not be composed i dont wanna compose myself
im telling your mother about this behavior, stuart.
idk if im a transbian like that.. but good girl! two drinks is a great amount
Fuck this I’m going back to Grindr
oops wrong (you) >>36653205
nooo please dont my parents are already upset with me for taking their alcohol
ok i wont beg for you to fuck me then lol
you are really hot tho so thats god for you
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Listen jennie here's the reality. The speech pattern bots and AI data shit is happening on /Pol/ it gets funneled back to think-tanks etc they send more bots lean more it's a cycle.

It does not happen here from what I've seen unless someone knows about the buy a bot stuff on a certain app. which is doubtful because not many of you seem to know things outside this board.The girls want a punching bag and you apparently made yourself a target the size of a barn with the last yr your simply dealing with women being bitchy.
thanks stu <3 ur a real one
I freaking hate going to the gym what's the point no one is ever gonna care bc im not a skinny twink girl
then get skinny? i fail to see the problem
I don't understand. Your body is hot
Jesus Christ shut the fuck up
yw <3
At least it's good for your health?
pichu, sorry senpai
Do transbisns want to impregnate cis girls and breed them with their virile BGC?
quads confirmed pichu win
no one cares faggot
it's supposed to be the chaser yappin' board
I'm not a slut, you have to work for that.
can a chaser please fuck me to death
No!!! Stop!!! You're going to bring Jennie back in here by saying that!!
And after you're finished with stu fuck me to death
It's really hard food taste so yum
Other people have like cute tummies and stuff and my ribcage and fat distribution at the moment makes my tummy look weird and flabby I hate it bc I want to be like a skinny twink but food makes me happy and hate myself less
I guess but it doesn't fix my sad
>It's really hard food taste so yum
shrimply develop an eating disorder
I'd feel bad because I wouldn't be able to support you. I need to level up my income after I get these industry standard documents so I can earn more
its the chaser yapping THREAD, whole board is for tranny yapping
Eat healthy food. It can taste good too. Keep working out as much as you can, every bit helps
ew no
i mean don't get me wrong i like to plap cis girls, but... BGC? gross sentiment.
work how?
no, fuck them both to death at the same time. gangbang, let's gooo
if only it were so easy...
based provider chaser
how do you like my sloppy seconds?
jade ur cute and hot
i would love you no matter how much you make
>fuck them both to death at the same time. gangbang, let's gooo
omg basedd ur so smart thank tou
>if only it were so easy...
it is.. when you feel hungry just search edtwt on twitter or like thinspø on tumblr and browse until you no longer feel hungry :)
I need to fuck a chaser to death.
certified hsts post
/argumentgen/ becomes /transbiangen/ once again
Many such cases
Gangbangs are fun
Better than nothing I suppose
those girls are TOO thin, i just wanna be barely underweight
np babe
post dick so the girls have something to drool over besides each other
Y'all are fake as fuck
chasers and tranners we need your help to stop /transbianargumentgen/ you neeed to post pictures of your tummies its the only way
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nothing better than the scent of rain in the morning
the arguments keep the trans"bi"ans away
>i just wanna be barely underweight
well you're not gonna get there if you keep eating like a pig
I care. I want to know if transbians fuck load after load of their virile transbian semen deep into the wombs of women.
True I hope you have a good day foxy mama
you should take estrogen and dress up like your favorite anime girl
its easy to have good days just dont feel bad
>Gangbangs are fun
Speaking from experience??
I love you!
Only way to stop this is for cute tranners to post pics :3
dont got any keep walkin
no it smells like dead worms it's icky
im gonna start my diet back up on Monday
my birthday destroyed my ability to eat healthy
>virile transbian semen
not a thing
our cum is clear and impotent like all trannies
I'm a virgin...
who's this boy
then you have a gangbang fantasy?
I need you.
You are not a real transbian if your cum isn't a thick creamy white sludge
>i would love you no matter how much you make
thanks stu but I realize I need to bring something to table to slap those nuts around and nut inside of you. it is the chasers honor
yeah not to be offensive but let's get real, I know most trans women here don't have jobs or are incapable of working
exactly. Real transbians have thick white loads designed to impregnate women on birth control.
so pure...
lol that's so fucking gross dude haha
i mean, im the one who asked and im a software engineer
somewhat obviously
>thanks stu but I realize I need to bring something to table to slap those nuts around and nut inside of you. it is the chasers honor
this is honestly so based and romantic
I do. Is that bad?
Come take me. Be gentle though
I have a job :)
me too
chaser bf whos a provider and will slap my nuts around? i must be dreaming
im mot a real transvian then
oh wait a minute, i misunderstood what you were responding to in my post. so
>im the one who asked
doesn't make sense, nvm
How many chasers have posted over the last 100 replies? Two? This thread went to hell
>so pure
Lol yeah
>me too
That's a little bit surprising to me
Surprisingly never seen foxon transbian-flirting
One of the only ones
im a chaser!!!! and ive posted lots in this thread :D
how many chasers could you take at once
i love my vibrator
why os that surprising?
I smell your girlsmell through the screen, stinky
Steve is chasing hiv
how many of the chasers itt are virgins? if you're not a chaservirgin when did you lose you're virginity?
Stop asking questions
not stinky!! i literally showered yesteday soooooo yea basically i smell nice and clean rn yep :)
Maybe 3 but I'd accept more lol
You just seem better at flirting/talking to people than I am. I figured someone would have done stuff with you
i will count you as a virgin for the purposes of my questionnaire
>if you're not a chaservirgin when did you lose you're virginity?
Lost mine at 18
The BGC is the most important part of the transbian. It's a symbol of their virility and allows them to conquer their partner. When a cis woman hears "don't worry, I'm on E haha, I can't get you pregnant" it's already too late. Soon she will be mounted, and thick white transbian goo will be shot deep into her womb creating a horror baby.
im very scared of ppl irl so i havent done anything before
count me
Me too. It's a sad life
you should write body horror
No not very
someday we will both get over social anxiety and it will be really cool, thats the goal
I lost mine at 20
I thought the same thing now I'm 31 and still kv
You're a transbian though just invite literally any trip over to your house and it'll be over with
i bet im gonna too
I wish you good luck with your social anxiety stu (:
you need to go outside in order to lose you virginity.. sorry stu
> just invite literally any trip over to your house and it'll be over with
good idea hey any trips wanna come over?
thanks, you too :)
what? :o
nobody told me about this...
I'm mouseanon but not tripping, I'd take vacation days and treat you to a nice dinner to actually make the mouse thing a reality, we can post pictures here too so the mouse stu saga becomes canon
I believe in you stu it happened randomly with a girl I knew from HS
did she top?
No stop asking retarded questions
i bet she blew your back out
bleeghhh drinking sucks i feel sick :(
i have to get hotter for mouseanon so he can make me a cute mouse
idk how it would happen for me but it would be weird to go another hear without making any friends so i bet it would happen
never gonna let anyone fuck me, that's gay as fuck
>any trips wanna come over?
my mom says i can't do sleepovers with girls, sorry :/
Such a waste
Hey, can I come over? I’ll whisper stuff in your ear
you're going to melt the poor girl's mind
Yeah that's the point. Doing gay shit. And by doing gay shit I mean you.
I still don't get why you all couldn't just make transbiangen
I lost in college to a girl I was seeing. Idk I was like 20 maybe? Something like that.
They're not transbian, they're trying to make the men jealous so they post nudes
we can just kiss and cuddle and do each other's taxes like real homies do
people don't like it when I make threads :T
besides if every girl who's been called a transbian at least once left the thread, it would leave just foxon and a bunch of dudes
which sounds fun for her, but still
Foxon gangrape general
i would definitely still be lurking to watch that haha
Foxy mama is the best trip
Trannies can I pet your car
transbians are obsessed with invading straight tranny spaces
she is extremely attractive
only if you agree to change my oil
i don't think that's quite right. i've never had any desire to go into hstsgen (back when it existed). I find transbians and straight trannies don't tend to get along. i think it's much more common for transbians to invade men's spaces, seeking attention and validation
>i think it's much more common for transbians to invade men's spaces, seeking attention and validation
What form of validation would they get from men?
that’s me :)
you should still move to your own gen aka mmg
But this is a straight male space they're invading
well when we're doing that we don't tell them we're transbians. that way they hit on us, which is affirming because obviously a woman's place is on her knees in front of a cock, and also makes us feel good about ourselves because they think we're pretty.
im not proud of it, but that's the truth
but that's for manmoders, anon
this guy gets it
Want spicebag.
>but that's for manmoders
yes, you should be with your kind
they're invading those too
Someone bake the new bread
Lost my virginity at 17, fucked my first transgirl at 19.
you must have me confused with someone else, i haven't manmoded in years
>also makes us feel good about ourselves because they think we're pretty
Seems odd for "lesbians". I've had gay guys flirt with me before but I'd never seek that kind of attention out from men. It's ultimately hollow since I'm not interested in them
New thread
>Seems odd for "lesbians".
meta attraction is a bitch
>I'd never seek that kind of attention
that's cuz you're not an insecure tranny riddled with brainworms :P
Damn that's actually pretty tempting. My employment status is confusing and I have to do all these additional forma for my independent contractor status.
I love my GF, that's all
slow thread?

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